“Christmas time is buzzing in my Skull…”


You know, I think this Christmas thing
It’s not as tricky as it seems
And why should they have all the fun?
It should belong to anyone

Not anyone, in fact, but me
Why, I could make a Christmas tree
And there’s no reason I can find
I couldn’t handle Christmas time

I bet I could improve it too
And that’s exactly what I’ll do
Eureka! I’ve got it!

[- Jack Skellington -]

Who says that freaks do not like Christmas… maybe no the typical, ribbon, red/green/white/gold one with candy sticks all over… but still.. Christmas :p What brought me to that idea for this post was the “Cozy Winter Collection”, which DRD released at FaMESHed and an older group gift – as well made by DRD – the awesome “DIY Christmas Tree” . I found it hilarious, when I saw that blank tree, a huge black sack with all the fir needles in it and three bottles of glue beside it – I simply love Jaimy’s sense of humor. With some parts of the “The Last Christmas Shop” as decoration and some more past group gifts, I tried to decorate my alternative Christmas room 🙂

Certainly I had to have the matching look to my scenery and I could not pass the cool glasses with that scary eyes by Madame Noir… such a cool accessory, that really creates a different vibe *grins* With my love for heavy boots I as well could not leave the “Ravage Boots” on the shelf at L’Emporio&PL. They are so hell detailed! If you take a closer look you can see every stud, every lace, and the cute hole in the sole – made me think of my New Rocks in real love and I love them to death 🙂 What as well caught my eyes were the awesome “Damned Claws” from L’Emporio&PL. They are made for hand and feet, but since the shoes cover my feet this time, I am wearing only the nail set. When I put on the HUD I was really positively surprised… beside different colors you as well can hide every single claw separate.

I have a few more scary Christmas ideas in mind and I am looking forward how they will turn out 😉 For now… Happy Holidays everyone!


Top: L’Emporio – “Old Jeans Corset” (Maitreya)

Pants: adorsy – “Rihanna Jeans Shorts” (Maitreya)

Tights: .:Avanti:. – “Cozy Tights” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: L’Emporio&PL – “Ravage” (Maitreya)


Glasses & Eyes: Madame Noir – “Eye Collection Megapack” – NEW @ The Darkness Event // December 2020

Mask: [CX] – “Devourer Mask”

Scarf: TonkTastic – “Shemagh TT1” (female)

Arms: [CX] – “Arm Bandages – Brown” (Maitreya Applier)

Nails: L’Emporio&PL – “Damned Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Command” – NEW @ Cosmopolitan // December 2020

Eyeliner: Corvus – “Blood Tears”

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Erin 2.5”

Ears: L’Emporio&PL – “Athan”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Summoning” (BoM)

Poses, Props & Tools


Picture 1: CHEZ MOI – “Cozy Christmas Wrap Station”

Picture 2 & 4: Foxcity


Building: DRD – “San Mora – Roadhouse – B”

Furniture: DRD – “Cozy Winter Collection” – NEW @ FaMESHed // December 2020

Deco: DRD – “The Last Christmas Shop”

Clock: DRD – “Silly Clocks – Coffee” (Group Gift)

Picture Frame: DRD – “Emergency Smokes – Cigarette” (Group Gift)

Shelf: DRD – “October Shelf” (Group Gift)

Tree (nice): DRD – “AE – Train Car – Holiday Tree” (Gacha, Reward)

Tree (used): DRD – “DIY Christmas Tree” (Group Gift)

Packing Station: CHEZ MOI – “Cozy Christmas Wrap Station”

Glue: .random.Matter. – “Art Studio – Glue Gun [Blue]” (Gacha, Common)

Glue & Glitter: Kei Spot – “Kei’s Xmas Village Crafts (glitter)” (Gacha, Rare)

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

New Group Gifts @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

It’s cold outside and that means it’s time for something cozy to wear! We have our Allison outfit made up of jeans, pullover, vest and scarf all separates so you decide how toasty warm you want to be. Allison is made to fit Maitreya, Slink’s Hourglass and Belleza’s Freya.
Let’s not forget about your feet! We have something cozy for them too, our Gypsy boots designed to match! The boots are made to fit Maitreya, Hourglass, and Freya.

So come visit the store, pick up your gifts and do a lil shopping 😉 We appreciate you!

TAXI: Wicca’s Wardrobe

News @ Wicca’s Wardrobe

Wicca & Saz Corset Vendor

Today I am very excited to announce that I finally released my short series of corsets with matching jeans and bolderos 🙂 . It is a short collection of 6 different patterns and fabrics that iI was working on for quiet some time now. In RL I am addicted to corsets so it was a long time dream to make some in SL as well that would be kinda the style I could like to wear. Usually if you hear corsets many have only the fetish vision or a medieval look in their mind, but corsets can be so much more and they can be part of every day wear as well.

Corsets,Jeans & Vendor for Blog 001

A corset is a garment worn to hold and shape the torso into a desired shape for aesthetic or medical purposes (either for the duration of wearing this item, or with a more lasting effect). Both men and women are known to wear corsets, though women are more common wearers.

In recent years, the term “corset” has also been borrowed by the fashion industry to refer to tops which, to varying degrees, mimic the look of traditional corsets without actually acting as one. While these modern corsets and corset tops often feature lacing or boning and generally mimic a historical style of corsets, they have very little if any effect on the shape of the wearer’s body. Genuine corsets are usually made by a corsetmaker and should be fitted to the individual wearer. (Wikipedia)

In the fashion industry corsets became again more and more popular as sexy and modern accessories. And so I am happy to present my short mini corset collection in my store now 😉

I packed some full outfits but as well I offer all the corsets, jeans and bolero single, so that you can mix and match them how ever you like 😉 .

The pants have a special metal button that gets repeated at the bolero as well. On the first view the boleros are all black but if you take a closer look, each of that 6 different black jackets have a different pattern or feature round the zipper on the arms to match the jeans and corset they belong to. Certainly you can cross mix them as well.

The corsets all have a different texture and a certain style. Anyways if back laced or front laced or with straps and buckles, all of them come in the 5 standard sizes and are mesh made, same as the jeans and the boleros.

I hope you come over and take a look or try the demos and find one you like for your wardrobe 🙂 .

Wicca’s Wardrobe: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/97/141/22

Corsets,Jeans & Vendor for Blog 002

Models: Sazzy Nirpaw & Wicca Merlin

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Meeting an old friend of mine…

Enna Full

Sometimes you just hand around spend some free time cleaning your inventory or make new stylings when you suddenly hear the familiar sound of your IM window… “Ding Ding”. I looked up and saw that Enna Flatley was contacting me. I met Enna years ago on an RP sim and we spent quite sometime together and used to talk on a daily base. The RP vanished some when and sadly many of the old contacts as well, what is quiet normal I guess especially if you head for different directions. I chose the modeling and she already started to design clothing. But since she and her partner started mostly with Neko stuff, I twas our of my focus for alonger time. I have to admit as well that one of my long time favourite sneakers still are from back then ;). Anyways, Enna IMed me as she wanted to ask me something regarding a show she was planning to do and so we started to chat again. After some time she asked me if I would not like to come over and see her new store. She told me that she no runs her own business since her partner left SL quite a while ago.

As I landed at her Mainstore I really was surprised. No Neko stuff anymore but amazing mesh clothing for male and female. Mostly mesh made I saw various casual and sporty complete outfits, tops, pants and shoes. Enna asked me what I would like the most and I told her a few things that really caught my attention. I was not even finished tell her what I like and why, as I found various designs of hers in my inventory ;).

So this means I have some parts to play with and I would like to start with a mix and match of some parts of ENNA.

For today’s styling I had – I have no clue why – David Beckham in mind. I started with the mesh “Vintage Jeans” in dirty blue. The amazing mesh jeans are textured with amazing blue and brown shades and you nearly can feel the denim fabric and see the dust when you clap your upper leg 😉 The folds are super amazing set and you really get the idea of a used jeans. At the ENNA Mainstore you will find 4 different colors of the “Vintage Jeans”. The “Female Jacket”, as well  mesh made comes with a little special feature. Driven by a HUD you can choose if you wanna wear it with or without a shirt under the jacket and you can change the color of that short with the HUD as well. With the super cool mesh “Sneakers” I really fell in love. The are so amazingly detailed, you can see every little part of the fabric and the lights and shadows make them looking really 3D. To complete my cool Beckham look, I added the “Amida” earrings and necklace from Mandala and the “Grappa Pieva” hair from LoQ.

This will be certainly not my last post about the designs from ENNA, but if you cannot wait you maybe wanna make your way over to the ENNA Mainstore and see for yourself 😉

Enna Close


Jacket: ENNA – “Female Jacket” /white (mesh)

Pants: ENNA – “Vintage Jeans” /dirty blue (mesh)

Shoes: ENNA – “Sneaker” /white (mesh)

Jewelry: Mandala – “Amida”

Ears: Mandala – “Simple Ears” (mesh)

Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Eyeshadow: Elysium – “Geometrica line” /silver

Lipstick: [mock] – “Mariellis Lip Shine” /Lip 2 El Salva – NEW (TRPH #4)

Hair: LoQ – “Grappa Pieva”

Poses: *PosESioN*

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Mesh news by [sys]!

Continue reading

Valentine Special 2012 at Miamai – Vol. #1

Pants: Miamai – “Oz”  – NEW (limited time edition with handprinted details)

Top: Maimai – “Rure”

Lashes: Panjen – “Dramatic”

Nails: Finesmith – “Solid Blue”

Hairbase: White Widow – “Starlight”

Hair: CheerNo – “Andriel”

Belt: Armidi – “Au Di Leather Belt”

Earrings: Ticky Tacky – “Lick Me!”

Pose: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Awesome News at Sascha’s Design!!!

Sascha Frangilli, owner and designer of SAS again did a masterpiece of casual art. The new “Potourri” outfit! This amazing outfit comes as a ready-to-wear with coat, top and pants. The coat carries an amazing texture and with the awesome  prim attachment it has a wonderful realistic look. The pain colored top highlights the coat in amazing way. For the beige version we have a beautiful jeans and if you take a closer look you can see the amazing belt that is painted on it. The black version comes with black pants, that have an amazing shine. The outfit can be purchased in 6 different colors at the SAS Mainstore 🙂 So run and grab yours 😉


Look 1:

Outfit: SAS – “Potpurri” /beige

Hair: LeLutka – “Inverted”

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia” /light

Boots: Hoorenbeek – “Lucille” /tan-beige

Look 2:

Outfit: SAS – “Potpurri” /black

Hair: LeLutka – “Bonjour”

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia” /light

Boots: Baiastice – “Emi” /black

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Sneak Preview: Prism – Grand Reopening on the 1st of October!!!

Outfit: Prism – “Irene” /black (with 3 different styles of scarfs!!!)

Skin: !Silken Moon – “Ava” /Chloe

Boots: J’s – ” ThighHigh Boots” /black

Hair: Baiastice – “Irene”

Earrings: Finesmith Design – “Berry Blossom”

Outfit: Prism – “Savannah Sweater and Journey Jeans – Autumn Leaves Leather”

Skin: !Silken Moon – “Ava” /YSL

Boots: J’s – “Long Boots Round” /brown

Hair: Truth – “Tilly”

Jewelry: Finesmith Design – “Hera”

Poses: Everglow

Model &Photographer: Wicca Merlin

*X*plosion – Sexy in Denim!

*X*plosion again released a wonderful complete outfit for the sexy urban fashionista! “Extremely Lady” – the outfit for the modern fashion girl!

“Extremely Lady” has lots of different versions or options to wear, besides all the colors that tis outfit can be purchased 🙂 The whole outfit with the matching peep toe sandals, as well called “Extremely Lady Shoes” is available in 5 different colors (black, blue, brown, lightblue and red). The lingerie that is included too can be worn in white or black as you like. As you can see in the pic above, I was trying all 3 styles that the new “Extremely Lady” outfit contains. On the left the sexy type with the 2 garters in the front that hold the lower legs sleeves in place. For this version the body suit is very short and the deep front neckline nearly ends with the suit itself 😉

In the middle I wear the full suit with the long jeans version. Same deep neckline in back and front… yes ladies in the back as well… so deep that you can see the delicate filigree panties as well 😉

At the right side we have the short ‘hot pants’ version of the suit. Same great features of the suit on the upper body as well 😉 The short arm sleeves are made of prims, that you attach on the upper arms.

Overall Kaliha Noel again made a wonderful complete outfit and if you make your way to the *X*plosion Mainstore you can see all of that amazing colors “Extremely Lady” can be purchased 😉


Outfit & Shoes: *X*plosion – “Extremely Lady”

Sneakers: M&E Designs

Skin: Glam Affair

Lashes: Redgrave

Fingernails: Mstyle

Earrings: Ticky Tacky

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer; Wicca Merlin

“Street Style” news at *X*plosion!!!

Yesterday I got the amazing new releases of *X*plosion. Kaliha Noel, a very old time friend of mine again showed her skills if it comes to casual urban street wear. I rarely saw such great and detailed complete outfits that are so sexy and amazing. Everything seems to be right from head to toe! The “Street Style” outfit can be purchased in different color combinations and I decided for this post to go with brown and black. The bra comes in black or white with each color combination as far as I saw and you have the possibility to wear it as shirt or under shirt layer. For the shirt itself you have all 3 layers to choose from. The gloves layer is decorated with 2 prims each arm what gives an awesome realistic look for the wool fabric. For the jeans you have 3 versions each pack with different looks as well as the 2 pants sleeve prims.

As I said perfectly styled from head to toe… the “Street Style” shoes are perfectly matching with the whole outfit. for this post I used the brown version but also other colors are available if you take a look at the *X*plosion Mainstore. The shoes pack contains a lot of different options and styles as well… for the brown ones you can decide between brown/black, brown/blue, or brown/brown and as well you can wear it with socks, without and with the option that has the jeans prims added as well! That’s why you will find 4 different alpha layers in the whole package.

For me the “Street Style” outfit with its shoes is a definitely everyday wearable outfit! If you wanna see all the different color versions make your way to the *X*plosion Mainstore and I am sure that you find yours 😉 and if you are already there you can take a look at all the other awesome outfits also… even the males 😉 Because this awesome outfit has, like so many others from *X*plosion, a male version as well 🙂


Outfit: *X*plosion – “Street Style” /brown (with black jeans of the black/red version)

Shoes: *X*plosion – “Street Style” shoes /brown

Hair: *X*plosion – “Malea Flower”  /soil (yes I removed the flower this time 😉 )

Skin: Glam Affair – “Castalia” /light 03

Nails: Mstyle – “Perfect Hand – short style”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin