Vibrant Lights

“I think there is beauty in everything what ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly. I can usually see something of beauty in it.”

[Alexander McQueen]

YAY! Fetish Fair extends for one week! More time to get all the goodies 😉 Speaking of goodies, many parts of my todays post are from exactly that Fetish Fair…

The cool mask, what made me start with my styling today, comes from E-Clipse Design. It is part of a full outfit called “Anu”. The outfit comes with dress, mask, boots and as well a whip. The boots and the whip I did not use for todays post.

The mask caught my attention immediately – I LOVE such neat accessories that are outside the mainstream range… I am sure thats nothing new 😉 All the little details, the gear and tubes already make this a stunning accessory and if you take a closer look at the textures, you will see why I fell in love with it. The dress as well is something special. The fabric is opaque, but has a wonderful shining texture and you get the imagination of it being slightly sheer even if it is not. Speaking of details… take a look how awesome the strings are wrapped around the body held by those amazing metal rings!

The cool boots would fit perfectly into the Fetish Fair as well, but those are out now at the Cosmopolitan event. The “Camala” boots are calf high boots with an amazing lace down at the sides of the feet. I have no clue how Elisabetta Hyun does her textures, but they are so incredible realistic and you never have any seams where the shoes have none. The “Camala” boots come with a huge HUD to customize several parts of the boots like the main boot, the laces, the inner and outer sole as well as the heel and metals. I know I already mentioned that, but what I do like a lot with the UTOPIA@Design shoes is the preset tab on the HUD where Elisabetta already makes 9 presets ready to wear and as well the possibility to choose about the glossiness of the whole shoe.

The collar and the cool garter – yes, it is a mesh body rigged garter that is a standalone without the stockings – I as well found at the Fetish Fair. Recently I look into .:Avanti:. more and more as I really do like the way Intoxicate, owner and designer of .:Avanti:., creates her things. I rarely saw so many different way of stockings like she did and what I love the most – they are different high on the thighs depending on their style. That makes it possible, that you can either connect them to garters or wear them even under thigh high boots and see the tiny boarder peeking still 😉 and certainly I cannot forget to mention that I adore her texture skills for her appliers!

Last but not least, I would like to drag your attention towards the amazing hand accessories I am wearing. I always look for something I can wear on my hands, I am addicted to all kind of nails, rings, gloves and what not 😉 This time I chose the super cool “No Mercy Rings” from [Since1975].  They combine some leather straps wrapped around your hands and as well unusual, kick ass rings and little gems on the fingernails. All are perfectly rigged for bento hands and react awesome to all kind of finger movement and posing. With the HUD you can decide what metal colors you would like to have and as well you can hide rinsg and gems single, to not have a perfect mirror on both hands. That I like a lot, as you usually never have all the same rings mirrored on each hand at the same time and I am anyways a lover of non symmetric things.

But now I will make my way back to the Fetish Fair again – since I have one week more to go – and see what neat accessories I can find for my next post 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit & Mask: E-Clipse Design (ED) – “Anu Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Camala” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Cosmopolitan

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Garter: .:Avanti:. – “Mina Garter” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Hand Accessories: [Since1975] – “No Mercy Rings” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Nailpolish: alme. – “Silver Lines Dark” (Maitreya Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Hair – “Oakes”

Hairbase: Mina – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier, comes with a hair style)

Makeup: ALMA – “Hela” (LeLutka Applier)


Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [Hipster Style] – “Black Tattoo” (Maitreya & LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Backdrop: anxiety – “%bedside” (Group Gift)

Poses: s26 – “Soraya” (Bento), Belle Poses – “Mi” & “Margery” (Bento) & Body Language “Fine Sand” (Bento)

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Silent Valentine?

You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. Of all the people you will know in the lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or lose.

[Jo Coudert]

Valentine flowers, Valentine cards, Valentine cookies, Valentine this and Valentine that… every where you go, you get it rubbed right in your face wether you like it or not…

But what is with those people who would like to avoid Valentine’s da?

Maybe someone lost a beloved person and does not want to get reminded?

Maybe someone had a bad experience on Valentine’s day and tries to forget?

Maybe some people believe, that Valentine’s day only was made for the retail and do not want to support that?

What ever reason people have, I think that everyone should be able to make their own decisions about if they want to celebrate Valentine’s day or not.

I do not need  a special day to tell those I love how much I love them and I would not just do that on one special day. If I want to make my partner a little present, I do that on any day and as often as I want during the year. Sometimes it is just a little thing, maybe candy or something I saw and thought he would like it,  just a gesture or maybe just spend some precious time together. I even think it is the many little things that really show how much you do love someone else and not a huge present on a special day, that you are told by the calendar.

That brought me to today’s post as I wanted to do something different for Valentine’s day, but as well keep the typical red color 😉

So many new events started and so many new amazing creations got released, I really had a hard time to decide what I would like to wear and use for todays pictures. I ended up with a huge mix and match for my look and as well for the set.

For the outfit I chose a combination of the new “Diana” outfit from [sYs] and a new lingerie from La Perla. You certainly can wear “Diana” without a lingerie underneath but I thought it does give a nice romantic contrast to do so 😉

The awesome bracelets and the very special mask, I found at ROMP. When I tried the “Blinded” mask from Cubic Cherry, it immediately added a very intensive feeling to the whole look. With the metal look and the shaped eye contour, it did remind me on that old Roman theater masks.

The head piece is an art piece itself. It was made by LouLou Teichmann, owner and designer of Bauhaus Movement, and with the amazing details and the super sweet look, it made the perfect contrast to the mask.

I would like to drag your attention onto the hair a little more. Recently I discovered a new hair store. I am super picky with hair, especially with the textures, but when I tried my first Sintiklia Hair I was totally amazed. Not only the textures are awesome, Sintiklia has an amazing way how they create their hair at the base. You do not really need a hairbase with the way they do their end parts that meet the head and there is NO alpha issues at all! On many of their hair styles, they even include a style HUD, so that you can change the look of it and get more than one style with your hair. With the “Salma” hair, that I found at ROMP, you get a style HUD that gives you the possibility of 4 different ways how you can wear your hair! And usually you find a mirrored possibility if you have wisps of hair coming down at the front. So often I was cursing when the pose was not cooperation with my hair and I wished I would have had such an option to just change the side of the wisps. As if that would not be already awesome enough, with many of the Sintiklia hair you will get – besides the usual color HUDs – a tint color picker add-on HUD. With that you even can work on the shades of a certain color to match it perfectly to your skin and as well your look! You really should try some of their demos and see for yourself – I only can highly recommend it!

Another part of my post, which I would like to spotlight a little bit, is the sweet looking ‘daybed’ – if you call those things like that. It is a little stool with sweet ribbons and cute ruffles, that comes with many different textures. On the first view you would never believe what is behind that “cute mask” if you do not realize the little metal rings that are added to all the ribbons! Maybe you will get rough idea, if I tell you that the “Boudoir Bondage Stool” was made by Dictatorshop… ok the name might discover something already as well :p

This sweet little furniture you might imagine in a sweet girls room until you sat on it – and if you are a dork like me you enabled your RLV before as it said something about RLV and capture yourself on it *facepalms* It has a full ‘Dictatorshop known’ engine for all kind of couples and solos and for some poses it does even rezz cuffs and chains! What I liked most, you can pose solo in a non kinky way as well as you can roleplay all kind of scenes with it – private ones, which I resisted making picture of :p You still can get it, if you get you an actual Bound Box with a lot of other goodies in it at the Bound Box HQ!

I hope you enjoyed my little ‘different’ interpretation of my personal Valentine today 😉

Happy Valentine’s for all who celebrate it and happy shopping!


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit: [sYs] – “Diane” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Kinky

Lingerie: {La Perla} – “Bela Ensemble” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Enchantment

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Kaliska” (Maitreya)

Mask: [Cubic Cherry] – “Blinded” – NEW @ ROMP

Headpiece: Bauhaus Movement – “Grimhilde Headpiece”

Necklace: [ abrasive ] – “Romance Necklace” – NEW @ Enchantment

Bracelets: NOIR – “Sophia Bracelets” – NEW @ ROMP

Rings: Meva – “Bento Maitreya Rings Gold” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Salma” – NEW @ ROMP

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4,1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: Redfish – “Beast Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier) – NEW @ Enchantment


Stool: Dictatorshop – “Boudoir Bondage Stool” – NEW @ Bound Box

Cage: Ama & Nais – “Box Cage” – NEW @ ROMP

Table & Deco: <Heart Homes> – “The Rose Silver Table” & “The Enchanted Rose Red” – NEW @ Enchantment

Wall Art: Atelier Visconti – “Vincent Wall Art”

Lamp: Trompe Loeil – “Wiggle Modern Light” (Gacha)

Chains: [Arch] Deco – “Box of Chains”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin




Wiccattitude with HelaMiyo!

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

When I saw HelaMiyo has a “Wiccattitude” pose set.. certainly I had to play with it and make some pictures 😉

If you like the more edgy and unusual poses  and as well love the option of a mirrored version of your pose… then you should take a closer look at HelaMiyo. I got one of my first picture pose set from HelaMiyo and since back then Miyoko Magic never disappointed with new and exciting pose sets!

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

It is always exciting and as well a huge honor if you have products named after you in Second Life, and when Miyoko Magic – owner and designer of HelaMiyo – even mentioned she thought about me when she was trying to find a name for her new pose set, I was completely blown away and certainly had to make a post about it 😉

Like I mentioned before, mostly we all use poses for each and every picture we do. We kinda see poses as matter of course and rarely think about all the work and effort each single pose needs to become real for SL. I often catch myself, to just use poses and not looking at the brand it was made from or even the name which sometimes as well says something about a pose set, for example a special purpose. That is why I made it as a task for myself for 2018 to have more pose centered posts or pose studies, to just do justice to all the amazing pose creators in Second Life, who make all our amazing pictures possible.

The “Wiccattitude” set is a very energetic one, which can be used in many different ways. You can even turn around the poses and use them laying or even 180° vertical twisted with many different angles to shoot from. Yes, I have to admit I love not just shooting but playing with poses as well, even if they are completely working out different as intended sometimes 😉

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

If you do a shooting focused on poses, the question of the clothing and accessories is not always easy as you want the most flexibility for all kind of movements. I love to use skin tight clothing and look for even those posts the most. This time I started with the boots. The stunning “Syberia” boots from UTOPIA@DESIGN. I have a love for overknee boots, but for many looks you can’t wear them especially if long mesh pants are involved. 99% the pants stick through the boots except if you wear applier pants.

Speaking of appliers, the awesome “Cozy Tights” I am wearing are from .:Avanti:. and I love the details she puts on her fabrics and designs as well as her awesome ideas for appliers.

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

The amazing outfit was made by Salt & Pepper. Originally the “Teisha” was released on We ♥ RP in December but I am sure you can find it in the main store now. I chose to go with the silver/black option for the outfit, that even includes the cool headpiece, that I used instead of wearing hair. On the HUD for the outfit you will find black and white for the shirt color and 5 different metals (black, silver, rose-gold, light gold and gold) for the body suit and the hair part. The outfit as well contains boots with those 5 color, which I did not wear for todays post.

Happy New Year 2018!

Pose: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit (incl. Headpiece): Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Teisha” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@DESIGN – “Syberia” (Maitreya)

Tights: .:Avanti:. – “Cozy Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Nails: >glyph< – “Apex” (Maitreya, Bento)

Necklace: Codex – “Charlotte”

Hair & Makeup:

Makeup: Zibska – “Araceli” & “Noir Pack 06” (Maitreya & Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Araceli” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattos:

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Poses & Props:

Poses: HelaMiyo – “Wiccattitude” set

Props: ChiC Buildings [Cb] – “SEA Jugs” & DRD – “Gold retreat wall art -reaching – “

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

I am a pants person but I am not a gown enemy!

Gowns – Usually something outside of my comfort zone!

Normally I am used to say, I am not that much of a gown person. Somehow that is true, but not because I do not like gowns! It is more the fact, that in SL you cannot do as much with gowns as you can do with mix and match outfits or pants outfits – styling wise and picture wise.

With a gown your poses are automatically very limited to something, that does not spread or move your legs too much. Sitting mostly does not work without damage on lower part of the mesh gown and in the past with flexies it was even worse, when all the prims were hanging through your body. So what is left… mainly standing poses if you do not just go for closeups or crops. To me that can become boring very fast as you have a lot of ambience in your picture or you just stand there in an amazing environment and look like as someone forgot to pick you up :p

The next limitation you have is the styling itself. Certainly you can play with several accessories, jewelry, shoes and hair but the gown itself you rarely can transition to something different that just the gown and not many gowns to allow you a style category change. Gowns usually are meant to be formal or maybe even goth but still somehow elegant. I do like twisting style categories and changing purposes of certain clothing and as well I am addicted to mix and match to create a new look for me, that does not look like the one I saw on the vendor.

Not because I have to be always different and unique, just because I want to get a connection to the clothing I am wearing, to make them my own.

Everyone has an idea about the character and avatar that they play. Some do like the beauty side, some like the more ordinary looks, or even do like the imperfection and some are just looking at things and get a vision for them together with their avatar. I never did limit myself to a certain category, I just went with the flow for every outfit I was given with free styling reigns. I am not siting here and have to force myself to get a different or certain look, mostly it just happens step by step with every item I add to it. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes dark, sometimes weird and sometimes just simple casual.

When I saw the amazing “Samal” gown from E-Clipse Design, I immediately had a vision for it. I saw a black gown, some funky accessories and color! Maybe even something color popping like I do remember it from the 80s ;). I first played with red and black, but for what ever reason it had to be a more striking color, something that does scream color at you – if that makes sense. I was trying some neon green and yellow before I stumbled over a teal shading. The “Tista” lipstick from Zibska did a lot to my color decision as well. I loved the two-toned stong colors so much and it was a headache to find accessories in the same tone. So I ended up to re-color our bento gloves from the “Joan” outfit, the “Oakes” hair from KoKoLoReS and my LeLutka hair base (thank god we have the tinting option!) to match the color of the lipstick.

The gown is a firework of texture/fabric combinations. You have a more cotton looking fabric for the straps, the amazing detailed lace for the waist part and then you get a satin impression for the bottom of the gown.

Maybe some will question the term ‘gown’ for this outfit now – I don’t.

It can be worn very elegant as well and if you are brave enough, you can wear it on a red carpet or to a dance event as well – Lady Gaga showed what can be called gowns and used like it 😉

It is always in the eye of the beholder how you define certain things but with the tight body part and the wider floating bottom it is a perfect gown to me 😉

The “Samal” gown and as well the awesome “Old Phone” glasses that I used for todays look, can be found on the ongoing Black Fair 2017 until the 20th or October. If you read this post afterwards I am sure you will find the designs in the main stores of the creators 😉

So after all I am not a gown enemy, I just need the right gown and the right mood to get a vision for style and pictures 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Gown: E-Clipse Design – “Samal” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Black Fair 2017

Gloves: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Joan” (Maitreya, Bento, part of the Joan outfit) – NEW @ The Black Fair 2017

Glasses: [Since1975] – “Old Phone Glasses” – NEW @ The Black Fair 2017

Necklace: Minimal – “Chelo”

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: KoKoLoReS – “Oakes”

Lipstick: Zibska – “Tista” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo:

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Poses & Props:

Poses: Foxcity

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin


Freak? – Beyond the Ordinary!

I got  wonderful present from my sister Daff – Those 2 awesome dragons!

The whole post and pictures turned out different from I first thought of it. Many times I was called freak and weirdo, but does that always have to be bad?

What does it mean to be a freak?

“In current usage, the word ‘freak’ is commonly used to refer to a person with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour.” does Wikipedia say.

If that just means different from the mainstream and as well a little crazy – I take the freak. Sadly to many ppl freak has some bad taste, probably because of the old sideshows, where people with genetic abnormality looks were showcased. That all usually was thought to scare people or as well to show them ‘creatures’ live among us. To me it is sad how some people react to such abnormal things, but probably that does belong to the fact, that many people being frightened by things they do never saw or do not know more about.

Maybe that as well applies to those who call me freak in a bitter and bad way. They are scared off things they did not see or do not understand, or they just have no fun in any life and have to make others miserable. For those I just feel pity. It must be horrible to wake up everyday and the only thing you can think off, is trash and bad mouth other people…

Those do not earn one minute of your thoughts, as their only intention is to make you feel sad. No word or argument can convince them to change their mind, because they are not looking for any serious facts 😉 Just don’t feed the troll and ignore them. Any word you will give them will be twisted and changed as long as it fits their own arguments – you can’t win, it is senseless and wasted time. You can use that time for so many other and more productive things 😉

I am not trying to be all different or force myself to not look ‘mainstream’ like. Sometimes it just happens when I style. I do not think about my styles too much. I just go and play with different accessories, clothing and makeup. Sometimes it does turn out freaky and sometimes not. For making pictures the more crazy looking ones are usually more interesting than just a sweet outfit on a random SL sim, but all have its right to exist and as well their certain purpose.

Secondlife to me is a place where you can express and do so many things that you either can’t do in RL OR that are just impossible by nature. We do not have dragons, or fantasy creatures and most of the time humans have no wings or hooves or what ever you can do in Secondlife.

I do enjoy the fantasy side a lot, as it gives you the room for creativity. I know some people enjoy the realistic side more and that is ok too. For me it always depends on my personal mood and emotions what I wanna go for when I start playing with my inventory.

To me Secondlife should have the freedom of doing what you enjoy no matter what as long as you do not hurt other people and their feelings. I do not want my Secondlife being a 100% mirror of my real life, because then there would be no reason to log in 😉 I love to experiment, to play Barbie with my pixels and dress them up to what ever I feel or want.

I was only playing around with them first, but the more I tested them the more I wanted to do something with them. The “Fierce Dragon Brother” are a gacha rare and they are animated! The move by themselves on default and in certain poses they even react to the movement. You need special bento poses, as the upper dragon uses the wing bones and the lower one reacts on the hind leg bones.

At 4Mesh I saw one of the new releases from Zibska. With the headpiece and the shoulder/chest part of the outfit, combined with the new “Fenris” dress from Moon Elixir, that I found at We♥RP it was the perfect outfit for the dragon brothers.

As much as I tried to make the whole style not be too dark – I guess Halloween is too close and I am way to excited for my favourite ‘season’ of the year – It became darker and darker with everything I added.

The dark “Lexa” eye makeup from IGOTIT and as well the “Blacktop” lipstick from Zibska just pulled it more into the darkness and so I gave in and just went with what it led to 😉

I loved the makeup, as it looks like a loosely painted black stripe over the eyes, lightly messy but as well somehow mysterious. The wonderful rings are bento enabled rings from MEVA. The “Victorian Bento Rings” come with a huge HUD. With the HUD you can hide single rings and as well can color all the gemstones separately. I really do like those options!

The sharp, long stiletto nails are made from Slackgirl. They do have a HUD as well and you can change the color of the nails AND as well the color of the little gems on the rings which are attached to them!

Enjoy YOUR Secondlife and do not let anyone tell you what you should do and what you should not. You are the one to make your desicions no matter what 🙂


Clothing & Accessories:

Dress: Moon Elixir – “Fenris” (Maitreya) – NEW @ We ♥ RP

Boots: Diamante – “Laced Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya)

Headpiece. Chest & Shoulderparts: Zibska – “Alured” – NEW @ 4Mesh

Armor: [LAB737] – “Berserker Female”

Rings: MEVA – “Victorian Bento Rings” (Maitreya)

Nails: Slackgirl – “RingQueen Nai” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Makeup: IGOTIT – “Lexa” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Blacktop” (Omega Applier)

Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Lights Out” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Aii the Ugly & Beautiful – “Fierce Dragon Brothers” (Gacha, Rare) – NEW @ Arcade

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Beware! – You never know who’s around…

Today I tried to do a different picture, but if you caught up in a theme, nothing else just wants to work… So we are back to the post apocalyptic style and probably have even one more over the next days. On 27th Thereafter closes and hopefully my mind can wrap around something else then at least for a while 😉

Today I built a little set on my own as I wanted to showcase some more of the amazing landscaping items, accessories, clothing and poses, that were made for the Thereafter event.

Today I would like to start with the poses. The whole set – including the pistols – was made as an exclusive release for Thereafter by Gingerfish Poses. The set is called “One Shot” set and to me they are perfectly matching the theme. I really do love the movement and action they have to it, a very strong attitude. You can use them for so many different angles and I am sure they would work without pistols and for a nother theme as well. All the poses are so well made I did not have to adjust my shape nor anything else and could use them right as they came. That is kinda rare, as I am usually to tall for most of the poses and have to adjust my normal shape a lot to make it fit the poses. Certainly the whole set is bento compatible if you already own bento hands. In my case it was the Maitreya hands and they worked perfectly with the poses.

The cool dress, which I totally fell in love with when I saw it the first time was designed by !go!. The “Zulu” dress comes in many different colors and with all the amazing details it is a little art piece itself. It is very well rigged as well, even with the poses, that really have some action to it did not break at all. Theis dress is definitely a must have if you like post apocapytic styles 🙂

On all four pictures, I mainly used items for my set, which are made exclusively for the Thereafter event and I will credit them all in the end so I do not confuse the hell out of you and make you going back and forth between the pictures.

With a closer look to my face you will see that wonderful forehead ornament. I used it in black but Cureless [+] has many more colors included in the HUD of the “Leonius Marking”. Combine with the “Apocalypse Paint” is an amazing makeup applier from Veechi. You have 4 different options of that amazing face-art on the applier HUD.

So many exclusives, that fell together to one style.. it is just awesome. The cool gas mask as well you can find on the Thereafter event from Cubic Cherry. It as well comes with a texture HUD and resizer so you can make it fit either to your system head or various mesh heads as well.

What as well jumped to my eyes was the amazing “Myla” hair from Mina. I anyways love shaved hairstyles but that one even comes with 2 versions of hairbases and the one with the cut lines i loved the most (On the fist picture you can see it very clear).

Even the earring, which sadly is covered by the shadow in the picture above is for sale at the event as a full set. The “Noxx” set contains earrings and a collar plus a neat HUD that lets you color the whole set in various gold and silver combinations.


Clothing & Accessories:

Dress: !go! – “Zule Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Thereafter

Shoes: Fame Femme – “Liana Boots” (Maitreya)

Mask: Cubic Cherry – “”After” – NEW @ Thereafter

Face Deco: Cureless[+] – “Leonius Marking” – NEW @ Thereafter

Stockings: Avi Candy – “Garter Socks – Neutral Collection” (Maitreya Applier)

Makeup & Hair:

Hair: Mina – “Myla” – NEW @ Thereafter

Makeup: Veechi – “Apocalypse Paint” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Shape: Selfmade

Tattoo: Identity. Body Shop – “Bitter Sorrow” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Poses: Gingerfish Poses – “One Shot” – NEW @ Thereafter

Fence: 7madRavens – ” Dystopia Rubble Fence” – NEW @ Thereafter

Buckets: *katat0nik* – “Bucket Helmets” (Gacha) – NEW @ Thereafter

Concrete Walls: 7madRavens – “Dystopia Rubble Wall 1 & 2” – NEW @ Thereafter

Warning Sign, Waterbarrels & Burning Trash: floorplan – “Survival Drinking Water, Safety Notice & Fire in a Barrel” – NEW @ Thereafter

Shelves: Second Spaces – “Supply Shelves” – NEW @ Thereafter

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Time to relax… now!


Today my post might be different as most of my other ones. I had a year full or work and joy, a year of stress and the most fun I ever could imagine.

About a year ago, in May 2016, an idea was growing inside my head. After seeing a wonderful musical, done by kids and adults of an amateur dramatic society not too far from my home, an old dream of mine came up again.

I always wanted to do a musical with mainly kids from a school I am working at. Until that time I never had the right people around me, or I was not allowed to do such a huge project as it would interrupt and interfere the normal school schedule too much and so many other reasons, which I do not even remember.

But this time it should be different.

I spoke to a very close friend of mine, that as well works at the same school and with me. She was at that musical I was talking about before as well and when I joked about, if we could not pull off something like that as well, she only answered “Why not?”. I told her about my weakness of organizing things and my strength of creativity, music and passion for musicals. She is like a soul mate for me or even the sister I never had, so I was totally honest about my fears. She only did listen and did not say a word until I was done talking and I already was scared that she would tell me I am crazy – Which would be no news :p

I was staring at her to wait for her reaction. She looked at me and said “If you are taking the responsibility for everything that has to do with music and dance and all the sound engineering stuffs, I can help organizing stuffs, help with reversals and costumes and as well I can do all the calculation with you”. I must have stared at her with an open mouth and she started to joke about it and asked me, if I did really listen to what she said.

I was speechless as I never would have expected such an amazing reaction. So all that was left – before proposing the idea to our school principal – was to find a musical, that could be done by kids and teens but as well would attract teens and adults as audience. We have kids from the age of 10 up to 18, so it should be something that catches all of them, plus it had to be something with cool costumes and many possibilities of accessories and styles. It took me about 4 weeks to find something that was affordable, would allow changes by me and as well sounded cool enough for the kids.

I found a muscial version of Dracula twisted for kids and young adults with a lot of humor and still the basic Dracula story in it. It was called “Dracula – the ultimate Grusical”. When I told my friend about it, she was all up for it immediately and already saw certain costumes and styles behind her inner eyes. Now the most difficult part was coming up… I had to propose the idea to our boss. He is a passionate musician himself, but as well he leads a school and so I was not sure what he would say about our idea.

His first question was, if I would be sure about all the work and effort and I told him, that I was part of a school musical 3 times before myself and that I am not exactly sure how much work it would be, but that I would know it would not be easy and as well a lot of unpaid extra hours, but the same time, that it would be a life time dream of mine and that I am not scared by a huge work load.

He said he would not have anything against the idea but all the other teachers would have a say as well, as some rehearsals would maybe go through some usual school times. When I entered the teachers room a few days later, I had really wonky knees as those folks who usually work with me, now would have the decision about my dream. Their reactions were amazing and they all told me I would have full support and even had ideas how we could connect the musical project with regular lessons and classes like making accessories and all the stage buildings in arts and have some parts of the text to work in the German language lessons. I was totally overwhelmed and more than happy.

After some mailing work with the publishing house of the musical, I got the text, the music, the songs and everything that we needed – by then it was July 2016, shortly before the long summer holidays. The holidays gave me enough time to adjust text and music according to some requests of our principal and as well to the roles for the kids. When school started again in September 2016 I was done with all this and as well had made a first choice of who would play certain roles. Now I just needed to ask the kids if they would agree and as well I needed my friends help for some more role assignments.

To make along story short, some kids did not like the idea and bailed out even 2 month after we started rehearsing and each of them nearly gave me a breakdown and I saw the whole project die more than once, but we always found a solution and  asked a few former pupils to take part as well. It was a very rough and exhausting year but I do not regret one second. It was a great time to know the kids way more than during a ‘norma’ school year and they all worked super hard. In May 2017, we got another shock 6 weeks before the premiere… Our Dr Van Helsing got a cruciate ligament rupture while playing beach volleyball and I again saw the whole project going down. But again there was an angel, who offered to help and a 16 years old guy stepped up and took over that major role.

14th of July 2017 – Premiere!

I have no idea how we made it and time seemed to fly in the last 3 weeks but we made it to rock the first show of 4 with a sold out house of 200 people in the audience. we are a small school and only have round about 120 kids and having a sold out premiere was more than I ever expected. The kids were super nervous, none of them had done such a huge project before. The musical is about 2 hours long and we added a little break of 30 min between the 1st and the 2nd act. 2,5 hours of high concentration, lots of text and singing. In the end we had about 70 kids involved with acting, speaking, singing on stage, a choir and the school band. All had costumes and makeups and we had amazing help from a few parents who helped with all that behind the scenes during the shows. During the break we had Dracula themed snacks, cakes, sweets and drinks, sold by the association, that supports all kind of our school activities.. it was so amazing really.

Now after the 4th and last show… I only can look back and I am so grateful for all the help and support we got. The kids grew on that project in an unbelievable way and already asked when we would do something like that again.

I probably do not have the power and strength to do something like this right again, but I did not say “Never” either 😉 We will see what the future brings 😉

Maybe now some of you do understand, why I was not blogging as much as I used to in the past months, or why I was not online that much in the past weeks… but that project really took a lot of me – not only time wise – but I do not regret even one second! But now it is time to RELAX – at least for a bit 😉


Outfit: PurpleMoon – “Oriana” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Eudora3D – “Nina” (Maitreya)

Hair with Hat: EMO-tions – “Paola”

Rings: MEVA – “Boho Bento Rings” (Maitreya)

Glasses: Earthstones – “The Yesterday”

Necklace: BEO – “Vanessa”

Nailpolish: Nailed It! – “Lace Set” (Maitreya Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Lami Lips” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Silence” (Maitreya Applier)

Vehicle: Atelier Visconti – “Paolino”

Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”

Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Whispers that I hear…

I can feel you here, watchin’ me
Whispers that I hear are haunting me
I can feel you here, watchin’ me
Whispers that I hear are haunting me
Feel it in the air…


Today I have an awesome gacha outfit from Salt & Pepper for you. The “Like a Prayer” gacha is available at the actual round of ROMP.

The gacha comes with so many different itmes and colors, I really had a hard time choosing the parts and colors for today’s look.

Usually a nun seems something well behaved and shiny, so I wanted to drag it over to something dark, since I am on a dark and scary mood at the moment*giggles*

I love how the habit moves with the poses and animations and with all the options you really can create looks from totally nice and proper to something uber sexy if you only use the harness for the body…

For the set, what else I could use as the “Abandoned Asylum” gacha from 22769. I do LOVE their creativity and love for the detail in all of their items. The gacha comes with so many different furniture and deco parts.. you can just decorate away with all of them and since they are usually modifiable, you can even reuse them in different sizes! The amazing spooky mannequins as well are a gacha but from Remarkable Oblivion. That was the most funniest gacha play I ever had. When I saw those mannequins on the Ironwood Hills sim, I instantly knew – I want them! So I went to the event where they were and was doing a happy dance when I saw they are all common items. Usually I am not a lucky person with gachas, that is one of the reasons I stopped playing most of the time. So I started to gamble aways after setting myself a limit and the first 3 pulls already all were 3 rares and I was like “What the hell??? Once I seriously want the commons – really???” No that I did not like the rares, they are amazing, but… seriously?!? – Just on a side note, I never ever was that lucky at any other gacha*laughs*

Thank god I found the missing mannequins for a reasonable price on marketplace, to complete my Spook Show :p

I do not wanna forget to mention, that all the amazing poses I used are from Poseidon.

I still have so many poses and props he made, that I would love to showcase, but that crazy genius guy seems to be on a release flood! Just kidding but it is really hard to follow up with the speed of his releases.. I sometimes really wonder if he ever sleeps*grins* But for this post they were just perfect again. Using his poses seems to me like getting a picture alive. They are so very well thought trough from the fingernails down to the toenails every limb does exactly what it has to, to create the perfect illusion of a movement in just one pose!

It was really great fun to do those pictures and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do 🙂


Outfit (Incl necklace): Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Like a Prayer” (Maitreya, Gacha) @ ROMP

Boots: BAX – “Regency Boots” (Maitreya)

Bra & Stockings: Blacklace – “Vivian” (Omega Applier)

Gloves: L’Emporio – “Lace Gloves” (Maitreya Applier)

Claws: MEVA – “Bento Claw” (Maitreya)

Makeup: Slackgirl – “RoseGem Shadow” (Omega Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005[greys]” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses: Poseidon

Set: 22769 – “Abandoned Asylum” (Gacha) & RO – “Spook Show” (Gacha)

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin



I love the night
I like it spooky
Werewolves and their bites
I like it spooky
Skeletons laughing at your fright
I like it spooky
A black witch in green light
I like it spooky

[God Module]


Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe -“Victoria” (Maitreya)

Lingerie: Blacklace – “Vivian” (Omega Applier)

Stockings: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes & Socks: Ducknipple – “Docs vs1” (Maitreya)

Chocker: Enfant Terrible – “Belle Collar”

Necklace: :Bamse: – “Mechanical Crow”

Glasses: Crie Style – “Houkusai”

Hair: no.match – “No.Risk”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: je suis… – “LeLutka Lips no. 005” (LeLutka Applier)

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Location: Arranmore

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sweet & Cute


A babydoll in black.. that sounded like a challenge for me*grins*

I really do have a cute side even if it mostly exists in the shadows 😉


The amazing “Brigitte” babydoll from AZUL, dragged out that sweet side and I really had fun doing something with it. “Brigitte” is a mix between flexible prims and as well mesh body appliers/body layers. The basic dress goes directly on your body weather you use your system avatar or one of the popular mesh bodies. AZUL offers appliers for Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, TMP and Omega. The cute bow and the amazing skirt prims are super flexible in a very natural way. I tried to catch the softness on the pictures but if you see them inworld they look even better!


Now how to style that sweet babydoll… Certainly I could have done a bedroom looking style but I really wanted to go different, since I did so many lingerie posts already lately :p.

I remembered the “Savage” legwraps from the last round of The Fantasy Collective. I wanted to use them so badly before and never found a matching look. When I put them on they immediately made a wonderful contrast to the cuteness of the babydoll.


So the dress and the leg wraps are really solid and already make a statement, but I still wanna use some accessories and as well shoes. They should all be somewhat filigree and so my choice fell on the “Elowen” set from Wicca’s Wardrobe. I only used the arm parts, the headpiece and the necklace. With the HUD I was able to match them to the golden parts of the leg wraps.

For the fingers I used some rings of my favourite prim rings and nail maker – Formanails. Ivi Bing offers amazing detailed jewelry for hands and nails.. I never found anything comparable somewhere else. All her accessories usually made for Maitreya, standard avatar and for the casual and elegant version of the Slink hands! The ones I used today are called “Simple Rings” and they were right the kind of rings I wanted, to not overload the whole look.


Last but not least the amazing sweet and curled hair I found with Tukinowaguma. The “Helga” hair style I liked so much because of all the wisps and curls as well as the pulled back part with the braids, so that not everything around the head down the shoulders is covered… if that makes sense (<< silly German here)

Overall I so had funny putting together my little fairy and I only needed to find a location for the pics. I remembered a sim, which I was shown by wonderful gentleman. Lakeside, recently even got revamped and is now even more romantic that before. With many hidden places and spots it is a miracle 🙂 Every time when I go there, I find new corners and new parts I never saw before. It is really worth a visit 🙂



Outfit: Azul – “Brigitte” (Applier + Mesh Prims)

Leg Wraps: Storybook – “Savage” (for Maitreya Lara only)

Jewelry, Shoes & Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Elowen (Gacha)

Hair: Tukinowaguma – “Helga B”

Rings: Formanails – “Rings Simple Maitreya Black”

Location: Lakeside
