Halloween is not too far away and SL’s top designers already released their Halloween collections and items. I would like to do a series of Halloween 2013 looks and decided to start with one of the latest releases from Mea Culpa.
The “Lunar Crow” is the perfect styling for an avant garde Halloween look. For all of those who prefer a couture look instead of a scary, cruel looking style, the “Lunar Crow” will be the right choice. The outfit is partwise mesh made. The skirt and the neck corset are mesh made and combined with the prims of the hat and the moving prims of the shoulder parts it makes a perfect match between old and new design tools. The layers are made with a delicate lace texture and the huge headpiece adds an extra avant touch.
Mea Culpa has an awesome Halloween special! Till Halloween on the 31st of October, there will be different Halloween matching outfits for a special discount of 50% off!!! This is a chance, you should not miss… one of the great Mea Culpa designs for only the half prize!!!
Every week, there will be a selection of outfits that are set to 50% off. This week it is the “Black Mamba” (https://wiccamerlin.de/mea-culpa-goes-fetish-fashion/), the “Call of the Siren” (http://wiccamerlin.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/news-and-spectacular-christmas-special-at-mea-culpa/) and the “Dark Desire” (http://www.flickr.com/photos/meaculpahighfashion/6303396627/)
For all the males – do not be sad you have as well your Mea Culpa Halloween special. If you wanna know what it is this week just take a peek at the new Mea Culpa Mainstore! (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Himmafushi%20Island/127/141/23)
The nails are my favourite ones from Formanails. The “Madonna Skeleton” nails are prim nails, that fit to the regula avatar hands.
The incredible makeup comes out of the hand of Malicia Python, owner and designer of Silken Moon. The “Kabuki” makeup is one of the new releases, and for me it was the perfect match for today’s Halloween styling. The strong and dark ornaments round the eyes give you a certain kinda mystic look and together with the lip stripe that has that sharp line going down… it just caught my heart .
Outfit: Mea Culpa – “Lunar Crow” – NEW (part mesh)
Makeup: Silken Moon – “Kabuki” – NEW
Earrings: PosESioN [Jewelry] – “Angelical”
Nails: Formanails – “Madonna Skeleton”
Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe Poses – “Buccaneer” – NEW