Time to relax… now!


Today my post might be different as most of my other ones. I had a year full or work and joy, a year of stress and the most fun I ever could imagine.

About a year ago, in May 2016, an idea was growing inside my head. After seeing a wonderful musical, done by kids and adults of an amateur dramatic society not too far from my home, an old dream of mine came up again.

I always wanted to do a musical with mainly kids from a school I am working at. Until that time I never had the right people around me, or I was not allowed to do such a huge project as it would interrupt and interfere the normal school schedule too much and so many other reasons, which I do not even remember.

But this time it should be different.

I spoke to a very close friend of mine, that as well works at the same school and with me. She was at that musical I was talking about before as well and when I joked about, if we could not pull off something like that as well, she only answered “Why not?”. I told her about my weakness of organizing things and my strength of creativity, music and passion for musicals. She is like a soul mate for me or even the sister I never had, so I was totally honest about my fears. She only did listen and did not say a word until I was done talking and I already was scared that she would tell me I am crazy – Which would be no news :p

I was staring at her to wait for her reaction. She looked at me and said “If you are taking the responsibility for everything that has to do with music and dance and all the sound engineering stuffs, I can help organizing stuffs, help with reversals and costumes and as well I can do all the calculation with you”. I must have stared at her with an open mouth and she started to joke about it and asked me, if I did really listen to what she said.

I was speechless as I never would have expected such an amazing reaction. So all that was left – before proposing the idea to our school principal – was to find a musical, that could be done by kids and teens but as well would attract teens and adults as audience. We have kids from the age of 10 up to 18, so it should be something that catches all of them, plus it had to be something with cool costumes and many possibilities of accessories and styles. It took me about 4 weeks to find something that was affordable, would allow changes by me and as well sounded cool enough for the kids.

I found a muscial version of Dracula twisted for kids and young adults with a lot of humor and still the basic Dracula story in it. It was called “Dracula – the ultimate Grusical”. When I told my friend about it, she was all up for it immediately and already saw certain costumes and styles behind her inner eyes. Now the most difficult part was coming up… I had to propose the idea to our boss. He is a passionate musician himself, but as well he leads a school and so I was not sure what he would say about our idea.

His first question was, if I would be sure about all the work and effort and I told him, that I was part of a school musical 3 times before myself and that I am not exactly sure how much work it would be, but that I would know it would not be easy and as well a lot of unpaid extra hours, but the same time, that it would be a life time dream of mine and that I am not scared by a huge work load.

He said he would not have anything against the idea but all the other teachers would have a say as well, as some rehearsals would maybe go through some usual school times. When I entered the teachers room a few days later, I had really wonky knees as those folks who usually work with me, now would have the decision about my dream. Their reactions were amazing and they all told me I would have full support and even had ideas how we could connect the musical project with regular lessons and classes like making accessories and all the stage buildings in arts and have some parts of the text to work in the German language lessons. I was totally overwhelmed and more than happy.

After some mailing work with the publishing house of the musical, I got the text, the music, the songs and everything that we needed – by then it was July 2016, shortly before the long summer holidays. The holidays gave me enough time to adjust text and music according to some requests of our principal and as well to the roles for the kids. When school started again in September 2016 I was done with all this and as well had made a first choice of who would play certain roles. Now I just needed to ask the kids if they would agree and as well I needed my friends help for some more role assignments.

To make along story short, some kids did not like the idea and bailed out even 2 month after we started rehearsing and each of them nearly gave me a breakdown and I saw the whole project die more than once, but we always found a solution andย  asked a few former pupils to take part as well. It was a very rough and exhausting year but I do not regret one second. It was a great time to know the kids way more than during a ‘norma’ school year and they all worked super hard. In May 2017, we got another shock 6 weeks before the premiere… Our Dr Van Helsing got a cruciate ligament rupture while playing beach volleyball and I again saw the whole project going down. But again there was an angel, who offered to help and a 16 years old guy stepped up and took over that major role.

14th of July 2017 – Premiere!

I have no idea how we made it and time seemed to fly in the last 3 weeks but we made it to rock the first show of 4 with a sold out house of 200 people in the audience. we are a small school and only have round about 120 kids and having a sold out premiere was more than I ever expected. The kids were super nervous, none of them had done such a huge project before. The musical is about 2 hours long and we added a little break of 30 min between the 1st and the 2nd act. 2,5 hours of high concentration, lots of text and singing. In the end we had about 70 kids involved with acting, speaking, singing on stage, a choir and the school band. All had costumes and makeups and we had amazing help from a few parents who helped with all that behind the scenes during the shows. During the break we had Dracula themed snacks, cakes, sweets and drinks, sold by the association, thatย supports all kind of our school activities.. it was so amazing really.

Now after the 4th and last show… I only can look back and I am so grateful for all the help and support we got. The kids grew on that project in an unbelievable way and already asked when we would do something like that again.

I probably do not have the power and strength to do something like this right again, but I did not say “Never” either ๐Ÿ˜‰ We will see what the future brings ๐Ÿ˜‰

Maybe now some of you do understand, why I was not blogging as much as I used to in the past months, or why I was not online that much in the past weeks… but that project really took a lot of me – not only time wise – but I do not regret even one second! But now it is time to RELAX – at least for a bit ๐Ÿ˜‰


Outfit: PurpleMoon – “Oriana” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Eudora3D – “Nina” (Maitreya)

Hair with Hat: EMO-tions – “Paola”

Rings: MEVA – “Boho Bento Rings” (Maitreya)

Glasses: Earthstones – “The Yesterday”

Necklace: BEO – “Vanessa”

Nailpolish: Nailed It! – “Lace Set” (Maitreya Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Lami Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Silence” (Maitreya Applier)

Vehicle: Atelier Visconti – “Paolino”

Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”

Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Angel

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I’m right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won’t break me
When I come to call, she won’t forsake me
I’m loving angels instead

[Robbie Williams]

When I unpacked the “Posh Body Suit” from GizzA, which is sold at the actual round of Tres Chic, I immediately had the feeling of a dreamy angel and some fantasy ideas.

The outfit comes with the amazing body suit, the leg jewelry and the wings. You can purchase many different colors and I decided to go with the stone color, as it worked best with the windlight I was using, plus I planned the gold/copper look and for that it did reflect the lights best for that purpose. You get a 3 HUDs as well that allows you to change the gems of the Bodysuit, the leg and the head gemstones to 9 different colors.

I wanted some very filigree, delicate shoes for the look to not overpower the dreamy, light feeling of the outfit. I tried a few and in the end I chose the “Camilla” heels from Glamistry. With all the laces and as well the high platform they just looked perfect to the whole look.

For the set, I used the I used the “Golden Moon”, a rare item from the Golden Dreams gacha of Yokai. It has some poses in-built, but I went with my own, because I already had a special idea how I wanted to pose ๐Ÿ˜‰ The moon comes with cute little particle stars, which fall down from the top.

The amazing golden particles and the delicate golden leafs do come from E.V.E Studio. I love to use Noke’s awesome creations for my sets as they always add something dreamy or artistic to them ๐Ÿ˜‰

I do not wanna miss a close up for the makeup and the stunning hand piercings.

The exquisite eyeshadow was made by Slackgirl. I love the smooth shadow, the delicate little dotted ornaments upper the eyelid and the smokey, smooth gradient down to a solid color. The “ColrUs Shadow” HUD comes with 8 colors, available for Catwa, Akeruka and as Omega applier.

The stunning hand jewelry was made by Mea Carnell, owner and designer of MEVA. To be precise, it is not just normal hand jewelry… even better they are piercings! How cool is that?!

Everyone can wear rings and bracelets but who dares to have piercings in their hands ๐Ÿ˜‰ ? I do! :p The “Bento Hand Rings” are made for Maitreya bento hands and they are rigged so perfectly. It is great to have a creative alternative to rings only, especially if you look for something etxra ordinary.

The cool bronze lipstick, which completed my makeup perfectly, was made by Zibska. It is included in the “Leyla” lipstick palette with 29 other amazing colors.

I do not often have dreamy angel moments but I quite enjoy it right now ๐Ÿ˜‰ Lets see, if I can make some falling stars so you can have some wishes โ™ฅ


Outfit (incl. Wings & Headpiece): GizzA – “Posh Body Suit” @ Tres Chic (Maitreya)

Shoes: Glamistry – “Camilla” (Maitreya)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Maureen”

Hand Piercing: MEVA – “Bento Hand Piercing” (Maitreya)

Makeup: Slackgirl – “ColorUS Shadow” (Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Leyla” (LeLutka Applier)

Set: Yokai – “Golden Moon” (gacha, rare), E.V.E Studio: – “KOI Glitter Basket Star {gold}” & “Petals Path A {gold}”

Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.7โ€
Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V4.1โ€
Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


I sense there’s something in the wind, that feels like tragedy’s at hand.

And though I’d like to stand by him, can’t shake this feeling that we have.

The worst is just around the bend.

And does he notice my feelings for him?

And will he see how much he means to me?

I think it’s not to be.

[Sally, Nightmare before Christmas]

That I am a Tim Burton lover is not a secret. I love the movies and I as well love t he architecture and the clothing that is used in all of the movies. Anyways if Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride or Beetlejuice ( and so many others certainly) – I am an addicted and saw them all more than once ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love the dark humor and the way how Tim Burton expresses things in his movies.

When I saw the “Elvina” outfit from .AiShA., I instantly had a ‘Buronesque’ idea in mind.

The striped leggings immediately pulled the “Burton” trigger in me :p

When I was looking for some furniture for my set, I just typed ‘Burton’ in my inventory search and had a lot of things coming up, that I already forgot that I have them!

I played around with the “Inspired by Burton” set from 22769 and completed the set with a bookshelf from Toiz and some parts of the “Burton Tea Party” from Cheeky Pea. I liked the shelf with the books falling out so much for the whole scene ๐Ÿ˜‰

It was really hard to choose from all the snaps I had – I had so much fun playing with the set and all of my Poseidon poses ๐Ÿ˜‰


Outfit & Hat: .AiShA. – “Elvina” (Maitreya, Gacha items)

Shoes: Blueberry – “Fire Boots” (Maitreya)

Lingerie: ::c.A.:: – “Thea Bodysuit”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Lynette”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “FreeLove” (Maitreya Applier)

Mask: BackBone – “Leather Crow Mask”

Makeup: Zibska – “Nerine” (Lelutka Aplpplier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Powie Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses: Poseidon

Set: 22769 – “Inspired by Burton”, :CP: – “Burton Tea Party” & Toiz – “S.T.A.Y bookshelf”

Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.7โ€
Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V4.1โ€
Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Metallics Punk Vol #2 for VERSUS Magazine

Metallics Punk for VERSUS Magazine // Spring/Summer 2017 // https://issuu.com/versus.sl.magazine/docs/versus_s_s_28a2017_af


Jacket: Passion by Violator (store closed)
Top: Tigress Sliced Top by Apple May
Pants: Canel by [sYs]
Shoes: Elvira by EMPORIUM
Hair: Tari by EMO-tions
Rings: Simple Rings by Formanails
Collar: Trinity Collar by Wicca’s Wardrobe
Eyeshadow: Falkor by Zibska
Lipstick: Eve Set 3 by La Boheme
Tattoo: Metallic Arrow Tattoo by Izzie’s

Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.7โ€
Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V4.1โ€
Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Metallics Punk Vol #1 for VERSUS Magazine

Metallics Punk for VERSUS Magazine // Spring/Summer 2017 // https://issuu.com/versus.sl.magazine/docs/versus_s_s_28a2017_af


I had the great honor to make a little series for the trend Metallics Punk for the actual VERSUS Spring/Summer 2017 magazine.

It was great fun since I could go crazy with something I feel very familiar with ๐Ÿ˜‰

I am so happy that Shena always gives me free reigns on the trends she assigns me to really live my craziness to its fullest :p

Thank you Shenita โ™ฅ


Dress: Melody by SALT
Jacket: Sina by LeeZu
Shoes: Docs Vs1 by Ducknipple
Hair: Lucky by EMO-tions
Bracelet (left) Karina by Kibitz
Bracelet (right) Swear Holiday by Lapointe & Bastchild
Necklace: Summertime Easy Living by Maxi Gossamer
Nails: Dominatrix by Koffin Nails
Eyeshadow: Donella by La Boheme
Lipstick: Nereza by Zibska

Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.7โ€
Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V4.1โ€
Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Winter Echoes in Spring

I am not in gown moods too often, but if it is such a stunning gown like the “Yvaines Garment” from Enfant Terrible, even my smooth and romantic side comes through ๐Ÿ˜‰

When I put on the gown, I immediately got a dreamy princess feeling. I added the amazing “Winter Fur” as well made by LeEnfant Terrible – I am sure no pixel animal had to die for it and it was just handmade by the amazing designer ๐Ÿ˜‰

The incredible amazing head-piece was made my Eudora3D. It contains the headpiece, face chains and a left and right side part. For my post I used the silver one but you can get a gold version as well.

The hair certainly had to fit with the head-piece and as well I wanted it to go with the fantasy and dreamy idea. My final choice for the hair fell on the “Helga” hair style from EMO-tions. Usually I use a blonde tone but for my dreamy ice princess, this time I chose to go with a white hair color.

The awesome “Wassail” necklace, which perfectly matched the headpiece, comes from Empyrean Forge. I adore their jewelry a lot, as it is always so detailed that you have to zoom in really close to see all the amazing details.

The location is one of my favourites as well – Winter Moon. The whole year you have a winter themed sim installation with all kind of different corners for amazing pictures.


Gown: Enfant Terrible – “Yvaines Garnment” (Maitreya)

Fur: Enfant Terrrible – “Winter Fur” (Maitreya)

Necklace: Empyrean Forge – “Wassail”

Headpiece: Eudora3D – “Marina”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Helga”

Makeup: Zibska – “Delight” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Felicity” (LeLutka Applier)

Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.7โ€
Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V4.1โ€
Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€
Shape: Selfmade

Location: Winter Moon

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Red Poison!

I have no clue why but lately all the cyber and the vibrant colors to it, have an impact on me as never before.

Maybe it is the new hairstyles from EMO-tions that got me into it again, or as well the suspense between black and intensive deep hued, saturated colors.

Today – as I just said – the base of my styling was the amazing new hair from EMO-tions, which was available at the passed round of we โ™ฅ RP, but it should be available in the EMO-tions main store by now.

I could not resist to make one picture with the newest feature from LeLutka for their bento heads. Finally we can stick out our tongues with LeLutka as well and even if I might not have that chance too often, I totally love it :p

LeLutka released a few more new expressions on the Skin Fair lately and they are so easy to install to your LeLutka Bento head, anyways which of them. You as well can keep them separate and use them vis the HUD that you get with the box as well. They are all cool and they are so different from really photogenic smiles to as well those few tongue out expressions, which I really got addicted to the past few days ๐Ÿ˜‰

The cool makeup is not a super new release but one of my personal faves when it comes to cool and extraordinary ones. The “Tammy” makeup with its unsymmetrical look just was perfect for that cyber punk look ๐Ÿ˜‰

The awesome dress I am wearing for this post comes from [sys], wich was released for the Tres Chic event. The “Ellea” dress is just really cool with the huge laced part t the top and the bottoms that look like upside down jacket lapels on the skirt. together with the “Jassy” boots and gloves as well with lots of lace, it just totally did it for me ๐Ÿ˜‰

To just add one accessory I decided to go with the “Joyce” necklace, that was created by Wicca’s Wardrobe for our collaboration with Enfant Terrible.

The super amazing tattoo comes from White Widow again and it is one of Julie’s newer ones.

For the scenery I used some of the awesome designs of E.V.E Studio. I love to make scenes with her creations as they always add some artsy feelings to all of the pictures. I totally love her surreal environments ๐Ÿ™‚

I guess I go and find a place now where I can stick out my tongue to people a little more before I go to bed, as I enjoy this new feature way tooย  much at the moment :p


Outfit: [sys] – “Ellea” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Real Evil Industries – “Jassy Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Real Evil Industries – “Jassy Corset Gloves” (Maitreya)

Necklace: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Joyce”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Sun”

Makeup: Slackgirl – “Tammy” (Lelutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Nereza” (Lelutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Wonder” (Maitreya Applier)

Set: E.V.E Studio – “Chained Red Orchid”, ” Dancing Poison Rain” & “Ivy Bonsai”


Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.3โ€

Tongue: LeLutka – “Anima. TNG. Set 02”

Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V3.5โ€

Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€

Shape: Selfmade

Diversity in Black and White for SL Fierce

Dark Beauty for SL Fierce Magazine (https://issuu.com/slfiercemagazine/docs/fierce-feb17_final)

I love working for magazines and not too long ago the newest issue of SL Fierce was released.

SL Fierce, February 2017

SL Fierce is something special to me, as they (aka mainly Steele Sirnah, as SL Fierce is kinda his baby ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) always come up with amazing themes and as well with challenging styling requests, but you always have to use your own inventory and have kinda free reign of what you are doing without any given items or rules.

Certainly it is fun too if you get things from amazing designers, but it is a totally different workflow for me then. When you get a design, then you try to highlight it in your look. You want to promote the designer that gave you the item and with the focus on that you built a style around that. I would not choose one over the other as I like both and each is a totally different challenge than the other ๐Ÿ˜‰

This time SL Fierce was going for ‘Dark & Light Feathers’ as well as for ‘Dark Beauty’. When I was told, who I may shoot with, I totally was looking forward to the shoots, as I always feel an invisible band between me and her and she seems to think so much alike and always feels and gets my weirdness :p

I am talking about WrenNoir Cerise, one of the most creative and skilled artists I met in SL, when it comes to 2D art and as well a wonderful and kind lady.

Light Feathers for SL Fierce Magazine (https://issuu.com/slfiercemagazine/docs/fierce-feb17_final)

Working with Wren always means huge fun and as well amazing pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ She loves to experiment and while she does her set ups or looks for the right poses she is even getting more into her creative universe.

The first look of the 3 I started with, was the Light Feathers, since I thought that might take me the longest to style since white is not my total comport zone ๐Ÿ˜‰

First I thought about an angel, but what ever I tried it looked weird to me and so I decided to try something different. Something more fantasy and satyr or faun looking. I always loved the “Wisdom Angel Wings” from Astralia so much and now I got the chance to try something with them ๐Ÿ™‚ The rest kinda fell in place very smooth ๐Ÿ˜‰

For the Dark Beauty, I wanted a strong, dark diva look :p And with the outfit from Pixicat combined with the stole of *agp* it was easy to achieve that.

The Dark Feathers, that was the one I felt most comfortable with… that was my personal playground*giggles* I love to mis and match so I used a lot of different feather attachments for this look.

It is amazing to see how so many different outfit parts that do not really belong to ech other on the first view, can become a new outfit.

Thank you SL Fierce, especially Steele & thank you Wren for another amazing challenge and time working on those looks and having the photo shoots!

Dark Feathers for SL Fierce Magazine (https://issuu.com/slfiercemagazine/docs/fierce-feb17_final)


Dark Beauty

Outfit: Pixicat – “Necromancer Body” (Maitreya)

Stole: *agp* – “Carla Fur Stole”

Gloves: Asteria – “Lady Faith”

Headpiece: DRD – “Dead Religion Headdress”

Mask: PurpleMoon – “Lost Heart”

Necklace: Kunglers – “Sahara”

Nails: Formanails – “Stiletto Nails – Maitreya Silver/Red” (Maitreya)

Makeup: Zibska – “Luise” (Lelutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Greta” (Lelutka Applier)

Light Feathers

Outfit: Chocolate Atelier – “Thea Bodysuit” (Omega Applier)

Jacket: Moon Elixir – “Valhalla” (Gacha Item)

Wings, Belt & Bracelet: Astralia – “Wisdom Angel” (Gacha Items)

Legs: Astralia – “North Pole Faun Legs” (Gacha Item)

Thigh Bands: Promagic – “Ira” (Gacha Item)

Headpiece: PurpleMoon – “Savage Headpiece”

Rings & Handband: Formanails – “Handband & Rings 2” (Maitreya)

Hair: no.match – “No.Further”

Makeup: Nanika – “Gold Eyeshadow” (Lelutka Applier)

Lipstick: La Boheme – “Eve Set 4” (LeLutka Applier)

ย Dark Feather

Outfit Part 1 (Bolero, Bra & Corset): Moon Elixir – “Houdini”

Outfit Part 2: PurpleMoon – “Be Mine Catsuit” (Halloween Special)

Feathers 1: PurpleMoon – “La Mort Douce Feathers” (part of the outfit)

Feathers 2: PurpleMoon – “Poe” (part of the outfit)

Feathers 3: GizzA – “Glam Rock Suit” (part of the outfit)

Legstrap: Pulse – “Leg Straps & Chains”

Headpiece: PurpleMoon – “Creatura Headpiece”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Laeticia”

Eyepatch: [sys] – “Grimm”

Wings: DRD – “Devine Wings”

Right Leg: DRD – “Post Apocalyptic Prostethic”

Left Leg: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Fleur Boots” (Maitreya)

Rings: Formanails – “Rings Simple” (Maitreya)

Makeup: Zibska – “Sammi” (Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Black Top” (Omega Applier)

All Poses: Poseidon

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Photographer: WrenNoir Cerise


Head: LeLutka โ€“ โ€œSimone 2.3โ€

Body: Maitreya โ€“ โ€œLara V3.5โ€

Eyes: IKON โ€“ โ€œHope Eyesโ€

Shape: Selfmade

“Happy Valentines!” – Every Rose has a Thorn

Sometimes, strange moods can be very productive…

And exactly that I had today when I started to work on the styling for this post. It was a mixture of depression, sadness, the will to do something and the red all over because of Valentine :p .

I started with the “Oru” dress from [sys]. With it’s very cool and unusual shape, it made a great base for my look today, especially because it comes in such a bright and strong red ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

When I tried on the “Luzy” hair from EMO-tions with the “Oru” dress, it was clear this will become kinda crazy :p

Valentine’s Day is something we do not celebrate in Germany as much as the US or other countries do. When I googled it, it said the first Valentines Party was round about 1950 in Germany, even if the traditional custom of that special day goes way back in history. So the biggest fortune of Valentine’s Day in Germany probably goes to the florists ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyways, I personally never was too much into Valentines’s Day as I do not believe, that only one day per year can tell how much i do love a person. To me it is more the steady and little things, than a bunch of flowers on one day.

But with all the Valentine advertisements and what not, you have a hard way around that and all the red at least inspired me for this post and the pictures.

The cool set I built with the “Tree of Nightmares” and “Koi Glitter Puffs” from E.V.E Studio. The red version of the tree really kicked my mind to go even more crazy with the whole look and so I decided to add some heavy makeup. Usually I am for either heavy eye makeup OR a ‘loud’ lipstick but today… It was calling for both ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

The more I was playing with my style and the set, the more the thought of the phrase “every rose has a thorn” settled down inside myself and it became a working title for this post somehow. Like every wonderful moment you have, always can be destroyed by one little ugly ‘thorn’ that hides on that beautiful rose. If you do not think about it, it all of a sudden hurts you. That reminded me of some recent things that happened and so the phrase became more and more something I kept saying to myself, to remind me about the beauty of the rose and not think too much about the thorns.

The leggings from Cureless [+] even more dragged into the darker side and together with the “Nemesia” ankle boots from Glamistry, the whole look got some kind of a rocker chick touch to me.

Every year I discover my own little Valentine thoughts and it always is a lot of fun to see how they turn out if I try to make pictures or posts during that time of the year. But in the end I always enjoy them and I always discover new visions and thoughts of myself about Valentine’s Day looks and red challenges ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy Valentines!


Outfit: [sys] – “Oru”

Jacket: Asteria – “Jane”

Leggings: Cureless [+] – “Baroque Corset Stockings”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Luzy”

Necklace: Empyrean Forge – “Levity Necklace”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Nemesia Ankle Boots”


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.2”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”

Poses: ALIUD

Set: E.V.E Studio – “Tree of Nightmares” & “Koi Glitter Puffs”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Blogging can become such a lonely thing and it is so much fun to blog with friends.

So Tempest and me decided to have a monthly ‘friends post’ as it was so much fun last year to do the pictures together ๐Ÿ™‚

This time we decided to go with Blacklace, as we both blog for Blacklace and they recently had so many amazing new releases!

Tempest said it was her turn to take the picture and so we both styled the “Anais” lingerie. I chose the black one and styled it with the amazing “Lido Body” from [sys]. To cover the arms, since Tempe said outside shoot *giggles* I put the fur sleeves from Cashmere, that I got at their closing sale. For the shoes I wanted something high up the legs but as well something that does not cover up the amazing stockings and so I went with the “Bottlebrush” heels from Empire. With their delicate laced heels it was just perfect! The super cute “Annik” hair was made by EMO-tions.

Thank you Tempe for another great shoot, chit-chat and picture, I hope we will have many of those this year โ™ฅ

For Tempe’s stylings card you can visit her blog @ Belt Up, Betty!


Lingerie: Blacklace – “Anais” (Omega Applier)

Body: [sys] – “Lido”

Sleeves: Cashmere – “Fur Sleeves” (store closed)

Shoes: Empire – “Bottlebrish”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Annik”

Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (Lelutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Blacktop” (Omega Applier)

Body Basics:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.2”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 3.5”

Models: Wicca Merlin & Tempest Rosca

Photographer: Tempest Rosca