Sometimes you have 2 or more items you would like to blog and then you think for a way how you can combine them 
On the first view they might not look as if they would go together well, but then, if you play around with accessories and scenarios, sometimes you get lucky and the look falls together some when…

Exactly like this happened to me a few days ago. I put on one of the newest releases of Elysium for the Skin Fair 2016. The “Candice Skin” totally caught my heart. With the cute freckles and the amazing skin tones, I really wanted to blog that wonderful skin. I comes with all kinds of appliers for the mesh heads and bodies, but for my first post with the skin I wanted to use my very own avatar face as the skin looked so cute on it.

The skin really comes with many different options. you have the choice to use nearly all popular mesh heads, which are compatible with Omega, plus you can choose between a freckled and a non freckled version. What I loved most is that you as well can have an option for no eye brows, since that is my personal trademark for years now 
What I appreciate a lot, Elysium offers the same skin as well for the default avatar including the head, which is a real rare case lately and the more I ould love to spotlight Elysium skins for that as well.
I was so disappointed when I went to the skin fair and saw nearly only appliers for mesh heads but no default avatar skins anymore. I can see the need for mesh head appliers as many do like to use their mesh heads. But as well I know enough ppl who like to stick to their avatar heads still – or even wanna change around between mesh and default – to keep their uniqueness and personality. I am not saying I hate mesh heads, I just was very disappointed to not being able to look for a new skin, if I do not wear any of those.
Anyways.. that was not the topic I wanted to talk about today :p

The second item I wanted to talk about is the item, that [sys] has on the actual round of We <3 RP.
The “Nemesis” outfit, is another genius design of the [sys] sisters. It covers all the important parts and still gives enough room to see the “Candice” skin of Elysium 
The set comes with a HUD to customize colors and fabrics. The basic armor can be changed to 5 different colors of metals and structures. For the light parts you get the choice between teal, rose and silver/gray.
The cool collar and chains as well come from [sys] and were made for the Whore Couture event.
The cool shoulder parts were made by Eudora and totally went with the rest of the look. The extraordinary head-piece was designed by Pure Poison and gave the dot of the “i” in my view 
All those parts made no sense when I put them first together, but by looking at them more and more an idea for pictures did grow in my mind as well. I wanted something trashy apocalyptic looking to make a contrast to the delicate “Candice” skin and the amazing shining “Nemesis” set. And right there the trouble started. I was roaming around over many sims and places and did not find what I wanted or I could not rezz the cool “Barrel Chair” from 22769, which I liked to much for the idea of my picture. So I ended up with the worst thing I could imagine… I needed to built something myself…
I am everything but a good builder… and usually if I try to set up something it never looks like I want it to. I adore people like Anderian Sugarplum or Daffodil Crimson, who can create amazing scenarios and sets.
So I did know, I wanted the “Barrel Chairs” and something trashy on a sanded base. After I set that up, I opened my inventory and typed “trash” in the search of it and looked what comes up. I found an old bus station and some funny trash bins. A start but far away from what I was looking for :p
I remembered a wall, I recently got off a yard sale from Remarkable Obvilion. It is called “Junkyard Dogs – Corner Wall” and I suppose it came from a Gacha. Given the new term “Junkyard” (yes I am German and sometimes I miss such terms or words…) I made my way to the Marketplace and searched for some more ‘Junk’. I found various parts from Angharad Greggan, wich perfectly went with the idea I was going for. Together with some grass and dead bushes from [we’re CLOSED] and some time of pushing and turning and pulling, I got something I really liked 
Now just a few interesting poses and then…

Outfit: [sys] – “Nemesis” – NEW @ We <3 RP
Skin: Elysium – “Candice” – NEW @ Skinfair 2016
Shoulder Parts: Eudora 3D – “Eir Shoulders” – NEW @ We <3 RP
Collar & Chains: [sys] – “Sade Bodychain” – NEW @ Whore Couture
Headpiece: Pure Poison – “N’aimah Headdress” – NEW @ We <3 RP
Hair: no.match – “No.Call
Mesh Body: Slink – “Physique”
Furniture, Junk & Plants: 22769, Angharad Greggan & [we’re CLOSED]
Model, Photographer & Set: Wicca Merlin