Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // February 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // 23rd January – 18th March

What I Wouldn’t Do For You

The anticipation turned from butterflies to angry bees as Blaire walked into her assigned dressing room. Tonight was the night. It was too late to back out now.
Her eyes widen when she sees a costume laid out on the dressing table. No, costume is too generous a word.
The metal bra is nothing more than an underwire that fits snugly beneath the breasts, and delicate chains with tiny coins that jingle. Another chain runs up between the breasts to a fitted collar for the neck.
That’s all. Nothing else to wear. Amazingly enough, Blaire never thought she would be given anything to wear. After all, you have to show the customers the product.
Never in her wildest dreams did Blaire ever imagine herself in this position, but she had no choice. She needed the money. Desperately. Her kid sister’s life depended on it.

Dani is sweet and innocent and deserves a better life than fate has given her. The money Blaire earns tonight will pay for Dani’s operation. Her childhood was stolen and Blaire was determined her sister would not forfeit her life, too. Now dressed in her costume, Blaire carefully applies some light make-up and brushes her long hair into a glossy sheen. For the most part, Blaire tried not to think about the next hour, but a sharp knock on the door brought Blaire back to reality.
Blaire stood and slipped her feet into a pair of nude colored stilettos before she walked calmly to the door. The man in the hallway took his time looking her over before he nodded his head and motioned for Blaire to follow.
With her head held high, Blaire followed silently behind while she repeated the same mantra in her head – for Dani, for Dani, for Dani.
The man stops at a heavy curtain and pulls it aside. Blaire pauses to peek through the opening. On the other side is a small, raised platform with several spotlights shining down. Beyond that, complete darkness.
Her escort clears his throat and Blaire immediately understands. No more stalling. With a deep breath, Blaire steps out onto the stage. The room goes silent.
Only by sheer will does Blaire resist the urge to cover herself. She read the rules of the contract and agreed to abide by them. The customers wanted to see the entire package, as was their right.
Another gruff sound from her escort and Blaire slowly turns in place. Once she is facing forward again, Blaire lifts her gaze high, but finds nothing in the darkness ahead to focus on.
A voice comes over a speaker that the opening bid starts at $50,000 US dollars. The virgin auction has begun.
For Dani, for Dani, for Dani.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky) + unrigged version

HUD: 10 Colors/Metals (Many hide/show options as you can see on the vendor picture)

Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // February 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky Event // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky Event // January 28th – February 23rd

Her head is pounding to the beat of the techno music the DJ blasted over the sound system. It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t all sound the same. It had been a long night and she still had three more hours on her shift.
While Maia waited for her drink order, she massaged the tense muscles in her neck. What is it with the pretentious drink that practically require a degree in chemistry to mix.
Maia delivered the trendy cocktails to a VIP suite on the second floor. A bachelorette party was in full swing and all the tips were stuffed into a stripper’s g-string. Thank goodness her gratuity is already built into their bar bill and rental fee, otherwise she would never see a dime from these women.
Next table held half a dozen law school graduates cutting loose after finals. The more they drink, the more their hands wandered and tips got tucked under her barely there top that the owners make servers wear.
The skimpy halter and short shorts Maia wore had its advantages when it came to tips and keeping cool in the crowded, overheated club. Disadvantages ranged from cold glasses between the shoulder blades and guys who thought it was a license to grope.
But the Ivy Leaguers quickly cooled their assaults when Red, one of the club’s security guys, took up position nearby. He’s a big teddy bear, but he’s as big as a grizzly bear and intimidating as hell.
By the end of the night, Maia managed close to $500 in tips. Not great, but not bad. Tazer in hand and tips tucked safely inside her boots, Maia takes the subway home to her tiny apartment. As always, Jimmy is fast asleep when she arrived home, so Maia fixed a sandwich and hunched over her books.

Six more months of nursing school, only if she could scrape together the remaining tuition. In the meantime, she can keep up on her reading. Maia wanted a better life and she was the only one who could make it happen. All the hard work and all the long hours on her feet were for only one goal.
And he stood in the doorway rubbing sleep from his eyes.


Sizes: Maitreya (Lara&Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic&Perky)

HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

( item is mod, so you can make the cloth part transparent – Edit>select Face>Texture/Transparency% )

Many hide options on the HUD!!! ( like showed on the vendor )

Event Location: Kinky Event // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ My Bloody Valentine // Janunary 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ My Bloody Valentine // January 27th – February 24th

One last, careful turn of the screwdriver and Burton was finished with his work. If it had a mechanism, no matter the size, Burton could return it to mint condition. Working for the Smithsonian Museum was Burton’s dream job.

Tonight a new room opens as a tribute to Tim Burton, the brilliant Gothic/horror director of the movies Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Bettlejuice. Today he finished the cleaning and restoration of the iconic title artifact, the hands from Edward Scissorhands. He wanted everything to be perfect.

As a kid, he was a geek, nerd and dweeb, all rolled into one. He was everything his father hated – short, scrawny, and uncoordinated. A complete loser and disgrace to Bruce ‘The Butcher’ Richards, his sports obsessed, burly jock of a parental unit.

Because he was born premature and on the sickly side, Bruce Richards looked upon his only child as an embarrassment. It was the only reason Burton’s mother was allowed to name her son after her favorite actor – Richard Burton. At least she didn’t name him Richard Richards.

Burton’s health prevented any sport participation, which only served to make him worthless in his father’s eyes. Oh, but he was a genius when it came to building and fixing things. It was how he managed a full ride to M.I.T., because his father had no intention of paying for a wimp’s college education.

For two summers Burton worked at the Smithsonian as part of an internship program. He had a full-time job offer before he even graduated. His father said he would never amount to anything. Bet the old man is swearing up a storm in his grave.

After delivering the hands to the museum curator, Burton headed home to change into his outfit. Tonight’s grand opening was a costume gala and visitors were encouraged to dress as their favorite Tim Burton movie character. A tough choice for Burton, because he loved them all.

He finally decided on a Victorian suit that would represent Victor from Corpse Bride, with a nod to Ichabod Crane of Sleepy Hollow fame. Burton was not ashamed to let his geek flag fly. So what if he was attending the gala alone because no woman looked at him as anything other than … creepy. He was who he was and proud of it.

Burton arrived to the opening hours early to help the curator with any last minute adjustments for the displays. Yes, he was a major Tim Burton fanboy. Maybe, if he was very lucky, he would get an introduction the man of the hour. As he roamed through the room, the VIPs were admitted and now mingled among the displays.

That is when he spotted HER. She was dressed as Emily from Corpse Bride in breath-taking detail. It was love at first sight. Burton was mesmerized and approached her as if in a trance. Not one to miss the smallest detail, Burton had a simple gold band in his coat pocket, just like the one in the movie.

As he neared, Burton’s Corpse Bride turned and saw the ring he held and smiled. She held out her left hand to him and waited. He slid the band onto her third finger and recited the the wedding vows from the movie.
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.”


Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Legacy[M], Gianni, Jake
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Pose: Couple Pose, Bento (poseballs & single pose animations)

Event Location: My Bloody Valentine // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // Jan 23rd – Feb 18th

Every woman has that mysterious smile when she wears something that makes her feel sexy and Kylie is no exception.

Kylie dressed very carefully for her date with Jake tonight. He was taking her to an expensive restaurant for dinner to celebrate his promotion and her new job. Years of hard work, emotional setbacks and financial struggles finally paid off.

Kylie and Jake met in college – she in design school and he in law school. It wasn’t long before they were living together. They were a team from the start and supported each other through think and thin, sick and sin.

Tonight, Kylie had a couple surprises of her own planned, First was the design that landed her the new job; a sinfully sexy bra that was more jewelry then clothing. Kylie even designed a dress especially made to showcase it.

The dress and bra had its desired affect when Jake entered their bedroom and his jaw dropped at her appearance. That secret smile deepened when Kylie noticed Jake’s other physical reaction. Maybe they should just skip dinner?

The food and wine was amazing and Kylie and Jake were both in high spirits. Kylie especially enjoyed it when Jake’s eyes often dropped to check out her creation. The table was secluded and waiters were well trained, so Jake was the only one who could enjoy the view.

With their dessert choices, Jake requested a bottle of champagne. Kylie took that moment to open her purse to pull out a jeweler’s box. The second surprise was a vintage Rolex watch that belonged to Kylie’s father. She inherited it when he passed away and recently had it cleaned and serviced.

Before she could lose her nerve, Kylie placed the box on the table and slid it across toward Jake. Where was it written that a girl had to wait for a guy to propose.

“Will you marry m …”

But Kylie stopped when she heard the same words and actions mirrored by Jake, though the box he pushed in her direction was much smaller – ring sized. For a moment they both just stared at each other, then both broke out in laughter.

Great minds think alike!

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara & Petite), Legacy [F] (Classic & Perky) + unrigged version
HUD: 10 Metals/Colors

Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Midnight Order // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Midnight Order // Jan 20th – Feb 20th

The night did not go as Helena expected.

The plan was to meet Hillary, her bestie, and Hillary’s fiancé at that new club opening. He is some kind of big time promoter and one of his new clients was premiering as their new DJ.

Dressed in her new leather corset and shorts, Helena left her apartment excited for a night of great music and dancing. It was ages since she had the opportunity to just have fun. But she realized her best friend had set her up, again, on a blind date.

Month after month Helena endured the ‘perfect guy for you’ speech from Hillary and each time politely declined. Tonight her best friend apparently decided to cut out the middle man and make the date in her name.

He was an accountant! Helena wasn’t prejudice against accountants – she was a CPA in a prestigious firm. But she spent long hours every week with accountants and the last thing she wanted was to date one. What she should have done the moment she spotted him at their table was turn on her heel and gone home. Sadly, Helena was raised better than that, so she stayed out of politeness and endured.

Howard, yes, that was his name, was the personification of the dull, lifeless, stereotypical accountant. His hobby was memorizing actuarial tables. And, yes, he actually lived with his mother!

Normally Helena nursed a drink through the night, but the moment she was introduced to Howard, that plan went down the drain. Three tequila shots later and Hillary suggested they all dance. She just lost best friend status.

Howard’s dance teacher, you guessed it, his mother, only taught him two things – the box step and how to step on his partner’s toes. By the times Helena limped back to their table, she had a broken toe, bruised ribs and a torn corset. Howard attempted a spin.

As Helena pulls out her phone to call an Uber to get her the hell out of this nightmare, Hillary grabs her arm and begs Helena to stay. Hillary just lost friend status and will be unfriended from all my social media accounts, but Helena reluctantly agreed to stay. The date can’t get any worse – right?


Needless to say, Helena ends up in the emergency room with cuts, abrasions, a black eye, twisted ankle and a plastic stir stick embedded in her shoulder.

And the truly sad thing – that was not Helena’s worst first date.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy (Classic, Perky)
2 Versions available (bloody&clean) + Fatpack
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals (each pack)

Event Location: Midnight Order // January 2022



Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Mainframe // January 20th – February 13th

A Place to Hide

The darkness was broken only by the torch I carried, casting eerie shadows in the cave that is my last hope. A hiding place no one can ever find. My boots shuffle along the uneven and rocky floor of the cavern hidden deep underground a long lost and forgotten city.
No one has been here in hundreds of years and I pray no one will ever return. It’s the only place where I can keep it safe. If anyone gets their hands on the contents of the box in my backpack, all is lost.
It’s been discovered before, many times, because I was careless in my diligence and lax in my guardianship. And each instance was a cataclysmic disaster. I cannot allow it happen again.
It can’t be destroyed – God knows I have tried. No one else can bare the burden – the responsibility is mine and mine alone. Hiding it from the world was my last resort.
The slightest sound roars in my ears like a freight train barreling down on me. The drip, drip, drip of water. The crackling of the meager flame guiding my way. A tiny pebble kicked by the toe of my boot.
I’m close. I can sense I am near the edge of the endless abyss that is my only salvation. Trembling with fear, excitement, anticipation – I don’t know my own emotions anymore. I just know the end is near.
With the torch wedged into a crack on the ground, I drop to my knees and let the backpack slide down beside me. The box tumbles out as if it has a life of its own. It DOES have a life of its own.

I clutch at the key hanging around my neck. It is calling to me to unlock the box. I need to fight its siren call, but I have to see it once last time. The lid opens slowly and there it lies – the bane of my existence. My heart.
Its steady beat is hypnotic as it seduces me with talk of love and happiness. But those things don’t exist. They are only illusions and when reality rears its ugly head, the pain is unbearable.
I slammed the lid closed and the snap of the lock sends a cold chill through my veins. Before it has a chance to change my mind, I shove the box over the edge and into the dark abyss, a bottomless pit where nothing can return.
For long moments I wait, expecting the hear the box crash upon the rocks below. There is no sound. There is just … nothing; Torch in hand I rise and walk away, free of my burden at last. Free from the pain of feelings.
No one can hurt me again. Especially my own heart.

HUD: 10 Colors + 10 Metals each pack
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Freya, Slink[F] (Hourglass+Physique)
2 Versions available – 1 Leather & 1 Latex pack // or fatpack with both too

Event Location: Mainframe // January 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // December 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // December 28th – January 23rd

The metal heels of her boots clicked loudly as Ivy walked the long length of the runway. She always liked to walk it prior to a show when the room was quiet and empty.

This was a holy place to Ivy. The long path where she could strut with an attitude that few true professionals possessed. Ivy had a natural grace that drew the eye of everyone in the audience. It wasn’t vanity, but fact. It’s why she earned the big money.

However, for Ivy, it wasn’t about fame or money or ego. It was a sense of belonging. The runway was her home: her emotional and spiritual center.

At the end, Ivy took a slow, languid spin before she closed her eyes. She could feel the energy already, even when she was alone. Her body vibrated with excitement. In a few short hours the room would be filled to capacity and Ivy’s entrance was highly anticipated.

When showtime arrived, Ivy was dressed for success. Hair and make-up was perfect as always and she wore her favorite boots for good luck. The music swelled and Ivy threw the curtains wide as she made her entrance. The applause was deafening as Ivy made her way down the lit runway.

At the end she made a graceful leap and wrapped an arm and a leg around the metal pole securely bolted to the floor and ceiling. The crowd roared and the boisterous shouts and whistles guaranteed her big tips.

She was English Ivy, the best pole dancer in Philly.

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy [F], Hourglass, Freya
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals

Event Location: Kinky // December 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // December 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // December 23rd – January 18th

Black Swan

My friends call me Ash.

That is, if I had any friends. No friends. No family. No one gives a damn. That’s what happens when you grow in foster homes. You become invisible.

At age eighteen, you graduate out of the system and onto the streets. Left out in the cold. Survival of the fittest. Eat or be eaten. Nothing prepares you for becoming a Ghost.

Everyone treated me like I was inviable, so I became invisible. I blended into the shadows, into the darkness. When I’m hungry, I eat. When I am tired, I find a warm, safe shelter. It’s not that difficult if your smart and invisible.

Sometimes my methods are not quite acceptable in the eyes of the law. but I never take from people who cannot afford to lose it. The innocent have nothing to fear from me.

It’s the greedy bastards that evicts the poor and elderly from their homes so they can build overpriced luxury condos. The ones that pay low wages, then terminate employees one month before retirement to save from paying a pension.

No one sees me coming for them. No one knows I was there. I am a ghost to them. I stay hidden in the shadows while I take their most cherished possessions – their secrets. People pay well for secrets.

It is night and I weave in and out of the shadows now, gliding smoothly through the darkness, as I approach my next target. He does not hear me. He does not see me. He doesn’t know what is about to happen.

He sleeps as I stand silently over him; so unsuspecting. I lean down and in less than sixty seconds my task is complete. Once again, I am swallowed by the night.

When the old man awakes, he will find sandwiches and fruit beside him, along with a new, warm blanket covering his shivering body.

I am the night. I am the shadow. I am the ghost.
They call me Black Swan.


Sizes: Rigged for LeLUTKA EvoX Female // Human & Elf Version
HUD: 10 Metals
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // December 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ SL Holiday Shop & Hop // December 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ SL Holiday Shop & Hop // December 8th – January 2nd

Pandoras Box

Pandora’s Box There is something seriously wrong with me!

Normal people do not spend hours upon hours every weekend shifting through flea markets and antique stores looking for jewelry to re-purpose. But me? It’s a compulsion. An obsession.
Not only is it my passion, but its how I make a living. Because God only knows, waiting tables 10 hours a day doesn’t keep a girl in the essentials like food and heat. So I need to supplement my income.
When other girls my age are out partying or glued to their boyfriend-of-the-week, I am hunched over trays and boxes of discarded jewelry, looking for buried treasure. Rather than get wasted every night at the clubs, I create unique designs from other people’s rejects.

Over time, when the seller’s see me coming, they pull out boxes and containers they have set aside just for me. At one booth they even scribbled ‘Pandora’s Box’ on the carton. It was meant as a joke, a nod to the Greek mythology of the infamous box that contained all of mankind’s evils and temptations. Thanks again Mom for the name. I may be a joke to them, and, yes, I know that’s how they see me, but where they see junk, I see beauty. I deconstruct earrings here, a necklace there. Rings, pendants bracelets – all become fodder for my imagination. Shoe boxes are filled chains, gems, lumps of gold and silver. All waiting for a new life.
So every free moment I can spare is spent at my work table in my tiny apartment, with my tools and soldering gun, repurposing what everyone refers to as ‘junk’ jewelry. When I am finished, a one-of-a-kind piece is born.
They must look pretty good, because a customer at the restaurant raved over the craftsmanship when I told her I made the ear piercings I had on that day. She gave me her business card and told me if I can provide one hundred quality pieces by the end of the month, she will sell them in her boutique.

That was on the 19th of the month. No pressure there. So for the passed eleven days I have worked my fingers to the bone, literally. Cuts, nicks and burns decorate my hands, but I am finished. Today’s the day I take everything to the boutique and set up the special display case she cleared out just for my jewelry.
With each piece carefully wrapped and packed in a plastic container, I take the subway downtown. For a few minutes I stand across the street just staring at the upscale shop, wondering what the hell I have gotten myself into now. There is something seriously wrong with me.
Tina sees me through the window and waves me in with a smile. She oohs and aahs as I unwrap each necklace, bracelet, broach and earring set I created. We spend the next hour arranging each piece onto velvet trays and display mannequins. Finished, I step back and cannot help the smile on my face, despite the butterflies’ dive bombing my stomach.
I thought this day would never come, but there it is. My creations, all my hard work, on display for all to see and purchase. No way could this day get any better. Until …

The bell over the door rings to life and two very stylishly dressed women enter, chatting endlessly about some exclusive party in two days. Tina greets them warmly, so I assume they are returning customers. I panic when one woman stops, freezes before the newly stocked display case and falls silent. Worried, her companion turns and she, too, is stunned to silence.
My heart lodges in my throat and I am ready to run for my life, but I am a deer caught in headlights. I wait for the laughter, the scorn, the inevitable dissection of my soul. But in the next heartbeat chaos fills the silence as the two women explode in a shopping frenzy.
Soon they were selecting clothing to go with the jewelry – MY jewelry. I look like a cartoon character with my jaw hanging open and my eyes bugging out. These cultured, sophisticated women are shopping to showcase MY jewelry. I sneak a peek at Tina and she gives me a knowing smile as she helps makes suggestions from the high end clothing she sells.
Soon, nearly a third of the inventory I brought to the boutique is purchased and the women are happily chatting about how everyone will be green with envy when they show off their new jewelry. No way could this day get any better. Until …

Tina brings out dark red tissue to carefully wrap the jewelry, along with several white boxes. On the lid of each box, beautifully scripted in the same dark red, are two words.
Pandora’s Box.

Sizes: Rigged: LeLutka EvoX Female/Human + Unrigged Version
HUD: 10 Metals

Event Location: SL Holiday Shop & Hop 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // November 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Kinky // November 28th – December 23rd

Beneath the Skin

The subway train sways roughly, but everyone took it in stride. The car was full, every seat occupied. No one made eye contact, but she felt the disapproving and judgmental stares, just the same.

Sharira wrapped her arm around a metal pole to balance against the jerks and lurches as the train sped along the tracks. She was used to people looking down their noses at her. All her life Sharira was seen as … different. You never really get used to it, but just learn to live with it. She gave up caring what people thought about her a long, long time ago.

So what if her hair was dyed pitch black and she wore heavy black eyeliner and black lipstick. Her wardrobe consisted of black, black and, well, black. Yes, she had tattoos; each and every one represented a deep and profound meaning in her life. And the piercings, mostly on her head, but also a few discreetly hidden that would never see the light of day outside the privacy of her tiny efficiency apartment.

She ran the tip of her finger over the newest addition; a spiked ear cuff with a pierced ring and barbell, both connected with fine, delicate chains. The guy was an artist and worked out of the hole-in-the-wall tattoo shop where she got all her ink.

Slowing as it approached the next station; the train came to a shuddering stop. Passengers surged to the exit and Sharira rode the wave like an experienced surfer rode a ten foot curl. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

In a spaghetti string tank top, denim skirt and heavy combat boots (all black, of course), summer in the city is oppressive. The ten block hike to work from the station doesn’t help, but Sharira always arrives at work an hour early. Today is no exception as she bounds up the concrete steps and pulls open the heavy door.

It’s early, but there are a few people milling around the common area. They call her name and wave as if they haven’t seen her in years, even though she just left them yesterday evening. She stows her purse away in a locker and grabs her coat before she pays her first visit

She quietly pushes the door open to peek inside and finds Mrs. Gerhardt awake, staring out the window; her eyes shiny with unshed tears. Sharira tiptoes quietly inside and places a small wooden box on the small table that hovers over the elderly woman’s hospital bed. A gentle lift of the delicate lid and the soft melody of Edelweiss pings from the small music box.

The old woman’s tears flow freely now, but a soft smile graces her wrinkled face as sweet memories temporarily wash away the constant pain. No words are needed between them as Sharira holds a frail hand and strokes the woman’s hair in a slow, comforting motion.

It won’t be long now. The patients that come to this hospice don’t have long – days, maybe a week or two, but never more. Treatments are over. Medication exists only to ease the pain. The only thing left is comfort and compassion. Mrs. Gerhardt’s eyes drift closed as she falls into a light sleep, the soft smile still on her face.

Just as quietly as she came, Sharira slipped from the room to let the woman rest. She already planned to stay the night at the hospice. Mrs. Gerhardt would not see another sunrise and Sharira didn’t want her to be alone at the end.

In the hallway, Sharira slipped into her white coat as she walks purposely toward the center station. The nurses on duty have all the charts and updates ready, along with Sharira’s morning dose of caffeine. They know her so well. The people here, staff and patients, look past her outward appearance and see only the person beneath.

After a healthy sip of the strong brew, Dr. Sharira Merlin is ready to start rounds

Sizes: rigged for LeLUTKA EvoX – Female/Human Ears
HUD: 10 Metals

Event Location: Kinky // November 2021