I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
[Bing Crosby]
Dreaming of a white Christmas… yes .. exactly that was what I was doing for the past days. I still did hope that at least a few snowflakes would show up for Christmas but… sadly not even a single one…
So I had to play with snow for the pictures
First I wanted to dress up all in white, sometimes I like it when I can blend myself into the scenery or background as to me that usually makes it most dreamy and interesting.
I started with the “New Age” pants in white, I always liked those pants and the special shape of them. Then I added the “Orion” collar from [sys]. The collar covers the chest barley and if you move it shows more than I like So I had to search for something that I could use as a base to not distract too much but as well cover my body at least a little bit. I used the layer of the “Mummy Bride” of Ezura Xue. Just a few bandages around my chest and waist
The shoes are from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Shenna” heels in white of the ‘Chic Edition’ pack. I already had a funky touch so I went for the amazing horns from Death Row Designs. The cool knee patches are part of an [sys] outfit called “Alcane”
Now I had to find a place with snow and after trying a lot of different sims which are just Christmas themed I found this wonderful little place. A wonderful landscape with a natural and realistic looking ambience. Sadly I forgot to LM the place and after hopping around so much I forgot how it was called *grumbles* But I will try to find it again and update the post then
*UPDATE: Found the place again and it is called “Let it Snow”
I hope you all will have some wonderful, relaxed and peaceful days with the ones you love.
Merry Christmas!
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “New Age Pants”
Top: [sys] – “Orion Collar” (part of an outfit)
‘Unterwear’: Ezura – “Mummy Bride” (part of an outfit, store not anymore existing)
Knee Parts: [sys] – “Alcane”
Bangles: Edelfabrik – “Bonfire” (part of an outfit)
Horns: DRD – “Darkforest”
Hair: Analog Dog – “Pipe Dream”
Face Tattoo: Nuuna – “Zion 2”
Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Twotone Makeup (silver warm-gray)”
Location: Let it Snow
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin