A little Midnight Snack?

Talk about her like a Queen
Dancing in a Eastern Dream
Yeah, she makes me feel like a river
That carries me away

[Deep Purple]

The eastern Asian culture always was very interesting to me. It has a great feeling of elegance, mystic and as well a high traditional one. I rarely dare to touch that kind of style, as I am not too familiar with it and I do not wanna hurt anyones feelings. Sometimes I do feel the desire to try and when I found that cute Octopus gacha from ::Static:: called “Octopet Prize” I could not resist to combine that with the try of a Japanese look, in a way how I would imagine it. I have no idea why, but when I was holding that little bag with the pet in my hands I had the strange feeling, that I just had bought my dinner… I know a little morbid but sometimes my brain does those funny jumps *giggles*

So I was looking in my inventory for something that could go with that idea and found a sweet short Kimono from Luas, which is quite naughty as you can see the bits above the seam. I did not want that kind of look for my todays pictures, so I added a bra from Blacklace and a cool tattoo to cover that lightly :p

First I thought about making a set by my own, but I do not really own many Asian things so I decided to take a look what comes up in search if I type “Tokyo”. After trying some places I found a really cool sim called “Rieri Town in Tokyo” and they had a super cool mall with some food shops and that was exactly what I had in mind 🙂

Today I am again wearing my “Simone 3.3” bento head from LeLutka. Seriously, those heads never stop to amaze me in terms of versatility. When I did put on the “Geisha” makeup from ALMA, and tweaked my shape lightly, I immediately got an Asian touch to my face. Usually I never wear any eyebrows, that became kind of a trademark over the past years, but sometimes I cannot resist to wear some penciled eyebrows, especially, if I decide to tint my hair dark or even black.

Maybe I should dig more into that kind of style, as I really do like the look and the mystic feelings that are attached to that. Plus I really should explore more again and find some new awesome photo places for future pictures 🙂


Dress: Luas – “Mei Xing” (Maitreya)

Bra: Blacklace – “Niki Red Leather & Lace Set” (Omega Applier)

Shoes: MOMOCHUU – “Hoshi – Stocking +Geta Red” (Gacha)


Headpiece: [CX] – “Sai Kanzashi”

Rings & Nails: Pure Poison – “Victoria”

Animals: ::Static::– “Octopet Prize” (Gacha)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Further”

Makeup: ALMA – “Geisha”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: HoTINK – “Geisha” (Maitreya Applier)

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Akasuna”

Eyes: ARISE – “Haya Eyes”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


SSOS – Rieri Town in Tokyo

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

“Time of my Life!”

Vintage Fair is going on at the moment and even if the oder was “pre 80s” for the theme at the event, I could not resist to do another colorful 80s post with some items and designs I found there. The center of my style this time was the cool “Discordia” top from The Annex. Certainly you can style that top in a 70s style as well, but as you can see 80s works too.

Believe it or not, the Vintage Fair is one of my favorite events in Second Life. I know many of you know I am a friend of weird and dark things, but vintage styles especially the 20s to 50s are times and styles that really touch me somehow. Maybe it is because of the music. I love Swing, Rock ‘n’ Roll and Rockabilly! I do have some more vintage posts prepared, but I wanted to start with that cool top as it caught my attention from the moment I put it on the first time. The top is available in 5 different colors and made for Maitreya.

What perfectly fit the 80s look where the “Star Boots”, made by [Gos]. The certainly come with a color HUD, but that silver colors was so perfect for that look. On the picture above you can see a few more colors, but not all of the them 😉 In total you get 15 colors for the main boot, 5 for the lining, 2 for the heel, tread and laces and 3 different metals. For the heel, if you want it the same color as the shoes, you simply can chose the main boot color as that includes the heel, too.

Another cool thing I wanted to talk about is the LeLutka Axis HUD. I know, it is around for a while, but I still get asked how I do my facial expressions apart from the ready made ones you can buy for the LeLutka heads. The HUD is not limited to LeLutka only. You can animate other brands heads as well. I tried it myself with LAQ and Logo and I was asking a friend, that uses Catwa and she said it works too. The only tricky part is expressions with the tongue involved as those seem to react a little different. Other than that, the Axis HUD worked on the other heads just fine for me (You always can try the demo). If you want the full information, you always can look at the LeLutka website (http://lelutka.com/blog/axis-hud/)

That HUD opened a new world of close up pictures for me – not only close ups but there you can see the most impact certainly, if you have the face in your focus. With the Axis HUD you can either create a fully new expression OR you can alter expressions that you already have for your head. Since my English is not the best I would like to quote something from the website that explains the most important infos of the HUD:

“Most of what you need to know about getting started can be found on the info pages which show on HUD itself when you first wear it. You can return to those info pages at any time you like by clicking the “i” button on the top of your HUD.

You can click and drag on the point grids to rotate each facial bone on one, two or three axis, depending on the bone. Three axis bones such as the lip bones have an extra row underneath the main point grid which you can use to rotate the bone on the third axis. There are also larger circles at the edges of the brows and lips which allow you to move several bones together. Once you have the expression just how you like it, you can save your animation set into a savorite at the bottom of the HUD if you want to recall it later.

You can also target up to three other avatars and individually set up unique facial animations for group photos or just a bit of fun.”

I tried the HUD not only o myself, but as well with my partner and me no a picture and it worked perfectly.I was wearing the “Simone” head while he was wearing a Catwa one and it worked without any issues (https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiccamerlin/45078595804/in/dateposted-public/)

I was able to create way more moods and expressions, what really raised the bar for my pictures in my view. I am able to even more expressing emotions or having fun moments that without that HUD!

Last but not least – yes that again is a longer post, but there was so many details that should not be overlooked 🙂 – I would like to draw your attention to my hairstyle. It was made by no.match and is called “No.Stress”. You can find it at the actual round of eBENTO. Usually I prefer blond, because of my no eyebrow trademark. But today, for my 80s look I felt I should have some more colored hair, that as well is one of the reasons for me wearing eyebrows today 😉 For me it was the first time, that I touched the ‘unicorn’ color HUD from no.match – after seeing it I know it will not be the last time :p

I hope you enjoyed my little 80s trip as much as I did, tomorrow we will go back a little more in time I guess 😉


Top: The Annex – “Discordia Top – Red” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Vintage Fair

Shorts: adorsy – “Sharon Jeans Shorts” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Star Boots” (Maitreya)

Gloves: L’Emporio – “Fingerless Gloves” (Maitreya, Bento)

Stockings: {Luxuria} – “Spring Summer 19 Knee Heighs” (Maitreya Applier)

Legs: [ SAKIDE ] – “Yleria” (Maitreya)


Headphones: BONDI – “The Retro Headphones” – NEW @ Vintage Fair

Collar: -[ darkling ]- – “Angelique Collar” (Maitreya)

Upper Arms: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Pyper 69 Upper Arms”

Piercing 1: BLAXIUM – “Dangerous” (LeLutka Simone, Bento)

Piercing 2: BLAXIUM – “Jaiden Chain Piercing”

Nails: BLAXIUM – “Mikah Nails” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair &  Makeup

Eyebrows: Izzie’s – “Vintage Summer Brows” (LeLutka Applier)

Hair: no.match – “No.Stress”

Eyeshadow: ALMA – “Alba” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “New Wave” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: ((Mister Razzor)) – “Betina Tattoo – 75%” (Omega Applier) – NEW @ Vintage Fair

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon – “Hip Hop” & “Idols”


Backdrop: Foxcity – “Photo Booth – Neon Storm”

Couch: Foxcity – “Tasty AF (2) Diner Sofa” (Gacha)

Speakers: Daffy’s Gadgetmania Club Equipment and Structure Designs – “-[GFX- 800]- Mesh Advanced Speakers”

Clock: Visual Magick – “Retro Neon Clock – Bepis Cola”- NEW @ Vintage Fair

Sign: Saintstreet – “Neon Lady Symbol” (Gacha)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Red Trench…

“Tess, there’s about as much chance of me getting behind a desk as there is of me getting a new girlfriend.”

[Dick Tracy]

I do not know why, but when I tried on the “Roxy” gacha set, I instantly had a Dick Tracy feeling *giggles* Probably it was the cool trench coat of the set 😉

The “Roxy” gacha set is an awesome collaboration between [Gos] and Lybra. While Lybra made the lingerie and the trench coat, [Gos] contributed the cool boots. The lingerie fits amazingly under the trench and for a cool RP, I can see a complete use for that *giggles* I guess I will have to showcase the lingerie some when as well, but for today I just wear it underneath the trench coat and it just pokes out here and there when my pixels move 😉

The super cute hair was my by no.match one of my personal favorite hair stores. The huge wavy hair matched perfect to my little “Dick Tracy” mood. It originally was made for the COSMOPOLITAN event but it should be at the main store by now.

Now you will wonder, why Wicca looks so ‘young today’… that has a special reason 😉

As I stated before I feel so honored to be chosen as a LeLutka blogger and I certainly want to showcase all of their amazing work.  Today I am wearing the “Vera” head. Usually I try to look like a middle aged woman between 30 and 40 with my avatar, but the Vera head had such a cute vibe for me, I could not resist to get a young skin for it too. It is incredible how you can change the look of each LeLutka head with different skins and shapes. I did not have that for other bento mesh heads that much, that is probably the reason why I am so addicted about LeLutka heads *snickers* Plus the fact that they are so versatile, they do have an amazing HUD and I never ever had trouble with controlling my head completely. I know that many do have issues with HUD s from other heads, as they are either so many different HUDs, or one way too huge that isn’t that lag resistant. I enjoy the HUDs for the LeLutka heads a lot. They are clearly structured, have several tabs, that let you customize the heads with textures and animations and you even can do backup safeties for your heads if you get updates or if something goes wrong. You do do not have to set up your head from scratch you just can use your back up to restore your settings and safed makeups/skins on a fresh copy. LeLutka update their heads on a regular base with all new features like baked mesh and they are fixing minor issues, which I rarely notice before they get fixed 😉 I soon have to make a post about the great add-ons too. Did you know that LeLutka made several candies that cooperate with their mesh heads? I love chewing their bubble gum inworld on my avatar – but that will be another post soon!


Coat: Lybra – “Roxy Trench” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Bra: Lybra – “Roxy Bra” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Panties: Lybra – “Roxy Panties” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany

Shoes: [Gos] – “Roxy Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany


Necklace: < IDEALIA > – “Quera Necklace”

Bracelet (left): [ kunst ] – “Conrad Bracelet”

Bracelet (right): [ kunst ] – “Taylor Bracelet”

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Stiletto 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Affair”

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Perfect Liner” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: ALMA – “Fall” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Vera 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: Glam Affair – “May” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


BackBone – “Office Life – Large Locker” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Desk” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Locker” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Wall Basket 2” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Frame” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Life Wall Sign” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Trash Can” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Vintage Radiator” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Industrial Rug” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Stool” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Floor Lamp” (Gacha)

BackBone – “Office Life – Desk Lamp Blue” (Gacha)

22769 – “Office Binder” (Gacha)

22769 – “Pencil Sharpener” (Gacha)

22769 – “Vintage Radio” (Gacha)

22769 – “Vintage Typewriter” (Gacha, GG Reward)

Fiasco – “Old Office Lotion and Tissues” (Gacha)

Fiasco – “Old Office Games Gift” (Gacha)

Fiasco – “Old Office Chair” (Gacha)

[La Baguette] – “Box of pizza 3 slice left v2”

[INDO] – “Soda Can”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror ;)

Dark Fantasy is just another way of saying Horror.

[Terry Pratchett]

Cyber & Sci-fi time again!

There is so many exciting events running at the moment, it is really hard to resist to not buy everything you see at those events… Especially if it is events like Black Fair, Epiphany, ACCESS or The Fantasy Faire even.

A few things I got nevertheless and they screamed cyberpunk/sci-fi for me 😉 I am still in my dark period with creating styles and pictures and the more I do, the more I enjoy it 🙂 With the dark and fantasy side of SL, I feel so much inspiration lately that I could post something every day if I would have the time to post process all my pictures. But since I wanted to use my easter holidays for learning new tricks in Photoshop, finishing pictures takes some time – even a little more with try and error these days *winks* The desire was to learn more about shading, lights and shadows and how they can be done realistic in Photoshop. I had some basic knowledge about that with a lot of layers, but I wanted to have a different result, something I saw a lot on flickr lately and that was why I forced myself to watch some tutorials and then try them instantly myself. I am not yet done completely with my research, but for today I was pretty satisfied how those new tips and ticks worked out.

The mega, amazing “Aeon Cyber Corset” is one of the latest releases from A&Y. I love the creations of Anabel Crystal, owner and designer of A&Y. She has a very special way for sci-fi and cyberpunk creations and I do love her skills for vinyl and leather clothing. The corset you can find at the actual round of the ACCESS event, while there is a matching top/jacket at the black fair, which I will have to showcase soon too (I saw that after I finished my styling for this post already).

The incredible “Voodoo” ears are as well a brand new release at the Black Fair. I love the ears of Eclipse Art Studio and Shina Shan never stop to amaze me with every new release. She always has another cool idea for the accessories of her ears. This time it was that little voodoo doll, that she added to the earlobes as an earring. The voodoo doll can be purchased as a single earring as well if you do not want to have the long elf ears ;). I love how easy you can tint the ears to match your skin and the possibility of all the tattoos you can add really make those ears so versatile.

For a strong, powerful outfit you need super cool boots and those I found with the “Roxy” boots from [Gos]. The boots are part of a gacha, which is a collaboration of [Gos ] and Lybra. I will have a post for that gacha and all of it’s beauty soon – the boots just matched so awesome with my look, that I could not resist to already use them *blushes* The thigh high boots are super tight and have an amazing laced back. Certainly there are more colors available than just black in the gacha 😉

For the location I was trying first to set up something by myself, but this time I did not wanna come together as I desired it and so I made may way out to see if I could find a cyberpunk sim for my pictures. First I tried Cocoon, which is amazingly built but for non group members you have no rez rights and I wanted to use my pose stand this time. I need to go back another time as they really do have amazing spots for pictures and the sim rules even allow photographers as long as you wear an OOC titler, which you can find at the landing spot.

I did remember, that Insilico had rezzing open at least for rezzing a pose stand top hop on. The auto-return kicks in after a few minutes, but as long as you sit on your stand, you are safe. Just do not get scared when you are done and stand up as the stand will be returned to your lost and found folder.

After I could not decide about a perfect spot and had shot some random snaps, I did remember a few backdrops, that I got as a present from a friend not too long ago. The whole gacha set is amazing and I hope, I can find/win the ones I still miss in my collection. The “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” was the perfect background for my look.


Corset: A&Y  – “Aeon Cyber Corset” (Maitreya – NEW @ ACCESS Event // April 2019

Panties: A&Y – “Loma Leather Panties” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Roxy Boots” (Maitreya, Gacha) – NEW @ Epiphany // April 2019

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Paxton Gloves [Light]” (Maitreya, Bento)


Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger” (Maitreya)

Piercing 1: [CX] – “Scarred Bridge”

Piercing 2: [CX] – “Spiked Gloss”

Earring+Chain: [CX] – “Vermin”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: A&Y – “Cyber Ghost Hair”

Makeup & Lipstick: YS&YS – “Ginny Skin Applier” (LeLutka Applier)

Face Art: ALMA – “Rors for L’Homme” (LeLutka Applier, Gift)

Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Ears: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Voodoo” – NEW @ Black Fair // April-May 2019

Eyes: Clemmm – “I’m tired / Black-Regular”

Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny – Tone Zafiro” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

Tattoo: .:AuricA:. – “Saida Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Poseidon

Backdrop: MINIMAL – “Cyberpunk Capsule *7*” (Gacha)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

It was one of those days again…



Being like you are, well, this is something else
Who would comprehend? But some that do lay claim
Divine purpose blesses them, that’s not what I believe
And it doesn’t matter anyway
A part of your soul ties you to the next world
Or maybe to the last but I’m still not sure
But what I do know is to us the world is different
As we are to the world, I guess you would know that
Please don’t go, I want you to stay
I’m begging you, please, please don’t leave here
I don’t want you to hate for all the hurt that you feel
The world is just illusion trying to change you
[VNV Nation]

It was one of those days again…
It was dark, cold and misty outside and sometimes it mirrors to my inner. I would not say I hate that days, they bring out a certain type of feeling and emotions and they make you think about yourself a lot more and as well different. Life taught me to not stay too long in that moments, but as well not try to skip them either. I need them as a part of me and if they happen, I just let them for a while. I have no idea if that makes sense – I hope it does and those who had those moments too, I thin you know what I am talking about.
If I am in Second Life on such days and try to style up a look, it does something to me and my looks. It takes me longer to finish a style and the thought s and emotions go way deeper than with a usual look. It is hard to explain as 90% about it is feelings and emotions and you know how hard those are to describe 😉

Usually on such days I start off with something I bought longer ago and never had the right mood to work on it.
Today it was the “Black Parade Uniform” from CUREMORE. I fell in love with that outfit ages ago and when CURELESS [+] had their sale I could not longer resist and got the fatpack. I adore the way how CURELESS [+] as well as Moon Amore do obviously cute and frilly outfits, but they all have kinda a morbid feeling to them still. The texture work and the mesh details are amazing. Initially I had something Circus like in mind, but the more I was looking at it, trying several things the vision changed. First I added the awesome “Kate Thigh High Boots” from [Gos], which they released at UBER. I am a high boots addicted so those super cool boots were a no-brainer :p, I could not miss them in my wardrobe.

As usual the boots come in all the popular mesh body sizes and with the 3 amazing HUDs from [Gos] – Boutique, Metallic and Blueberry. You do not only have a wide variety for the colors – Even for metals and sole you get several options. As if that would not be already enough, for the “Kate Thigh High Boots” you get the option to chose from a thick or thin heel as well (like shown in the picture above)!
I do not know why, but while I was staring at my pixels to think about what I could do all of a sudden, the “Black Widow” collar from DRD popped up in my mind. First I thought it wouldn’t fit, because the uniform already had such a high neck… but it turned out, that exactly that made it fit perfectly! Sometimes it is kinda fate I guess.
For the poses and props I immediately had an idea after I added the huge back collar. I had blogged some poses of the “Necromatic” pose gacha with the skeleton, but I as well had some violin poses seen in my folder and I had a feeling, those would fit perfectly. First I used the violin and the bow that the pose had included but with the brown violin I felt a little disturbed from my vision. When I started to look for a black violin on MP I remembered I had a black skull violin from Grollwerk like in forever – I have to admit it is an old prim violin and the store already seems to have closed down, but for a picture it would do it I thought and it did 😉
I wanted to wear such a little, cute hat that makes no sense, but looks good and so I had to find a special hair, which is close to the head and not too high at the top. Certainly I found one at no.match 🙂
I love the textures and the way how no.match does their hair. I rarely have alpha glitches even with longer hair and she has the perfect size as well if hair goes down over my chest. If you followed me for while you will know, that I use no,match hair a lot :p.
Now I only needed a special makeup to satisfy my mood. I recently had the honor of being chosen to do a makeup spread in the Eclipse Magazine for ALMA (HERE). That brought ALMA back to my plate – I have to admit I know them for a while but sometimes you forget about cool stores and the more happy I was when I discovered it again and found so many new cool makeups and face art. If you are looking for something out of the box, vibrant colors or really complete, extraordinary face art, ALMA is your place of desire.
Finally after hours I was happy with my look and it did mirror exactly what I was feeling while doing it. That does not happen too often I have to admit, but I do enjoy that immensely.
Then comes that next challenge… what to use as background or scenery?!? Nothing too colorful, nothing clean but as well nothing too dark and nothing too dirty… initially that always feels like a challenge I never can work out. Sometimes I even get frustrated if I can not find the right location or built the right scenery and then I just delete my whole look as on those special days, where I am in that special mood I do not want to make any compromises as they just feel wrong and take all of the depth from the picture. Thank God there is Ironwood Hills! Ironwood Hills has so many different corners and places, that I usually find what I am looking for if I wasn’t able to built something or get an idea of what I would like to have. This time it was the old, rotten theater from Marcus Inkpen, that they have rezzed out there near the landing spot. I just had to add my music items and some broken furniture and it looked exactly as I imagined it and … the best part… it did match my feelings!!! You really should explore Ironwood Hills and I swear you won’t discover all the little details and corners on one day 😉


Outfit: CUREMORE – “Black Parade Uniform” (Maitreya)
Shoes: [Gos] – “Kate Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya) – NEW @ UBER
Tights: .::Nanika::. – “Alina Tights Black” (Maitreya Applier)


Hat: *BOOM* – “The Baroness Hat”
Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Vexie Collar” (Rigged)
Back Collar: DRD – “Black Widow Collar – Frost”
Rings: [Since1975] – “NoMercy Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Nail Polish: {ZOZ} – “Time Reds Polish” (Maitreya Applier)
Instrument: [GW] – “Skull Violin” (Store Closed)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Comission”
Eyemakeup: ALMA – “Isola” (LeLutka Applier)
Face Art: ALMA – “Being Human” (LeLutka Applier)
Lipstick: Zibska – “Bussaba” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Eyes: CURELESS [+] – “Seeres Eyes”
Skin: *YS&YS* – “Ginny Vamp Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Izo” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses (incl. Stool): Le Poppycock – “Necromantic – The Oldest Song” & “Necromatic – Grim Anthem” (Bento, Gacha)

Note Stand: Fancy Decor – “Music Stand”

Notes: Nutmeg – “Old Music Sheets Floor” & “Old Music Sheets Standing”

Furniture 1: [ zerkalo ] – “Last Refuge – Dirty Matress – PG”

Furniture 2: DISORDERLY – “Overgrown Patio – Table & Chairs” + “Burried Treasure”


Model & Photographer

Makeup Spotlight: ALMA Makeup Part I

ALMA – “Symphonie Makeup”

I know it was a while since my last post, but sometimes RL hits you right in your face and you are kinda knocked out for a while

Holidays were unexpected not that nice as I planned it. My ex boss man, the principal of the school I am working for, nearly a paternal friend of mine, died on the 22nd of December while he was on tour with his bicycle. I was in shock as that would have been the last I expected… I saw him a week before that happened and he seemed healthier than ever before, he even said he never felt so good. He had great plans for his pensioner life. He wanted to travel, visit his family and even do some really exciting things he wasn’t able to do while he was working. But life planned different… while he was enjoying nature – he did that a lot – a cardiac infarction pulled him off his bicycle…

ALMA – “Butterfly Makeup” + “Heat Lipstick”

As if that would not be enough, 2 days later a friend of mine told me  – while I was sending him Merry Christmas – that the doctors stopped his medical treatment and he would only have a few more days to live. Coming right after the first punch it really knocked me down. I wasn’t able to really think straight for about a week and I needed another to recover from that and sort my brain again. Those things show you, how lucky you are if you are still alive and kinda healthy – besides a few things that age brings with it.

This being said I try to find my way back into life and come back with some pictures I did before that all happened…

ALMA – “GEAR Makeup”

I had the great pleasure to do a makeup tutorial for the last Eclipse Magazine issue and I wanted to share at least a few of the pictures with you on my blog 😉 ALMA probably is not a usual mainstream makeup store but they do have a few very unique and extraordinary face art pieces 😉

Since it would have been boring to use only my face all the time I experimented a little bit with some of my mesh heads, which I usually wear only for vendors (for the same reason). It was a cool challenge, as I had a lot of attention on the different faces and so I was forced to work on shaping a lot again. I have to admit a few I really liked in the end 😉 It again showed me how much you can work on a face to make it fit different makeups. Especially the “GEAR” makeup took me a while, until I had the shape figured out to not destroy the cool circle around the eye. First I thought about to do only head shots but with those impressive makeups, I wanted to add some attitude. With a few accessories and my awesome Axis HUD from LeLutka (to make facial expressions) it really was a lot of fun. I never worked so much with faces and expressions only before, but I have to admit it won’t be my last makeup special 😉

ALMA – “Crow Makeup” + “Heat Lips”


Pastel Sugar Rush

Picture made for VERSUS Magazine Spring/Summer 2018


Outfit & Accesories:

Outfit (incl. shoes): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Misaki” (Maitreya, Gacha)

Tights: Nanika – “Alina Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Scorpio” (tinted)

Makeup: ALMA – “Hela” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Loving” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

(*chanimations / !dM – ” SugarRush”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Vibrant Lights

“I think there is beauty in everything what ‘normal’ people would perceive as ugly. I can usually see something of beauty in it.”

[Alexander McQueen]

YAY! Fetish Fair extends for one week! More time to get all the goodies 😉 Speaking of goodies, many parts of my todays post are from exactly that Fetish Fair…

The cool mask, what made me start with my styling today, comes from E-Clipse Design. It is part of a full outfit called “Anu”. The outfit comes with dress, mask, boots and as well a whip. The boots and the whip I did not use for todays post.

The mask caught my attention immediately – I LOVE such neat accessories that are outside the mainstream range… I am sure thats nothing new 😉 All the little details, the gear and tubes already make this a stunning accessory and if you take a closer look at the textures, you will see why I fell in love with it. The dress as well is something special. The fabric is opaque, but has a wonderful shining texture and you get the imagination of it being slightly sheer even if it is not. Speaking of details… take a look how awesome the strings are wrapped around the body held by those amazing metal rings!

The cool boots would fit perfectly into the Fetish Fair as well, but those are out now at the Cosmopolitan event. The “Camala” boots are calf high boots with an amazing lace down at the sides of the feet. I have no clue how Elisabetta Hyun does her textures, but they are so incredible realistic and you never have any seams where the shoes have none. The “Camala” boots come with a huge HUD to customize several parts of the boots like the main boot, the laces, the inner and outer sole as well as the heel and metals. I know I already mentioned that, but what I do like a lot with the UTOPIA@Design shoes is the preset tab on the HUD where Elisabetta already makes 9 presets ready to wear and as well the possibility to choose about the glossiness of the whole shoe.

The collar and the cool garter – yes, it is a mesh body rigged garter that is a standalone without the stockings – I as well found at the Fetish Fair. Recently I look into .:Avanti:. more and more as I really do like the way Intoxicate, owner and designer of .:Avanti:., creates her things. I rarely saw so many different way of stockings like she did and what I love the most – they are different high on the thighs depending on their style. That makes it possible, that you can either connect them to garters or wear them even under thigh high boots and see the tiny boarder peeking still 😉 and certainly I cannot forget to mention that I adore her texture skills for her appliers!

Last but not least, I would like to drag your attention towards the amazing hand accessories I am wearing. I always look for something I can wear on my hands, I am addicted to all kind of nails, rings, gloves and what not 😉 This time I chose the super cool “No Mercy Rings” from [Since1975].  They combine some leather straps wrapped around your hands and as well unusual, kick ass rings and little gems on the fingernails. All are perfectly rigged for bento hands and react awesome to all kind of finger movement and posing. With the HUD you can decide what metal colors you would like to have and as well you can hide rinsg and gems single, to not have a perfect mirror on both hands. That I like a lot, as you usually never have all the same rings mirrored on each hand at the same time and I am anyways a lover of non symmetric things.

But now I will make my way back to the Fetish Fair again – since I have one week more to go – and see what neat accessories I can find for my next post 😉


Outfit & Accessories:

Outfit & Mask: E-Clipse Design (ED) – “Anu Dress” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Camala” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Cosmopolitan

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Garter: .:Avanti:. – “Mina Garter” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Collar: .:Avanti:. – “Nayomi Collar” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Hand Accessories: [Since1975] – “No Mercy Rings” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2018

Nailpolish: alme. – “Silver Lines Dark” (Maitreya Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Hair – “Oakes”

Hairbase: Mina – “Myla” (LeLutka Applier, comes with a hair style)

Makeup: ALMA – “Hela” (LeLutka Applier)


Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [Hipster Style] – “Black Tattoo” (Maitreya & LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props:

Backdrop: anxiety – “%bedside” (Group Gift)

Poses: s26 – “Soraya” (Bento), Belle Poses – “Mi” & “Margery” (Bento) & Body Language “Fine Sand” (Bento)

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin