There are only five of us left.
One year ago, when 214 men and women arrived on this desolate, unnamed planetoid, it was with only one thought on out minds – how sinfully rich we would be when we left.
When Boyton Bros. Mining Corporation discovered a new fuel source, which they shamelessly named BBMC-X, their stocks skyrocketed. Just one of the small green rocks, no bigger than a baseball, could fuel a city the size of New York for two years. And just in time, too. The Earth, with all its greedy, wasteful inhabitants, had depleted all the natural resources on the planet.
Mankind now reached out to the heavens and stripped each planet we touched until it, too, was a dead rock in space. We took and stole every useful resource for consumption on Earth and left behind an empty shell.
So 214 men and women came to this lifeless planet with the promise of untold wealth once we strip-mined every last iota of BBMC-X in existence. Everything ran smoothly for the first month, until the killings began. It began in the deepest shafts when a shift reported for work and found a dozen bodies shredded to pieces; limbs torn away.
Security was sent into the tunnels armed with the deadliest weapons know to man, only never to be seen again. Soon the attacks were closer to Base Camp. Metal building ripped open like they were made of paper. The mined BBMC-X disappeared. That’s when we saw the monster. Hideous. Malevolent Lethal. A mindless killing machine.
Its skin was like armor that no man-made weapon could pierce, Long talons sprouted from its back that could tear a man to pieces in seconds or fell him with a single drop poisonous venom. It was mindless, merciless and killed without conscious. Now the remaining five are hunting the beast. Or, is it hunting us?
As we enter a large chamber filled with BBMC-X, the attack is swift and silent. The other were killed instantly. I was not so lucky. I feel the venom flow through my blood like acid as convulsions violently shake my body. In my last moments, I watch the gruesome creature carefully pick up a small green rock that fell to the ground close by. A fanged mouth opens and hisses its contempt for me as it gently cradles the rock to it chest.
The hiss turns into what I can only describe as a soft, soothing purr as a deadly, gnarled claw reaches out to a green orb bigger than my head. At the creature’s touch, the orb glows and shadows shift inside it. Something inside is … alive. Each orb the creature lovingly caresses responds the same way.
These rocks are not a new fuel source. It is not ore to mine for our consumption. They are eggs. And the creature was only protecting her young!
Dear God, what have we done!

The amazing story was written by my dear friend Anne Daumig. She was with me when I did shoot the pictures. Since I know what she can do and because she already had some cool ideas while I was looking for poses for my pictures, I could not resist to beg her… I asked her if she would be in a writing mood and give it a try for a story to my picture ideas – She agreed and made my day with her writing magic again. Check out her BLOG and FLICKR and don’t forget to give her some star love *winks*
Thank you so much Anne ♥
Outfit: cinphul – “council of flesh [dress] (Maitreya)
Gloves: Human Glitch – ” WTCHVRM Gloves” (Maitreya, Bento)
Shoes: cinphul – “excess [boots]” (Maitreya) – NEW @ The Warehouse Sale // September 2021
Headpiece: BeSpoke – “Nemesis Headpiece” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021
Collar: CURELESS[+] – “Entrophy Collar” (Maitreya)
Head, Body & Tattoo
Head: BeSpoke – “Monster Nemesis” – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Skin: BeSpoke – “Nemesis – Night Terror” (BoM) – NEW @ Engine Room // September 2021
Spiderlegs: { aii & ego } – “Tsuchigumo Animesh Spider Legs”
Poses, Props & Tools
Pose 1: Poseidon – “Amazon Princess 8” (Bento)
Pose 2: Poseidon – “Wild Child 21” (Bento)
Scenery: cinphul – “azrexok [alien decor set]”
Deco: Walton R. Wainwright – “NECROTIZE – Regular Booth” & “NECROTIZE – Sponsor Booth” & “NECROTIZE Group Gift container” (not for sale)
Model, Stylist & Photographer
Wicca Merlin