Dance with a Fairytale

Enfant 2

I know I had a lot of Unicorn posts lately, but I really do love the theme and the fairytale behind it. This month we have a lot of designs who point towards the novel and on of my favourites comes from Enfant Terrible.

She made a wonderful “Vintage Romance” set, wich is made for the 3 popular mesh bodes of Slink & Maitreya. The set is available in 4 different colors for the outfit and the shoes. Grey, Black, Ivory & Rose.

Maybe the best will be if I add the gacha key so you can see all the options :p

25183339705_37010538d5_o(Picture by Enfant Terrible)

I totally fell in love, when I got the “Vintage Romance” set. First of all the unicorn theme, then the amazing vintage touch with the frills, ruffles and the amazing pastel colors. Last but not least as well the incredible details, which Enfant always puts on her designs.

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The cute hairstyle with the amazing unicorn and the sweet twirled hair was made by Olive for the last round of the Enchantment. You are able to take off the front part with the horn but for this post it was just perfect like it is πŸ˜‰

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Since I rediscovered DARE poses again, I am really in love with them. They are so incredible dynamic, that they give a certain mood to so many different pictures. They always look, as if they would capture a single moment out of an animation, what makes them look very interesting and always out of the box. On the first view they sometimes look crazy but if you play around with the angles you can have the most amazing captures ever. Certainly it always depends on the subject and what you are going for, but for me DARE poses are perfectly for my pictures and art work and even a few sets are made for runway posing. Their slogan “Poses that will make you stand out” is a real true statement πŸ˜‰ Soon I will do a nother body studies post with a bunch of newer poses as well πŸ˜‰

Enfant 1

Now I just had to find a location to shoot this wonderful outfit, together with the amazing poses. I remembered a collective of sims, which I saw when I was doing some sim hopping.

The Ippos Collective. A wonderful collective of 4 different fantasy looking sims, some of them even allow you to rezz a small prop or a poseball. Just make sure you pick it up after you are done, to make sure others can explore the sims and all their beauty as well πŸ˜‰ Since it is a residential too you will find residents there as well. I guess respect is something that we all should have, to not intrude in their private sphere without their permission πŸ˜‰

Enfant 5


Outfit (incl Shoes & Collar): .Enfant Terrible. – “Vintage Romance” – NEW Gacha Set @ The Arcade

Hair: .Olive. – “The Twirl Hair”

Head: Catwa – Jessica”

Skin: [sys] – “Isabelle” – NEW for Skin Fair 2016

Eye Makeup: Zibska – “Aless”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Eyes: Ikon – “Hope Eyes”

Poses:Β ..::DARE::..

Location: The Ippos Collective – Ippos

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Enfant 4

In a certain mood… playing with poses

White Room 4

Sometimes I really do like just roaming through my poses to see, if I can find any inspiration or develop some ideas based on poses.

This time I just put on one of my favourite fantasy skins lately, the “Amalthea” skin from La Petite Morte. I rarely saw such a light skin that still had all those wonderful details and it is still not white, it has a very dreamy comes in different versions, which follow an inspiration of the “Last Unicorn” One of them even has the darker star on the forehead where the unicorn of the enchanted Princess Amalthea is supposed to be, like we saw it in the movie πŸ™‚

White Room 3

The cool tattoo comes from TAOX Tattoos. I found it at the J&A Expo this year and with the amazing details and the huge size all over the body, I have to admit it pulled my view on that brand as i never heard about it before. As a tattoo addicted, you never can have enough places for good tattoos πŸ˜‰

TAOX provides appliers for nearly all popular mesh bodies and as well an Omega applier. The pack does not include any default avatar layer so you only can wear it with one of the mesh bodies.

The amazing horn on my forehead, was made by AiShA for the last round of the Enchantment event. For the hair I wanted something wild but still innocent and so my decision fell on the “Pocahontas” hairstyle from LeLutka. With the lightly windblown touch it looked perfect to the innocent vulnerable look of an enchanted unicorn πŸ˜‰

White Room 1

But now back to ‘random posing’ πŸ˜‰

Sometimes I really do like to go through my poses and just make it a challenge to shoot every pose I opened with the outfit I am wearing

That sometimes means to change the angle, if some parts would look awkward.Β  As well you can turn and rotate the pose stand to get an interesting angle. At times I get a weird feeling or view, but I still snap it, because sometimes later, when I work on it, it becomes more interesting as I thought on the first view πŸ˜‰ Shadows can do a big part as well to hide minor issues or errors. If nothing help, you always have the possibility to crop your picture. That as well sometimes gives a neat new view as originally thought. Sometimes you maybe just safe a shot with cropping it and other times the crop looks way more expressive and interesting.

Certainly it is easier, when you wear something that sticks close to the body. Some gowns or dresses can make a challenge like this nearly impossible. The “Siren ” ensemble from Pixicat was perfect for that purpose.

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Outfit: Pixicat – “Siren Nr 1” (Gacha @ Main store)

Unicorn Horn: AiShA – “Armor Unicorn Horn”

Hair: LeLutka – “Pocahontas”

Skin: La Petite Morte – “Amalthea Skin”

Tattoo: TAOX – “Kenza”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

White Room 5

The last unicorn? Maybe not the very last…

Last Unicorn 3

The last round of Enchantment was themed after the amazing movie “The last Unicorn”.

I love that novel since I was a child, even if it makes me cry every time I watch it πŸ˜‰

When I styled for the idea of the Unicorn theme, Anderian was IMing me asking what I am up to and we came across that we kinda had the same idea about a themed picture. Then she asked me if we would not wanna do something together and I did not have to think about before I said yes πŸ˜‰

I love doing pictures with Anderian and have pictures done by her for magazines and events. She is so creative if it comes to picture compositions, sceneries and photo sets… simply adorable πŸ™‚

I jumped over to her platform and she already started building this awesome dreamy and colorful scenery. Since she should not do all the work on her own we decided to snap both and work on the pictures and if you would like to see hers just take a look on her Flickr.

I will put my style details in the end and would just like to let the fantasy do magic with some parts of the lyrics of the title song of the movie done by America.


Last Unicorn 1

The Last Unicorn

When the last eagle flies
Over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars
At the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest
Though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving
At the Last Unicorn
Last Unicorn 7
When the first breath of winter
Through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north
As the pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying
And would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter
Of the Last UnicornI’m alive, I’m alive
Last Unicorn 4
When the last moon is cast
Over the last star of morning
And the future has passed
Without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through
The clouds a path is formed
Look and see her how she sparkles
It’s the Last Unicorn!I’m alive, I’m alive
I’m alive
[Lyrics by America]
Last Unicorn 2
Outfit: Candy Doll – “Vixen Bodysuit” (Gacha Item)
Hair: no.match – “no.magic”
Necklace: Noble Creations – “Crystal Necklace”
Horn: AiShA – “Unicorn Horn”
Hooves: AiShA – “Unicorn Legs”
Skin: .la petite morte. – “Amalthea Unicorn NB”
Eyes: Soul – “Oculus Dusty Orchid”
Body: SlinkΒ  – “Physique”
Model & Photographer: WiccaMerlin
Last Unicorn 6

Fantasy Dreams with Wicca’s Wardrobe

Miniel 1

Today I would like to showcase one of our latest releases. The “Miniel” outfit is available at the actual round of The Fantasy Collective (TFC).

Miniel 9

For today I chose the blue/brass version of the outfit, as it looked the best in the wooden environment I chose for my pictures. At the event you will find 5 different colors for the outfit.

The body is decorated with some armor looking parts as well as with some very filigree chains. The cool arm and leg armor is part of the whole “Miniel” outfit too.

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When I saw the “Eva” wings from NeverWish, I totally fell in love with them. They matched so perfect in style and color to the “Miniel” outfit.

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The “Eva” wings are incredible detailed and wonderful textured, little wings, that fit to many different looks. With the delicate roses and the wonderful filigree metal shapes they are a must have for every fantasy wardrobe. The wings do have a HUD to recolor the wings and metals separately.

Miniel 3

The cool “Nanina” hair was made by EMO-tions. The hair is made of many little braided parts, that are non symmetrical and have an awesome high top part.

The boots are as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Inara” boots with the little golden spikes and chains totally rocked the style and the blue version of the ‘Chic Edition’, even matched the color of the “Miniel” body suit.

Miniel 4


Outfit (incl Armor): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Miniel” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Inara Boots /Chic Edition”

Wings: NeverWish – “Eva Wings” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Hair: EMO-tions – “Nanina”

Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Alida Solo”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No. 01 Lower”

Poses: Del May

Location: Happy Mood

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miniel 10

Winter Dreams

Snow Art 1a

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

[Bing Crosby]

Snow Art 3a

Dreaming of a white Christmas… yes .. exactly that was what I was doing for the past days. I still did hope that at least a few snowflakes would show up for Christmas but… sadly not even a single one…

So I had to play with snow for the pictures πŸ˜‰

First I wanted to dress up all in white, sometimes I like it when I can blend myself into the scenery or background as to me that usually makes it most dreamy and interesting.

I started with the “New Age” pants in white, I always liked those pants and the special shape of them. Then I added the “Orion” collar from [sys]. The collar covers the chest barley and if you move it shows more than I like πŸ˜‰ So I had to search for something that I could use as a base to not distract too much but as well cover my body at least a little bit. I used the layer of the “Mummy Bride” of Ezura Xue. Just a few bandages around my chest and waist πŸ˜‰

The shoes are from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Shenna” heels in white of the ‘Chic Edition’ pack. I already had a funky touch so I went for the amazing horns from Death Row Designs. The cool knee patches are part of an [sys] outfit called “Alcane”

Now I had to find a place with snow and after trying a lot of different sims which are just Christmas themed I found this wonderful little place. A wonderful landscape with a natural and realistic looking ambience. Sadly I forgot to LM the place and after hopping around so much I forgot how it was called *grumbles* But I will try to find it again and update the post then πŸ˜‰

*UPDATE: Found the place again and it is called “Let it Snow”

I hope you all will have some wonderful, relaxed and peaceful days with the ones you love.

Merry Christmas!

Snow Art 4a

Pants: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “New Age Pants”

Top: [sys] – “Orion Collar” (part of an outfit)

‘Unterwear’: Ezura – “Mummy Bride” (part of an outfit, store not anymore existing)

Knee Parts: [sys] – “Alcane”

Bangles: Edelfabrik – “Bonfire” (part of an outfit)

Horns: DRD – “Darkforest”

Hair: Analog Dog – “Pipe Dream”

Face Tattoo: Nuuna – “Zion 2”

Eyeshadow: L.Fauna – “Twotone Makeup (silver warm-gray)”

Location: Let it Snow

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Snow Art 2a

Atlantis – Inspired by [E.V.E] Studio

Aquarius 7

Today I would like to spotlight the [E.V.E] Studio. Owner and designer Noke Yuitza, always puts a lot of effort in her designs and she has a very special sense of art and design. Her creations always have a huge art aspect anyways what she creates. Today I would like to drag the focus on her contribution to the Fantasy Gacha Carnival event.

The whole set she created is inspired by the myth of Atlantis by Jules Verne’s book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The stong steampunk touch totally caught my heart from the very first moment when I tried the different parts of the set.

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The whole “Atlantis Set” contains way more parts than those I used for today’s post.

For the pictures I decided to wear the Catsuit, the Ankle Boots and I combined the Wave hat with the Great Wave hat.

The whole set has materials enabled and reacts so wonderful to the windlight settings and surrounding lights. So for the best and most realistic look just activate the “Advanced Lighting Model ” in your viewer to enjoy the full beauty of the designs.

If you would like to see all the amazing parts of the set you can take a look at the [E.V.E] Studios blog:

Aquarius 5

To go more towards the Atlantis look I decided to add the “Eye Deco” from Elysium, which were made for the Cosmetics Fair. The cool geometric parts which are arranged like artistic lashes are the perfect match for the look.

For the makeup, I used a fe different ones from Nuuna. The blue “Litzi” stripes that go over the upper part of the face and the amazing “Ninja” in black wich covers the bottom half of the face.

Aquarius 3

I wanted to add some scales but more subtile than totally obvious. So I just used the “Dragoness Scales Black Overlay” from Talyia Tarber and for the body I got me the “Dragon Blue Scales” from [Even~Tides].

For the pictures first I wanted an under water scenery, but all that I tried did not really do what I had in mind and so I ended up at ChouChou, one of ma favourite sims for pictures. WithΒ  the wide field of water and all the artistic structures this place always inspires me even more πŸ™‚

Aquarius 1


Outfit, Shoes & Head Piece: [E.V.E] Studio – “Atlantis” NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival

Eye Decor: Elysium – “Eye Deco Charcoal” – NEW @ The Cosmetic Fair

Makeup: Nuuna – “Ninja” & “Litzi”

Scales: [Even~Tides] – “Blue Dragon Scales”

Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Chibi”

Nails: Nailed It! – “The Style Icon Set”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Β Aquarius 4

LOTD 09/26/2015 – Back in Black with Devilish Poses

Black 03

Yes, I cannot deny it… I love black…

I was standing on my platform after finishing all my daily work and started to dig into my inventory to sort some stuff and trash some of the older things I never will wear again… like… hair from 2009 and shoes from 2011 with weird bare feet and funny toes*giggles*

Then you sometimes come across boxes… that you never opened, but certainly you had to buy them…

Now the fun starts. Unpacking and again making the inventory looking like a hot mess πŸ˜‰

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But the good thing is you usually find some hidden treasure you do not even remember, that you bought them.

So it was with the “Luminea” headpiece from Black Pearls. I got it at the Fantasy Collective a few month ago and totally forgot about it… like ever so often…

Β The “Luminea” headpiece is one of those accessories that sneaked right into my heart. The amazing leather straps across the face the sweet chains that hold it together on the top and the huge fins that give the whole piece an abstract and fantasy touch.

Inspired by the headpiece I thought of a basic black look to let the headpiece stick out even more. I kept opening boxes and got one surprise after another…

That will be a few more posts in the future I guess *giggles*

The next part what fell in my hands was the “Biker Chest” from May’s Soul. I just used the collar part and skipped the shoulder pads for this post, that belong to the whole pack. With the long leather fringes it definitely made an interesting accessory.

Black 01

Now the difficulties began… since I am not a friend of being naked without a reason for styling posts, I had to find pants and a top that fits under that great collar. Pants was realtivly easy as I love my leather leggings from Maitreya. For the shoes I decided to go with the “Bella Heels” from KC for the slink high mesh feet. The shoes come with a HUD, that lets you choose from different colors for the metals and the shoe.

Now I still needed a top or a jacket that does not interfere with the long fringes of the collar. I guess, I tried about 20 before I came across the “Leather Asymetrical Jacket” from ISON.

Β It matched perfectly to the while look and added a slightly elegant touch to it πŸ™‚

Last but not least I chose something for my hands to break the black. The “Ringblume” hand accessories from FORMANAILS.

Now before I am done for today, I would like to drag your focus on the poses I used today. The poses are all made of Linda Reddevil. She recently opened her store Devilish Poses and makes some amazing runway poses. They are somewhat special and a little bot more out of the box that usual. I like them very much as they totally go along with my feeling for modern and fresh posing πŸ˜‰

After all the looks is kinda modern, elegant and dark abstract… exactly what I like πŸ˜‰

Β Black 04


Top: ISON – “Leather Asymmetrical Jacket”

Pants: Maitreya – “Leather Skinny Pants”

Shoes: .::KC::. “Bella”

Collar: May’s Soul – Biker Chest”

Hand Jewelry: FORMANAILS – “Ringblume-2”

Head Piece: Black Pearl – “Luminea”

Hair: Baiastice – “Spagna”

Makeup: Arise – “Scale Facetattoo” & Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Lipstick: blackliquid – “Lip Line”

Poses: Devilish Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Forrest Fantasies

Wood Fantasies 1

Today I again have a special series of pictures again.

In the past I was not really thinking a lot when I made my pictures for my blog, I just had a certain feeling and tried to follow that. I go with my buts and kinda try to put them on a visual level.

Lately, I felt more and more requirements to my self when it comes to my pictures. It is like I would see it from a different point of view now. When John told me, my pictures would be art… I totally was surprised as I never saw it that way.

When the current round of the Windlight Gallery opened, I again was allowed to meet Bryn Oh, kinda THE idol of my Second Life when it comes to art. She was so nice and kind and had a few very nice words about my pics and as well gave me some advice. That so made my day, I cannot even tell. Do you know that feeling if you admire someone and then exactly those person tells you your work is not bad and as well gives you some advice and tricks? – Priceless!!!

Wood Fantasies 2

I always loved the ides to kinda blend the model into the background. If the subject of a picture is more part of the whole picture, than standing alone in the front. Certainly, there is purposes for that as well like for pure fashion blogging.

When I put on the “Dryad” outfit from !gO!, I immediately saw a forrest/wood fantasy picture in my mind. This dress is nature and art by itself and so I just tried to go on with some pieces to enhance the look.

The hair is the wonderful “Genesis” hair from EMO-tions and the “Laerlorn” headpiece was made by Wicca’s Wardrobe.

When I styled the look I all of a sudden remembered, that way in the past a designer made a wooden skin overly for an outfit of the Claim the Fame contest. The tattoo was made by Vengeful Threads.

Wood Fantasies 4


Outfit: !gO! – Dryad”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Genesis”

Skin Overlay: Vengeful Threads – “Wood Skin Overlay” (part of an outfit)

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 06” & [K] – “Black Magic Eyeliner”

Shoes: Azoury – “Sauvage Heels” (Gacha)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wood Fantasies 3

Mother of Dragons…

Mother of Dragons 1

I always had an addiction for dragons and my mom always laughed at me when I said “I know there must be some left dragon eggs somewhere, just nobody yet found them. Dragons will be back some when!”

But believe it or not, even if I am a well-educated and taught person and have some knowledge of science… I am still not willing to give up that thought πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 2

Second Life, gives me the freedom to play with fantasies and so it was kinda a given that I needed some dragons πŸ˜‰

Last month when I was invited to put some pictures at Windlight Gallery, paired with the fact that I was watching the latest Game of Thrones season, the idea did grow in my mind to do my very own vision of the Mother of Dragons inspired by the Khaleesi πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 3

Β The dragons I fund at Manticore (Thank you so much Daff for showing me!!!), a wonderful shop for all kind of animals and fantasy creatures. They are wearable and will walk around with you as soon as you have them attached.

The idea of having kinda series for this pictures, came by snapping… first I wanted to just do one picture, and the more I snapped the more ideas came to my mind and all of a sudden they fell together like a short story. In the end I was not able anymore to decide wich one I wanted to use and I just let them be the whole story in the end πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 4

For the outfit I chose one we made for Wicca’s Wardrobe. Originally it was made for a Game of Thrones inspired theme, but we now put it at the store too in 3 different colors.

The “Visenya” is a short outfit with the great collar and some armor plates arranged as a back skirt. It goes very well together with the “Dragon Queen Headpeice”, the “Dragon Earrings” and the “Alysanne Booties”, which also were made for that event.

It really was great fun to play around with the dragons and loose myself in a time that has been long gone… but dreams.. they stay and who knows… maybe someday someone will find a mysterious egg.. somewhere πŸ˜‰

Mother of Dragons 5


Outfit: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Visenya”

Headpiece:Β Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Queen Headpiece”

Earrings:Β Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dragon Earrings”

Shoes:Β Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Alysanne Booties”

Makeup: Corvus – “Fighter Eyeshadow”

Hair: Baiastice – “Elon”

Handtattoo: Zibska – “Mallt”

Dragons: Manticore

Poses: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Β Mother of Dragons 6


Lost Creature 01

You can take away all my love, what do I need it for?
You can take away all these words, there’s no meaning anymore
You can take away everything, leave me lying on the floor
All those sorry’s, we can’t go back to the start
You can’t fix me, I’m torn apart

[Leona Lewis]

Lost Creature 03

Sometimes life feels dark…

Sometimes life feels empty…

Sometimes you feel teared apart…

Sometimes you see no light…

Sometimes you just feel nothing…

Sometimes you do not know what to do…

… But then…

You open your eyes, still full of tears and look up.

You take the hand, someone is reaching out and stand up again.

Lost Creature 05


Top: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xena Top”

Pants: Wicca’s Wardobe – “Lavinia Leggings”

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Dark Desire Collar”

Head Piece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Xeno” – NEW @ On9

Wings: Death Row Designs – “Wings – Desaturated”

Bracelets: Formanails – “Nikolaj”

Makeup: Zibska – “Ltd Noir 20” & “Ltd Noir 24”

Eyelashes: Damned – “Blossom Eyelashes”

Tattoo: White Widow – “Tombstone”

Skin: [sys] – “Eva”

Poses: Silhouette F – “Goa”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

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