Sweet & Cute


A babydoll in black.. that sounded like a challenge for me*grins*

I really do have a cute side even if it mostly exists in the shadows 😉


The amazing “Brigitte” babydoll from AZUL, dragged out that sweet side and I really had fun doing something with it. “Brigitte” is a mix between flexible prims and as well mesh body appliers/body layers. The basic dress goes directly on your body weather you use your system avatar or one of the popular mesh bodies. AZUL offers appliers for Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, TMP and Omega. The cute bow and the amazing skirt prims are super flexible in a very natural way. I tried to catch the softness on the pictures but if you see them inworld they look even better!


Now how to style that sweet babydoll… Certainly I could have done a bedroom looking style but I really wanted to go different, since I did so many lingerie posts already lately :p.

I remembered the “Savage” legwraps from the last round of The Fantasy Collective. I wanted to use them so badly before and never found a matching look. When I put them on they immediately made a wonderful contrast to the cuteness of the babydoll.


So the dress and the leg wraps are really solid and already make a statement, but I still wanna use some accessories and as well shoes. They should all be somewhat filigree and so my choice fell on the “Elowen” set from Wicca’s Wardrobe. I only used the arm parts, the headpiece and the necklace. With the HUD I was able to match them to the golden parts of the leg wraps.

For the fingers I used some rings of my favourite prim rings and nail maker – Formanails. Ivi Bing offers amazing detailed jewelry for hands and nails.. I never found anything comparable somewhere else. All her accessories usually made for Maitreya, standard avatar and for the casual and elegant version of the Slink hands! The ones I used today are called “Simple Rings” and they were right the kind of rings I wanted, to not overload the whole look.


Last but not least the amazing sweet and curled hair I found with Tukinowaguma. The “Helga” hair style I liked so much because of all the wisps and curls as well as the pulled back part with the braids, so that not everything around the head down the shoulders is covered… if that makes sense (<< silly German here)

Overall I so had funny putting together my little fairy and I only needed to find a location for the pics. I remembered a sim, which I was shown by wonderful gentleman. Lakeside, recently even got revamped and is now even more romantic that before. With many hidden places and spots it is a miracle 🙂 Every time when I go there, I find new corners and new parts I never saw before. It is really worth a visit 🙂



Outfit: Azul – “Brigitte” (Applier + Mesh Prims)

Leg Wraps: Storybook – “Savage” (for Maitreya Lara only)

Jewelry, Shoes & Headpiece: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Elowen (Gacha)

Hair: Tukinowaguma – “Helga B”

Rings: Formanails – “Rings Simple Maitreya Black”

Location: Lakeside


Shadow Born


Adaptation – to see in the dark
– a translation – of white into black
– field of view – carefully adjusted
– passing through – to not get hurt…



When you are going to blog about lingerie, maybe that is not the first idea that comes to your head *giggles*

But, I thought maybe it was about time to try something different. I always missed the mix and match of layers for the mesh clothing. It is really hard to wear parts of different outfits and designers with mesh clothing, if they are not made to be worn together. Mostly the sizes do not fit or something pokes through or what ever else does not work. When I put on the new “Cotton Candy” in black, with the amazing bra, waist corset, panties and garters, I just had the idea to experiment a little bit, since the whole lingerie set is a mesh body applier and would give me more freedom to mix and match with layers again 🙂 PLUS I wanted to make a different post about one of the incredible lingerie sets from Blacklace 😉


[sys] released the “TWISP” outfit for the Fetish Fair 2016. The outfit contains a strapped body suit that just covers the most important private parts and a great pair of fingerless gloves. With the minimalistic straps it was just perfect, to go with the “Cotton Candy” lingerie set.

Who says lingerie is just something for the bedroom? *winks*

With the combination of those 2 outfits, the look already became very energetic and strong and more and more the idea of a warrior type look grew in my head. At the actual TFC round Bauhaus Movement has an amazing headpiece called “YEAH! Fashion Headpiece” which looked just as it was made for my idea :p The huge head piece with the feather looking parts all around and the amazing head band where the right addition to my warrior idea.

For the tattoos, certainly I chose White Widow again, Julie really is a body artist and I am just addicted to her creations. That became even more when I found out her newest makeup is compatible with the Genesis Lab 2.0 heads! The new “Couture” makeup is such an amazing mask looking eye art!

That is a very funny story as well.. I was looking for a mesh head I like for over a year now. Some were ok, but I never had the “YES!” feeling on any of the heads I tried. In the end I got a Catwa head as that was the one I liked the most but it was more a compromise than a real “YES!” Don’t get me wrong, Catwa does great heads and with the many different ones, they really make a statement. Catwa might be one of the best choices as there are the most appliers for those heads out there at the moment. But to me they are all very beautiful and smooth and I wanted something more character looking.

When I did not even think about a head, I saw the name of a wonderful friend in the Genesis Lab chat. We started talking and after a while I told her that I was looking for a particular head of Genesis but since Genesis is very limited with appliers and skins and as well do the most heads as Gachas… I kinda trashed the idea even if I liked their heads a lot. I came out that Danity Minx has a lucky hand with Gachas and she got a lot of the rare heads out of those and as well a few doubles. She gave me a few as gifts – very generous gifts – and I started trying them and when I put on a certain head… I immediately fell in love. DAMN my love fell on a Genesis head… that was my first intention.


But I could not help it and so I try to work it as much as I can at the moment. I was told in the group, that the support is very slow to non existent and that many heads have issues and do not get updated. With the one I chose it seems I got lucky as only the lashes positioner is broken but you can get used to it, that it just works the other way round. Sadly non of the skins for Genesis comes with a no brow option, so I could not wear it as an everyday head anyways since one of my trademarks is exactly that. In PS I am able to remove them but not on the grid 🙁

So we will see how that will go in the future… I have a light at the end of the tunnel, since a wonderful and kind skin maker offered me he maybe could take care of that 😉



Outfit & Gloves: [sys] – “TWISP”

Lingerie: Blacklace – “Cotton Candy” – NEW

Shoes: Renegade – “Amber”

Hair: no.match – “No. Call”

Headpiece: Bauhaus Movement – “YEAH! Fashion Headpiece” NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Necklace: EMO-tions – “Glory”

Tattoo: White ~Widow – “Allied”

Face Tattoo: White~Widow – “Couture”

Poses: DARE

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


The Wood Fairy – A Fairytale…

Zibska 2

A while ago I found a wonderful fairytale on the www and it was stuck in my mind so bad that I really had to style something around it. It is not meant to kinda tell the story but it was heavily inspired by it 😉 The Fairytale is one of the favourite ones from Czechoslovakia and was told in London round about 1966 if my research was correct 😉

I am an addicted to old fairy tales myself and read a lot of them – maybe it is the child inside of me that always refused to fully grow up 😉

So I am not claiming that novel for myself, but I would like to share it with you.

Zibska 1

The Wood Fairy

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Betushka. She lived with her mother, a poor widow who had only a tumbledown cottage and two goats. But in spite of this poverty, Betushka was always merry.

From spring to autumn, Betushka drove the goats each day to pasture in a birch wood. Every morning her mother put a slice of bread and an empty spindle into her bag. The spindle would hold the flaxen thread she would spin while she watched the goats. She was too poor to own a distaff on which to wind the flax, so she wound it around her head, to carry it thus to the wood.

“Work hard, Betushka,” her mother always said, “and fill the spindle before you return home.”

Off skipped Betushka, singing along the way. She danced behind the goats into the wood of birch trees and sat down under a tree. With her left hand she pulled fibers from the flax around her head and with her right hand twirled her spindle so that it hummed over the ground. All the time she sang merrily and the goats nibbled the green grass among the trees.

When the sun showed that it was midday, Betushka stopped her spinning. She gave each of the goats a morsel of bread and picked a few strawberries to eat with what remained. After this, she sprang up and danced. The sun shone even more warmly and the birds sang yet more sweetly.

After her dance, Betushka began again to spin busily. At evening when she drove the goats home she was able to hand her mother a spindle full of flaxen thread.

Zibska 7

One fine spring day, when Betushka was ready as usual to dance, suddenly there appeared before her a most beautiful maiden. Her white dress floated about her as thin as gossamer, her golden hair flowed to her waist, and a wreath of forest blossoms crowned her head. Betushka was struck silent.

The wood fairy smiled at her and in a sweet voice asked, “Betushka, do you like to dance?”

At this, Betushka lost her fear. “Oh! I could dance all the day long!”

“Come then, let us dance together. I will teach you.” She took Betushka and began to dance with her.

Round and round they circled, while sweet music sounded over their heads. The maiden had called upon the birds sitting in the birch trees to accompany them. Nightingales, larks, goldfinches, thrushes, and a clever mockingbird sang such sweet melodies that Betushka’s heart filled with delight. She quite forgot her goats and her spinning. On and on she danced, with feet never weary, until evening when the last rosy rays of sunset were disappearing. The music ceased and the maiden vanished as suddenly as she had come.

Betushka looked around. There was her spindle — only half filled with thread. Sadly she put it into her bag and drove the goats from the wood. She did not sing while going down the road this time, but reproached herself for forgetting her duty. She resolved that she would not do this again. When she reached home she was so quiet that her mother asked if she were ill.

Zibska 3

“No, Mother, I am not ill.” But she did not tell her mother about the lovely maiden. She hid the half-filled spindle, promising herself to work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for today.

Early the next morning Betushka again drove the goats to pasture, singing merrily as usual. She entered the wood and began her spinning, intending to do twice her usual amount.

At noon Betushka picked a few strawberries, but she did not dance. To her goats she said, “Today, I dare not dance. Why don’t you dance, my little goats?”

“Come and dance with me,” called a voice. It was the beautiful maiden.

But this time Betushka was afraid, and she was also ashamed. She asked the maiden to leave her alone. “Before sunset, I must finish my spinning,” she said.

The maiden answered, “If you will dance with me, someone will help you finish your spinning.” With the birds singing beautifully as before, Betushka could not resist. She and the maiden began to dance, and again they danced till evening.

Zibska 5

Now when Betushka looked at her nearly empty spindle, she burst into tears. But the maiden unwound the flax from Betushka’s head, twined it around a slender birch tree, seized the spindle, and began to spin. The spindle hummed over the ground and grew thick with thread. By the time the sun had dropped from sight, all the flax was spun. As the maiden handed the full spindle to Betushka, she said, “Wind it and grumble not. Remember, wind it and grumble not.” Then, suddenly, she disappeared.

Betushka, happy now, drove the goats home, singing as she went, and gave her mother the full spindle. Betushka’s mother, however, was not pleased with what Betushka had failed to do the day before and asked her about it. Betushka told her that she had danced, but she kept the maiden a secret.

The next day Betushka went still earlier to the birch wood. The goats grazed while she sang and spun, until at noon the beautiful maiden appeared and again seized Betushka by the waist to dance. While the birds sang for them, the two danced on and on, Betushka quite forgetting her spindle and the goats.

When the sun was setting, Betushka looked around. There was the half-filled spindle! But the maiden grasped Betushka’s bag, became invisible for a moment, then handed back the bag stuffed with something light. She ordered her not to look into it before reaching home, and with these words she disappeared.

Betushka started home, not daring to look into the bag. But halfway there she was unable to resist peeking, for the bag was so light she feared a trick. She looked into the bag, and began to weep. It was full of dry birch leaves! Angrily she tossed some of these out of the bag, but suddenly she stopped — she knew they would make good litter for the goats to sleep on.

Zibska 6

Now she was almost afraid to go home. There her mother was awaiting her. “What kind of spindle did you bring me yesterday?” she asked. “I wound and wound, but the spindle remained full. ‘Some evil spirit has spun you,’ I grumbled, and at that instant the thread vanished from the spindle. Tell me what this means.”

Betushka then told her mother about the maiden and their dancing. “That was a wood fairy,” exclaimed her mother, alarmed. “The wood fairies dance at midday and at midnight. If you had been a little boy, you might not have escaped alive. But to little girls, the wood fairies often give rich presents.” Next, she added. “To think that you did not tell me. If I had not grumbled I might have had a room full of thread.”

Betushka then thought of her bag and wondered if there might not, after all, be something under those leaves. She lifted out the spindle and the unspun flax. “Look, Mother!” Her mother looked and clapped her hands. Under the spindle the birch leaves had turned to gold!

Betushka told her mother how the fairy had directed her not to look into the bag until she got home, but that she had not obeyed and had thrown out some of the leaves. “Tis fortunate you did not empty out the whole bagful,” said her mother.

The next morning Betushka and her mother went into the wood, to look carefully over the ground where Betushka had thrown out the dry leaves. Only fresh birch leaves lay there, but the gold that Betushka did bring home was enough for a farm with a garden and some cows. She wore beautiful dresses and no longer had to graze the goats. Nothing, however, gave her such delight as she had dancing with the wood fairy. Often she ran to the birch wood, hoping to see the beautiful maiden, but never again did the wood fairy appear.

[Favourite Fairy Tales, Czechoslovakia]

Zibska 4


Outfit: Zibska – “Alfhildir”

Arms: [ContraptioN] – “The Cursed Hand”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gypsy Boots” – NEW

Headpiece: DRD – “Dead Religion Headdress”

Collar: Kibitz – “Strap Collar”

Hair: [e] (Elikatira)- “Sybil”

Eye Makeup: [White~Widow] – “Inca Gold”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: Crest of Vrek’mar

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The last unicorn? Maybe not the very last…

Last Unicorn 3

The last round of Enchantment was themed after the amazing movie “The last Unicorn”.

I love that novel since I was a child, even if it makes me cry every time I watch it 😉

When I styled for the idea of the Unicorn theme, Anderian was IMing me asking what I am up to and we came across that we kinda had the same idea about a themed picture. Then she asked me if we would not wanna do something together and I did not have to think about before I said yes 😉

I love doing pictures with Anderian and have pictures done by her for magazines and events. She is so creative if it comes to picture compositions, sceneries and photo sets… simply adorable 🙂

I jumped over to her platform and she already started building this awesome dreamy and colorful scenery. Since she should not do all the work on her own we decided to snap both and work on the pictures and if you would like to see hers just take a look on her Flickr.

I will put my style details in the end and would just like to let the fantasy do magic with some parts of the lyrics of the title song of the movie done by America.


Last Unicorn 1

The Last Unicorn

When the last eagle flies
Over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars
At the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest
Though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving
At the Last Unicorn
Last Unicorn 7
When the first breath of winter
Through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north
As the pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying
And would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter
Of the Last UnicornI’m alive, I’m alive
Last Unicorn 4
When the last moon is cast
Over the last star of morning
And the future has passed
Without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through
The clouds a path is formed
Look and see her how she sparkles
It’s the Last Unicorn!I’m alive, I’m alive
I’m alive
[Lyrics by America]
Last Unicorn 2
Outfit: Candy Doll – “Vixen Bodysuit” (Gacha Item)
Hair: no.match – “no.magic”
Necklace: Noble Creations – “Crystal Necklace”
Horn: AiShA – “Unicorn Horn”
Hooves: AiShA – “Unicorn Legs”
Skin: .la petite morte. – “Amalthea Unicorn NB”
Eyes: Soul – “Oculus Dusty Orchid”
Body: Slink  – “Physique”
Model & Photographer: WiccaMerlin
Last Unicorn 6

GizzA goes Vintage

Gizza 2

I love vintage looks! I always did though and so the “Absinthe” dress in vintage green totally caught my heart 😉

The dress comes with the matching necklace and is available in other wonderful vintage and non vintage patterns.

The wonderful floral print adds a lot of sweetness and beauty to the whole look.

To match the dress I certainly wanted a good girl hair and I remembered one of the braided hair styles from EMO-tions, the “Mela” hair.

The shoes, which came in the perfect shade are from Eudora.

Now I needed a place to snap this cute look. Lately Saz did renew the little parcel behind our store to a wonderful summery looking scene. I tried several places and it was really a hard desicion since there are so many nice spots 😉

Tadaaaa, that’s my GizzA vintage look for today 😉

Gizza 1


Dress & Necklace: GizzA – “Absinthe” [Vintage Green]

Hair: EMO-tions – “Mela”

Shoes: Eudora 3D – “Dahlia Pumps”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses – “Play the Flowers Set”

Location: Wicca’s Wardrobe (beside the store)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

In Perfect Harmony with Machoire

Machoire 04

In Perfect Harmony

In a world so far away
At the end of a closing day
A little child was born and raised
Deep in the forest on a hidden place
Mother never saw his face

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Machoire 02
Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

The woods protected, fulfilled his needs
Fruit by birds, honey by bees
He found shelter under the trees
He grew up in their company
They became his family

Machoire 05
Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Machoire 07
A thousand seasons
They passed him by
So many times, have said goodbye
And when the spirits called out his name
To join forever, forever to stay
A forest spirit he became

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

Machoire 03
Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

In perfect harmony

[Within Temptation]
Machoire 06
Hat: Machoire – “Ore Hat” /Automne – NEW
Armor: Death Row Designs – ” Armor – female”
Shirt & Leggings: Vengeful Threads – “Gaia”
Body Wrap: .shi – “Tree of Life”
Shoes: Azoury – “Sauvage Heels”
Hands & Feet: Slink
Skin: [sys] – Eva”
Poses: Del May
Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Proud Butterfly

Evil Butterfly Half

Once, a beautiful, shiny and colourful butterfly was flitting from one flower to another. She saw a baby elephant coming down the path. She flew to him and sat on his ear. The elephant asked, “Who are you? Where are you going?”

The butterfly proudly replied, “I am the most beautiful of all the butterflies. You are ugly and fat. Your body is heavy while I am delicate and light. People are jealous of my colourful wings. I can fly anywhere with these wings.”

The elephant calmly said, “I am glad to meet you.”

The butterfly went on, “There is no comparison between us. You have four legs but I have six. You have a trunk and I have something like that too but I use it to suck nectar from the flowers. You cannot do that.” Just then a strong wind blew and the butterfly could not keep her balance. She cried for help as she was flown away in the wind. But the elephant stood firmly on ground and thought, “I can see how pride has a fall.”

Evil Butterfly Full


Head Piece: Chop Zuey – “Butterfly – The Lesser Wanderer” – NEW

Gown: PurpleMoon – “Cao Gown”

Gloves: LeeZu – “Nightingale” (part of the outfit)

Skins: Silken Moon – “Wicca – Fae”

Makeup: Nuuna’s – “Meta Yellow 90%” – NEW & “Zion Yellow”

Makup 2: Silken Moon – “Concept Makeup The Lost” – NEW

Wings: Fancy Fairy – “Tendrill Wings”

Hair: DeLa – “Julia 2”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Artwork: Wicca Merlin

SoliDeaFolies for Fashion Limited

Outfit: SoliDeaFolie – “Istrice” (Fan Limited item)

Belt: Earth Stones – “Leather & Laced”

Hair: Miamai – “Reka”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie”

Eyeliner: Silken Moon – “Wicca”

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Love doesn’t grow on Trees”

Lashes: Detour – “Spider”

Shoes: CheerNo – “Julia”

Nails: [V] Couture – “Death Nails”

Tattoo: Wicked Tattoos – “Live for Today”

Horns: Ezura – “Marceline Horns”

Pose: Del May

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miamai meets Kunglers…:)

What a great combination of 2 amazing brands! 🙂 Lastly I was wearing one of the newer creations of Miamai as I was searching for some matching, stylish jewelry… and all of a sudden I remembered my new Kunglers jewelry and I could not resist to combine it …

The “Dia” minidress is one of the summer creations of Miamai. I totally fell in love with that sweet dress that can be worn for different reasons and causes. For a nice walk along the beach, a shopping tour or even a summer night date… this dress always will make you look perfectly dressed. The top only has 2 tiny lines that go from the chest over the shoulders like a tank top but way more elegant 😉 The deep neckline gives the whole outfit a very sexy touch. The skirt starts a little bit above the waist what add a light playful touch and it is not symmetric as the left side has a high slit that showcases your long sexy legs perfectly. Here shown in black this dress is available in several different colors also 🙂

The first set of jewelry that I wear also in the picture above is the “Sementes” set made by Kunglers.

This very modern jewelry set was one perfect option to match the Miamai “Dia” minidress. Not the usual  gold and silver jewelry that make all outfits immediately very elegant and let you feel overdressed during the day… 😉

The set is available in 3 different colors; silver/red, natura/gold and silver/wood. I rally liked the combination of noble metal and other textures that make this jewelry to a very variable accessorie. The pearls are framed by a very cute shaped mounting. This set is definitely an eye catcher!

This beautiful flower jewelry set of Kunglers is named “Orquidea” A wonderful arrangement of flower looking  gems and metals made with much love for the detail.

This set definitely turns heads as it decorates the cleavage so wonderful. The earrings are made in the same shape and repeat the theme of the necklace perfectly. For this set you also have different options to choose for the colors.

My last Kunglers jewelry set for today is the “Bambu” set.

The necklace of this set not only decorates the cleavage it goes down and ends under the chest. It is not a single line necklace as you have more strings in a different length, carrying the wonderful ornaments and gems. The earring repeat the down end of the necklace.

I hope you enjoyed my little “label mix and match” 🙂 and make up your way to Miamai and Kunglers to find your favourite piece 😉

Dress1: Miamai – “Dia” /black

Dress2: Mimai – “Petite Azure” dress

Jelwery1: Kunglers – “Sementes” set

Jewerly2: Kunglers – “Orquidea” set

Jewelry3: Kunglers – “Bambu” set

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin