Winter Dreams

Snow Art 1a

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

[Bing Crosby]

Snow Art 3a

Dreaming of a white Christmas… yes .. exactly that was what I was doing for the past days. I still did hope that at least a few snowflakes would show up for Christmas but… sadly not even a single one…

So I had to play with snow for the pictures 😉

First I wanted to dress up all in white, sometimes I like it when I can blend myself into the scenery or background as to me that usually makes it most dreamy and interesting.

I started with the “New Age” pants in white, I always liked those pants and the special shape of them. Then I added the “Orion” collar from [sys]. The collar covers the chest barley and if you move it shows more than I like 😉 So I had to search for something that I could use as a base to not distract too much but as well cover my body at least a little bit. I used the layer of the “Mummy Bride” of Ezura Xue. Just a few bandages around my chest and waist 😉

The shoes are from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Shenna” heels in white of the ‘Chic Edition’ pack. I already had a funky touch so I went for the amazing horns from Death Row Designs. The cool knee patches are part of an [sys] outfit called “Alcane”

Now I had to find a place with snow and after trying a lot of different sims which are just Christmas themed I found this wonderful little place. A wonderful landscape with a natural and realistic looking ambience. Sadly I forgot to LM the place and after hopping around so much I forgot how it was called *grumbles* But I will try to find it again and update the post then 😉

*UPDATE: Found the place again and it is called “Let it Snow”

I hope you all will have some wonderful, relaxed and peaceful days with the ones you love.

Merry Christmas!

Snow Art 4a

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “New Age Pants”

Top: [sys] – “Orion Collar” (part of an outfit)

‘Unterwear’: Ezura – “Mummy Bride” (part of an outfit, store not anymore existing)

Knee Parts: [sys] – “Alcane”

Bangles: Edelfabrik – “Bonfire” (part of an outfit)

Horns: DRD – “Darkforest”

Hair: Analog Dog – “Pipe Dream”

Face Tattoo: Nuuna – “Zion 2”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Twotone Makeup (silver warm-gray)”

Location: Let it Snow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Snow Art 2a

Atlantis – Inspired by [E.V.E] Studio

Aquarius 7

Today I would like to spotlight the [E.V.E] Studio. Owner and designer Noke Yuitza, always puts a lot of effort in her designs and she has a very special sense of art and design. Her creations always have a huge art aspect anyways what she creates. Today I would like to drag the focus on her contribution to the Fantasy Gacha Carnival event.

The whole set she created is inspired by the myth of Atlantis by Jules Verne’s book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The stong steampunk touch totally caught my heart from the very first moment when I tried the different parts of the set.

Aquarius 8

The whole “Atlantis Set” contains way more parts than those I used for today’s post.

For the pictures I decided to wear the Catsuit, the Ankle Boots and I combined the Wave hat with the Great Wave hat.

The whole set has materials enabled and reacts so wonderful to the windlight settings and surrounding lights. So for the best and most realistic look just activate the “Advanced Lighting Model ” in your viewer to enjoy the full beauty of the designs.

If you would like to see all the amazing parts of the set you can take a look at the [E.V.E] Studios blog:

Aquarius 5

To go more towards the Atlantis look I decided to add the “Eye Deco” from Elysium, which were made for the Cosmetics Fair. The cool geometric parts which are arranged like artistic lashes are the perfect match for the look.

For the makeup, I used a fe different ones from Nuuna. The blue “Litzi” stripes that go over the upper part of the face and the amazing “Ninja” in black wich covers the bottom half of the face.

Aquarius 3

I wanted to add some scales but more subtile than totally obvious. So I just used the “Dragoness Scales Black Overlay” from Talyia Tarber and for the body I got me the “Dragon Blue Scales” from [Even~Tides].

For the pictures first I wanted an under water scenery, but all that I tried did not really do what I had in mind and so I ended up at ChouChou, one of ma favourite sims for pictures. With  the wide field of water and all the artistic structures this place always inspires me even more 🙂

Aquarius 1


Outfit, Shoes & Head Piece: [E.V.E] Studio – “Atlantis” NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Eye Decor: Elysium – “Eye Deco Charcoal” – NEW @ The Cosmetic Fair

Makeup: Nuuna – “Ninja” & “Litzi”

Scales: [Even~Tides] – “Blue Dragon Scales”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Chibi”

Nails: Nailed It! – “The Style Icon Set”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

 Aquarius 4

The Crow – Dark & Strong

Miss Darcy 4

Today I have the great pleasure to showcase another hat for the Art in Hats 2015 charity. This time it is the contribution of Miss Darcy”.

The “Stillness” hat not only includes the hat, but as well a wonderful and sad dramatic looking face tattoo.

Miss Darcy 3

The “Stillness” hat looks like a tree branch coming out from your head and has sitting a little crow in it. Additional to that you have crows flying around your head too what brought me on the idea of todays look.

The face tattoo reminded me about 2 things. First of all about the old silent movies, where pantomimes were used or even about the pantomimes, that you can find out on the street in the big cities who entertain the people while they are shopping.

And for the second reason.. I am a child of the 80s and back then those sad clowns, called Pierrot, were very popular. I know that the general term is way older, but they kinda had a revival in the 80s in black & white. And the mask kinda reminded me of that as well.

Miss Darcy 1

When I was putting the hat and the makeup on, I looked at it more and more the Crow theme was growing in my head. Again and again black crows and dead trees were floating through my mind.

The dead tree totally called for something late fall winter looking in my opinion and I remembered the “Corvo” outfit from Zibska. The dark branches were right what I was looking for.

The outfit is made by Leezu and I just used the clothing layers for today. The kinda ripped off lately was the perfect base for the idea I had.

Miss Darcy 5

For the shoes I was thinking a long time what I should wear. Boots? … to heavy for the filigree look with the branches… heels? … to elegant…

While I was trying several different shoes, a gift came to my mind. I got this shoes as a special gift, to remember something while I would wear them. The shoes are not common shoes, they are just leather straps wich surround the foot  and the ankles and as a heel they just have one iron pin. I am sure, that those shoes are kinda painful to walk in and as well not very comfortable with poking constantly into the back of the heel *shudders* But since I did not have to walk a lot for the shooting.. it was worth a try :p The shoes kinda underlined the gothic character of the look as well as they were filigree enough to not overload the whole look.

Miss Darcy 6

With my addiction to tattoos, I certainly could not miss one of my favourite tattoos from White Widow 😉 . The “Cavage” tattoo is available on the We <3 RP event and it is a full body tattoo, which goes from the upper body,shoulders and arms down over the belly to the upper thigh of the right leg. That was perfect for the kinda ripped lately since the bare skin was covered by amazing ink then 🙂 The tattoo works for the normal avatar and as well for all popular mesh bodies.

Last but not least I added – to complement the shoes – I added a collar from Revolt ([R3]), called “Isobel” with some chains and buckles to bring back those accessories from the bottom to the top as well.

Miss Darcy 2


Outfit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”

Attachments: Zibska – “Corvus” (part of the outfit)

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Slavia Shoes”

Hat & Makeup: Miss Darcy – “Stillness” (Art in Hats 2015)

Collar: R3volt – “Isobel Collar”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Caravage” – NEW (We <3 RP)

Hair: no.match – “No.Why?” – NEW (On9)

Poses: Del May

Location: Digital Art – Cammino e Vivo Capovolto

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miss Darcy 7

Black Dreams with Circles

Art in Hats Valsnia 3

And again the styling started with a hat only…

This time it was one of the contributions of Valsnia for the Art in Hats event.

Art in Hats Valsnia 9

I was thinking a lot about that cool “Circles Hat” and how I could style it up. I tried various style categories and nothing wanted to look right. I wanted something strong and powerful, but still not too huge to hide the hat.

When I started fooling with the Scenery and all the amazing 22769 furniture an idea grew in my mind.

Art in Hats Valsnia 1

A few days ago, I got this amazing tight dress from KaS as a special gift, and I  thought about, if that could work for my idea…

The dress has many different options to wear, but the long tight skirt with the sleeved top, looked perfect for what I was going for.

With the high neck collar from Spacegirl, I was able to kinda bring the circles of the amazing hat back to the whole look.

Art in Hats Valsnia 5

First I tried all kinds of pumps and stilettos and as well over knee boots for the look, but all added a weird domme touch to the whole scenery and I did not want that at all.

So just went with simple not too high boots from Pixelfashion, wich looked right and perfect to the amazing furniture.

Overall this looked like a very modern set up and I really enjoyed doing this whole photo series 😉

 Art in Hats Valsnia 7


Hat: Valsnia – “Circles Hat” – NEW (Art in Hats 2015)

Dress: KaS – “Corset System Dress”

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Ultimate Boots”

Glasses: Meva – “Milan Sunglasses”

Hair: Mirone – “Becca”

Maleup: Nuuna’s – “Meta Gray” & “Zion 2 Black”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Red 3”

Sofa: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Somewhere beyond the sea Chaiselongue”

Table: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Black Side Table”

Lamp: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Brutus Lamp”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Art in Hats Valsnia 6

Halloween @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Avicula 2

Halloween… maybe my favourite time of the year 😉

The nights become darker and colder. The fog takes over in most of the evenings and bathes the ground in dense fog so that you get the imagination to walk over grey fogs. Very mysterious 🙂

Halloween in the US is way more popular than in Germany, but even over here we have some wild and crazy parties 😉

That gives us the freedom to go wild in SL too and design some crazy outfits for all those Halloween lovers and those who enjoy the season as much as I do 😉

Today I would like to showcase the “Avicularia” outfit, one of our original mesh designs for this years spooky season.

Avicula 5

The dress has high open front, and a long flowing back skirt. The gloves, all the spider attachments and the huge spider web in the back are part of the outfit. The gloves fit the regular avatar and as well we included Slink hands applier for all those who love their mesh Slink hands. To be honest I can’t live without them anymore.

The amazing “Myostola” headpiece is another new release at Wicca’s Wardrobe. The headpiece covers nearly the whole head and with the 2 horns it really makes a strong statement. The headpiece is available in 2 different versions. Once with and once without the spider web and the little spider between the horns. For each of the 3 colors you always will get 2 different pieces per box. with a vice versa color combination like black/grey and grey/black for example.

To complete the look we created the “Grammostola” necklace. The collar is inspired by a spiderweb as well and has one little spider sitting at the front left.

Avicula 4

To add some more to the look we tried to create some matching makeup too. I have to admit, it looked way more easy than it was and I do not see my future in that*giggles.

Anyways, for this outfit I tried to make a spiderweb for the right eye, an eyeliner and lipstick matching to the basic color of the dress.

Sometimes I get asked why some outfits would have such weird names…  so it was for the Avicularia, Myostola and Grammostola. Basically all those names are certain spiders of the bird spider family 😉 With the latin names it kinda sounded so scary and spooky, that I just loved it 😉

And now, I wanna go and find a cool place to hang out with my spooky scary look or maybe jump on one of my best friends, not to mention she suffers quite an arachnophobia*giggles evil*

Avicula 1


Outfit (incl. gloves, spider attachments & makeup): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Avicularia”

Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Myostola”

Necklace: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Grammostola”

Shoes: Pixelfashion – “Vanina”

Poses: Del May

Location: The Wall

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

 Avicula 3

Dark Tales – Part Two

Versus Magazine AW 2015 Dark Tale 1

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Bodysuit: LeeZu – “Liquid Latex”
Top: GizzA – “Fur Stole”
Sleeves: [AD] Creation – “Black Rook mesh sleeves”
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Renraku Pants”
Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cora Booties [Black]”
Earrings & Ring: SoliDea FoliEs – “Cube Earring”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Kandria Headpiece [Black]”
Hair: Baiastice – “Isis 2”
Face Makeup: Nuuna – “Lizi Black”
Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 13”
Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick [Red 3]”
Nails: Nailed It – “Dark Set”
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dark Tales – Part One

Versus Magazine AW 2015 Dark Tale 2

(Versus Magazine Autumn/Winter 2015:


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”
Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Lavinia Leggings”
Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire”
Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xeno Headpiece”
Bracelets: Formanails – “NIKOLAJ2”
Hair: LoQ Hair – “Shaved Hairbase – Blonde”
Makeup 1: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20”
Makeup 2: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 24”
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Tombstone Women”
Lashes: DAMNED – “Blossom Eyelashes”
Nails: Nailed It – “Cracked Set”
Pose: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Gemstones – THEMA Magazine – How to be an Obsidian?

THEMA Magazine - Obsidian Wicca Merlin 5

I again had the great pleasure to be one of the contributors for the THEMA Magazine. Taylor Wassep, owner and founder of that amazing magazine, always looks for different artists to make pictures for specific themes.

This time her idea was, to have gemstones as the basic inspiration. We could choose from a list of gemstones and certainly I wanted to have something with black. After i talked to Taylor we came across the Obsidian gem stone. That was exactly what I like and so I started to style something according to my gemstone.

THEMA Magazine - Obsidian Wicca Merlin 3

I already had an idea in mind for my set. According to that I needed to find something, that would let me sit and do some crazy poses without breaking the whole outfit.

So I started with the “Couture Leggings” from Maitreya. For the top I found an old corset from E-Clipse called “LaDominante”. That made a great base for some editorial pictures and poses.

To underline the Obsidian character, I wanted to bring in some lighter spots, since the gemstone itself as well has some lighter reflections.

So I took out the helm from the “Bellatrix” outfit  and as well the chest piece of the “Plaisance Deux” outfit, both from Zibska, and completed my look.

For the set… I wanted to have a jewelry box and the first idea was to make myself the gemstone of a ring in that box… it did not work out that way, so I tried to place myself beside the ring in the ringbox which I liked a lot more 😉

To see all the amazing pictures of the last THEMA issue please see the full magazine @

THEMA Magazine - Obsidian Wicca Merlin 1


Pants: Maitreya – “Couture Leggings”

Top: E-Clipse – “LaDominante”(part of the outfit)

Gloves: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Avicularia Gloves”(part of the outfit)

Belt: Armidi Gisaci – “Au Di Leather Belt” (store not anymore existing)

Accessories: Zibska – “Plaisance Deux” (part of the outfit)

Helmet: Zibska – “Bellatrix Helm” (part of the outfit)

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Zion 2 Black” & Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Lipstick: L.Fauna – “Lipstick Black”

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Circus! – Faster Pussycat meets Machoire

Circus 1

I have no clue how this idea was born…

That was one of the moments when you go over your wardrobe and try to find some inspiration 😉

I wanted to do something special for the new “Ganta Heels” from Machoire.

The heels are not only shoes, they are an art piece, so they needed something extraordinary. What could be for such an idea the something from Faster Pussycat!

I saw the “Hydra” outfit during the popstars show at the 24 event last weekend and fell immediately in love with it, A corset paired with a two-part harness and those exciting, wild horn parts covering the waits and chest. There is as well a headpiece matching to them, which I did not use for today’s pictures.

Circus 2

The beautiful and strong-looking tattoo is one of the newest releases from White Widow.  Julie Hastings made this one as her contribution to the ‘anyBODY – for applier lovers‘ event.

The while look had kinda a burlesque or even vintage circus feeling and so I was trying to make some pictures in that direction. The poses certainly had to be different for that too as I wanted to highlight the whole look. It is not always easy to drag the focus on shoes if you want to showcase the outfit as well 😉

The amazing, cool hair was made by Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions.

I have a weakness for circus themes anyways especially the more vintage ones, so this pictures really were a lot of fun 🙂

Circus 3


Outfit: Faster Pussycat – “Hydra”

Shoes: Machoire – “Ganta Heels” – NEW

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Focus” – NEW (@ anyBODY)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Alicia”

Nail Polish: Nailed It! – “Diva Set”

Mesh Body, Hands & Feet: Slink

Poses: .Infiniti. – “Contort”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin