Today I have the pleasure to announce the reopening of the House of Elliot. Today at 2PM SLT, Zaryna will reopen her store and she already gave me a preview of her new creations. I was so happy as I arrived at the studio and saw that Dahriel had the male version of it and it totally hit me as Dahriel asked to do it together with a pic. He made a special pose for that called “Thinking” and it looks so amazing emotional to me and I was totally in love already, as we snapped the picture.
Lets take a closer look in the “Skulls & Roses” outfit. The whole outfit is mesh made and you can wear it with or without long pants to it. For the pictures I decided to go without the pants since Dahriel was wearing them
The body and the hood are separate mesh prims and you can decide how you wanna style it up. The wonderful texture reminded me on some of the Ed Hardy creations with all the skulls and roses on it and I love that style anyways
We decided to go with sneakers and make the more cool kinds look with the “Skulls & Roses”, but you can for sure style it elegant as well.
Speaking of the pose that Dahriel made, for that wonderful “Skulls & Roses” couple, he as well has new group gifts for February and I guess he liked the “Skulls & Roses” outfit as much as I do and so he snapped the vendor pics for the February group gifts for PosESioN right away after we did the couple one
– and yes guys there is a male pose as a group gift as well so… do not miss that!
So, to make a long story short… do not forget to join the reopening party of House of Elliot today at the new Mainstore, do not forget to join the PosESioN group for the amazing February group gifts for male and female and when you are already at the PosESioN Mainstore you can take a look at the new “Thinking” couple pose 

Outfit: House of Elliot – “Skulls & Roses” – NEW (mesh)
Facetattoo: House of Elliot – “Black Face Tat”
Fishnets: *Thalia* – “Fishnet Pantyhose with Seam”
Shoes: Blueberry – “Knee High Sneaker Boots” (mesh)
Nails: Formanails – “Stiletto”
Skin: Silken Moon – “Wicca”
Ring: (NS) – “Vicious Rose”
Tattoo: v3 Tattoo – “Nothing left but Hate”
Hairbase: Tuty’s – “Limbo”
Couple Pose: PosESioN – “Thinking” – NEW
SinglePose: PosESioN – “February Gift Female” – NEW
Models: Dahriel & Wicca
Photographer: Dahriel