For you I become the Alien I am


Squatting in your bodies, microscopic breeding
I sleep in you and eat from within
I am the Alien. We are here to help you
Make the mend in the chemical bend
We are the Aliens
I lack emotion, have no love that I can find
I want some devotion, to ease a worried mind
The heart is softened, soul is scorched
The mind erodes away some sentimental thought
The window cracks is closed
The door slams shut, the lights put out
Say no more, speak no less
For you I become the Alien I am
For you I become the Alien I am
The cry primal is muffled, the mouth seal’s tight
The eye looks within, say no more, speak no less
I the Alien
I am the Alien
Reject your human touch
[-Hawkwind -]


Outfit: Black Cats Creations – “Alien Mantis” (Maitreya)
Gloves: cinphul – “raptor [gloves]” (Maitreya)
Shoes: cinphul – “raptor [boots]” (Maitreya)


Bindi: [CX] – “Kishin Bindi (Black)”
Mask: cinphul – “temperance [mask]”
Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Earring Mads all linked” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)
Ear Lobes: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Inazuma Plug” (LeLUTKA EvoX female/human)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Edge” – NEW @ Hongdae // February 2022
Eyeshadow: Rubedo – “penny 05” (Lel. EvoX BoM)
Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger #01” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Tattoo:  .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo No Remorse ( Dark )” (LeL. EvoX BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Scenery: cinphul – “azrexok”
Pose: Foxcity – “Tomorrow-4am” (right leg edited with Anypose)

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Come, Join me on the darker Side!

It is Midnight Order time again! Today that amazing event opened its doors again for their first anniversary round! I love the event as you can get all that dark and creepy and evil things there *giggles like mad* As you will see in the credits, nearly all you can see on the picture, can be found at that amazing event run by Second Life Syndicate.

Lately I get asked more and more often about the landmarks of the stores in my credits… as simple as it is – when it is colored/highlighted… just click on it and you will get the direct TP to the store and if you click on the event, it will bring you right there as well *winks*

As much as I would like to talk more, I am so excited to work on my second post for that amazing event. Maybe I am in a writing mood in my next post a little more. Until then… Happy Shopping!


Outfit: lassitude & ennui – “Sinister bodysuit black” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Gloves: Skellybones – “Soft Touch” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022


Horns: ::Static:: – “Lilith Horns” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Headpiece: Garmonbozia – “Akasha Crown – Variety” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Piercing (Nose): Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing” + “Tegan Piercing Set” (unrigged)

Piercing (Mouth): LittleFish – “EziliV2” (Lel. EvoX, Avalon)

Earrings: !R! x :[P]: – “The Poet’s Earrings/ Size II” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Accessory (left hand): kosmii – “Globus Satanas L [silver]” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Wings: {Aii & Ego} – “+ Amorous Bento Wings (size M) +” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “NO_PROGRESS (size 1)”

Eyeshadow/Face Art: Rubedo – “thunder – EVOX 13” + “thunder – EVOX 06” (BoM) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.1”

Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Crysalis (Flesh/Darker)” (BoM, Materials) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Legs: [The DeadBoy] – “Raxlas Legs” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose: Poseidon

Background: CELESTE – “Arch Arcanum” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Tables & Chairs: Eclectica Curiosities – “Twisted Garden Set” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Lantern (incl. pose): DREAMCATCHER – “Butterflies of the Soul – flashlight in hand B” – NEW @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Ratpack @ The Roadhouse Bar

Ratpack @ The Roadhouse Bar

With ease and a practiced flick of her wrist, Snot flips the switchblade in her hand open and closed, over and over again. Slow at first, the action became a blur as she increased the speed. With a loud sniff, Snot wiped her nose on the back of her arm. Yes, that’s how she got her name.

Her eyes scanned the room, noting the position of every patron in the roadhouse bar. Rats, Mice, even a Squirrel or two sat at the makeshift tables and chairs they scavenged after the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse – the day when the humans destroyed their own species and elevated others into higher forms of life. The Mice were the thinkers; the planners. The Rats, Snot’s ancestors, were the muscle; the heavy lifters. Squirrels were the scavengers; the trackers who found human items and made them useful again.

A couple Rabbits trolled the room for, well, what rabbits did the best. One spotted Snot and moved seductively across the room. It sidled up close to Snot and nuzzled her neck. With a sweep of her arm, Snot pushed the horny Rabbit away. The warning look she shot the Rabbit told it not to return again.

It’s not that Snot was against afternoon sex or cross species mingling, but she was on duty and took her responsibilities seriously. Especially today, when a contingency of Weasels was scheduled to arrive to meet with the local Mice leaders. Snot would not allow any distractions.

The survivors of the Apocalypse were determined not to make the same mistakes as the humans, but even in their un-evolved form, animals were also territorial and bloodthirsty.

Speaking of the devil, a pair of oily looking Ferrets stroll into the bar and survey the surroundings. Just like the Rats, the Ferrets were enforcers; bodyguards to the Weasels in their own little part of this messed up world.

Apparently satisfied with the room, they step back and hold the makeshift door open of Wartman, the leader of the Weasel encampment up north. Macro, the leader of Snot’s community, stands to greet the arriving leader.

Today was about peace, cooperation and trade. That didn’t mean Snot wasn’t prepared for trouble as her eyes continued to scan the room. It was the Rat’s nature to watch for danger. After all, they were all animals in one fashion of another.

The evolved species that developed from the human’s global devastation were determined to live together in peace. They would not follow in the footsteps of humanity and allow hatred and aggression to rule the Earth again.

Or with evolution, was human nature far behind?



Top: Mug – “Punk Rocker – #1 Band Tee” (Maitreya Petite, Gacha, Rare)

Pants: DRD – “Slacker Pants/Light” (Maitreya)

Shoes: Semller – “Worn Canvas Hi Tops Festival Edt. Black” (Maitreya)


Glasses: -[TWC]- – “Mistic Glasses -Black-” (unrigged)

Collar: *PKC* – Risque Collar – No Neck Lock” (unrigged)

Bracers: .:E.A.Studio:. – “KnothArm LeatherBlack” (Maitreya, Gacha, Rare)

Gloves: L’Emporio – “::*Fingerless Gloves” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: CUREMORE – “/ Punk Chic / Mowhawk / Fire” (Gacha, Common)

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: BeSpoke – “Rodent Lou”

Skin: BeSpoke – “Rodent Skin – Lab Rat” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Essence” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Selfmade

Set: DRD – “Roady’s Biker Bar – Complete Set – PG”

Knife (incl. Animation): [CX] – “Mizu Occam’s Razor” (Bento)

Beer: BellePoses – “Beer 2” (out of the Jeh Pose Set)

Location: Bartertown


Anne Daumig

Model, Photographer & Stylist

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ We♥RP // November 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ We♥RP // November 4th – November 28th

A gasp escapes as the first pin is inserted into my spine. Not from the pain, but the power.
I was not prepared for the heat that radiates though my body like the Sun. The essence of the elements of the earth converge inside me.
The Priestesses that form the circle around me chant their prayers to the Goddess. Tonight, I am to be anointed into their sect. I am to become a Guardian of the Earth.
The chanting intensifies as the second pin hovers over my back. The Iron Cross, a symbol used by the Crusaders of ancient lore, is plunged in slowly. Strength surges into every pore of my being.
I resist the urge to pull against the leather straps that hold me motionless to the stone altar. Should I move, even a centimeter, it would mean my death. My trust in the Goddess is undeniable.
The third pin, he Inverted Cross, instantly fills me with a peace and serenity I could never imagine. I feel my consciousness, my very soul, open to the universe. I feel unity with the Priestesses as they welcome me into the fold. I feel the love of the Goddess.
For a moment, there is no sound. Al of nature is silent as the Priestesses approach the altar. When the warmth of their hands touch my bare skin, the chanting returns, low and soft.
The fourth and final pin, the Pentagram, slides in slower than all the others. Focus. Clarity. Harmony. Everything in perfect balance. I see beyond light and dark. All four pins merge together into cohesion – elements, strength, peace and balance.
I am one with the Goddess.

Sizes: unisexunriggedmod/copy/no trans

HUD: 10 Metal Colors

Event Location: We♥RP



Wicca’s Originals @ Necrotize // October 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Necrotize // October 20th – November 20th

Introducing the Deacon Arms, by Wicca’s Originals.

There are disturbing rumors about the process for augmenting into this ghoulish set of sleeves, and speculation that it has been known to change people.

First, your arms are cast in a silicone-based substance for a skin-tight fit. Once that has been done, the hooked spines themselves are inserted one at a time, with a numbing anesthetic inserted through both sleeve and flesh.

Lastly, the long, claw-like nails are secured to the fingers. After the anesthetic agents wear off, the constant aching pain felt by the wearer is said to cause some to go mad, and succumb to a primal need to hunt and inflict pain on others. But all of this could just be urban legend; maybe it’s just a sleeve that can be worn to accessorize a darker style after all.

Are you brave enough to find out?

The Deacon Arms come in 10 sleeve colors and have 10 metal color options, as well as the ability to hide individual rows of spikes.

They are fitted for Maitreya, Legacy (Female & Male), and Gianni bodies.

Event Location: Necrotize 2021

Eternal Cycle

The dark seas churn off the barren shoreline; nothing but sand and rocks as far as the eye could see. This is a safe haven. Safe from the world. Safe from predators.
It moves stealthily, careful not to leave a trail in the sand. Nimble for it size and appearance, it easily carries its fresh catch toward the hidden lair that’s been home for centuries. Even the creature no longer knows how old it was, but remembered how it came to be. How they all came to be.
There were twelve of them at the time of creation. At first they banded to together to protect each other, but once humanity discovered them, they were worshipped by some, scoffed by others. What fools, mankind. One by one, the others disappeared, searching for peace and solitude. What good does escape do now that we are exposed. Even the heavens mock us from above. As long as the stars exist in the sky, we are immortal.
After one last look at the full moon, that which guides the very cycle of its life, the creature slips into its home. Claws easily snap through the thick body of the Great White shark that crossed its path in search for sustenance. There are only a few more days before the mighty Lion’s turn to reign. Soon the great Crab can rest again and allow the others to rule.
Foolish humans. Allowing their lives to be dictated by astrology.

 And again the amazing story comes from the incredible Anne Daumig! Check out her BLOG and FLICKR and don’t forget to slap that little stars *winks*

Thank you so much Anne ♥

The Creature

Head: BeSpoke – “Monster Nemesis” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Headpiece: BeSpoke – “Accessories – Nemesis Headpiece” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Petite V1.1”

Skin: BeSpoke – “Nemesis – Night Terror” (BoM) – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Torso: BeSpoke – “Crab Legs for Female Torso – Night Terror” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021


Claws: L’Emporio&PL – “::*Tormento*::” (Maitreya, Bento) – NEW @ TDSF October 2021


Synnergy – “Cave of Wonders Backdrop”

Model, Stylist& Photographer

Wicca Merlin





He left me for dead in the back alley of London’s most desolate area.
His attack was brutal, ruthless. His hands steady; his blade true. He left me nothing that resembled the fairer sex. His hatred for women knew no boundaries. And when he was finished, he wiped his hands clean as he stared down upon me with bland indifference – a frog dissected.
Time changed after he left. Minutes felt like days. Pain gave way to a coldness that numbed me to the world beyond. Voices, wagons, hawkers – all faded away until the silence screamed in my ears. I prayed for Death to find me.
<scrape, thump> <scrape, thump> <scrape, thump> <scrape, thump>
The sound grew out of the darkness. What did Death sound like?
A shadowy figure hovered over me before large, powerful hands yanked me from the ground and I was thrown across a shoulder as if I were nothing more than a burlap bag filled with potatoes.
<scrape, thump> <scrape, thump> <scrape, thump> <scrape, thump>
The jarring gait matched the eerie sound. That was the last sound I heard before Morpheus dragged into the abyss.
Oh, what fresh Hell is this? I awaken to the taste of rancid gruel forced into my mouth. Only one eye will open and that takes all my strength to perform. A wooden pushed passed my lips and I gagged on the noxious porridge until the whole of my stomach emptied onto my makeshift bed.
Clumsy hands attempted to clean up the mess, but only seemed to spread it around. An angry shout and the familiar sound of uneven footsteps retreating from my side brought me back to my present situation. The rough blanket was snatched away and a violent shiver wracked my body.. I strained to raise my head and with my one eye I saw my both swathed in dirty and blood-stained bandages.
A man stood beside the bed; poked and prodded me with the same dispassion as my attacker. Cold, probing eyes watched me over wired spectacles perched at the tip of his thin nose. White, wiry hair stood out in all directions and thickly pursed lips hide behind a grizzly beard. What must pass for a doctor’s coat covered a wrinkled and ill-kept suit that once must have belonged to a gentleman of considerable wealth.
The uneven footsteps again approached and I got my first good look at my rescuer. Had I been able to move, I would have recoiled in fear and disgust. Had a gargoyle from high upon the Cathedral precipice come to life, it would hold more appeal than the freak approaching me. Hunched backed and dragging a clubbed foot,. its grotesque features distorted into a mask of pure horror. Yet, its eyes reflected … pity. Not for its own circumstances, but for ME!
Suddenly, I realized the man in the doctor’s coat was speaking to me. He explained how his assistance, Igor (the pathetic creature now gently covering me with a clean blanket) found me and carried me to the doctor’s laboratory. My mind spun and I heard only bits and pieces as he inventoried my injuries. Over 300 stitches. Missing eye. Amputated hand. Leg muscles and tendons severed. Lucky to be alive. Permission for procedures.
All i remember was grimly nodding my head in consent. What did it matter what this man did to me. The midnight attacker took my life. Now this doctor, Dr. Frankenstein, said he could fix me. What does it matter. I died in that alley.
Days dragged into weeks. Weeks dragged into months. As soon as my wounds healed, Dr. Frankenstein began his experiments. What did it matter what I looked like. No man would ever look at with anything but disgust in his eyes. The midnight attacker took away everything that made me a woman.
I would have gone mad; I should have gone mad, had it not been for Igor. Beneath that monstrous face and body was a pure and generous heart. Each day Igor would bring me a gift; a trinket of some sort. A wilted flower. Half empty bottle of perfume. A torn lace handkerchief. Items discarded by their owners were treasures in the creature’s eye. And each gift he presented earned him pained and weary smile from me.
Winter was in full force when I woke on my stomach after what Dr. Frankenstein claimed was the final procedure. No sheet covered me, but what did I have to be modest about now. I pushed myself up and startled when movement caught in my peripheral vision. For the first time in the eternity in this hellhole, I was presented with a mirror. Not a small looking glass, but a large, three-sided standing mirror one might find at a couturier’s shop.
I did not wish to look, but it seemed as though the Fate’s compelled me forward. The ever present bandages were gone and my naked flesh was exposed for all to see. What I saw reflected made Igor’s ugliness look like a work of art.
Skin once soft as satin and milky white was now ashen and covered with long, jagged scars. Once full and bountiful breasts were gone and only to be replaced with raw, burnt tissue covering my chest. My face … my perfect face, that once turned heads of men and women alike, was mangled beyond recognition.

Only one crystal blue eye stared back. The other hollow socket was covered with a mechanical piece with wires embedded into my head. Though the eye was missing, my vision was sharper and more intense than humanly possible.

When I reached out to touch the mirror in disbelief, I saw a mechanical claw resembling the talons of a bird of prey. I slashed out at my image and the razor-sharp tips left deep gouges on the mirrors surface. The other hand, while still flesh and blood, had similar claws embedded where fingernails once grew.
A sob escaped my lips when eyes traveled downward and I saw the devastation done to that most sacred of womanly places. Yes, the midnight attacker took great pleasure and care in that area. Nothing remained.
Farther down, the thigh of one leg and calf of another were replaced with metal rods and blood filled tubes and contained in some form of a clear, unbreakable casing. My head snapped up at a sudden movement from behind me. A pair of mighty wings spread out like an avenging angel sent from the heavens. Feathers black as night entwined with pistons and gears and glistening metal talons.
I did not hear Igor’s approach, but saw he stood beside the mirror. In his gnarled hands he carefully held the most beautiful gown I had ever seen in my life. A gown of such great wealth and quality a woman would sell her soul to possess it. His lips were twisted into what had to be a smile as he held out the gown to me as a gift.
But I am no longer a woman. I am no longer human. A shrill and blood-curdling screech tore from my throat as I snatched the dress from Igor and with a strength I did not know I possessed, ripped the gown to shreds. Soul sick and broken, I fall to my knees among the tattered remains of Igor’s gift and weep.
The passage of time again eluded me as I lay huddled on the floor before that mirror, the wings a protective encasement around me guarding me from harm. Only a pitiful, woeful sound made me raise my head.
There, crouched on the floor before me was Igor, tears flowing down his face and a large bundle clutched to his chest. He dropped his burden in front of me and quickly scurried back on his hands and knees like a bug caught in a sudden light.

Again, Igor brought me clothing, but this time far different from the Lady’s gown. This offering contained men’s trousers and jacket made from fine leather and boots to match. Seems when Igor stole, he stole only the highest quality goods.

The pants were snug and fit me like a second skin. The jacket, too, fit me perfectly and was even tailored to allow for the wings now permanently affixed to my back. The tall, thick boots provided warmth and protection.
And it seems Igor was not willing to allow me to forget I was once a woman, for he included a short velvet cape elaborately embroidered with gold thread.
I pulled what was left of my unevenly cut hair together into a bun and turned to the mirror for the last time. Anne was gone forever. Only this creature, the Dark Angel of Harper’s Ferry remained. And she was ready to hunt.
Beware, Jack the Ripper. I am coming for you!

I feel so gifted to be allowed to call Anne a close and dear friend. Today it was her coming to me when I was trying to run after all my duties. I didn’t say something, but she asked if all is fine. She does have that 6th sense I guess, that makes her feel, if I am just slightly sad, stressed or frustrated. Today she must have felt that I am a little stressed and he asked me if all would be ok. Basically everything was ok and I told her that Liam fine, but had to finish some pictures for a magazine, a blog post and the posting for the store – for that she as well wrote a wonderful story, just take a look at the previous post HERE – and today I wanted to reveal the first chapter of it (yes she made 3 chapters and they will come one after another *winks* ). Being such a sweetheart she always is, she asked me if she could help me. Since it was making pictures, I told her that I do not think I could ‘outsource’ any of my work. A little later I again thought about the amazing story she wrote me yesterday for my post and so I carefully asked her if she still would be in a writing mood. I really was a little shy as she already wrote all those amazing chapters for the store releases and that incredible amazing story for me yesterday. But she said she had the second half of her frozen custard, which made her so cuber awesome creative yesterday and she asked me what kind of story. I showed her my raw shots for the post and instead of asking when I need it or telling me she would not have time, she just asked “Did you have anything in mind while styling this?” That was the moment where I just could have hugged her super tight again. I told her about the basic idea I had for the pictures and she started writing. Again she saved my ass! I adore her creativity, her skills for making all those stories for me and as well for our store releases – Anne you are such sweet little diamond, thank you so much… again ♥


Top: AsteroidBox – “Tempus Shirt” (Maitreya Petite) – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Pants: AsteroidBox – “Elise Leggings” (Maitreya)

Shoes: AsteroidBox – “Elise Boots” (Maitreya)


Hair Accessory: ::Static:: – “Chrono Hairpin {Cluster}” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Glasses: [KROVA] – “Vitzili’s Lens 1 L” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Mads” (for Lel. EvoX Human Ears)

Ear Accessory: L’Emporio&PL – “Vulnus” (for Lel. EvoX Human Ears)

Nose Piercing: Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon” (unriged)

Wings: {Aii & Ego} – “Starfire Angel Wings” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Finger Accessory: L’Emporio&PL – “Essentia” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: L’Emporio&PL – “Scripta Manent – Classic” (Maitreya, Bento)

Belt Accessory: kosmii – “Bedelia Chatelaine” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Hair & Makeup

Hair: KMH – “Hair F175” (unrigged) – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021

Face Art:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger #01” (Lel. EvoX BoM, Materials)

Lipstick 1: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Tenuous} Lipstick” (Lel. EvoX HD Applier)

Lipstick 2: Mad’ – “Daemon Lips” (Lel. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3” + “Lara Add-On Petite 1.1”

Poses, Props & Tools

Backdrop: VARONIS – “Dayport Backdrop Scene”

Pose 1: Poseidon – “Valkyrie 6rev” (Bento)

Pose 2: Poseidon – “Heroes – Flight 4” (Bento)

Pose 3: Poseidon – “Flight 15” (Bento)

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

It’s only lies that I bust in your life…


Broken trust, it’s running on fumes
So feed me with something new
Before this is me against myself
Making space for my new mistakes
Message of hope that’s wrapped in sadness
Returned to sender
Different stories on endless stories
Prove me wrong
Nightmares are dreams too

[- Bloodred Hourglass -]


Jacket: cinphul – “ravage II [jacket]” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // August 2021

Top: [Yomi] – Bat Out of Hell Top – Black” (Maitreya)

Panty: cinphul – “ravage III [thing]” (Maitreya, Gift) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // August 2021


Piercing / Septum: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Suspiria Septum (R) Silver” – NEW @ Kinky // August 2021

Septum 2: -[TWC]- – “Thirst Septum -Silver-“

Piercing: Wicca’s Originals – “Jadeon Piercing”

Earrings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Mads Earrings Human EvoX”

Ear Deco: L’Emporio&PL – “*Vulnus* EvoX Human – Female”

Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger (Black Out+Silver” (Maitreya)

Hand Accessories: L’Emporio&PL – “*Kick it*” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: L’Emporio&PL – “*Damned Claws*” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Transfer”

Forehead Art: Unholy&JTM – “SunMoon Sign Branding” (Lel. EvoX BoM)

Face Art 1: Rubedo – “Olive – Evox 02” (Lel. EvoX BoM) – NEW @ The Makeover Room // September 2021

Face Art 2:  Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger #01” (Lel. EvoX BoM, Materials)

Blood:  Unholy&JTM – “Tears of Blood” (Lel. EvoX BoM)

Lipstick 1: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Tenuous} Lipstick” (Lel. EvoX HD Applier)

Lipstick 2: Mad’ – “Daemon Lips” (Lel. EvoX BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “EvoX Avalon 3.0”

Teeth: [CX] – “Strigoi’s Fangs – Silver Type.1 ( Size E / Wider )”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo upper: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark) Live Fast” (BoM) – NEW @ Men Only // August 2021

Tattoo lower: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Gold Flower” (BoM, Uber Anniversary Gift) – NEW @ Mainstore

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Foxcity

Backdrop: .PALETO. – “Backdrop:. OLD RAIL”

Animals: CURELESS[+] – “Sororis Obscura / Bats / Dark” (Gacha, Common)

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky Event // August 2021


Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky Event // August 28th – September 23rd

Smoke curls around the room as the fat little man puffs away on the ebony and gold cigarette holder in his sweaty hands. His beady little eyes remain fastened on the long, shapely limb as she slowly pulls the thigh high boot up her leg.

Sitting at her dressing table, Nadia lifts her leg high until her toes are pointed to the ceiling. She takes her time smoothing the leather against her skin and carefully straightening the laces. Beads of sweat roll down the man’s face and Nadia secretly smiles.

Once the laces are tightened and the leather snugly caresses her legs, Nadia stands and bends over table to check her make-up; her legs spread and her ass in the air. Her reward is the sound of the pig choking on his own saliva.

The bowler hat is pulled down on her head at a jaunty angle as Nadia straightens and turns to her visitor. She places a booted foot on the chair between the man’s fat thighs. With puckered lips, she leans forward, only to give a hard push at the last moment to send the chair and man toppling backwards.

As the band begins to play her music, Nadia laughs as she struts toward the stage for her next performance.

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy (F), Hourglass, Freya

HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: Kinky Event // August 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Enchantment // August 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Enchantment // August 14th – September 4th

In the age of the great chaos, when fear and evil ruled the lands, a great leader stepped from the smoke and fire to save the people.
Upon their brow, the Ardam Headband proclaimed a strong leader; one who will guide the people to peace and prosperity. Their name is cheered loudly by a grateful nation.
That name – is yours!

The unisex headband had modify permissions, to make it fit for all kind of heads weather mesh heads, system heads or non human heads. As a little extra, we included a button to hide the front, middle pendant and chain.

Event Location: Enchantment