Wicca’s Originals @ CYBERPUNK Fair 2019

Wicca’s Originals @ CYBERPUNK Fair 2019 (May 4th – 25th)

We are thrilled to be a part of the first ever Cyberpunk Fair! In honor of this special event we have created a 5 piece ensemble exclusive to the event. Nyx is made up of the bodysuit, boots, arms, and Bento enabled hands. Each item comes with a generous HUD that provides you with 7 different color choices for customization. These components are designed to fit Maitreya’s Lara, Slink’s Hourglass, and Freya’s Belleza. In addition to that, the unisex Specter Eyepatch comes with its own HUD offering 8 colors to choose from, it has glow options and a resizer.

All items will have a special reduced price for the event (even the fatpack), so be sure to come by the event and pick them up before the return to the store at full price!!!

TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flair%20for%20Events/195/129/29

Golden Moments

The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.

[Randall Jarrell]

This picture is something very special and as well unusual for me.

It was made not just for being a fashion showcase, but as well being something abstract and artistic. Originally it was made for the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine, but I could not resist to fool a little more with it in Photoshop and tweak it a little more. First I thought about not posting it as it already was in the magazine, but I do love it so much that I finally decided to make a post out of it *grins*.

I felt different doing this kind of picture, that does not have the main focus on the avatar itself, but as well being not a landscape or furniture post either. It was more to focus on a feeling, that was in my head when I put on those amazing artistic parts from E.V.E Studio. It felt like something from outer-space, but still something vulnerable and romantic. I tried to express that with the pose and the few things I added to the “Elf-2255” designs.

I have no idea if I make sense by saying that, but I hope you can get what I mean *winks*

Clothing & Accessories

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Gloves”

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Mask”

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Shoulders”

E.V.E – “Etheral Neck Corset Branches”

Body & Tattoos

LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

.:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Elf Dior”

YS&YS – “Ginny Zafiro Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

LURE – “Rebel Queen / Upgrade Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier, Gacha, Common)

Mina Hair – “Myla Hairbase” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

GingerFish – “Doll Face 5”

E.V.E – “Poison Rain” & “Poison Glitter”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Waiting sometimes is so worth it…

Today I do have a premiere on my blog… It is the first post as a LeLutka blogger! For years I felt not confident with applying for LeLutka, I always felt like I am not yet there where I would stand behind myself enough to dare to apply for a blogger position for LeLutka. I do not know how to explain, it was just a feeling. Then I saw a picture of Mavi Beck – I know her a long time already… we met at AVENUE years ago –Β  on Flickr. I adore her art work, she has a very special feeling for shadow and lights in my view. When I looked at her stream again, I remembered that she is a LeLutka CSR and again the blogging desire for LeLutka came up to my mind. In her profile she as well stated she is a LeLutka Blogger Manager and so I went to my flickr, looked over my recent pictures, took a deep breath and dared to ask her what the conditions for blogging would be. As always she was super kind and nice – I do not remember that I saw her mad EVER – and told me, that LeLutka does work with Blogotex now too and that I could always fill in an application at the access point at the main store. Driven by my desire to blog for LeLutka, I TPed to their main store and while I was rezzing and looking for the access point sign, my doubts again fell back on me and I became a chicken again and TPed back home. I have no clue, why I feel that way when it comes to LeLutka, but I remember LeLutka always as one of the top stores of SL. Back when I started modeling, we had no mesh heads or bento or all that stuff and LeLutka was one of the most high class fashion brand with the top notch fashion ideas and not only for casual desires. Even back then I loved their creations already and blogged them a few times, when I was able to afford their designs (https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiccamerlin/4261277578/in/dateposted-public/ or https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiccamerlin/4449981194/in/dateposted-public/) Back I would not even dared to think about being a blogger for LeLutka, because I just started blogging and they only had super models and awesome graphical artists in their blogger group, but it always was a dream of mine…

Ok… back to the present πŸ˜‰ So I was at home again thinking about, if I would bee good enough to apply for the blogger position at LeLutka. I guess it is the high respect I do have for the designers skills and the fact that LeLutka plays in the designer circle for so long and all of my old idols and icons of the modeling world back then did blog for them, made me judge about myself so hard. But after a few days of thinking about it, I thought that I would have nothing to loose by trying. Either they like my work or they don’t and so I went back to the LeLutka main store, hit the access button and filled the application. They already asked for a certain time period to allow them to review my application and so I forced myself to not look up Blogotex every 15 minutes, because iI was so nervous *blushes*

Even if they already asked for a certain period of time the longer I had to wait the more my doubts had party in my brain again… so when they pop-up in Second Life went up with a notification and the black letters on the blue background with the “Accepted” sentence, I jumped in my chair and started squealing, my partner asked me “If I would not have all the cups in the cupboard anymore” (a German quote – I don’t know if that would make much sense in English. When I put it into the translator I got “to have lost one’s marbles”). I really was uber happy and it was hard to calm down for me. I have no idea, I am not a child anymore, but in that moment I felt like one again. That again shows me, sometimes it is worth waiting until the time is right πŸ™‚

I guess it is a no brainer to mention I had to start instant to work on the pictures for my first blog post. I chose “Korina” to be my first official LeLutka post. “Korina was the latest release for the Skin Fair this year and so I started to work on a shape first and then the hard choice of a skin came up. First I thought I would use the original skin, but the I thought, the original skin already is shown on the vendor and I have to be a little more creative and make ‘my’ Korina. To me “Korina” did not appear like a princess, more like a strong adult female with attitude and so I tried to bring Wicca to “Korina”, but not making her a sister… if that makes sense.

The head comes with the usual great quality standard HUD that LeLutka always provides, but you get something new with “Korina” as well. The HUD has now 2 different hair bases to chose from, based on the default SL UV maps. I will cross my fingers that maybe the older heads will get updated with that too, because I really love that feature πŸ™‚

I will play now a littlemore with my new “Korina” head and who knows.. maybe we have another side of “Korina” here soon *winks*


Top: Meva – “Alexis”

Pants: adorsy – “Rihanna Jeans Shorts” (Maitreya)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Azaria” (Maitreya)


Earrings: Aurealis – “Statement Earrings”

Rings: Meva – “Maitreya Rings Silver” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Commitment”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (Maitreya Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “London Lipstick” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Korina 3.3.1”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Petal Tone 02” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: BODY MOD – “Memories” (OMEGA Applier) Store Closed

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Backdrop: Pseudo “Paul T Scene Backdrop” (Gacha, Rare)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror ;)

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror.

[Terry Pratchett]

Cyber & Sci-fi time again!

There is so many exciting events running at the moment, it is really hard to resist to not buy everything you see at those events… Especially if it is events like Black Fair, Epiphany, ACCESS or The Fantasy Faire even.

A few things I got nevertheless and they screamed cyberpunk/sci-fi for me πŸ˜‰ I am still in my dark period with creating styles and pictures and the more I do, the more I enjoy it πŸ™‚ With the dark and fantasy side of SL, I feel so much inspiration lately that I could post something every day if I would have the time to post process all my pictures. But since I wanted to use my easter holidays for learning new tricks in Photoshop, finishing pictures takes some time – even a little more with try and error these days *winks* The desire was to learn more about shading, lights and shadows and how they can be done realistic in Photoshop. I had some basic knowledge about that with a lot of layers, but I wanted to have a different result, something I saw a lot on flickr lately and that was why I forced myself to watch some tutorials and then try them instantly myself. I am not yet done completely with my research, but for today I was pretty satisfied how those new tips and ticks worked out.

The mega, amazing “Aeon Cyber Corset” is one of the latest releases from A&Y. I love the creations of Anabel Crystal, owner and designer of A&Y. She has a very special way for sci-fi and cyberpunk creations and I do love her skills for vinyl and leather clothing. The corset you can find at the actual round of the ACCESS event, while there is a matching top/jacket at the black fair, which I will have to showcase soon too (I saw that after I finished my styling for this post already).

The incredible “Voodoo” ears are as well a brand new release at the Black Fair. I love the ears of Eclipse Art Studio and Shina Shan never stop to amaze me with every new release. She always has another cool idea for the accessories of her ears. This time it was that little voodoo doll, that she added to the earlobes as an earring. The voodoo doll can be purchased as a single earring as well if you do not want to have the long elf ears ;). I love how easy you can tint the ears to match your skin and the possibility of all the tattoos you can add really make those ears so versatile.

For a strong, powerful outfit you need super cool boots and those I found with the “Roxy” boots from [Gos]. The boots are part of a gacha, which is a collaboration of [Gos ] and Lybra. I will have a post for that gacha and all of it’s beauty soon – the boots just matched so awesome with my look, that I could not resist to already use them *blushes* The thigh high boots are super tight and have an amazing laced back. Certainly there are more colors available than just black in the gacha πŸ˜‰

For the location I was trying first to set up something by myself, but this time I did not wanna come together as I desired it and so I made may way out to see if I could find a cyberpunk sim for my pictures. First I tried Cocoon, which is amazingly built but for non group members you have no rez rights and I wanted to use my pose stand this time. I need to go back another time as they really do have amazing spots for pictures and the sim rules even allow photographers as long as you wear an OOC titler, which you can find at the landing spot.

I did remember, that Insilico had rezzing open at least for rezzing a pose stand top hop on. The auto-return kicks in after a few minutes, but as long as you sit on your stand, you are safe. Just do not get scared when you are done and stand up as the stand will be returned to your lost and found folder.

After I could not decide about a perfect spot and had shot some random snaps, I did remember a few backdrops, that I got as a present from a friend not too long ago. The whole gacha set is amazing and I hope, I can find/win the ones I still miss in my collection. The “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” was the perfect background for my look.


Corset: A&YΒ  – “Aeon Cyber Corset” (Maitreya – NEW @ ACCESS Event // April 2019

Panties: A&Y – “Loma Leather Panties” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Roxy Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany // April 2019

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Paxton Gloves [Light]” (Maitreya, Bento)


Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger” (Maitreya)

Piercing 1: [CX] – “Scarred Bridge”

Piercing 2: [CX] – “Spiked Gloss”

Earring+Chain: [CX] – “Vermin”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Cyber Ghost Hair”

Makeup & Lipstick: YS&YS – “Ginny Skin Applier” (LeLutka Applier)

Face Art: ALMA – “Rors for L’Homme” (LeLutka Applier, Gift)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Voodoo” – NEW @ Black Fair // April-May 2019

Eyes: Clemmm – “I’m tired / Black-Regular”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny – Tone Zafiro” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: .:AuricA:. – “Saida Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” (Gacha)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ The Black Fair

Wicca’s Originals @ The Black Fair // April 20th – May 4th 2019

For this round of The Black Fair, we have created Jane. A military inspired body suit that matches our newly released Michonne Boots at the Dubai Event. Jane is no nonsense up top and sexiness on the bottom with its long sleeves and high cut waist. Jane is a body suit that can serve you in many ways, all of them stylish! Jane comes with a HUD that offers you 10 muted colors for the fabric and 5 metal options. Jane is made to fit Lara, Hourglass, and Freya.

TAXI: Black Fair

Wicca’s Originals @ DUBAI – The City of Golds

Wicca’s Originals @ DUBAIΒ  – The City of Gold // April 2019

We are back in Dubai! This time we have our Michonne Boots. This over the knee boot has no shortage of attitude! There are straps and buckles going all the way up, along with bold lacing. Metal studs add the perfect accent around the base of this boot as well as on the bits that secure the straps in place. Michonne is all business. No delicate high heels here. Just a thick, no nonsense flat base and attitude that goes for miles. Our Michonne Boots match the color and style of our Jane Body currently available at the Black Fair. The HUD contains the same colors and metals, so styling it up will be a breeze. Michonne fits Lara, Hourglass, and Freya.

TAXI: DUBAI – The City of Gold

Nocturnal Secrets at the Laboratory

They mix some DNA, some skin and certain spray
You can watch it on a laser screen

[Dr. Stein – Helloween]

And again I have to quote 2 lines from the phenomenal band Helloween (yes it is spelled like that!) to start my post with… I have to admit “Dr. Stein” is one of my favorite songs by Helloween, even if they to have a lot of good ones πŸ™‚

I do have the “First Aid” gacha set – made by Salt & Pepper – for a little while now and I was thinking all the time, what I could do with it. I saw many amazing posts in the typical latex, fetish style and thought, I have to do something different with that amazing set. As a side note… I LOVE the humor of Salt and if you take a look at the Epiphany Exclusive you will know why :p She made one of the infusion bags on the stands filled with coffee. THAT made my day. So often I was thinking about having coffee intravenously, when I was tired and had to work longer than expected πŸ˜‰ I really do adore a good sense of humor!

Ok so now back again to the whole set and a freaky idea how to showcase it without having the designer murder me. It is true that I always try to pull things away from the usual look, not because I think I am special, more to see what can be done with it and how much I can stretch out my fantasy and creativity, without looking the focus on the item. I do like to see thinks in different way and discover new possibilities.

This time it was not hard as I did know I want to do something that still has a clinic, hospital or medical science style, just not in the typical fetish way. It is not a secret, that I do have an addiction for steam punk, sci-fi and all kind of fantasy stuff, especially with a touch of creepy, funky elements. I was roaming through Marketplace again, to see whats new and to find some new things I could use to blog when I saw that amazing “Alien” movie/HR Giger inspired creature. The idea was born and the amazing “First Aid” gacha set from Salt & Pepper should have its very own special spotlight πŸ™‚

The set contains – like a gacha set usually does – 5 different color versions (black, blue, green, red & white) of the lab coat, undies & pasties, gloves and cap as commons. As well commons are the 2 stands and a stethoscope.Β  The amazing dress and boots are the 2 rare items and as well have the 5 colors in a HUD. The 2 Syringes are the VIP gift (one bento to hold and one prop to rez), which you got when you spent 1000L$ on the machine. The whole outfit is made of latex and you can wear all parts layered as well, like you can see in the first picture, where I have the coat over the dress. I do love if you have gacha items, which you can wear single as well as a full outfit. In that way it never feels like loosing your money on a machine, to just have the one item that completes the outfit, while you can not wear anything without that one part! You always can wear everything what you win either as a full set or for a mix and match outfit. That makes gacha fun to play for me πŸ™‚

All the medical equipment I used for the pictures I found on Marketplace as well and I linked the store in the credits below the post like usual. The Cryo Tank, Is a very special item to me. It was made by Gryphon Vendetta, owner and designer of Poseidon & UNGOD. He filled that amazing tank with super cool and creepy poses, which I do have to highlight in another post again. The tank was so perfect for my science experiment idea, that I just had to sneak it in as a prop.

It was so much fun to play with the whole set and like always it does hurt a little, to delete it. But I realized I cannot keep all my sets rezzed, as I will run out of prims really fast and can not build new sceneries *chuckles*. That enjoy as well and so it is a good compromise, to keep the pictures as a memory and let the actual sets go forΒ  new ones!


Outfit: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “First Aid” (Gacha, Maitreya)

Gloves: AE – “Natalie Opera Gloves” (Maitreya Applier)


Glasses: CONVAIR – “Sunglasses Selena White”

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar”

Cuffs: [ abrasive ] – “Discipline Vinyl Wrist Cuffs”

Syringe: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Syringe Bento Hold VIP” (Gacha, VIP Gift)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Commision”

Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – “Fae Eyeshadow” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Fae Lipsgloss” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon


Building: ~isil~ – “Surface Modular Habitat Pod”

Cryo Tank: Poseidon – “The Lab Tank”

Hospital Interieur: [P.0.E] – “Hospital Kit Masterpack Crate 1.1”

Stand 1: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “FA IV stand Blood” (Gacha, Common)

Stand 2: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “FA IV stand Sodium Chlorid” (Gacha, Common)

Stand 3: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “FA IV stand Coffee” (Gacha, Epiphany Excluisve)

Creature: QUTWORLD – “3D Xeno Raven”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ eBENTO – The Event

Wicca’s Originals @ eBENTO – The Event (April 11th – 30th)

For the latest round of eBENTO we have our Alannah thigh high boots. These laced up boots offer many points of interest from its platform base to its spiked heel. Alannah is accentuated with metal studs and sharp-edged parts all the way up your leg. It comes with a HUD that allows you 10 different texture choices and 6 different metal choices. Our Alannah boots are designed for Maitreya’s Lara, Slink’s Hourglass, and Belleza’s Freya.


Jackie Skellington – A Tribute to Tim Burton

I’ve always been addicted to Tim Burton movies. Anyways if it was Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow or Sweeney Todd I do love them all and I saw them and all the others more than once! But I do love the most the “A Nightmare before Christmas” and the “Corpse Bride”. When I saw “A Nightmare before Christmas” the first time I instantly fell in love with Jack Skellington. I even had merchandising stuffs for my study equipment, bed linen and other stuffs in my room like poster and such. I do not why that clicked so bad but it did πŸ˜‰ So I was so surprised when I was at CURELESS [+] and saw the Christmas Nightmare gacha – How I could miss that one?!? Certainly I had to have that no need to mention I never saw a more cool version for a female counter part of Jack Skellington.

It is hard to explain sometimes that you are not in a bad or dangerous mood if you do dark pictures. I know it might be more common to do colorful country side pictures in SL, but I discover more and more that SL has a dark, artistic fashion corner as well and the more I try the more I really do love it. When I was trained as a model or blogger in the past, people did not approve my styles or pictures to much – not because they were bad quality, more because they were not norm or mainstream conform. Back in the days when I started it was important to have at least more than 50% mainstream and RL fashion trends covered somehow, but the longer I was blogging the more I developed a feeling away from deadline duties and so called “rules” to follow. I wanted more freedom to express myself, to experiment with more than just fashion and I was sick and tired of all the same pictures over and over, without soul but only fashion information stuffed.

So I asked to be released off my blogger duties years ago and left blogger or sponsor groups, to have a fresh start and re-invent myself and my blogging/photography. For quite a while I did pictures without any sponsored designs and not for the purpose of design showcase only. I have to admit at that time it was needed to develop my picture skills and as well my blogging abilities. I thought a lot about what I felt and what I want to express, which I never did that intensive before. Before it was all about how many sponsors I can combine without looking like a clown, but still satisfy as many people and designers as I can with every post I did. It wasn’t bad all the time, but it is a different motivation and focus. Over the past 10 years of blogging, there was times where my pictures changed lightly, but most of the time they were sponsor focused only. After some time you feel a kinda burn out syndrome and past fun turns into work only.. and that killed my motivation at some point. I needed “fresh thoughts” if that makes sense. Pulling back was the right thing for me to do. For the past 1,5 years I started again to apply or take on sponsors/blogger duties, but not as many as I had before. I tried to not have just fashion pictures, I challenged myself to combine fashion with artsy touches and as well with feelings and emotions and sometimes even with a story behind the pictures. That as well made the decision easy, to not have one picture and a style card only, but to have a little picture series and sometimes a little story behind them, too.

I really got a whole new, different point of view about my blogging and the pictures. I still try to do showcases for designers and present their creations in the best light, but as well I try to bring my own twist and emotions – sometimes a little art as well – into the whole process πŸ™‚ It brought back the fun for SL blogging and SL photography to me again and that I guess is all that matters… at least for me πŸ˜‰


Outfit: CURELESS [+] – “Christmas Nightmare / Skeleton Suit” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Shoes: CURELESS [+] – “Christmas Nightmare / Spiral Plats / Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Socks: CURELESS [+] – “Christmas Nightmare / Vamp Stockings / Black” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)


Animal: CURELESS [+] – “Christmas Nightmare /Ghost Puppy / White” (Gacha, Common)

Nails: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws” (Maitreya, Bento, Group Gift)

Hair & Makeup

Hair & Hat: no.match – “No.Scary”

Faceart: CURELESS [+] – “Psychopomp Face” (OMEGA Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Teeth: LeLutka – “Beast Teeth 1.1”

Eyes: Clemmm – “I’m Tired / Black – Regular” (tinted darker)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Immortal Skin” (Maitreya & LeLutka Applier)

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thauron”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


:CP: – “Burton Tea Chair Striped”

:CP: – “Burton Rug”

:CP: – “Burton Tea Table”

:CP: – “Burton Tea Chandelier”

:CP: – “Burton Tea Cake Plate”

:CP: – “Burton Art – Arched Cat”

:CP: – “Burton Art – Pumpkin”

:CP: – “Burton Art – Hoot”

22769 – “Tentacle Wallart” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Limp Bookshelf Left” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Limp Bookshelf Right” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Tims Teddy Bear” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Tims Plant Black And White” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “This is Halloween” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Twisted Candle Holder” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Tea with Tim” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Jester Console” (Gacha, Common)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ Driftwood – A Dream Series Event

Wicca’s Originals @ Driftwood – A Dream Series Event (April 5th – May 5th 2019)

The Driftwood event is a new fantasy event that captures all the fantasy genres: light, dark, spooky or cute, you name it, Driftwood offers it! We are thrilled to be participating in the inaugural round. We have created the Phantom Mask, perfect for the darker side of your role play. It is a unisex mask with a HUD that gives you 10 different texture options for all parts of the mask. It is also equipped with a resizer that makes our Phantom Mask work on any mesh head you like.

TAXI: Driftwood – A Dream Series Event