Halloween @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Avicula 2

Halloween… maybe my favourite time of the year 😉

The nights become darker and colder. The fog takes over in most of the evenings and bathes the ground in dense fog so that you get the imagination to walk over grey fogs. Very mysterious 🙂

Halloween in the US is way more popular than in Germany, but even over here we have some wild and crazy parties 😉

That gives us the freedom to go wild in SL too and design some crazy outfits for all those Halloween lovers and those who enjoy the season as much as I do 😉

Today I would like to showcase the “Avicularia” outfit, one of our original mesh designs for this years spooky season.

Avicula 5

The dress has high open front, and a long flowing back skirt. The gloves, all the spider attachments and the huge spider web in the back are part of the outfit. The gloves fit the regular avatar and as well we included Slink hands applier for all those who love their mesh Slink hands. To be honest I can’t live without them anymore.

The amazing “Myostola” headpiece is another new release at Wicca’s Wardrobe. The headpiece covers nearly the whole head and with the 2 horns it really makes a strong statement. The headpiece is available in 2 different versions. Once with and once without the spider web and the little spider between the horns. For each of the 3 colors you always will get 2 different pieces per box. with a vice versa color combination like black/grey and grey/black for example.

To complete the look we created the “Grammostola” necklace. The collar is inspired by a spiderweb as well and has one little spider sitting at the front left.

Avicula 4

To add some more to the look we tried to create some matching makeup too. I have to admit, it looked way more easy than it was and I do not see my future in that*giggles.

Anyways, for this outfit I tried to make a spiderweb for the right eye, an eyeliner and lipstick matching to the basic color of the dress.

Sometimes I get asked why some outfits would have such weird names…  so it was for the Avicularia, Myostola and Grammostola. Basically all those names are certain spiders of the bird spider family 😉 With the latin names it kinda sounded so scary and spooky, that I just loved it 😉

And now, I wanna go and find a cool place to hang out with my spooky scary look or maybe jump on one of my best friends, not to mention she suffers quite an arachnophobia*giggles evil*

Avicula 1


Outfit (incl. gloves, spider attachments & makeup): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Avicularia”

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Myostola”

Necklace: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Grammostola”

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Poses: Del May

Location: The Wall

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

 Avicula 3

Halloween with PurpleMoon & Finesmith

PurpleMoon+Finesmith 001

Halloween time! One of my favourite times of the year 😉

The days get shorter, the nights are colder and all the mystic and darkness surrounds us more and more.

PurpleMoon has an amazing group gift up for Halloween.

The “Poe” outfit comes as a full outfit with gown, mask and wings.

WW - Poses - The Spells Set

I wanted to make a special Halloween picture for Poulet and her amazing gown so I went ahead and made some poses I could use for my post 😉 . The poses turned out to be a new set for my store called ” The Spells”

I wanted to show all parts of this outfit as the gown. The amazing feathers in the back, the awesome feathers that are lying around at the bottom and the incredible wings as well decorated with the feathers.

PurpleMoon+Finesmith 002

To get even more Halloween feeling I added some incredible parts from Finesmith. which she has out in a special hunt at the Finesmith main store.

The “Ghost Story” parts wich are part in the hunt where the perfect addition with the wand and the amazing skully headpiece.

For the hair I decided to go with one of my booN hairs. Speaking of booN… they have a huge sale going on where you can grab full fat packs for 78L$!

Halloween we will there very soon.. be prepared!

PurpleMoon+Finesmith 003


Outfit (incl. wings and mask): PurpleMoon – “Poe” – NEW

Accessories: Finesmith – “Ghost Story” – NEW (hunt items)

Hair: booN – “KGI848”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Makeup: L. Fauna – “Smokey Cat Shadow [Red]”

Lipstick: L. Fauna – “Lipstick [Red 3]”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “The Spells”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

This is Halloween with Petite Chat

Halloween PC01

This is Halloween

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn’t you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors die of
It’s our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween

[Taken from Nightmare before Christmas by Tim Burton]
Halloween PC02
Dress: Petite Chat (*PC*) – “Essences Web” – NEW
Shoes: [CC] – “Halloween Special V2” – NEW @ WEIB Special Sale Room October 2014
Easrrings: Finesmith – “Noir”
Hair: EMO-tions – “Love_War”
Leggings: Beauty Avatar Couture – “Dolly”
Hat: Bliss Couture – “Laurenn”
Skin: [sys] – “Eva”
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Halloween with Mea Culpa & Silken Moon

Mea Culpa - Crow 002

Halloween is not too far away and SL’s top designers already released their Halloween collections and items. I would like to do a series of Halloween 2013 looks and decided to start with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa.

Mea Culpa - Crow 001

The “Lunar Crow” is the perfect styling for an avant garde Halloween look. For all of those who prefer a couture look instead of a scary, cruel looking style, the “Lunar Crow” will be the right choice. The outfit is partwise mesh made. The skirt and the neck corset are mesh made and combined with the prims of the hat and the moving prims of the shoulder parts it makes a perfect match between old and new design tools. The layers are made with a delicate lace texture and the huge headpiece adds an extra avant touch.

Mea Culpa has an awesome Halloween special! Till Halloween on the 31st of  October, there will be different Halloween matching outfits for a special discount of 50% off!!! This is a chance, you should not miss… one of the great Mea Culpa designs for only the half prize!!!

Every week, there will be a selection of outfits that are set to 50% off. This week it is the “Black Mamba” (https://wiccamerlin.de/mea-culpa-goes-fetish-fashion/), the “Call of the Siren” (http://wiccamerlin.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/news-and-spectacular-christmas-special-at-mea-culpa/) and the “Dark Desire” (http://www.flickr.com/photos/meaculpahighfashion/6303396627/)

For all the males – do not be sad you have as well your Mea Culpa Halloween special. If you wanna know what it is this week just take a peek at the new Mea Culpa Mainstore! (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23)

The nails are my favourite ones from Formanails. The “Madonna Skeleton” nails are prim nails, that fit to the regula avatar hands.

The incredible makeup comes out of the hand of Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon. The “Kabuki” makeup is one of the new releases, and for me it was the perfect match for today’s Halloween styling. The strong and dark ornaments round the eyes give you a certain kinda mystic look and together with the lip stripe that has that sharp line going down… it just caught my heart 😉 .

Mea Culpa - Crow 003


Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Lunar Crow” – NEW (part mesh)

Makeup: Silken Moon – “Kabuki” – NEW

Earrings: PosESioN [Jewelry] – “Angelical”

Nails: Formanails – “Madonna Skeleton”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe Poses – “Buccaneer” – NEW

Scary Autumn with Silken Moon & Baboom

A 15-year old girl named Donna lived with her father in a small house in the suburbs. Ever since her mother died, Donna had depended on her father for everything. They had a wonderful relationship and loved each other very much.

One morning, Donna’s father was leaving on a business trip. As they ate breakfast together, he told her that he would be home very late that night. With that, he kissed her on the forehead, grabbed his briefcase and walked out the front door.

Later that day, when Donna came home from school, she did some homework and watched some TV. By midnight, her father had still not returned so she decided to go to bed.

That night she had a dream. She found herself standing at the edge of a busy highway. Cars and trucks whizzed by at an alarming rate. She looked across the highway and saw a familiar figure standing on the other side. It was her father. His hands were cupped around his mouth and he seemed to be shouting something to her, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying.

As the traffic whizzed by, she strained to hear. Her father’s eyes were sad. He seemed to be desperately trying to communicate something to her. She could barely make out the words: “Don’t… Open… Door…”

Suddenly, Donna was awoken from the dream by a strange tapping noise.

Tap Tap Tap.

Then somebody began to ring the doorbell downstairs.

Ring Ring Ring.

She scrambled out of bed and put on her slippers. Then, dressed only in her nightgown, she ran downstairs and went to the front door.

Looking through the peephole, she saw her father’s face outside. He was staring right at her. The doorbell kept ringing insistently. “OK, hold on! I’m coming!”, she shouted.

She pulled back the deadbolt and was about to unlatch the door when she stopped.

She looked through the peephole at her father again. Something about his expression didn’t look quite right. His eyes were wide open. He looked terrified.

She slid the deadbolt back into place.

“Dad!”, she yelled through the door. “Did you forget your keys?”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Dad, answer me!”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Dad, please! I need you to answer me!”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Is there someone else out there with you?”

Ring Ring Ring.

“Why won’t you answer me?”

Ring Ring Ring.

“I’m not opening the door until you say something!”

The doorbell kept ringing and ringing, but for some reason, her father refused to answer her desperate cries.

For the rest of the night, the frightened girl cowered in a corner of the hallway, helplessly listening to the ceaseless ringing of the doorbell. It seemed to go on for hours. Eventually, she fell into an uneasy sleep.

At dawn, she woke up and realized that everything was quiet. She crept over to the door and looked through the peephole again. Her father was still there, staring at her.

She cautiously opened the door and was confronted with a sight that filled her with unimaginable horror.

Her father’s severed head was hanging from a nail above the door. There was a note attached to the doorbell.

It read:”Clever Girl.”


Gown: Baboom – “Devils Daughter” – NEW (group gift)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /Zombie

Eyes: Silken Moon – “Blood”

Shoes: Mea Culpa – “Evil”

Hair: Burly – “Zia II” (mesh)

Nails: Formanails – “Madonna Skeleton”

Lashes: Mayden Couture – “Eyelashes V2 8”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Halloween with Silken Moon and PurpleMoon

Halloween, the favourite time of the year for me 😉 Since I was a little child, I liked Halloween a lot. All the cool creepy costumes, the scary stories and novels… I was like a sponge every time I got told one of those and a week before Halloween, I already had 3 different costumes in my mind that, I would have liked to wear…

I did not have much time to blog all of my ideas before today, but I will nevertheless try and bring some of my ideas and pictures of the great Halloween stuff in SL to the blog even if today it is already Halloween 😉

I would like to start with a combination of Silken Moon skins and 2 of the awesome PurpleMoon releases for Halloween and to give a bit of a scary Halloween atmosphere, I will try to always give a neat scary story, that I really enjoyed when I was told 😉

Creepy Photos Story 1

A young girl was walking home from school one day, when she spotted a pile of old photos lying on the sidewalk. They were stacked together and neatly wrapped in a rubber band. She picked up the pile of photographs and started to flip through them. A chill ran down her spine when she looked at the first photo. It showed a creepy old man dressed in white. Behind him, the background was pitch black. He was standing just far enough away from the camera that she couldn’t make out his face. The next photo showed the same man, except he was standing a bit closer. Looking through the rest of the photos, the girl began to get an eerie feeling. In each one, the man in the picture was inching closer and closer and his face was still blurred. She got the strangest feeling that the man in the photographs was looking at her. In one photo, the man was so close that his face was completely filling up the frame. As she neared her house, the girl turned to the last photo. This time, instead of an image, there were two words: Close enough. Hearing a scream outside their house, the girl’s brother rushed to the door and opened it. All he saw was a pile of photographs lying on the doorstep. The top one looked like an extremely pale version of his sister, but she was standing too far back for him to make out her face.

Creepy Photos Story 2

One day, a boy was sitting in his classroom in school. He was extremely bored and was waiting for the school bell to ring. When he looked out the window, something caught his eye. There was a photograph lying on the grass outside. When school was over, he ran outside and picked up the photograph before anyone else had a chance to see it. Turning it over in his hands, he realized it was a picture of an incredibly beautiful girl. She was wearing a black top, a short, black skirt, black tights and black shoes. For some reason, she was holding up two fingers. The girl was so pretty that he wanted to meet her. He showed the photograph to everyone in the school and asked if they knew her. Unfortunately, nobody recognized her. That night, when he went to bed, he placed the photo on his bedside table and went to sleep. Around midnight, he woke up. There was something tapping on his window. Then he heard what sounded like someone giggling. More than a little frightened, he worked up the courage to investigate it. He jumped out of bed, went over to the window and opened it. There was nothing there. The next day, he showed the photo to his friends and neighbors and asked if they knew the mysterious girl. Everybody he asked said they had never seen the girl before in their lives. That night, as he lay in bed, he heard the tapping sound again. He looked out the window and could just make out a figure standing on the other side of the street. He couldn’t be sure, but it looked like the mysterious girl in the photograph. Clutching the picture tightly, he threw on his clothes and raced downstairs and out the front door. As he crossed the road, he forgot to look both ways and was suddenly hit by a car. The driver got out of the car and ran over to help the boy, but it was no use. The boy had been killed on impact. The driver noticed something clutched in the boy’s hand. It was a photograph.Turning it over in his hands, the driver realized it was a picture of an incredibly beautiful girl. She was wearing a black top, a short, black skirt, black tights and black shoes. For some reason, she was holding up three fingers.

Style 1

Outfit (incl wings, tail & hooves): PurpleMoon – “Demonia” – NEW (Halloween group gift)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Clawdia” /unholy veined

Hair: Baiastice – “Fiamma”

Jewelry: Chop Zuey – “The Miracle Buisness” – NEW

Style 2

Outfit: PurpleMoon – “La Mort Douce” – NEW

Skin: Silken Moon – “Veinity” /black hole veined

Hair: DeLa – “Julia II” (mesh)

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Of Fire and Dancing

Of fire and dancing.

One day, a fire spirit was curious about the other elements and decided to walk their places. She danced up into the air to see the spirits that could fly. But it did not really work. The flying spirits were afraid of her and pushed her to the ground, but she left her fire in the air. So they learned to dance and were a little bit ashamed that they treated the one who brought the gift so bad.

The fire spirit landed where the creature walked. Those creatures were bound by gravity and cautious about the fire. But they tried to use these gifts the spirit brought. The fire spirit like these slow walkers but longed to see her fellow dancers, so she walked to find them again.

Led by the same instinct that makes birds find north and south she danced over the earth to find home. But then the land ended and became water. By another instinct the dancer knew this was an element to kill her. The powers living in the water felt the same and stayed clear of her. So she started to dance at the shore of the ocean to evaporate the water. As you can imagine, it didn’t work. At times the fire spirit can be seen dancing fast over the land she is trapped on, but she always stops when there is water. But you can always see her gift to the earth when you see someone dance.


Dress: GizzA – “Rock Suit” – NEW

Pants: House of Rfyre – “Esperer Mesh Leather Pants” /metallic (mesh)

Hat: [AD] Creations – “Owl Cap” (for RMK Halloween 2012)

Hair: Tuty’s “Limbo”

Gloves: Chaospire – “Shadowmuse”

Shoes: epoque – “Mesa”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Makeup: Face Paint – “Doe Smoke” + “Mix & Match Hollywood Eyes Old School”

Lashes: Miamai – “Catwalk Lashes Delicate” (mesh)

Nails: *Rebel -X-* – “Werewolf Claws”

Wings: Illusions – “Angel Wings”

Poses: Del May

Story: Malicia Python

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Ravens are coming! – House of Rfyre meets Madrid Solo

(Picture by Madrid Solo)

Raven Pennyfeather, owner and designer of House of Rfyre, released a new and wonderful collection. The “Ravens Collection” contains 4 outfits, 3 female and one male. Madrid Solo made 5 beautiful and outstanding makeups for the whole “Raven Collection”. I felt very honored as Madrid asked me if I would pose for her vendors for the 3 female makeups. Thanks a lot Madrid 🙂 ! To make my happiness complete, I was allowed to showcase the  gown of Rfyres “Raven Collection” in the AVENUE Cinque Onyx show. Thanks a lot Raven 🙂 !The show was as well the release for this incredible collection of Rfyre. For today I would like you show you the 3 females  – outfits and makeups 🙂

(Picture by me)

The first one is a stunning gown over and over made of feathers, matching the raven theme. The mesh corset, that makes that awesome waist is textured with an amazing filigree texture and because of the mesh it moves perfect with every turn and twist of your upper body. The skirt, back piece and the incredible chest piece are awesome flexible feathers and the huge neck part and the little delicate brooch that hold the chest feathers give the whole gown a super elegant touch. On top Raven made some amazing earrings that come with the gown!

(Picture by Madrid Solo)

The perfect makeup for the “Raven Collection” gown for me was the “Ravens Solo” makeup. The tiny filigree lines at the sides, combined with the beautiful feather on top of the eyes just made the perfect finish for this styling in my opinion 🙂

(Picture by me)

The casual outfit of the “Raven Collection” comes with 3 different possibilities to wear it. The top you can choose from an opaque black to a sheer black with the silver ornaments on or you even just wear only the bra with no top under it at all. The mesh corset highlights the shape of every fashionista perfectly with the wonderful light stripes and the mesh pants make an amazing look that still has a touch of elegance, even if you can wear it as a casual attire.

(Picture by Madrid Solo)

For this look Madrid Solo‘s “Ravens Flight” makes the perfect addition. Again we see some very filigree and amazing fine lines beside and below the eyes and this time you have 3 red parts that go upon the eyes.

(Picture by me)

The last outfit for today would be the club version of the “Ravens Collection” A wonderful fresh but still chic looking dress with wonderful parts for wrists, neck and shoulders. You again have the option to choose from 3 versions for the top. Sheer, opaque and one, that only has the beautiful silver lines on it. As well on this look you can see the boots that Rfyre made for the “Ravens Collection”, to match all of the outfits.

(Picture by Madrid Solo)

The last of the 3 “Ravens” makeups of Madrid Solo would be the “Ravens Flock”. Not as huge and filigree with lines beside and above the eyes this makeup made the perfect club look for me. Still a touch of elegance but a very cool look with the silver/teal parts upon the eyes.

To see more of the amazing creations of Rfyre and Madrid Solo you can visit their Mainstores and get your favourite “Ravens Collection” piece 😉

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Pinabella


You all know how it is with famous brothers, everybody knows them. But did you know that Pinocchio had a little sister? After he met the sad Fairy on his journey, she felt lonely. She decided to ask Master Geppetto to carve her a doll she could bring to life and raise as the child she could not have any other way.

The dollmaker granted her wish, because she helped his son so much to find the right way and finally become a real boy. He carved the most beautiful doll and gave it to the fairy. She was overwhelmed when her little doll came to life and promised her to make her Pinabella a real girl when the dolly had proven her character.

When the doll grew older, the fairy was pleased how her daughter turned out to be. One day, she talked to her about making her a real girl. Pinabella did not know what to think of that, because she never felt wrong about being what she was. But as it seemed to be important to her mom, she agreed.

They went to a nearby lake to transform the doll. The fairy gave her the kiss of life. She had thought her power to create life was endless, but alas, it was not. As she watched her daughter turning into a beautiful young woman, she saw her eyes widening with shock. Only then she realized her own spark was fleeing her body and she was vanishing from this world to enter the next one. She only managed to tell her daughter that she loved her and to be as good a human as she had been a doll.

The girl stood there shattered her mother had left her. Thus, losing her life for hers. Only when the first shock left her, she cried bitter tears of loss and loneliness. From that day on, Pinabella went to the lake every day to cry for her mother. And sometimes, when her misery was just too much she heard her mother‘s voice in the wind, soothing her like she had always done: „Hushhhhhhhh.“


Dress (incl necklace and hat): Ezura – “Peu Loli”

Shoes: Ezura – “Peu Loli Floral Shoes”

Nails: Formanails – “Kuralisa”

Hair: DeLa – “Marley” (mesh) – “Kuralisa”

Socks: [SB] – “Knit Suspender Socks”

Make-Up: YaYo – “Running Mascara”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Poses: In-Pose – “Sad Wicca” (Trinity… again you helped me as I was despairing with making and searching poses for this post. Thank you so much for being you, a friend of mine and being there for me  🙂 )

Story: Malicia Python (Thank you so much Malicia, you are a never ending ending sea of inspiration, ideas and kindness. It is an honor for me to call you a friend 🙂 )

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Scary sexy news by Faster Pussycat

Tonight is the night, every Halloween addicted waited for the whole year 😉 Tonight all the creatures will go out for some party or event and show off their wonderful scary and creepy outfits. I chose one of Honey Bender’s latest creations called “Vampira Glamour Gown”.

The outfit is made very delicate and aerial. The deep, rich red matches wonderful the theme of the gown and the lace gives a very sexy touch as well. The huge neck collar adds a very victorian touch. The fabric of the prims gives a wonderful vampiristic look as it looks kinda as you were still the gown of the night you were transformed into a vampire and show it off every night if you leave your coffin ;). If you still search for your Halloween costume for tonight, definitely jump over to the Faster Pussycat Mainstore… you will find what you need 🙂 The perfect finish for me was one of the Bliss Couture “Terror hats” with the big red spider.


Gown: Faster Pussycat – “Vampira Glamour Gown” – NEW

Hat: Bliss Couture – “Aphrodite” (Halloween Special) – NEW

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia” /Vampire

Hair: Miasnow

Coffin + Poses: Glitterati

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin