News from Gabriel,WTG & EMOtions!!!

Dahriel's Style 001

Dahriel's Style 001

Styling Card.

Skin: Fruk Bennett skin Shade 1 Blond

Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * ANNA 2*/blonde

Piercing: +:+WTG+:+ **Hot heart** lip-pierce black

Outfit: ::GB::MESH Double leather jacket & Pants

Boots: ::GB::MESH Boots in Pants (FATPACK)Bloggers

Pose: *PosESioN*

Breathtaking News & Timeless Favourites by Mea Culpa & PosESioN!!! Starring Dahriel & Wicca


(Wicca Merlin: Mea Culpa – Back Mamba & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – Painless Obedience; Pose: PosESioN – Hamlet)

Lately my sweet little brother Dahriel, owner and creator of PosESioN, came across that we both liked a lot what the other did and we talked about to do some pics together. I adore his picture skills for a very long time and I was very happy, when he told me he would love to do some weird stylings and art with me together. All of  sudden he IMed me if I could style anything with Mea Culpa and purple, as he wanted to wear the “Illusory Wisdome” outfit from Mea Culpa. I was thinking on one of my long time favourites of Mea Culpa, the “Hopeless Illusion”. It was one of the very first creations of Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa. For the poses we used some of the latest releases of PosESioN. As Dahriel and me got dressed he rezzed one of his new skyboxes for the picture and I got huge eyes… The whole skybox was in purple and black and had a look like it could have been a location of a Tim Burton movie! Dahriel and me discovered that we both like Tim Burton a lot – another thing we share as so many others, that we discovered before and I felt even more how much I love my little brother 😉


(Wicca Merlin: Mea Culpa – Hopeless Illusion & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – Illusory Wisdome; Poses: PosESioN)

For the next picture we decided to go with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa, the “X-treme Mirrors”.


(Wicca Merlin & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – X-treme Mirrors; Poses: PosESioN)

The “X-treme Mirrors” is part of the X-treme line of Mea Culpa, a special line, that combines fetish elements with high fashion designs. Again Dahriel rezzed one of his various skyboxes and again it was perfect for the whole scenery… he has the eye for the special detail. More and more I enjoyed our evening that we had together… all the stylings, like for the “X-treme Mirror” I had an idea and he came up with another one, or the other waxy round and we started to mix and match our ideas according to the other… I felt like in heaven. The wonderful mirrors on the “X-treme Mirrors”brought us to the idea to make the picture like there would be a mirror in the middle of the picture. Dahriel mirrored the pose he had for himself and the room as well and with all the amazing details of the “X-treme Mirrors”, the glasses, the wonderful headpiece and the amazing textures the whole picture became art for me.

Wicca & Dahriel 4

(Wicca Merlin: Mea Culpa – Oppressive Prophecy & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – El Matador; Pose: PosESioN – Matador)

Dahriel got he wonderful “El Matador” outfit from Mea Culpa and I had immediately the idea, the “Oppressive Prophecy” would make a perfect match for another couple shot with Dahriel. The gold decorations of both outfits are just like made for ech other. Both outfits have a black basic and with all the amazing prims of the “Oppressive Prophecy” I go the idea of if a fashion matador and his fashion victim. Dahriel loved the idea and started immediately to create the perfect pose. As we thought about a location we agreed because of all the black and gold tines we wanted to have sand and rocks with kinda an arena style for the amazing “Matador” pose from PosESioN.

I would like to thank my little brother Dahriel for an amazing afternoon and evening. For a long time I felt the first time that there is a soul that is somehow connected to mine with all the weird stylings and picture ideas. Our minds are so close that sometimes it scares me 😉 , but I could not think of a better little brother than Dahriel! This was a wonderful and amazing time with such incredible pictures and I really hope that this was just a start and we can do many more like this little brother!!!


Picture 1:

Outfit Wicca: Mea Culpa – “Black Mamba”

Outfit Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “Painless Obedience”

Pose: PosESion – “Hamlet” – NEW

Picture 2:

Outfit Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “Illusory Wisdome”

Outfit Wicca: Mea Culpa – “Hopeless Illusion”

Hair: EMO-tions

Poses: PosESioN

Picture 3:

Outfit Wicca & Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “X-treme Mirrors” – NEW

Poses: PosESioN

Picture 4:

Outfit Wicca: Mea Culpa – “Oppressive Prophecy”

Outfit Dahriel: Mea Culpa – “El Matador”

Pose: PosESioN – “Matador” – NEW

Photographer: Dahriel

Models: Dahriel & Wicca

“The Sin” – Do you dare to be fierce?

Mea Culpa Sin Red First

Tatanka Kaligawa, genius owner and designer of Mea Culpa is back on duty 😉 He is working on many new creations right now and released already some of them in the last few days. I would like to start with the new “The Sin” catsuit today. This catsuit with the amazing latex texture can be a great basic for a cool and fierce styling. The shiny latex texture has a super realistic look with all the lights and shadows and the amazing front part is a highlight for itself as the most latex catsuits only have a simple zipper in the front. Mea Culpa takes the latex catsuit on a new level 🙂 It is available in many different colors at the Mea Culpa Mainstore. As well Tatanka offers a “custom color” creation for the “The Sin” catsuit for a little extra fee. So what ever look you wanna create you can have the matching color of the “The Sin” catsuit, just put a color sample and your needs on a NC and you can have your custom colored “The Sin” catsuit 🙂

Do you dare to be fierce?

Mea Culpa Sin Red Full


Catsuit: Mea Culpa – “The Sin” – NEW

Boots: Slink – “Tall Leather Thigh Boots” (mesh)

Nails: Formanails – “Stiletto”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Cosma”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca von Teese”

Poses: PosESioN – “Black”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

My personal favourites of MVW2013 – National Costume of Puerto Rico 2013 by EMO-tions

MVW - Miss Puerto Rico national full

Miss Virtual World 2013 – Again BoSL showcased an amazing event on December the 15th 2013, with the finale of the MVW 2013 contest. Many countries were represented by amazing ladies and it was really an exciting event. Designers and models worked together for their 2 final looks. One evening gown and one national costume for each lady. Every year when I saw the MVW finale it was an exciting moment to see the results, that designers and models worked on for so many weeks. Last year I took the challenge to make a full catalogue of all the gowns and costumes. The idea must have inspired some bloggers this year and they started to do that for the MVW 2013 designs. I decided for my own not to do the same again and just would like to showcase my personal favourites. First I thought about to do my personal top 12, but then I figured that I like more than 12 and just thought about doing all the ones that really caught my attention in no particular order :)

This year at the MVW finale some of the girls dared to be a little different, with bringing historical female fighter’s and strong women’s characters on the MVW stage.On eof them was Miss V Puerto Rico 2103, Miss Hezabel Blackheart. Her national costume was created by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions. Hezabel could not have made a better choice than asking Mirja for her national costume. EMO-tions always stood for great, quality RP clothing and many fighters, vampires and lovers of the special outfits went to Mirja‘s store if they needed special and extraordinary clothing or hair. So the “Anacaona” outfit and the matching hair, as well made by EMO-tions, made an extraordinary and strong look on the MVW 2013 finale stage. Hezabel and Mirja did a great research on the country she represented and as she was talking about her inspiration my ears were all hers 🙂

Hezabel Blackheart:

“My Costume is inspired by a great Taíno chief named: Anacaona. Anacaona became chief after her brother’s death. Her husband Caonabo, was captured and shipped to Spain, dying in a shipwreck during the journey. The Taínos, being ill-treated by the conquerors, revolted. During a feast organized by eighty-four regional chieftains to honor Anacaona, who was friendly to the Spaniards, the Spanish Governor Nicolás de Ovando ordered the meeting house to be set on fire. He arrested Anacaona and her Taíno noblemen — all of whom, being accused of conspiracy, were executed. While the others were shot, Anacaona was executed by hanging. She was twenty-nine years old. The Taíno tribes were all one and the same tribe all over many Caribbean islands. From the island, then and now,..I bring you the gift of the Coqui.. a native small frog that is exclusive to the wildlife of the island.”

MVW - Miss Puerto Rico national close


Outfit: EMO-tions – “Anacaona” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Anacaona” – NEW

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”  – NEW (custom-made skin)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “SM Eclipse Urban ES Mud, Honey”  – NEW & “SM Eclipse Color Eye Silver” – NEW

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca tintable” – NEW

Tattoo: White Widow – “

Poses by Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News and Spectacular Christmas Special at Mea Culpa!!!

Wicca Siren full

Today I am very happy to showcase one of the latest Mea Culpa releases. The “Call of the Sirene” outfit again is a little piece of art of Tatanka Kaligawa, owner and designer of Mea Culpa.

The “Call of the Sirene” outfit was made for the last Fashion Teller and it’s inspiration were the historical Sirens.

In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous and devious creatures, portrayed as femmes fatales who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. Roman poets placed them on some small islands called Sirenum scopuli. In some later, rationalized traditions, the literal geography of the “flowery” island of Anthemoessa, or Anthemusa, is fixed: sometimes on Cape Pelorum and at others in the islands known as the Sirenuse, near Paestum, or in Capreae. All such locations were surrounded by cliffs and rocks.

When the Sirens were given a name of their own they were considered the daughters of the river god Achelous, fathered upon Terpsichore, Melpomene, Sterope, or Chthon. Although they lured mariners, for the Greeks the Sirens in their “meadow starred with flowers” were not sea deities. Roman writers linked the Sirens more closely to the sea, as daughters of Phorcys. Sirens are found in many Greek stories, particularly in Homer’s Odyssey.

Their number is variously reported as between two and five. In the Odyssey, Homer says nothing of their origin or names, but gives the number of the Sirens as two. Later writers mention both their names and number: some state that there were three, Peisinoe, Aglaope, and Thelxiepeia or Parthenope, Ligeia, and Leucosia; Eustathius states that they were two, Aglaopheme and Thelxiepeia. Their individual names are variously rendered in the later sources as Thelxiepeia/Thelxiope/Thelxinoe, Molpe, Aglaophonos/Aglaope/Aglaopheme, Pisinoe/Peisinoë/Peisithoe, Parthenope, Ligeia, Leucosia, Raidne, and Teles.

The Sirens of Greek mythology are often confused with the Gorgons portrayed in later folklore as half women–half birds, (birds sing beautiful, enchanting songs, like the sirens are portrayed to do); the fact that in Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Portuguese the word for mermaid is respectively Sirena, Sirène, Sirena, Syrena, Sirenă and Sereia, and that in biology the Sirenia comprise an order of fully aquatic mammals that includes the dugong and manatee, add to the visual confusion, so that Sirens are even represented as mermaids. However, “the sirens, though they sing to mariners, are not sea-maidens,” Jane Ellen Harrison has cautioned; “they dwell on an island in a flowery meadow.


Tatanka Kaligawa made his own vision of a modern and fashionable Siren come true with his latest creation;)

Now for the spectacular Christmas Special:

Every day until Christmas, you will find one male and one female outfit for 50% off at the Mea Culpa Mainstore! Do not miss this incredible chance to get your self one of the amazing creations of Mea Culpa for a special Christmas offer… Ladies & Gentlemen, this could be the right christmas present for your partner if you still have no idea what you could have as a Christmas present 😉

Wicca Siren face


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Call of the Sirene” – NEW

Shoes: Mea Culpa – “Raptor”

Nails: PurpleMoon – “La Morte Douce Claws” (part of the La Mort Douce outfit)

Makup: LovelyMi – “Aftershock 03” – NEW

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lipline”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” /Morbida – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: A Tribute to Rita Hayworth

Wicca - Rita Hayworth Full 003

TUNES (Put the Blame on Mame – Rita Hayworth)

Rita Hayworth was an american actress and dancer. Her greatest success she had in the 40’s, where her fans gave her the nick “The Love Goddess”. With the movie “Gilda“, she acted side by side with Glenn Ford. This movie made Rita and Glenn one of the most well-known love couples of the movie history and the role of the dancer Gilda who drove so many guys nuts is always affiliated with Rita Hayworth. A very famous scene from that movie as well is the song “Blame on Mame” that I linked above where Rita Hayworth takes off her long black glove 🙂


The styling itself was not even planned like this as I only searched for an appropriate outfit for the Miss Virtual World 2013 finale. I combined parts of PurpleMoon’s “Falbala” dress with skirt of the “Paulinha” gown from Azul. The jewelry as well is a mix of 2 different sets of Finesmith, the “Falbala” bracelet and gown decor paired with the “Radiance” earrings and necklace. The coat, that I carry in my left hand is part of Tres Beau‘s “Diana” outfit. I was not wearing it at the finale of MVW 2013 but for the picture I wanted to, it was an amazing detail I did not wanna miss 😉 I just recolored the white to a golden tone to match the jewelry.

In the end it was Malicia Python, who brought me on the idea of Rita Hayworth as we talked and I was thinking of a background and scenery for snapping the styling.

One of the most popular pictures of Rita Hayworth is the one you can see above. I kinda loved the challenge to make my version of this wonderful classy and still sexy image and so I tried to make a pose that comes close to the one on the picture. At the end the cigarette could not be missing and I found a wonderful sculpted one from Meli Imako, that I just had to texture by myself 🙂 In the end I really liked the idea of my own vision of this little “Rita Hayworth goes SL” and I hope you enjoy it as well 😉

Wicca - Rita Hayworth Half 001


Gown: PurpleMoon – “Falbala” & Azul – “Paulinha”

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Falbala” & Radiance”

Coat: Tres Beau – “Diana” (modified)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” (custom skin) – NEW

Makeup: Silken Moon Eclipse – “Color Eye Silver” & “Urban ES Mud, Honey” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tyra”

Pose: by myself 😉

Model & Photographer(Pic 1 & 3): Wicca Merlin

“Lady in Red” starring SoliDea FoliEs & Finesmith

For the wonderful AVENUE Cinque event, Mila Tatham, owner and designer of SoliDea FoliEs, created some wonderful red outfits. One of them was the “Rita” dress. An amazing red short mesh dress with an awesome collar that carries flexible waving parts.

The “Rita” dress again shows the wonderful skills of Mila Tatham, when it comes to creativity and designing. The folds, lights and shadows are amazing set and make a very realistic look of the whole dress and the little extra that really catches eyes with the collar. This dress is perfect for every occasion anyways if more casual or even cocktail or a more formal event.

The incredible eyebrows come from Finesmith. Yula Finesmith, owner and designer of Finesmith, created the new “Mind” eye decor in 8 different colors and the red one totally matched the todays styling 🙂

To see more of the new releases from SoliDea FoliEs and Finesmith you better make your way to their Mainstores and take a look for yourself 🙂

Dress: SoliDea FoliEs – “Rita” (mesh)

Eye Decor: Finesmith – “Mind” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Anushka” – NEW

Gloves: Thank you sissy :p

Shoes: [GOS] – “Desire” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” – NEW

Eyeshadow: Silken Moon – “Signature Eyeshadow” /silver dark

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips” /blood – NEW

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

NV Corsetry meets LovelyMi

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News from Violator – “The Lady in White”

Soraya Vaher, owner and designer of Violator, designed 2 wonderful outfits for the AVENUE Cinque event. Today I have the great pleasure to showcase one of them 🙂

We all know Violator for extraordinary creations of outfits, jewelry and hair. Way back when I started modeling round about 4 years ago, Violator was one of the brands that caught my eyes as they always were different and out of the box and it still stays the same ;). All the Violator designs show of some very artistic skills and ideas.

“The Lady in White” was made for the AVENUE Cinque event and shows the amazing skills of soraya Vaher when it comes to special creations. ” The Lady in White” comes with jewelry and the wonderful headpiece. The long white and tight dress is decorated with amazing flexible and static prims that accents the wait and the ankles. The waist and head part remind me on some huge artistic, abstract flowers. The gloves and the collar add some very elegant touch to the whole outfit. The golden jewelry parts make an amazing contrast di the white dress. Little flower tendrils that decorate the waits part get repeated at the head piece and with an awesome line over the left shoulder. Overall this dress with turn heads everywhere, where you appear and you will feel like a princess for one night with the powerful, elegant and avant-garde looking “Lady in White”

To see the more releases and all the past creations you better take a look by yourself at the Violator Mainstore 🙂


Outfit (incl jewelry): Violator – “The Lady in White” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tyra”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca” – NEW

Sim: The Wastelands

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Morgan Le Fay

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