Wicca’s Originals @ Camp Necrosis // May/June 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Camp Necrosis // May 28th – June 11th

The Carvis Bindi is the latest in esoteric accessories for your enjoyment and spiritual growth by Wicca’s Originals. This simple headpiece adorns your sixth chakra, and resting the pentacle design is said to help the wearer attune their personal energy to the five elements, represented by the five points; spirit, air, earth, water, and fire. Meditating on these energies, to concentrate them to one’s seat of concealed wisdom is a source of great strength. The Carvis Bindi can be held in place by a single chain, with two optional side chains, depending on personal style. It is a unisex, unrigged piece, intended to be worn on any head, and comes with 10 metal color options.

Event Location: Camp Necrosis

Painting – I swear it was supposed to be on the Canvas!


Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yuletide gay
Next year all our troubles will be miles away
Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
Someday soon we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then we’ll have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now
[Judy Garland]

After a rough week I finally can do a post again 🙂

The time before Christmas seems to be a hard time for many people. I feel it a lot lately with the kids at school. The quiet time, the time of love and family – for some it seems to be the opposite of that. Maybe it is because they miss that feelings at home, or they do have problems they try to hide the whole year and when Christmas comes close they start to realize even more. I do not know what it is, but some do need more attention and care. I try as much to give them what they need, in a way I am allowed to, but I realized it really soaks a lot of power and energy off myself – more than usual and more than in any other year before. That means to me I need to find moments and ways to refill my own ‘batteries’ and making pictures in Second Life is one of them 🙂

I had the great pleasure to meet Hattie Panacek – owner and builder/designer of Ex Machina – when she agreed to built us our new custom made Mainstore for Wicca’s Wardrobe. I never dared to even think about her as the builder for our store, as I know she usually not does any custom builts. Salt from Salt and Pepper encouraged me to ask her and even offered herself as reference. I hesitated for a while… I looked around to maybe find a store that would fit to us, our designs and our imaginations, but all that I found had one of those criteria but not more than one at the same time.

So I gathered my courage, took a deep breath and opened an IM to Hattie. I kinda was prepared to get a no to my request, but what I had to loose? I was a little worried, that she would be too busy to answer and so I thought it would take a while for her to come back on me and after I typed my proposal I closed the IM – maybe I just closed it so fast, as I was scared about the answer *snickers*

You know what?!?!?! It turned out to be one of the most amazing talk I had in Second Life. She replied kinda instant and I nearly fainted as I really didn’t expect that. She got our vision after just a few seconds and already had even some ideas for it. When she said she looked at our stuffs and liked the way we design and some of the stiff we do… I really was close to just pass out *giggles*. She pointed out some things and even did let our vision grow with her input. It felt like I would talk to an old friend – unbelievable. I always admired her work, her ideas and building skills and as well her incredible textures. She makes things look like used and not just shiny and nice – even if she certainly can do that as well 😉 I just really really adore her way to do things. The more we talked when we met for sneak previews of what she was building for us, or for some more talks about specific things for the built, the more she became a friend to me as well and we discovered, that we share a lot of things, thoughts and likings.

One day she showed me her newest release for an event and I instantly loved it. I already did showcase the right side of that amazing backdrop before (https://wiccamerlin.de/late-autumn-soon-i-need-to-turn-on-the-heating-again/) and today it is time for the left side 😉

I am talking about the “Atelier Baudelaire – By Ex Machina” backdrop.

The left side is a neat little atelier of a painting artist – according to Hattie the whole backdrop was inspired by the great French poet Charles Baudelaire. The backdrop has it’s own lights but since it is modify you can even turn them off if you want to use your own light setting. Did you ever see such an amazing love for the detail for just a corner of one room? The different paintings, the cool ‘used look’ details for the walls even behind the paintings and then the cardboard with the brushes and spilled paint… simply incredible and stunning. The more you look at that stunning backdrop the more details you will find like the awesome pipes at the ceiling. As well the materials are super awesome! If you are able to turn on materials the whole backdrop is like a new experience again. It does look already cool without but if you turn the advanced lighting model on in your graphics it does look like as you could even feel the little crackles or the bricks at the wall when you touch it – just breathtaking!


All the paintings, paint buckets and brushes reminded me of a fun mesh head/body applier of paint from Izzie’s I always wanted to use and never found the right chance to do so. The same I had with the super cool and amazing Paintball gacha set – I had no one yet playing that with me – where I had Redclaw shooting at me to get the paint splatter effect on the top 😉 I guess I drove him nuts with that, as I wanted too have as many colors as possible on my short and he had to change between the guns all the time until I liked the way the paint applied to myself and the shirt *giggles*

Overall todays pictures where a lot of fun and I wasn’t able in a long time to just fool around with items, poses and things as my RL kept me so much. I hope the next days it will be a little easier going and I have more room for creative pictures and stuff to fool around with and getting inspired again 😉


Shirt: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Paintball Tank” (Maitreya, Gacha, Common)

Pants: Neve – “Pant – Destroy” (Maitreya)

Shoes: DECO – “Classic Sneaks”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: [INK] – “Colored Pencil w/Tanbarumori” (Gacha, Common)

Makeup: alaskametro<3 – “Bali Eyeshadow” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Izzie’s – “Color Explosion” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Le Poppycock – “Just Alice” (with ladder, paint bucket & brush)

Backdrop: Ex Machina – “Atelier Baudelaire”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Rock’n’Roll ain’t Noise Pollution!


After all those nice, sweet and girly posts, I really had the desire to do something more ‘me’ again 🙂

Today I wanted to do something with short hair and the “No.Scene” hair style from no.match was exactly what I felt for today. You can find the hair style for a few more days at the MOM event before it probably hits the main store. Yes you heard right – MOM (Men Only Monthly). The hair comes in 2 different sizes, so male and female short hair lovers can wear it. For the “No.Scene” style you have an optional add on wisp, which I completely loved as it makes the whole look a little more ‘messy’ and loosely.

With that kind of hair, you cannot do a pretty. beauty look only… it needs a bot more character and power. The first thing I wanted to add was the “Kings” tattoo from [White~Widow]. It was at We RP last month already, but I was not able to put a look together that made that amazing tattoo shine enough until now.

What I more and more enjoy are the braces that are part of all of the LeLutka heads. It is only a tiny detail but together with the septum from [ kunst ] it just made perfect sense to me. O love such little details that are barely to see, but I know they are there :p

The glasses actually are super old ones, but I still do love them for pictures. [Steinwerk] was always one of my favorite brands for glasses and it is so sad that they did not release any new designs for quite a while, but you still can find all the fabulous creations at their inworld main store.

When I was trying to place myself onto the “Alleyway” backdrop, I had a feeling that it needs a ghetto blaster and some headphones to complete the look.

Such a cool look requires kick ass poses and where else than at Poseidon you can find such poses :p. The set I used is the “Anime” set, which was released for the ‘Notice Me, Senpai’ event but O am sure they are already at the Poseidon main store now, since the event closed a few days ago. If you want to know which poses I used exactly, just scroll down to the credits, this time I named each single one I used in order of appearance of the picture.

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: [sYs] – “Assia” (Maitreya)

Shoes: DECO – “Mesh Classic Sneakers small”

Glasses: [Steinwerk] – GT Sunglasses

Gloves: L’Emporio – “Fingerless Gloves” (Maitreya, Bento)

Headphones: [Figure 8] – “Gold Headphones” (Gacha)

Piercing: [ kunst ] – “Anuket Septum Ring”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Scene” – NEW @ Mens Only Monthly

Body & Tattoo

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Kings” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Background: Wartz Store – “Alleyway” (Gacha)

Ghettoblaster: [Since1975] – “BoomBox” (Gacha)

Poses: Poseidon – “Anime Ghoul 1rev”, “Anime Ghoul 2 rev”, “Anime Mako 2rev”, “Anime Saeko 7”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Solidea+Maimai Gautcho 001

Today I have some wonderful news from the Hairfair 2013 again, together with one of the latest releases of SoliDea FoliEs.

This post today is a perfect example for what happens if you are not quite sure what you wanna do*giggles*

Solidea+Maimai Gautcho 002

I was fooling around with some clothing and just tried the “Blue” outfit from SoliDea FoliEs as  got the latest releases for the Hairfair from Miamai.

I tried all the wonderful new hair styles as I came across the “Latin Lover” style. A wonderful unisex ponytail with a hat. I was looking at myself for sometime not sure what I shall think, as all of a sudden  a picture of the portoguese Cavaleiros. Cavaleiros are male or female horseman or woman, kinda riders, out of the 18th century.  Maybe it was a female version of a spanish Matador even, I have no clue what made my mind fly off like that*grins* but I saw me sitting with my new made style on a horseback*siggles*

Solidea+Maimai Gautcho 003

I am sure the “Blue” outfit was not made for this purpose, but it was just too tempting to give it a try. Usually you have a huge headpiece of petals as well for your head I just skipped that for the “Latino Lover” hairstyle from Miamai. I added some nipple pastsies and a necklace from DECO… and for sure the horse*grins* The “Blue” outfit is a pants outfit with awesome huuuge ruffles and a wonderful mesh corset. The petals give a wonderfil payful touch to the whole outfit.

Solidea+Maimai Gautcho 004

And now the horror started.. find a horse and a sim.. after looking for 2 days I found both and had a lot of fun fooling around with the various possibilities of the horse in front of a beautiful background.  I wanted to give the pics an aged, used look. As I never did that before it was al ot of experimenting but I am happy about the outcome so far 😉

The Hairfair will be gone soon so make sure you go and buy for a good case, as many donations go to the Wigs for Kids charity!

Solidea+Maimai Gautcho 005


Outfit: SoliDea FoliEs – “Blue” NEW (mesh)

Hair (with hat): Miamai – “Lationo Lover” – NEW (mesh, Hairfair 2013)

Necklace: DECO – “Woodland Necklace” (Collabor 88)

Eyeliner: Action – “Mesh Liner 01” (Cosmetics Fair)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Lipstick: Silken Moon – “Wicca Lips Cardinal”

Poses (without the horse): Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

School’s Out with Faster Pussycat

Outfit: Faster Pussycat – “School Knit” – NEW

Stockings: Cipher – “Punk Socks” /skull

Tights: LeeZu – “LaLun” /black sheer

Boots: Shiny Things – “Chunky Ribbon Boots”

Bag: DECO – “SlingPack” /female (groupgift – mesh)

Glasses: DECO – “Buddy Glasses”

Piercings: [ni.ju] – “Amped Piercing” + “Monroe Piercing” + “GG Piercing”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” /nude (special custom makeup)

Hair: Urban Lutz – “Colby”

Nails: Mstyle – “Perfect Hand”

Tattoo: Inflict – “Eternity Awaits”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Can swimwear be avantgarde or couture? – Mad Diva shows it!!!

I never thought about that it would be possible to wear a bikini and still show my love and addiction to the extraordinary fashion 😉 Kalyabreeaa Capelo showed me different. She made a bikini, named “Yula” that totally will be my choice for the upcoming summer season!

The whole “Yula” bikini is made of prims, no clothing layers at all but it covers all needed parts 😉 The basic color is a mixture of black metal and red… again a plus as that are my favourite colors as well 😉 For the shoulder ring you can decide between a straight one like I am wearing for the pics, that goes around both shoulders and then there is another version that more diagonal and lays on one shoulder higher than the other. Swimwear goes couture 🙂 I guess Kalybreeaa Capelo, designer of Mad Diva showed of in an incredible way that this os possible and very sexy as well 🙂 You really should make your way to the Mad Diva Mainstore and see by yourself how innovative and new all the designs are! Or you can watch the Claim the Fame shows on every Wednesday as well where Kalyabreeaa Capelo is one of the contestants as well and shows a male and female outfit every week 😉


Bikini: Mad Diva – “Yula”

Skin: Glam Affair

Hair: Miamai

Earrings: Finesmith Designs

Shoes: SLink

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin