Running Free

Picture made for Eclipse Magazine // February 2019 //

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

[Pablo Picasso]

I fully agree with Pablo Picasso and I truly believe that in every artist lives a child’s heart somehow. The imagination of a child is often without any boarders and only if we can manage to keep that a little, we can do all the crazy things that we see in front of our inner eye.

I kept a lot of that I guess and often people call me kiddo in RL if I have crazy ideas :p . For this picture series, which I made for the actual Eclipse Magazine, I used a lot of this illimitable imagination, that overcomes me if I see the creations of Noke Yuitza – owner and genius designer behind E.V.E Studio. I know Noke for quite a long time and I do enjoy his extraordinary craziness a lot. His brain must have similar weird circuits, than mine has, his things instantly click with my mind and built pictures in my head. So when Trouble asked me if I could do a spread for the magazine about E.V.E Studio I was dancing in my chair and I did not have to think about it –  I just said yes in a blink.

First I thought I should put all the pictures in one post, but then I realized they are so different, they would overlay each other and none would get the attention that it should have. So I will post one here and there in between my on going posts and hope you do enjoy the as much as me when I did them 😉


Outfit: Vanilla Bae – “Vixen Body suit” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Paxton Gloves” (Maitreya)

Boots: Bax – “Regency Boots” (Maitreya)


Tentacles: E.V.E – “Apocaliptica Cyber Snake Chains”

Headpiece: E.V.E – “EtheralPearls & Ribbons Tiara”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Sintiklia – “Lou”

Makeup: Zibska – “Samil” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Folia” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Eyes: Arise – “Haya Eyes”

Eyelashes: alaskametro<3 – “Slay” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Pose: ::Poseidon:: – “Hill Nurse 3”

Set: E.V.E – “Dystopia Room Divider” & “Eye of the Storm”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin



We have done a soft roll out of our rebranding as Wicca’s Originals and now it is time to truly make it official. On March 2nd from 2pm to 4pm SLT we will be having a party with live music, gift card raffle, and a mini hunt to celebrate making our rebranding official. All of our marketing and packaging will be using our new Wicca’s Originals logo (including HUDs, gacha machines, vendors, etc), and our store will be changing to reflect our new look as well.

The mini hunt at the party will last for two weeks and a group membership is required to participate. We will also be having a huge retirement sale where we will be marking down selected items by 50 – 75%. Even older group gifts will be retired so a group membership is well worth it! Our group will be free to join starting at the party and through the duration of the hunt.


We look forward to you joining in our celebration on March 2, 2019 @ 2pm SLT!


Waiting for you…

BDSM or Fetish… for many that instantly leads to perverts… but it isn’t about being pervert at all and many tried some things that will fall under this topic without even knowing or realizing!

I was thinking a long time about what it was, that pushed BDSM in the dark corner for so many people when they first hear about it. Probably it was the media and/or movie industry that did the most part to it, as you only read about cruelty, pain and forced actions and the typical backyard Domina that cracks the whip on some poor, nerdy, greasy and sleazy male in an inflated way of showing her power. To be honest, that is something I do not need or want to see either – but what ever floats your boat :p

But did you ever read about it in the newspaper when someone covered her/his partners eyes with a satin cloth or pinned his/her arm to the bed with her hands while kissing his/her body? Certainly not, as that doesn’t have the publicity impact of the first scenario I named above.

Lets see what Wikipedia says about BDSM:

BDSM is a variety of often erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and other related interpersonal dynamics. Given the wide range of practices, some of which may be engaged in by people who do not consider themselves as practising BDSM, inclusion in the BDSM community or subculture is usually dependent upon self-identification and shared experience.

The BDSM initialism.

The term “BDSM” is first recorded in a Usenet posting from 1991, and is interpreted as a combination of the abbreviations B/D (Bondage and Discipline), D/s (Dominance and submission), and S/M (Sadism and Masochism). BDSM is now used as a catch-all phrase covering a wide range of activities, forms of interpersonal relationships, and distinct subcultures. BDSM communities generally welcome anyone with a non-normative streak who identifies with the community; this may include cross-dressers, body modification enthusiasts, animal roleplayers, rubber fetishists, and others.

Activities and relationships within a BDSM context are often characterized by the participants taking on complementary, but unequal roles; thus, the idea of informed consent of both the partners is essential. The terms “submissive” and “dominant” are often used to distinguish these roles: the dominant partner (“dom”) takes psychological control over the submissive (“sub”). The terms “top” and “bottom” are also used: the top is the instigator of an action while the bottom is the receiver of the action. The two sets of terms are subtly different: for example, someone may choose to act as bottom to another person, for example, by being whipped, purely recreationally, without any implication of being psychologically dominated by them, or a submissive may be ordered to massage their dominant partner. Despite the bottom performing the action and the top receiving they have not necessarily switched roles.

The abbreviations “sub” and “dom” are frequently used instead of “submissive” and “dominant”. Sometimes the female-specific terms “mistress”, “domme” or “dominatrix” are used to describe a dominant woman, instead of the gender-neutral term “dom”. Individuals who can change between top/dominant and bottom/submissive roles—whether from relationship to relationship or within a given relationship—are known as switches. The precise definition of roles and self-identification is a common subject of debate within the community.

[Wikipedia, 2019]

If you read the Wikipedia excerpt, you will think that sounds like everything and nothing, but that is exactly what it is! It can be everything and it can be just a tiny little thing and it doesn’t always involve pain or any “pervert” action. BDSM has so many different shades and fields that you would have a hard time to name them all and the same it is for Fetish… if you look at Wikipedia what it has to say about fetish… you even have to decide first in what way you wanna look at it as you get the choices Anthropological, Sexual, Arts and Business. If you google for the definition of Fetish you will find something like:  If someone has a fetish, they have an unusually strong liking or need for a particular object or activity.” or “If you say that someone has a fetish for doing something, you disapprove of the fact that they do it very often or enjoy it very much.” [Collins Dictionary]

According to that, Fetish doesn’t even have to be a sexual thing only! I have a friend, that cannot leave her home with having 2 different colored socks on. She is not menatlly ill or sick – that’s her fetish if you want to see it like that. Another of my friends has to have jeans from a certain brand since he is 20, he would never ever wear different jeans – that’s his fetish.

Certainly we use the word fetish in a sexual way as well, but what is wrong about wearing a blindfold in bed here and there and get seduced by someone? What is wrong by restricting movements a little bit, to get more intense feelings as long as both agree on it?

Maybe that is the issue for many as they think, a Dominant/Top can do everything what he wants to his submissive/bottom. But exactly that is the thing… they only can do as much as the submissive allows, if you follow the code called SSC – Safe, Sane & Consensual, which means that everything is based on safe activities, that all participants be of sufficiently sound/sane mind to consent, and that all participants do consent. It is mutual consent that makes a clear legal and ethical distinction between BDSM and such crimes as sexual assault or domestic violence.

What is pervert about something, that all the involved parties do like and if they do not bother or harm anyone or anything outside the partnership or group? I do not have an answer to that and that is why I do not call BDSM or Fetish pervert at all – there is other things in the world happening that we do hear and read in the news everyday, that fit way more to that term in my opinion.

All of us do have sexual dreams and desires and only some of us will be able to live their dreams. Maybe it is jealousy, if others do call those dreams and desires pervert, as they can and or do not want to live theirs, but even that is fine as I just said before – what ever floats your boat.

I do think it is great, if you can have a nibble of “forbidden” fruit and have some dreams or desires come true. Some of them may feel better as dreams, but you will never know if you did not try.My first fetish experience was, when one of my ex-boyfriends (I was 16, he was 18) tied my hands to the top of the bed with a satin scarf and caressed me slow and gently. It wasn’t harsh, it wasn’t painful, we did not even have sex in that moment – it just was a complete new experience for me. From that moment on I wanted to know more about it – fun part of that story… my ex-partner didn’t 😉

I am a strong woman, I worked/work in a men dominated world called music business, teach at a school and still I had the desire of D/s relationship for a long time – even before I really did look more into BDSM and Fetish, I loved the idea of a gentleman that opens the door, decides the menu when we go out for dinner and basically carries his girl “on his arms” (in German that is kinda a quote for if a girl is precious for his man). D/s doesn’t mean that the Top just shouts orders and the sub runs accomplishing that… I was told that is called “Army” *snickers*

Maybe I can say, in a D/s relation ship, to me it feels like the sub is a precious gift for the Top, that he handles with care, love and all his abilities, so that it doesn’t get hurt, damaged or broken physical or psychological.

Even the belletristic and the movie world started to change the view about BDSM and Fetish. While in the 70s/80s ‘The Story of O’ and ‘Venus in Fur’ were two of the most popular examples, in the 90s/2000s we have ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, ‘Secretary’, ‘Crossfire’ or the ’80 Days’ series, which give a complete different view about the topic, even make it more presentable to the public. Maybe that helps to drag this kind of stories, movies, dreams and desires out of the dark corners, out of the dirty backyards and shadows that the past pushed them into. Maybe the world is more ready nowadays to allow those things to happen or at least accept, that they are happening without pointing a finger and calling it bad things only.

As we can see in Second Life, the BDSM and Fetish communities are huge and many enjoy things they maybe cannot do in real life for various reasons. It seems to be something that attracts a lot of people and still many of them need to hide it from their friends and family, which is sad in my view. If they do enjoy it so much, if it is part of them, it is part of the great person that all of them know. I am sure many would love to share their experiences with people close to them, many would love to show their collar they are wearing without being judged in a bad way. But they are still damned to hide that even in Second Life, for example in modeling, as they are still being avoided if they are connected to such “pervert” things. I am not saying they should run around, shouting it over the grid or bother each and everyone with their experiences or put titles above their heads – non of the people I know ever did that in real life either – but where is the problem, if they do have a PG sounding statement in their profiles about having a Master or Mistress, what is wrong with a picture on Flickr wearing a collar or cuffs? With all the non BDSM or Fetish looking porn and non artistic nude pictures on Flickr – seriously a artistic and classic looking lingerie picture being bound or blindfolded would matter??? I do dislike all the pictures where girls hold their pixel boobies into my face bluntly, for no other reason that clicks and likes, on Flickr way more than a tasteful Fetish picture…

I would love to hear your opinion about it – if you can or want to share yours, I will be happy if you put it in the comments 😉


Outfit: [Sexy Princess] – “Tease” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair, February 2019

Boots: -KC- – “Aletheia Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: .:Avanti:. – “Tessa Gloves” (Maitreya Applier)

Stockings: Avi Candy – “Lace Black Seam [Licorice]” (Maitreya Applier)


Collar: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Choker Piper 69” – NEW @ Fetish Fair, February 2019

Armlets: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Pyper 69”

Garters: NANIKA – “Alisa Garter” (Maitreya)  – NEW @ Fetish Fair, February 2019

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Cake”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Inferno” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


[Ds] – “Peep-O-Rama Bondage Stage OMNI v.1.0 a” – NEW @ Fetish Fair, February 2019

22769 – “The Messy Book Shop” (Gacha, Rare)

22769 – “Big Bookshelf” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Small Bookshelf” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Worn Rug” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Side Table” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Bookstore Table Lamp” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Nestchair” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Pipes Shelf” (Gacha, VIP Reward)

22769 – “Row Of Books” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Tall Stack Of Books” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Cluster Of Books” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Repaired Chair” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Chair with Books” (Gacha, Common)

22769 – “Table With Books” (Gacha, Common)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Red Temptation

It is weird… but lately I do love vibrant colors paired with black… that allows you to play with strong and deep hued lights as well. If you have such amazing clothes like from A&Y for example, where the designer really do know about materials – it is a dream to make pictures :)It is not a secret that I do love A&Y for a long time.. I even have very old things still in my inventory, as those kind of things are so rare and I really do love the style 🙂 It always is a mixture of fetish looking things but paired with futuristic elements. Maybe it is the kick ass amazing textures that add their piece to the designs, too. Such a realistic leather and latex you will rarely find. It is like you can feel the folds, leather gets from being worn, under your finger  😉

For ROMP and the Fetish Fair, A&Y released an amazing outfit combo of corset, panties and legwarmers. At ROMP you will find the corset while the rest is offered at the Fetish Fair. For the whole outfit you have the option of wearing it with the fishnet parts like I do today or even without.The hair of today’s pictures, comes from No.Match and was released at the Cosmopolitan event this month. What I do love a lot for the “No.Inspiration” hair style is, that you have a Bob style looking hair cut that goes a little higher up in the back and you can see the shaved under cut beneath it (hairbase). For a real bad girl I certainly had to put some tattoos from [White~Widow] and some super cool piercings from [CX] and Meva. I do love that kind of bad girl look paired with those deep vibrant colors – to me that adds even more “I will kick your ass” feelings *giggles*Now I will see what I can come up with next 😉



Corset: [ A&Y ] – “Siren Cyber Corset+Fishnet” (Maitreya) – NEW @ ROMP // February 2019

Pants: [ A&Y ] – “Siren Cyber Panties+Fishnet” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair // February 2019

Legs: [ A&Y ] – “Siren Cyber Legwarmers+Fishnet” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair // February 2019

Shoes: [CX] – “Implant Revived-Trashed Steel” (Maitreya)


Collar: [CX] – “Hells’s Harbinger (Black Out+Silver)” (Maitreya)

Arms: L’Emporio – “Harness Arm” (Maitreya)

Gloves: **RE** – “Livia Gloves & Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nose to Ear Piercing: [CX] – “Monstrum Catena”

Septum: [CX] – “Pierced Septum”

Chin Piercing: [CX] – “Spiked Gloss”

Chest Piercings: Meva – “Collarbone Piercing Silver” & “Cleavage Piercing Silver”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: No. Match – “No. Inspiration” – NEW @ Cosmopolitan // February 2019

Makeup: Zibska – “Asta Eyemakeup” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Replicas” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity – “Loco” (Bento)

Backdrop: Foxcity – “Lipstick Lounge Red”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ World of Magic

Wicca’s Originals @ World of Magic // February 15th – March 3rd

The World of Magic event is a brand new, sim-wide, one-time sales event celebrating fantasy and magic inspired by the world of Harry Potter. For this special event we have created an outfit inspired by the game of Quiddich – Cedric for the fellas and Isobel for the ladies.

It comes complete with Bento gloves, goggles, and cape that can be removed. The outfit is one piece (including the boots) and all of it can be color changed. You can even add your team’s texture! There are two versions, dark and colors. Isobel is designed to fit Maitreya only and Cedric is designed to fit Signature Gianni. Other bodies for both may work since the bodies are largely alphaed out, but be sure to try the demo!

Just for fun we made a little bento picture pose set to use with your favorite broom and our Isobel & Cedric outfits (broom NOT included!)

TAXI: World of Magic

Surreal Sunset

Picture made for Eclipse Magazine // February 2019 (

It’s clear as the day
Never gonna cast my anchor out
I’m a free spirit, torn in a way
I can’t stay here for too long
I got to keep on moving on
Nothing fades as nothing changes
This old place is driving me crazy

Live on and dream on

[Amy Macdonald]

When I was asked to do a spread of E.V.E Studio for the actual issue of the Eclipse Magazine, I was mega happy. I do love the creations from Noke Yuitza – owner and designer of E.V.E Studio – for a long time and he never stops to amaze me with his new designs. His imagination must be never ending huge 😉

This picture was just one out of six I made for the magazine and I will try to show them one by one, as each one has it’s own theme and mood behind it and deserves it’s own spotlight.  This one probably is the most soft and dreamy one and I thought, it would make a good start for the series.

The imagination behind it was a peaceful, dreamy sunset on a surreal planet.


Body Glitter: E.V.E Studio – “Rapunzel Suit Glitter” (Maitreya)

Collar & Back: E.V.E Studio – “Broken Chains: Scattered Roses”

Horns: E.V.E Studio – “Maleficent GW Horns”

Spine: Salt & Pepper – “Skeleton Spine” (Maitreya)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Wedding” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Makeup & Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “New Wave” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: lock&tuft – “Bass”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Nepthune V2”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Nerve” (Maitreya Applier)

Lashes: alaskametro<3 – “Slay” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Pose: Foxcity – “Legs for Days-2m” (Bento)

Set: E.V.E Studio – “Sunny Spells”, “Dystopias Chained Roses”, “Poison Rain Spikes Grass” & “Koi Square Confetti Path”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ The Fetish Fair


Wicca’s Originals @ The Fetish Fair // February 15th – March 2nd

It’s time for the first Fetish Fair of 2019 and we are thrilled to be a part of it! We have created Felicity, a short body suit with a harness accent. The body suit and the harness are separates so you can wear the body suit with or without the harness. Felicity comes with a HUD that offers 10 colors for the body suit as well as the harness. Designed for the Maitreya Lara mesh body.

TAXI: Fetish Fair 2019

Wicca’s Originals @ FrouFrou

Wicca’s Originals @ FrouFrou // February 10th – March 8th

FrouFrou is a mesh lingerie only event we are thrilled to be a part of! This round of FrouFrou the theme is Burlesque. In that spirit we have created our Dita Corset and panties. It comes with a HUD that provides 10 colors and laces as well as 5 metal color options. Dita is designed to fit the Maitreya Lara mesh body.

TAXI: FrouFrou February 2019

It was one of those days again…



Being like you are, well, this is something else
Who would comprehend? But some that do lay claim
Divine purpose blesses them, that’s not what I believe
And it doesn’t matter anyway
A part of your soul ties you to the next world
Or maybe to the last but I’m still not sure
But what I do know is to us the world is different
As we are to the world, I guess you would know that
Please don’t go, I want you to stay
I’m begging you, please, please don’t leave here
I don’t want you to hate for all the hurt that you feel
The world is just illusion trying to change you
[VNV Nation]

It was one of those days again…
It was dark, cold and misty outside and sometimes it mirrors to my inner. I would not say I hate that days, they bring out a certain type of feeling and emotions and they make you think about yourself a lot more and as well different. Life taught me to not stay too long in that moments, but as well not try to skip them either. I need them as a part of me and if they happen, I just let them for a while. I have no idea if that makes sense – I hope it does and those who had those moments too, I thin you know what I am talking about.
If I am in Second Life on such days and try to style up a look, it does something to me and my looks. It takes me longer to finish a style and the thought s and emotions go way deeper than with a usual look. It is hard to explain as 90% about it is feelings and emotions and you know how hard those are to describe 😉

Usually on such days I start off with something I bought longer ago and never had the right mood to work on it.
Today it was the “Black Parade Uniform” from CUREMORE. I fell in love with that outfit ages ago and when CURELESS [+] had their sale I could not longer resist and got the fatpack. I adore the way how CURELESS [+] as well as Moon Amore do obviously cute and frilly outfits, but they all have kinda a morbid feeling to them still. The texture work and the mesh details are amazing. Initially I had something Circus like in mind, but the more I was looking at it, trying several things the vision changed. First I added the awesome “Kate Thigh High Boots” from [Gos], which they released at UBER. I am a high boots addicted so those super cool boots were a no-brainer :p, I could not miss them in my wardrobe.

As usual the boots come in all the popular mesh body sizes and with the 3 amazing HUDs from [Gos] – Boutique, Metallic and Blueberry. You do not only have a wide variety for the colors – Even for metals and sole you get several options. As if that would not be already enough, for the “Kate Thigh High Boots” you get the option to chose from a thick or thin heel as well (like shown in the picture above)!
I do not know why, but while I was staring at my pixels to think about what I could do all of a sudden, the “Black Widow” collar from DRD popped up in my mind. First I thought it wouldn’t fit, because the uniform already had such a high neck… but it turned out, that exactly that made it fit perfectly! Sometimes it is kinda fate I guess.
For the poses and props I immediately had an idea after I added the huge back collar. I had blogged some poses of the “Necromatic” pose gacha with the skeleton, but I as well had some violin poses seen in my folder and I had a feeling, those would fit perfectly. First I used the violin and the bow that the pose had included but with the brown violin I felt a little disturbed from my vision. When I started to look for a black violin on MP I remembered I had a black skull violin from Grollwerk like in forever – I have to admit it is an old prim violin and the store already seems to have closed down, but for a picture it would do it I thought and it did 😉
I wanted to wear such a little, cute hat that makes no sense, but looks good and so I had to find a special hair, which is close to the head and not too high at the top. Certainly I found one at no.match 🙂
I love the textures and the way how no.match does their hair. I rarely have alpha glitches even with longer hair and she has the perfect size as well if hair goes down over my chest. If you followed me for while you will know, that I use no,match hair a lot :p.
Now I only needed a special makeup to satisfy my mood. I recently had the honor of being chosen to do a makeup spread in the Eclipse Magazine for ALMA (HERE). That brought ALMA back to my plate – I have to admit I know them for a while but sometimes you forget about cool stores and the more happy I was when I discovered it again and found so many new cool makeups and face art. If you are looking for something out of the box, vibrant colors or really complete, extraordinary face art, ALMA is your place of desire.
Finally after hours I was happy with my look and it did mirror exactly what I was feeling while doing it. That does not happen too often I have to admit, but I do enjoy that immensely.
Then comes that next challenge… what to use as background or scenery?!? Nothing too colorful, nothing clean but as well nothing too dark and nothing too dirty… initially that always feels like a challenge I never can work out. Sometimes I even get frustrated if I can not find the right location or built the right scenery and then I just delete my whole look as on those special days, where I am in that special mood I do not want to make any compromises as they just feel wrong and take all of the depth from the picture. Thank God there is Ironwood Hills! Ironwood Hills has so many different corners and places, that I usually find what I am looking for if I wasn’t able to built something or get an idea of what I would like to have. This time it was the old, rotten theater from Marcus Inkpen, that they have rezzed out there near the landing spot. I just had to add my music items and some broken furniture and it looked exactly as I imagined it and … the best part… it did match my feelings!!! You really should explore Ironwood Hills and I swear you won’t discover all the little details and corners on one day 😉


Outfit: CUREMORE – “Black Parade Uniform” (Maitreya)
Shoes: [Gos] – “Kate Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ UBER
Tights: .::Nanika::. – “Alina Tights Black” (Maitreya Applier)


Hat: *BOOM* – “The Baroness Hat”
Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Vexie Collar” (Rigged)
Back Collar: DRD – “Black Widow Collar – Frost”
Rings: [Since1975] – “NoMercy Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Nail Polish: {ZOZ} – “Time Reds Polish” (Maitreya Applier)
Instrument: [GW] – “Skull Violin” (Store Closed)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Comission”
Eyemakeup: ALMA – “Isola” (LeLutka Applier)
Face Art: ALMA – “Being Human” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Bussaba” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Seeres Eyes”
Skin: *YS&YS* – “Ginny Vamp Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Izo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses (incl. Stool): Le Poppycock – “Necromantic – The Oldest Song” & “Necromatic – Grim Anthem” (Bento, Gacha)

Note Stand: Fancy Decor – “Music Stand”

Notes: Nutmeg – “Old Music Sheets Floor” & “Old Music Sheets Standing”

Furniture 1: [ zerkalo ] – “Last Refuge – Dirty Matress – PG”

Furniture 2: DISORDERLY – “Overgrown Patio – Table & Chairs” + “Burried Treasure”


Model & Photographer

Monthly Midnight Madness @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ Monthly Midnight Madness (February 9th – 10th)

It’s Monthly Midnight Madness’ 4th birthday! In honor of that we have our Paisley outfit in a special MMM edition. At midnight SLT we will offer the Paisley skirt. At noon SLT we will offer the our Paisley top. In order to get these gifts you have to be in the MMM group and abide by the MMM rules (which you can find here:
PLEASE STAY BELOW 50K complexity. The boards won’t give gifts to avatars above 50K complexity!

We will also be offering add on HUDs for both the Paisley top and skirt. This add on HUD will provide you with additional customization options for the skirt ruffles, pouch, leather and metals. On the top the add on HUD will allow you to change the texture of the shirt, buttons and leather. The add on HUDs will cost you L$50 each as a part of the MMM group. Members of our Wicca’s Wardrobe group will get the add on HUDs for free!

For all who missed the gifts, there is a Last Chance option on Sunday, February 10th. The items will be offered for L$50 except Wicca’s Wardrobe group members who will get the gifts for free.

In celebration of 4 fun filled years of MMM, all participating creators will be offering their MMM creations from the past year at the ULTIMATE LAST CHANCE location. These past gifts will be offered to MMM groups for up to L$99. Our past items will be offered for L$75 each.

As always our latest offering will be available at our mainstore: Wicca’s Wardrobe

Only the past year’s gifts will be offered at an alternate location: ULTIMATE Last Chance