Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // August 2022


Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // August 28th – September 23rd

If the Laurien Top was already enough to bring out your more seductive and confident side, the Hotpants will only enhance it further.

Just like the Laurien Top, the Laurien Hotpants are equally as seductive.

Combine them together and finish the look, embodying Laurien’s essence of beauty and sensuality.

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Reborn
HUD: 10 colors & Metals (+on/off button for panty)
Event Location: Kinky Event // August/September 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 9th – 31st

There was no moon to light her way, but it also cloaked her escape. She ran as fast as she could through the dense woods on pure instinct, like an animal in flight, Fitting, since he treated her like a dog.
One minute He offered a kind hand; lulled her into a false sense of comfort. Then, without warning, the pain He caused tore her heart and soul to shreds, Was love suppose to be so painful?
She fell against a tree as her legs gave out beneath her. Lungs burning, her breath sawed harshly in and out of her chest. She looked over her shoulder to see if anyone pursued, but all she saw was darkness. That was all her life really was – endless darkness.
Others had escaped and He had dismissed their absence with a flick of a wrist as if they were nothing more than an annoying gnat. But He said Rhoda was special. Is that why He especially enjoyed hurting her? Building her up to only beat down so far that death was her only escape?
Yes, she often thought of death. The sweet release. The peaceful darkness. She came close, several times. The promises He made and failed to keep. The lies that so easily rolled off his tongue. Sweet words meant to pacify a child that held no meaning to Him as walked away and left her alone and bleeding while he went to find pleasure with his other woman.

That’s not love. That’s greed. The need to possess more than anyone else. A selfish child hoarding all the toys just so no one else could have them. If one was lost, three more took its place. That’s all she really was – a shiny trinket to display. His true pleasure came from the compliments He received about her. Yes, that stroked His ego. He loved what she earned Him – adoration.
No more. She was not a thing. She was not the shiny ruby He named her after. She had a name! And by all that was holy, she would hear that name again or die trying. When she heard His angry shout, she hide behind the tree. His punishments were cruel, oh so very cruel.
It was time to run. Nowhere to go. No one to help her. It didn’t matter. If she didn’t run for her life now, the last tiny bit of life inside her would die.
He won’t hurt her again. No one will ever hurt Rhoda again.
– The End –
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky)
Available as Fatpack with 10 Colors & 10 Metals or Single colors with metal HUD only (5 color combinations available for single purchase)

Event Location: Dark Style Fair

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyberfair // June 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyberfair // June 1st – 25th

“Form follows function” is an old design addage, but even in the age of cyber augmentation, it’s still relevant. Enter the Cypher Pants, engineered by the brightest minds at Wicca’s Originals. These pants are more than just coverings for your legs, they provide thermal insulation to protect from heat and cold. They grant your hips and thighs with next-generation support, alleviating some of the strain on them, allowing you to run longer with less effort. And of course, there is the very practical aspect of the slash-resistant materials used, giving the wearer a sense of security against either laceration or tearing, from falls on the asphalt, to thorny bushes or even knives. All of this in a sleek, aesthetically pleasing package. Get your Cypher Pants today, and feel the difference. Comes with 10 colors palettes and metal options, for Maitreya, Legacy, and Gianni bodies — Also comes in a ‘Rune edition’, for wear with the Rune Top!

The Yuri Arms by Wicca’s Originals are more than meets the eye. At a glance, they are sleek sleeves, covering from wrist to mid-upper arm, but they are so much more. Using a series of induction pads, the Yuri Arms read micro-electic pulses going on just underneath the dermal layer, in the musculature, and send signals to expand or contract along channels in the nanocarbon material to supplement the body’s natural strength. The effects of this range from subtle support to being a force multiplier, improving the precision of detailed work that requires a steady hand, or amplifying the raw strength behind a throw or a punch. This patented technology provides the best augmentation you can get for upper body control, short of invasive surgeries. Comes in 10 color options, with 10 metals, for Maitreya, Legacy, and Gianni bodies — Also comes in a ‘Rune Edition’ variant for use with the Rune Top.

Event Location: ACCESS Cyberfair // June 2021


Phoenix – A Modern, Steampunk Interpretation


Sometimes the mind takes off and you just go with the flow…

That happened again after I got the amazing “Lavi” makeup from Slackgirl. I wanted to do something special as the makeup itself looked very different to me.

First I tried something simple, as I wanted the makeup to pop out, but what ever I tried, it never did satisfaction to the makeup to my feeling.

That usually is the point when I put things to the side and wait until the creative muse kisses me with the right idea. But for what ever reason I could not do it this time without again and again thinking about it.


With the amazing shine of the makeup, I came across the idea to use the wonderful “Asgard Wings” from E.V.E Studio, that come with the matching head wing parts. So I slowly got a basic idea for what would like to go for. Wearing the cool head wing parts I had to find some hair, that go well with them without hiding too much or looking too funky. The ” Tommy” hair is the perfect choice to match my vision, which grows more and more in my mind 😉

With the beautiful detailed top from the “Scarlett” lingerie – made by Salt & Pepper – I had the arms free for the awesome “Elowen” arm pieces from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The shorts with the cool garter straps come from Asteria and are named “Mady”.


With the cool “Lavi” makeup and the “Asgard” accessories the vision of an steampunk Phoenix was born in my head… I can’t tell you why but it just got tsuck in my mind :p

For the set, which I built at my studio I used the incredible “Propelling Gears” together with the “Rosina’s Undergeound” and the “Eye of the Storm” made the perfect ambience for what I was looking for 🙂

Now.. simple runway poses would not do justice to the Phoenix idea. I was trying quite a few but nothing really would work with my idea and finally Gryphon Vendetta, creator of Poseidon poses saved my life. I ran into Poseidon via Gryphons amazing flickr stream and his incredible pictures. I totally love them and drooled more than once over his pictures 😉

He does very dramatic and expressive poses which are perfect for exciting pictures and moods. I rarely saw such motion looking poses, which still look human and not distorted for the limbs. It looks like that he has poses for every occasion you can think about whether it is weapons, running scenes or flying moments. Sometimes he even has props coming with them like the one I used for the dark bloody nurse post not too long ago (https://wiccamerlin.de/something-evils-lurkinin-the-dark/).

I really got kinda an addiction for Poseidon poses since I tried them first and with all those possibilities he offers, I guess that will not be the last post I used them :p (I spied a Harley Quinn set too and I LOVE Harley Quinn*grins evil*)

But for now I hope you enjoyed my person vision of a modern steampunk Phoenix 😉



Pants: Asteria – “Mady Garter Panties” – NEW

Top: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Scarlett Top” (part of the Scarlett outfit)

Shoes: Reign – “Monarch”

Wings & Head Parts: E.V.E Studio – “Asgard Wings & Headpiece” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Tommy”

Makeup: Slackgirl – “Lavi”

Collar: Elysium – “Shena Collar”

Necklace: Asteria – “Celine Necklace”

Arm Parts: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Elowen” (Gacha)

Poses: Poseidon

Set: E.V.E Studio – “Propelling Gears Clock” + “Eye of the Storm” + “Rosina’s  Undergrowth M01” – NEW @ Enchantment

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 08/24/2016 – Nautical Vintage Mood

Asteria Nautical 4

Nautical themed pin ups in a retro looking, vintage way always was something that I liked a lot.

When I unpacked the new “Michelle” outfit from Asteria, I immediately got the idea, to try something in that direction, even if the outfit looked modern and not very retro like on the first view.

Asteria Nautical 3

The outfit contains shorts, a small, sporty looking belly free top and the great knitted pullover over the shoulders. The shorts have a cute detail at the backside. One side is kinda ripped with a hole right at the butt, while the bottom seams of the shorts, as well look like used and just cut with all the small frills hanging down loosely.

Asteria Nautical 5

I tried to pull the whole outfit towards my retro idea and so I added some semi sheer tights from Izzie’s and the awesome over knee boots from [MODA]. With the stripes on the pullover and the stockings I already got the feeling of the whole look and wanted some of the amazing vintage looking sunglasses, which I found at Glamistry.

Asteria Nautical 1

Usually the 50s are known for colorful tattoos, but iI never was a huge friend of those and so I took one of the newest releases from my favourite tattoo designer Julie Hastings. The “Allied” tattoo from White~widow is available at the Fetish Fair 2016 in black, red and white.

Asteria Nautical 8

For the hair, I chose one of the newest EMO-tions hair called “Talon” the neat one-sided braid you will find at the actual round of Shiny Shabby. with the one side coming down in the front it did not interfere too much with the loose pullover sleeves over my shoulder ;).

Asteria Nautical 7

Now usually the most hardest part.. finding a location which was stuck in my imagination… I wanted a harbour, not too crowded but not totally empty. I prefer mesh nowadays since it reacts so much more nice on windlights and as well looks way more up to date than buildings from 2008 😉 I went to the destination guide of SL as they usually have nice locations there which are very photogenic. After some sim hopping I found the “West of the Rain” sim. When I landed, I immediately found myself standing at a harbour what seemed like coincidence 🙂 I waited a few seconds to rez and when I looked around, I knew I was in the right place. The amazing ship right in the harbour, the other a little out and the wonderful little building caught my heart and I spent quite some times snapping way too many pics. Again I had a hard choice, to choose which ones should end up in the post. Every time I try to convince myself, that 2 to 3 pictures would be enough and still I end up with 5 to 8 *hides*

Asteria Nautical 2


Outfit: Asteria – Michelle” – NEW

Shoes: [MODA] – “Erica”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Talon” – NEW @ Shiny Shabby

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Allied” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Necklace: Codex – “Spellwhip” – NEW @ Fetish Fair 2016

Sunglasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”

Poses: EverGlow

Location: West of the Rain

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Asteria Nautical 6

Enoying my first few days of my Vacation with [sys] ;)

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Finally my summer holidays are here – YEAH! Yes, teachers desire vacation as much as students *grins*

6 weeks of mot getting up to early and living my true nature as a night owl again :p

It really does feel nice, if you actually can spend time and just roam around instead of just having 2 to 3 hours to create and work in SecondLife. First I started to unpack a lot of boxes, which came too short over the past few weeks because of the final exams at school and all the events that come for the end of year of school.  My first box already had something very cool in it… the new “Ride” outfit from [sys]. The whole outfit contains a bra, shirt, shorts and a wrapped shirt around your waist. There are different color combinations available but each one comes with a HUD to customize it a little more. You get 2 options per HUD for each part.

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While I was opening all those boxes that got to me over the last couple of weeks I found one goodie after another, what means, there will be a lot of posts over the next few days o guess ;). Another amazing item, which perfectly matched the “Ride” outfit from [sys.], was the “Equals” tattoo from White Widow. That awesome art piece covers the arms all the way down with flowers in wonderful shadings. Now certainly I needed some cool glasses, which I found at Haysuriza – A place I really love to go if I need some cool, more urban casual looking glasses ;).

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The totally awesome hair I am using, certainly comes from one of my favourite hair designers in SL… EMO-tions 😉 The “Bernadette” hair does have the perfect touch of smart, urban and casual as well as a lightly rebel look, that I love so much for my more private and urban looking looks 🙂 And now for the jewelry… I know Pris will kill me again – like she always does if I am wearing something “old” that might be not any longer available – but old does not automatically mean bad in my opinion. Sometimes, designs, creations or items do never get old. The look and the skills used to handcrafted them can make them long time goodies. Certainly sometimes weird moving flexies from 2008 might appear old but as well if you take a look at the nowadays designers who use flexible prims again to mix them with new mesh creations… they change in their look and as well improved in their movements. Sometimes it has even a huge plus and adds some kind of uniqueness if you use some of your long time favorites, as they just might add the little extra on your look. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying keep all your old items… but sometimes a few are worth it 😉

Saying that, my jewelry for today comes from YS&YS and has quite some years on it’s back in my inventory 😉 The “NEW Silver” set with a part flexible earing and the wonderful necklace just made the perfect addition for the look.

In the end I really do believe in a good mixture of new and older items to finalize a look. sometimes those old items even bring back some great memories to a show yu walked, a shooting you had or even from who you got them. With all our run on new releases, do not forget about some things, that might appear old on the first view.. on a second view they can quiet be nice *winks*

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 Outfit: [sys] – “Ride” – NEW @ TLC

Shoes: J’s – “Studded Long Boots”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Bernadette”

Jewelry: YS&YS – “New Silver”

Glasses: Haysuriza – “London”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Equals”

Poses: Corpus

Location: Crestwick

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Elan shows Casual Chick


Top: Elan – “Inspiration” /teal

Shorts: Elan – “USA Pants” /light blue

Skin: Glam Affair

Lipstick: L.Fauna

Hair: LoQ

Shoes: Shiny Things

Lashes: Redgrave

Pose: Corpus

Pants: Elan – “High Waist Chic Pants” /white

Top: Elan – “Frilled Top” /dark red

Skin: Glam Affair

Hair: LoQ

Shoes: J’s

Glasses: artilleri

Pose: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Casual City Chick by Nemesis!!!

Today I have a new label on my blog. Nemesis – a beautiful casual and chick label owned by Calypso Clip. For today I combined different parts to a neat city fashion outfit.

Lets start with the top. the “Illegal Tank” here in black is a perfect basic for that sexy outfit. It has a deep neckline and it is hold by a slim line in the back of the neck. What caught my eye was the decoration on the upper back that goes from the neck to the beginning of the tops fabric. 5 big rings that hold the top in place in the back..simply wonderful and a neat little detail that makes a top like this to something special. That Nemesis has defiantly an eye for the detail you also can see at the awesome high waist pants called “Robot High Waisted Shorts”. The buttons are attached with tiny prims on a spot that you can imagine the shadow of the buttons on the pants itself as the shadow is painted to the layer of the pants… another detail that shows how much Calypso Clip counts on realistic details. Perfectly matching in color and style are the “Wrath Bangles” in gold. All 2 parts of the outfit you will find in more colors than just the ones that I have shows in this blog 😉 If you are curious wich ones…make your way to the Nemesis Mainstore and take a look for yourself you will see it is worth it 😉 Also you will find the new Nemesis Collection called “Casino”… so don’t wait too long 😉


Top: Nemesis – “Illegal Tank Top” /black

Pants: Nemesis – “Robot High Waisted Shorts” /beige

Bangles: Nemesis – “Wrath Bangles” /gold

Necklace: Mandala

Nails & Rings: Mandala

Earrings: Ticky Tacky

Skin: Redgrave

Shoes: N-Core

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Colorful and wild – Springtime at Kunglers!

The “Francesca Blouse” made by Kungler gives you a great summer feeling! A tank top made blouse in amazing prints!

Animal and flower prints make this tight tank top to an eyecatcher. Anyways which version you will always turn heads with that conspicuous textures. If you take a closer look it looks like you wear a color matching bra under a sweet textured corsage.

A great addition to complete the summer look is the “Boyfriend’s shorts” also made by Kungler. A short and wide jeans that you can wear with an attached prim belt or without 🙂

All of the top version have a cute attached ribbon in the back that looks very sweet and you are tempted to pull on one end to see what will fall down 😉

To see all the other great new designs of Kungler you just have to make your way to Kungler’s Mainstore and you will see that they not only do great casuals 😉


Top: Kungler – “Francesca Blouse” /butterfly, giraffe, leopard, tiger

Shorts: Kungler – “Boyfriend’s Shorts” /classic blue

Shoes: Stiletto Moody

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin