Silent Hill… inspired by a movie!

Asteria 3

Yes, I have an addiction to mystic, dark things, especially for abandoned asylums at night. The imagination has no boundaries with those ๐Ÿ˜‰

This time I got the idea, when I saw the “Spook Show Mannequins” from Remarkable Oblivion. It was a gacha at an event, and when I saw them… I did instantly know.. I need those :p

I am not a huge gacha player but those I really wanted and since they were commons, I thought I could give it a try. Guess what… certainly if I do not play for the rares once.. I get some*facepalms*

But since they were nice as well it did not bother me too much *grins*. I am sure I can use them for another post as well.

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As soon as I was at home, I unpacked them and put them down in a random way and just looked at them. After some time, they spoke to me and I got a basic idea about what I would love to do.

Most of you know I love antithetical scenarios and pictures. And when I looked at those Mannequins, I got the idea to combine them with some sexy and colorful lingerie ๐Ÿ˜‰

I decided to go with one of the newer releases from Asteria, the “Nika” lingerie. With the choice of different colors the deep red combined with some black accepts like the straps on the legs it was kinda a mix of different color sets ๐Ÿ˜‰

More and more the basic idea did grow in my head… Maybe you saw the Silent Hill movie… the idea I had when I unpacked them kinda was inspired by a scene of that movie. The one with the blind creepy nurses, which are attracted by the light and react on noises – they have no eyes, no face and kinda being anonymous. When I built my set with the new Mannequins I had this in mind the whole time :p .

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The necklace I pulled out from another outfit of Asteria called “Capretto”. With the sharp edges and the funky shape it just was a perfect addition for jewelry in a dark and grungy way ๐Ÿ˜‰

The shoes I got from Empire. I wanted something boots like but not as solid as boots and the “Bottlebrush” heels from Empire were just what I was looking for. With a pump style for the foot part and amazing lines up till over the knee. Boots but no boots! *snickers*

The cool horns I found on Marketplace. Made by CerberusXing ([CX]) – originally for a gacha – those horns are awesome detailed and somewhat special and unique in the way they come down in the front.

Now to come back to my originally idea of the blind nurses, I needed something for my head/face to get the idea of a blind kinda anonymous look. First I remembered a hood from !!XX!!. It is quite old, and I only used the lower part, but for the idea it worked perfectly ๐Ÿ˜‰ For the upper part I just put a simple blindfold.

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Now just a coll set was missing. I stared at the Mannequins, which I just rezzed into my white studio. I remembered the movie scene and the abandoned asylum surgery room. To make sure, I just poked you tube about the nurse scenes of both movies :p

While I watched them, I thought of a gacha set from 22769, that just should be perfect. Now the difficult part… Since I did not recall the name of that set and an inventory of nearly 200K of items… go figure…

I tried several keywords and when I typed ‘Asylum’ something from 22769 showed up – BINGO!

The whole gacha set is called “Abandoned Asylum” [*facepalms*… I should have known that much…). It contains many different items, furniture and deco parts and even a full Asylum house is part of it as the mystical prize! I rezzed out a few things and played with them until everything fell together for the whole set ๐Ÿ™‚

I had a lot of fun doing those pictures and the whole process of finding all parts I needed for my idea, just reminded me aboutย  why I love blogging and making pictures so much… the fun and joy of being creative and use all kind of things even if they do not belong together on the first view ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Lingerie: Asteria – “Nika”

Shoes: Empire – “Bottlebrush”

Necklace: Asteria – “Capretto”

Blindfold: Yasum – “Blindfold”

Headpiece 1: [CX] – “Decaying Horn Dark”

Headpiece 2: !!XX!! – “Hunters Headdress” (store not existing anymore)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Nerve”

Hair:: EMO-tions – “Artemisa”

Wings: 22769 – “Pygar Wings”

Mannequins: RO – “Spook Show” (Gacha, commons)

Furniture: 22769 – “Abandoned Asylum”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Asteria 5

LOTD 08/24/2016 – Nautical Vintage Mood

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Nautical themed pin ups in a retro looking, vintage way always was something that I liked a lot.

When I unpacked the new “Michelle” outfit from Asteria, I immediately got the idea, to try something in that direction, even if the outfit looked modern and not very retro like on the first view.

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The outfit contains shorts, a small, sporty looking belly free top and the great knitted pullover over the shoulders. The shorts have a cute detail at the backside. One side is kinda ripped with a hole right at the butt, while the bottom seams of the shorts, as well look like used and just cut with all the small frills hanging down loosely.

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I tried to pull the whole outfit towards my retro idea and so I added some semi sheer tights from Izzie’s and the awesome over knee boots from [MODA]. With the stripes on the pullover and the stockings I already got the feeling of the whole look and wanted some of the amazing vintage looking sunglasses, which I found at Glamistry.

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Usually the 50s are known for colorful tattoos, but iI never was a huge friend of those and so I took one of the newest releases from my favourite tattoo designer Julie Hastings. The “Allied” tattoo from White~widow is available at the Fetish Fair 2016 in black, red and white.

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For the hair, I chose one of the newest EMO-tions hair called “Talon” the neat one-sided braid you will find at the actual round of Shiny Shabby. with the one side coming down in the front it did not interfere too much with the loose pullover sleeves over my shoulder ;).

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Now usually the most hardest part.. finding a location which was stuck in my imagination… I wanted a harbour, not too crowded but not totally empty. I prefer mesh nowadays since it reacts so much more nice on windlights and as well looks way more up to date than buildings from 2008 ๐Ÿ˜‰ I went to the destination guide of SL as they usually have nice locations there which are very photogenic. After some sim hopping I found the “West of the Rain” sim. When I landed, I immediately found myself standing at a harbour what seemed like coincidence ๐Ÿ™‚ I waited a few seconds to rez and when I looked around, I knew I was in the right place. The amazing ship right in the harbour, the other a little out and the wonderful little building caught my heart and I spent quite some times snapping way too many pics. Again I had a hard choice, to choose which ones should end up in the post. Every time I try to convince myself, that 2 to 3 pictures would be enough and still I end up with 5 to 8 *hides*

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Outfit: Asteria – Michelle” – NEW

Shoes: [MODA] – “Erica”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Talon” – NEW @ Shiny Shabby

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Allied” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Necklace: Codex – “Spellwhip” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Sunglasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”

Poses: EverGlow

Location: West of the Rain

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Ninja 3

Kunoichi s a modern term for a female ninja or practitioner of ninjutsu (ninpo).

The term is thought to derive from the names of characters that resemble the three strokes in the kanji character for woman (ๅฅณ onna); said in the order they are written: ku (ใ) – no (ใƒŽ) – ichi (ไธ€). Early literary quotes include Enshลซ Senkuzuke Narabini Hyakuin (้ ่ˆŸๅƒๅฅ้™„ๅนถ็™พ้Ÿต?) (1680) as well as Maekuzukeshลซ (ๅ‰ๅฅไป˜้›†?) (1716), which specifically associates the word with the kanji ๅฅณ supporting the etymology. The “ใใƒŽไธ€” writing requires the use of one character from each Japanese character set – first hiragana, then katakana, then kanji. While hiragana and kanji can exist in the same word, katakana generally cannot appear in conjunction with the others. There are exceptions to this, for example in “ใ‚ดใƒŸ็ฎฑ” and “ๆถˆใ—ใ‚ดใƒ ”.

Female ninja are mentioned in Bansenshukai, a 17th-century Japanese book compiling the knowledge of the clans in the Iga and Kลga regions devoted to the training of ninja. According to this document, the primary function of female ninja was espionage, finding legitimate service positions in the households of enemies, to accumulate knowledge by gaining trust or overhearing conversations. One historically accepted example of this is Mochizuki Chiyome, the 16th century noblewoman with ninja roots who was tasked by the warlord Takeda Shingen with recruiting women to create a secret network of a few hundred female spies.


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Sometimes if you just put on one item, you immediately get an idea what you want to do with it… I am sure all of you had that happen at least once. Something like this happened to me when I put on the “Isis” collar and skirt from [sys].

When I put it on, I immediately had the vision of a ninja/asian inspired look. I remembered the awesome “Mei” hair from EMO-tions – that was sold on the south-asia inspired round of On9 – which I decorated with the cool “Albedo Horns” from Ayashi.

To cover my chest, since the feathers of “Isis” collar did not reach down far enough, I used the “Tigress Top” from Apple May Design. As it is a mesh body applier it fit perfectly under the feathers. Certainly a tattoo cannot miss when I style something like this :p This time I wanted something special and so the silver “Genius” tattoo from White Widow was the perfect match. I never made a secret out of it, that White Widow is my favourite tattoo brand… did I? *grins*

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I thought a little bit until I got the idea… but certainly a warrior needs some armor ๐Ÿ˜‰ At least some that looks great for the pictures*giggles*

[LAB737] makes the most amazing armor parts I ever saw. So detailed and as well used looking makes them very realistic and I could not resist to add parts of the “Dragoon” armor to my left arm.

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Now the most complicated to get good pictures – I needed a good Katana and as well cool poses which did not just look like fighting. Certainly I could have sat hours and hours and make me some but then… still the good Katana would be missing since I just had som super old prim ones who kinda looked disgusting for nowadays standard. So I did what I usually do when I am looking for something special… I went to SL Marketplace ๐Ÿ™‚

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I found a very little store, with just a few items for sale on MP and instantly fell in love with the “Katana Pose Collection”. A whole set with many variations of 10 different poses and 2 amazing handcrafted Katanas. Even more I was surprised that they were made for a female warrior, so exactly what I wanted. The poses do look more show or performance like than, fighting itself and so they were the perfect animations for the pictures.

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First I tried to build me a photo set, but soon I realized – I do not have the right items nor the knowledge of buildings and sceneries, that would suit the ideas and satisfy the styling. I jumped into the SL search and looked for places with key words like: japanese, warrior, ninja, katana and many more until I found “Kowloon”, a little island, which was empty when I arrived but the buildings and the garden was incredible beautiful. While I was shooting, the sim filled up more and more, but I did not see anyone around me and I became curious. I started to cam around, to spy silently, when I found an arena with a hell of a lot people who had begun a fight. I was so excited to see that, to see them fighting with Katanas and all kind of asian weapons, that I stopped shooting for a bit and just watched without disturbing them. I had so much fun watching them, that I nearly forgot to finish my shooting. It was an amazing afternoon and as well a lot of fun and I enjoyed the trip to a past time, that is totally new to me.

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Outfit: [sys] – “Isis”

Top: Apple May – “Tigress Top” (mesh body applier)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Mei”

Horns: Ayashi – “Albedo Horns”

Armor: [LAB737] – “Dragoon”

Shoes: [MODA] – “Erica”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Genius”

Makeup: Madrid Solo – “Raven’s Fight”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Poses & Katana: [Quixotica] – “Katana Pose Collection”

Location: Kowloon

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Ninja 8

Indian Spirit or Ethnic Hippy?

PurpleMoon 1

Sometimes playing with colors can be so much fun. If it is with designs and creations from designers you adore and respect highly it is even more fun ๐Ÿ˜‰

Today my main focus shall be on the amazing furniture and decor from 22769 and the awesome designs of Poulet Koenkamp from PurpleMoon.

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The new “Wanda” outfit immediately caught my attention after I unpacked it. It is the exact perfect outfit for the hot days at the moment. With the short asymmetric skirt and the amazing ornamented top with these delicate cut outs that awesome outfit pushed me towards a more alternative, ethnic, hippy looking style. That as well brought me on the first idea… to add the “Nazca” hair feathers from Indyra ๐Ÿ˜‰

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When I was looking more through all the goodies I got lately, I stumbled over an amazing tattoo from White Widow. I always adored Julie Hastings for her skills to make such delicate and filigree tattoos, which appear so sharp on all of the bodies, that you can see every tiny, little line and dot. The “Shallows” tattoo was originally designed for the Epiphany event but I am sure you can find this amazing gacha now at the White Widow main store ๐Ÿ˜‰ The awesome glasses are made by Glamistry. They come with a huge HUD to customize many different parts of the glasses – plastic and metals.

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The mega amazing jewelry as well was made by PurpleMoon. The “Imani” set is available at the actual round of Chapter 4. It comes with different color palette HUDs you can choose from. A well you can choose from different versions of the necklace and different combinations or even the full set. The set as well contains awesome earrings which I left out for this post because of the amazing “Loni” hair from Truth, that anyways covers the ears so you would not even see them. To not cover up the wonderful tattoo I needed some very special shoes. I wanted boots, but boots would have covered up too much. So I went with the “Botttlebrush” heels from Empire. With the thin laces they made the perfect compromise of boots and sandals I could find ๐Ÿ˜‰

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For the scenery, I chose various items from 22769. I always adored Manuel and Paco, their genius ideas for all kind of furniture and as well their skills to create those detailed and so realistic looking designs. The super cute sofas are called “Beatle Chair” as the backside of them is made like those very popular cars (I will have another post showing them properly soon). The awesome wall flag, the neat, colored cupboard as well as the flowers and the lamp come from a new gacha machine, which is located at the actual round of the Gacha Garden and the very detailed shisha was part of a great beach set for Indie Teepee. Creating scenes with items from 22769 always is so much fun that I tend to overload the background as so many things would fit so perfect ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Outfit: PurpleMoon – “Wanda” – NEW @ SWANK

Jewelry: PurpleMoon – “Imani” – NEW @ Chapter 4

Shoes: Empire – “Bottlebrush”

Head Jewelry: Indyra – “Nazca Hair Feather Charm”

Hair: Truth – “Loni”

Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2002”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Shallows”

Sofas: 22769 – “Beatle Chair” – NEW @ Liaison Collaborative

Shisha: 22769 – “Hookah”

Cupboard, Lamp, Wallposters & Flowerpot: 22769 – “Moroccan Love Affair” – NEW @ The Gacha Garden

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

PurpleMoon 4

Enoying my first few days of my Vacation with [sys] ;)

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Finally my summer holidays are here – YEAH! Yes, teachers desire vacation as much as students *grins*

6 weeks of mot getting up to early and living my true nature as a night owl again :p

It really does feel nice, if you actually can spend time and just roam around instead of just having 2 to 3 hours to create and work in SecondLife. First I started to unpack a lot of boxes, which came too short over the past few weeks because of the final exams at school and all the events that come for the end of year of school.ย  My first box already had something very cool in it… the new “Ride” outfit from [sys]. The whole outfit contains a bra, shirt, shorts and a wrapped shirt around your waist. There are different color combinations available but each one comes with a HUD to customize it a little more. You get 2 options per HUD for each part.

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While I was opening all those boxes that got to me over the last couple of weeks I found one goodie after another, what means, there will be a lot of posts over the next few days o guess ;). Another amazing item, which perfectly matched the “Ride” outfit from [sys.], was the “Equals” tattoo from White Widow. That awesome art piece covers the arms all the way down with flowers in wonderful shadings. Now certainly I needed some cool glasses, which I found at Haysuriza – A place I really love to go if I need some cool, more urban casual looking glasses ;).

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The totally awesome hair I am using, certainly comes from one of my favourite hair designers in SL… EMO-tions ๐Ÿ˜‰ The “Bernadette” hair does have the perfect touch of smart, urban and casual as well as a lightly rebel look, that I love so much for my more private and urban looking looks ๐Ÿ™‚ And now for the jewelry… I know Pris will kill me again – like she always does if I am wearing something “old” that might be not any longer available – but old does not automatically mean bad in my opinion. Sometimes, designs, creations or items do never get old. The look and the skills used to handcrafted them can make them long time goodies. Certainly sometimes weird moving flexies from 2008 might appear old but as well if you take a look at the nowadays designers who use flexible prims again to mix them with new mesh creations… they change in their look and as well improved in their movements. Sometimes it has even a huge plus and adds some kind of uniqueness if you use some of your long time favorites, as they just might add the little extra on your look. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying keep all your old items… but sometimes a few are worth it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Saying that, my jewelry for today comes from YS&YS and has quite some years on it’s back in my inventory ๐Ÿ˜‰ The “NEW Silver” set with a part flexible earing and the wonderful necklace just made the perfect addition for the look.

In the end I really do believe in a good mixture of new and older items to finalize a look. sometimes those old items even bring back some great memories to a show yu walked, a shooting you had or even from who you got them. With all our run on new releases, do not forget about some things, that might appear old on the first view.. on a second view they can quiet be nice *winks*

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ย Outfit: [sys] – “Ride” – NEW @ TLC

Shoes: J’s – “Studded Long Boots”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Bernadette”

Jewelry: YS&YS – “New Silver”

Glasses: Haysuriza – “London”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Equals”

Poses: Corpus

Location: Crestwick

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Afternoon of a Faun

Faun 1

The Afternoon of a Faun

These nymphs that I would perpetuate:

so clear

And light, their carnation, that it floats in the air

Heavy with leafy slumbers.

Did I love a dream?

My doubt, night’s ancient hoard, pursues its theme

In branching labyrinths, which being still

The veritable woods themselves, alas, reveal

My triumph as the ideal fault of roses.

Faun 5


whether the women of your glosses

Are phantoms of your fabulous desires!

Faun, the illusion flees from the cold, blue eyes

Of the chaster nymph like a fountain gushing tears:

But the other, all in sighs, you say, compares

To a hot wind through your fleece that blows at noon?

No! through the motionless and weary swoon

Of stifling heat that suffocates the morning,

Save from my flute, no waters murmuring

In harmony flow out into the groves;

And the only wind on the horizon no ripple moves,

Exhaled from my twin pipes and swift to drain

The melody in arid drifts of rain,

Is the visible, serene and fictive air

Of inspiration rising as if in prayer.

Relate, Sicilian shores, whose tranquil fens

My vanity disturbs as do the suns,

Silent beneath the brilliant flowers of flame:

“That cutting hollow reeds my art would tame,

I saw far off, against the glaucous gold

Of foliage twined to where the springs run cold,

An animal whiteness languorously swaying;

To the slow prelude that the pipes were playing,

This flight of swans โ€” no! naiads โ€” rose in a shower

Of spray…”

Faun 6

Day burns inert in the tawny hour

And excess of hymen is escaped away โ€”

Without a sign, from one pined for the primal A:

And so, beneath a flood of antique light,

As innocent as are the lilies white,

To my first ardours I wake alone.

Besides sweet nothings by their lips made known,

Kisses that only mark their perfidy,

My chest reveals an unsolved mystery…

The toothmarks of some strange, majestic creature:

Enough! Arcana such as these disclose their nature

Only through vast twin reeds played to the skies,

That, turning to music all that clouds the eyes,

Dream, in a long solo, that we amused

The beauty all around us by confused

Equations with our credulous melody;

Faun 7

And dream that the song can make love soar so high

That, purged of all ordinary fantasies

Of back or breast โ€” incessant shapes that rise

In blindness โ€” it distils sonorities

From every empty and monotonous line.

Then, instrument of flights, Syrinx malign,

At lakes where you attend me, bloom once more!

Long shall my discourse from the echoing shore

Depict those goddesses: by masquerades,

I’ll strip the veils that sanctify their shades;

And when I’ve sucked the brightness out of grapes,

To quell the flood of sorrow that escapes,

I’ll lift the empty cluster to the sky,

Avidly drunk till evening has drawn nigh,

And blow in laughter through the luminous skins.

Faun 4

Let us inflate our MEMORIES, O nymphs.

“Piercing the reeds, my darting eyes transfix,

Plunged in the cooling waves, immortal necks,

And cries of fury echo through the air;

Splendid cascades of tresses disappear

In shimmering jewels. Pursuing them, I find

There, at my feet, two sleepers intertwined,

Bruised in the languor of duality,

Their arms about each other heedlessly.

I bear them, still entangled, to a height

Where frivolous shadow never mocks the light

And dying roses yield the sun their scent,

That with the day our passions might be spent.”

I adore you, wrath of virgins-fierce delight

Of the sacred burden’s writhing naked flight

From the fiery lightning of my lips that flash

With the secret terror of the thirsting flesh:

From the cruel one’s feet to the heart of the shy,

Whom innocence abandons suddenly,

Watered in frenzied or less woeful tears.

Faun 3

“Gay with the conquest of those traitorous fears,

I sinned when I divided the dishevelled

Tuft of kisses that the gods had ravelled.

For hardly had I hidden an ardent moan

Deep in the joyous recesses of one

(Holding by a finger, that her swanlike pallor

From her sister’s passion might be tinged with colour,

The little one, unblushingly demure),

When from my arms, loosened by death obscure,

This prey, ungrateful to the end, breaks free,

Spurning the sobs that still transported me.”

Others will lead me on to happiness,

Their tresses knotted round my horns, I guess.

You know, my passion, that crimson with ripe seeds,

Pomegranates burst in a murmur of bees,

And that our blood, seized by each passing form,

Flows toward desire’s everlasting swarm.

In the time when the forest turns ashen and gold

And the summer’s demise in the leaves is extolled,

Etna! when Venus visits her retreat,

Treading your lava with innocent feet,

Though a sad sleep thunders and the flame burns cold.

Faun 8

I hold the queen!

Sure punishment…

No, but the soul,

Weighed down by the body, wordless, struck dumb,

To noon’s proud silence must at last succumb:

And so, let me sleep, oblivious of sin,

Stretched out on the thirsty sand, drinking in

The bountiful rays of the wine-growing star!

Couple, farewell; I’ll see the shade that now you are.

[by Stephen Mallarme

Translated from French by Henry Weinfeld and Mark Ebden]

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Pants: [sys] – “Comox Pants” – NEW @ Gen Neutral

Top: [sys] – “Rio t-Shirt”

Shoes: GizzA – “Combat Boots & Socks”

Armor: [LAB737] – “Ram Armor”

Horns: Wasabi Pills – “Inferno Horns”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Amare”

Face Decor: The Forge – “Face Chain”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Criminal”

Makeup: +Nuuna+ – “Ere Makeup” & ” Hlaftone”

Location: Crest of Vrek’mar

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


GizzA teams up with Glamisty for Peony!

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A collaboration between designers is always exciting to me, as it brings out new and different sides of each of them or even pairs their best skills and abilities.

The last fact happened in my view on the latest collaboration ofย  GizzA & Glamisty.

Both designers have amazing skills when it comes to designing and texturing. The “Peony” outfit and heels show how incredible amazing such a collaboration can be. The outfit – made by GizzA – itself comes in several colors. Originally there is one color for top and pants but I decided to mix 2 of them together since I anyways have a weakness for black and red combinations ๐Ÿ˜‰

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The top is a very summer looking top with a great leather texture. I the front you have high closed tight shape, which closes together right at the neck.ย  That leaves a very sexy back with much skin and only covered by 3 lines, that close around the front again, which hold the top in place ๐Ÿ˜‰

The pants do have an amazing, aerial floating back piece to them. The sheer part is perfectly rigged to the legs and will follow your legs with every step. The “Peony” pants are 3/4 pants (or sometimes called capri pants) and let enough room for the amazing “Peony” heels from Glamistry.

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Glamistry is one of the most popular shoe designers these days. And if you take a look at their designs you will know why ๐Ÿ˜‰

I rarely saw shoes, that are so detailed and realistic, as the Glamistry ones. They always release up to date creations and offer an amazing color system for customers. Usually you buy one color but you are able to add more colors on your HUD by just buying another color. That means you do not buy another pair of shoes, you just add another color on your HUD. That is a very inventory friendly system to have a lot of colors for each shoe!

For the “Peony Heels”, Glamistry certainly made the perfect matching colors to the “Peony Outfit” from GizzA. You have the possibility to color several parts of the shoes in a different color. The shoes itself have 2 parts like you can see on the picture above, I colored them black and red. Then you are able as well to choose for metals, heels and sole, to make sure you have the best combination for your look. To me that makes those shoes very versatile and perfect for any kind of styling ๐Ÿ™‚

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The incredible tattoo was made by my favourite tattoo designer and friend, Julie Hastings. She made the “Charade” tatoo for the actual round of the Epiphany gacha event.

The cute hairstyle, together with the hat, comes from Ayashi and the amazing bracelet was made by Asteria for one of the past round of the Enchantment event, if I remember correctly.

Since I have an addiction to piercings as well and rarely can use them usually, I could not resist to add the little “Dark Queen Septum” ๐Ÿ˜‰

The cool walls you can see behind me, are from E.V.E. Studio. I used several copies and resized them to build a surrounding for my today’s pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Outfit: GizzA – “Peony Outfit” – NEW

Heels: Glamistry – “Peony Heels” – NEW

Hair & Hat: Ayashi – “Rin”

Necklace: Mandala – “Hannya”

Bracelets: Astralia – “Amarantha”

Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose”

Piercing: **RE** – “Dark Queen Septum”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Charade” – NEW @ Epiphany (Gacha)

Scene: E.V.E. Studio – “Dystopia Room Divider”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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LOTD 03/20/2016 – Springtime!

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Today we had such a wonderful weather – I really got spring feelings!

Driven by those sun touched feelings, I went to my inventory and put on the “Caline” outfit from [sys]. The outfit was made for the Shiny Shabby event and with the shorts and the amazing stylish top, it gives a perfect ‘in between the seasons’ look.

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The “Caline” outfit comes in the standard sizes as well as fitted for nearly all popular mesh bodies. I was wearing it with my Slink Physique mesh body and it worked perfectly.

For the shoes my decision fell on the “Gypsy Boots” from Wicca’s Wardrobe. With the loosely style and the used look to me they did underline the casual look. The lace in the back and the amazing lines that surround the ankles give a very smart touch and as well underline the casual feeling.

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For the accessories, I wanted to add a bag. The “Charley” bag of [sys] was one of the cutest bags i got lately and so the choice was not a hard one ๐Ÿ™‚ The bag comes in a rigged and unrigged version.

The amazing glasses were made by Haysuriza for the On9 event. With the inbuilt HUD it gives a huge variety of changes you can make to match your look.

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The cool hair is one of the newer EMO-tions hair. It is called “Carol” and comes with the neat beanie. The HUD gives you a huge variety of colors for the hair and as well some choices for the color of the beanie.

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The amazing jewelry – collar and bracelet – was made by Elysium. The cool leather paired with metals really gives a cool part to the whole look. The metals are available in gold or silver for the whole “Ichtaca” set.

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Last but not least, I would like to drag your focus on the incredible detailed tattoo. The “Henna” tattoo from White Widow added the last little bit to the whole style, what I was looking for. As mentioned before I am wearing the Slink Physique mesh body – my favourite one –ย  and the “Henna” tattoo comes for that mesh body as well as for the most common ones.

Since it is still a little bit cold, even if the sun comes out more and more, I decided to wear tights from Izzie’s, which as well come with an applier for the slink body.

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Outfit: [sys] – “Caline”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gypsy Boots” – NEW @ The Secret Affair

Hair& Cap: EMO-tions – “Carol”

Bag: [sys] – “Charley”

Glasses: Haysuriza – “Eyewear Sahara”

Tights: Izzie’s – “Slink Physique – Applier Sheer Tights Basics”

Jewelry: Elysium – “Ichtaca”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Henna”

Locations: Baby’s Ear

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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Inspired by David Bowie


In January, when the incredible David Bowie passed away way too early, I was asked if I would like to be part of a special in the Eclipse Magazine.

When Trouble asked me if I would like to be part, I did not even need one second to think about and instantly said yes. He asked us to style something that was inspired of one of the David Bowie songs. One of my favourites always was Space Oddity.

Whe I was told who will take the picture, I was jumping up and down as it was Anderian Sugarplum, one of my favourite photographers and as well a very dear friend. I did know now, with her, I can do all weird stuff and ideas, as she always is able to realize or understand my crazy stuffs ๐Ÿ˜‰

When we met we did some brainstorming and she asked me what I had in mind for my styling or picture. When I told her about and as well showed her the amazing “Alien Drone” from E.V.E Studio, she immediately had an amazing idea for a set and started building it while I finalized my styling ๐Ÿ˜‰

When I saw the result, I was blown away. I really did love it so much and it was exactly the feeling and mood, I had when I putย  the whole look together!

Thank you so much for another amazing picture Anderian <3


Top/Dress: Corvus – “Aria Dress”

Jacket: R3volt – “Steampunk Armor”

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Boots: Grollwerk – “Hoof Boots”

Mask: Yasum – “Face Armor”

Hair: MAD Design – “Seneca”

Backfan: Glow Studio – “Feather Fan”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Breathless”

Drones: E.V.E Studio – “The Alien Drone”

Set & Picture by Anderian Sugarplum

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Ashes to Ashes – A Tribute to David Bowie

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On the 10th of January 2016, the world lost one of the most genuine and influential musician of the newer music history.

David Bowie

As a musician myself I adored David Bowie since I was 14. His most popular successes he had in the 70s and 80s but he constantly worked on his music and released constantly new albums and was an actor in many movies between 1973 and 2009.

In the beginning of his music career he was called an Avant Garde artist, as his music, lyrics and as well his visual presentations were way apart from the standard back then. Many people called him a punk or rebel back then. He changed his image in the beginning to the 80s more towards the standard pop music image – at least in his visual appearance. His music never lost the incredible stand out factor and anyways what kind of music he created – or with who – it had his very own signature. It always felt like he was one step ahead of the standard ๐Ÿ™‚

He left huge footprints at the music world and I am not sure if they ever can be filled… or if they even should be filled… ?

R.I.P David Bowie

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Ashes to Ashes

Do you remember a guy that’s been
In such an early song
I’ve heard a rumour from Ground Control
Oh no, don’t say it’s true

They got a message from the Action Man
“I’m happy, hope you’re happy too
I’ve loved all I’ve needed to love
Sordid details following”

The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of Jap girls in synthesis and I
Ain’t got no money and I ain’t got no hair
But I’m hoping to kick but the planet it’s glowing

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom’s a junkie
Strung out in heaven’s high
Hitting an all-time low

Time and again I tell myself
I’ll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
I’m stuck with a valuable friend
“I’m happy, hope you’re happy too”
One flash of light but no smoking pistol

I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue,
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know Major Tom’s a junkie
Strung out in heaven’s high
Hitting an all-time low

My mother said to get things done
You’d better not mess with Major Tom

[David Bowie]

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Top: .Shi – “Daleth”

Pants: United Colors – “Women Boho Pants”

Gloves: .Shi – “Fingerless Gloves”

Hair: (epoque hair) – “Warrior”

Collar: {XA} – “Savage Leather”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Lost River”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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