“Life’ll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you.”

“Give yourself time. Ideas’ll come. Life’ll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you.”

[- Johnny and V, in unison – Cyberpunk 2077 -]

Finally Friday – Hooray!

Today I would love to show you some of the mega, amazing designs released at Mainframe and Midnight Order!

Lets start with Mainframe, a cyberpunk, sci-fi orientated event, which had it’s debut last year already. With it’s great success it opened its doors again now in January!

What caught my eyes immediately, was one of the amazing release from Lanevo. This huge pack piece called “Maneater Machine” is just perfect for any cyborg, sci-fi or future orientated look, which steps away from basic human looks only. You can imagine an alien having technical tentacles, or a cyborg with super cool, multiple arms added on its back – it definitely does set a statement!

The “Cyber Pulse” gloves from L’Emporio&PL could even hold the control panel for that cool back piece at the lower arm where you can see all those cables and technical parts. The gloves are super detailed and certainly they are bento enabled. If you style for a sci-fi look you cannot miss Graves. Jackie is one of the best leather and latex designers I know and with her fantastic ideas and skills she brings us only the best for years now. The bodysuit is BoM and with that the perfect base for any cyber look! Another incredible store is Butanik83. I discovered them last year on the first Mainframe events and since then I always have an eye on their releases. Their designs are incredibly detailed and textured – very realistic!

What I will use for one of my next posts a well, as the pictures today do not really give a good showcase for it is the kick ass waist part – a metal spine replacement part, with a rough and basic look to it gives an amazing vibe for any android, gynoid or cyber avatar.

The boots with the awesome spikes at the front come from {PSYCHO:Byts} and were released at the Midnight Order event. With the cool spikes at the front and the tight straps at the thigh, they make a perfect addition to any kind of cool and smart looks.


Gloves: L’Emporio&PL – “Cyber Pulse” (Maitreya, bento) – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Outfit: Graves – “G660 Takeoff – Classic Body” (BoM)

Waist: GRIMA – “CyberTech Dyborg Body” (Maitreya) – NEW@ Mainframe // January 2021

Shoes: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Estries Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2021


Hair Deco: [CX] – “Kaede Hairpins” – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2021

Glasses: Butanik83 – “Optical Implant Spyder6” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Collar: [LiLiMD] – “Cyber Collar” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021


Back Piece: [LANEVO] – “Maneater Machine” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Hair & Makeup

Hair: CHAIN – “Julia Hair”

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Holo Metallic Lipstick 12 (green)” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Sasha 2.5”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon Poses

Backdrop: [WASD] – “The Path” – NEW @ Mainframe // January 2021

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

101 Subscribers!!! Thank you!!!

Glam Affair meets MADesign – Incredible Skin meets Éxtraordinary Hair!!!

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 09

MADesign – “Lilith” /black IV

After wearing my Glam Affair “Castalia” skin for so long aida Ewing could convince me with her new “Gio” skin to change my “Castalia only” times 😉 The new “Gio” skin comes in 5 different skintones and always includes a dark and light eyebrow version and even another 2 versions with dark and light hairbase!!! If you purchase the fatpack you will have 12 different makeups in all 4 versions! I really fell in love with this fresh and innovative makups and the skin itself. The perfect combination of lights, shadows and shine… simply amazing. I could not resist to combine the new “Gio” skin with the incredible extraordinary new hair-line from MADesign. They released a new couture line of hair that totally found a first place in my hair folder. Young and fresh ideas for hair… I so desired something new and stylish 😉 But now let pictures talk and you can see by yourself what I am talking about 😉

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 01

MADesign – “Dora” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 02

MADesign – “Ines” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 03

MADesign – “Fifi” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 04

MADesign – “Isabel” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 05

MADesign – “Marina” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 06

MADesign – “Rita” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 07

MADesign – “Selita” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 08

MADesign – “Tia” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 10

MADesign – “Demi” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 11

MADesign – “Alys” /black IV

Glam Affair – “Gio” /light 12

MADesign – “Toya” /black IV

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Future Fashion…

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Lately I had a strange mood and was totally been drowned into futuristic and cyberpunk looks… For a strange reason it catched me more and more and I decided to let you be part of my journey into that 😉

I have to thank Harsch Sharktooth and Redclaw Inshan to follow me on my trip and pose with me for a few pics 😉

(Models: Redclaw Inshan, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

First look ..lemme call it “Futuristic Red”… has a big part of cyberpunk also, but lets take a closer look at the 2 outfits 🙂

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The basic of my first outfit was is the “X – Suit” from Graves Leather. It shows off a lot of skin and was a nice possibility to also wear some big tattoos 😉 For the boots I chose the “Cyberboots” from R:A:D. They are fully color changeable for all the parts that are shown here in red. Also you can decide from different signs that decorate the boot tips. The bracelets and the mask are made by Nibiru Productions and are color changeable too. Te spine plugs are made by Toxic Orange and are color changeable with menu driven script as well. The hair I found at the Stringer Mausoleum and is called “Rooster Hawk”

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The male outfit is showcased by Redclaw Inshan, designer of R:A:D and he chose the same mask called “Optical Argument” as I did… actually it was the other way round…he had it first but oh well… 😉 The pants are the great “Male Distressed Leather Pants” by with a wonderful prim belt that has an amazing realistic look. The boots are made by Bobbysocks and are called “Anarchy”. The cool black “Devious Trench” is made by by Spider Productionscoat and you can wear it with or without the spikes that you can see on the shoulderparts.

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

For the perfect cyberpunk look the “Cyber Heart” made by Mennisco Volitan for sure should not be missed. The spine implants are the same as I was wearing and yes this time I had them first… I guess 😉 The mechanical “Cyber Droids Hand” comes from [:: Black Heart ::].

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

For the second look Harsch Sharktooth helped me for the pictures and chose a wonderful futuristic looking outfit…

(Models: Harsch Sharktooth, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

The main color oft this 2 looks definitely is the silver & teal mix & match. Both of us were using cyberskins from LionSkins made by Lion Jonesford.

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Again the suit is the “X – Suit” from Graves Leather made by Jackie Graves. This time i chose the “Tech” spine implant from Toxic Orange and colored it in teal to match the great Griddie hair. Th guns are from Breach and the “Climatix” mask is done by AVZ. For he mask you can choose if you wanna show breath particles and also the color of a few parts. The bracelets are the same as I used for my first outfit but this time also colored in teal. The boots are the fantastic “Dragon Boots” made by R:A:D. Those boots you can change in 5 basic preset colors and chains and spikes you can change to every color you can thing of as the HUD has an amazing color field to play with 😉

(Model & Photographer: Harsch Sharktooth)

Harsch is wearing the Elixier “Latex Hipsters” pants in camo black combined with the Elixier “Latex Sheer Raincoat-Clear”. For the neck collar part he took a part from the Miamai “Lulu” outfit. “Lulu” is part of the Black Label Collection of Miamai. Also from Miamai is the attachment he chose for the right arm. The armwarmer is part of the “Kingdom M Grey shirt”. For the boots he chose the “Homme_EngineerBoots” from COCO in black. The hair he found at the Stinger Mausoleum. Last but not least the gloves… they are from Xplosion and named “Skull Gloves”. Did you ever see such a cute android before 😉

(Models: Redclaw Inshan, Wicca Merlin, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Futuristic GREEN! 😉 It was just too tempting to do a full green in green on green pic*giggles*…

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

This time I combined the “Tribal Latex Suit” from Creepy Latex with the “JG2 Body” in the short version again from Graves Leather. The boots are again the “Cyber Boots” from R:A:D. The mask for this outfit comes from AVZ and the Visor is part of the Graves “G121 Black & White- Zero” outfit from Graves Leather. The color changing spine tubes are made by Toxic Orange. The “Cyber Hawk” hair style in a poison green, I found at DV8 🙂 and for the earrings I chose of my favourite ones made by Ticky Tacky.

(Model: Redclaw Inshan, Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

Redclaw Inshan chose for the main part one of the outfits he made by himself 😉 Pants, shirt, boots, wristbands, jacket and belt  are part of the “Cyber Biohazard” outfit of R:A:D and you can find it in his Mainstore 🙂 The mask is the same I was wearing 😉 and for the shades he chose one of his favourites, the “Halo” made by Eryn Republic, designer of ERD 🙂 I never saw such amazing detailed glasses before and I have to admit I bought me some glasses from there as well 😉

(Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin)

My glasses from Eryn Republic Designs are called “Streemlyne” and I was really impressed about the service and help I found with the fitting of my glasses. The outfit I am wearing on this picture is a very old one I found during cleaning my inventory and it reminded me lightly of kinds ‘Matrix’ or ‘Trinity’ outfit 😉 It is from Gothika and I am not sure if it still available or already gone, maybe you have to take a look by yourself if you are interested in 😉

I hope you enjoyed my futuristic cyber trip and maybe I could show you my version of future fashion 😉 A special thanks goes to Harsch Sharktooth & Redclaw Inshan, who had the patience and invested the time to style and pose for me 😉

stay styled,


Divinity opens the New Mainstore with an amazing event and lots of new designs!!!

(Picture provided by Noah Bodenhall, Photographer: Mikael Charisma)

Tomorrow is the day of the day for Noah Bodenhall, fabulous designer of Divinity. The Divinity Mainstore got a makeover and appears now in a fantastic light 🙂

The huge store will let every ladies heart higher… you have enough space for a relaxed shopping trip. The whole store is made with an eye for the detail and very realistic looking.

If you enter the store to the left hand side you will find that great ‘reception’ that provides you all information you need and for tomorrows opening there is also places a wonderful free gift that you should not miss!!!

To the right hand side you have a neat lounge where you can sit down and let the whole store impress you. Also that seems the corner for the custom work section as I saw a special office table there where you can discuss your very personal likes and needs.

What really caught my eyes are the wonderful displays where you can see what you buy. The items are showcased in wonderful glass cabinets with beautiful lightning and behind every display you have a wonderful pic that shows a possibility to wear this amazing jewelry.

But lets take a closer look on a few of the wonderful designs of Noah Bodenhall, designer of Divinity.

Did thieves ever look so sexy? 😉 Just kidding. I was tempted by this amazing chain set calles “Pythagore” This set is a totally new creation that was made in 3 different tones. Gold, silver and a smoked silver version.

For the necklace you have the option of a long or a short one, so you can wear it simply to all and everything. This filigree chain parts take wonderful in each other and show off how sexy and elegant simple chains can be if they are made with such a great eye for the detail and a wonderful skill for textures!

The eye for the detail you also can see in the back of the neck where Noah Bodenhall closes nearly all his chains with the fleur de lys, a nice again very detailed trade mark that he chose for his brand Divinity!

The “Moon & Stars” necklaces representing the theme of the opening day, and new image of Divinity. A long necklace that goes down to the belly with an amazing twisted chain that carry this wonderful moon, star and gem spherule.

You can choose from different colors of the little gem that connects the tar and the moon. This necklace is a wonderful accessory for every look anyways of casual or elegant!

Up next we come to the wonderful “Panther” Set. This set was totally revamped completely from the original. It comes also in 3 different noble metals.

Again we have the option to choose between gold, silver and smoked silver. The smoked silver is lightly darker than the normal silver and is a nice variation for different outfits!

But not only full sets are provided… even the little parts have their own spotlight!

For example the beautiful “Bubbles” rings. So neat and detailed and an awesome firework of great colors!

The last creation for today is the wonderful “Charmes” set that was totally overworked from a to z 😉 What caught my yes are all the little parts that are connected in different colors of noble metals like the little shoe, the tiny little horseshoes that again show off the love for the detail of Noah Bodenhall!

For the opening they will have a huge event from 9AM to 9PM on sunday the 7th of november. The program you can read on the texture above.. and I know that I will definitely make my way to the new Divinity Mainstore to be part of that great happening!!!


Jewelry all from Divinity

Skin: Baiastice

Facetatoos: Nuuna’s & White Widow

Poses: WetCat

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin