Day and night, Sixsmith labored at his toils. He was a craftsman of the finest ilk. So much so, he was no longer called the name given to him at birth, but by the trade at which he excelled – Sixsmith.
His latest creation was complete. As he polished the finished pieces with a soft cloth, Sixsmith closely inspected every stitch, every link, and every inch for any imperfections and found none. Only the best for the greatest warrior in their kingdom.
The appointed time had arrived and Sixsmith placed the two pieces upon a wooden tray lined with thick red velvet to prevent damage before they were presented. All eyes fell upon his as Sixsmith emerged from his forge. From the strongest sword to the most delicate of adornments, Sixsmith could create anything the imagination allowed.
The crowd that had gathered in the streets parted in deference to the hulk of the man who stood head and shoulders above them all. Dressed only in leather pants and boots, the well-muscled man was living proof of what years of hard labor could do to a man’s physique.
Sixsmith continued through the streets until he stood before doors of the Great Hall. The portal slowly opened to reveal the warrior waited patiently at the end of the massive room. Undaunted, Sixsmith entered with his head held high until he reached the raised dais at the end of the hall.
With respect, Sixsmith dropped to one knee and held his burden high for inspection. With a simple nod, the warrior presented an arm. The first bracer was lifted from the velvet nest and placed upon the proffered limb.
The thick yet supple leather molded to the forearm as though sculpted to perfection. The metal rivets, pins and adornments gleamed in the sun that shown through the high windows of the Great Hall. Near the wrist a metal disc, flawless etched, was the royal crest of the kingdom, denoting the lofty station of the wearer.
Straps and fasteners secured the bracer to the underbelly of the arm; tight enough to ensure a proper fit, but not so much to hamper the warrior’s movements. The matching bracer was attached to the other arm just as carefully. Once both were secured, Sixsmith bowed his head and placed a fisted hand over his heart; his silent pledge of unswerving loyalty.
After a moment, a hand came to rest upon Sixsmith’s powerful shoulder and he raised his head to meet the gaze of the warrior before him. With love and devotion, Sixsmith looked up at the warrior; his lover, his Queen.
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Reborn, Legacy[M], Gianni, Jake
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals
Location: SL 19B // June 2022