Freak? – Beyond the Ordinary!

I got  wonderful present from my sister Daff – Those 2 awesome dragons!

The whole post and pictures turned out different from I first thought of it. Many times I was called freak and weirdo, but does that always have to be bad?

What does it mean to be a freak?

“In current usage, the word ‘freak’ is commonly used to refer to a person with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour.” does Wikipedia say.

If that just means different from the mainstream and as well a little crazy – I take the freak. Sadly to many ppl freak has some bad taste, probably because of the old sideshows, where people with genetic abnormality looks were showcased. That all usually was thought to scare people or as well to show them ‘creatures’ live among us. To me it is sad how some people react to such abnormal things, but probably that does belong to the fact, that many people being frightened by things they do never saw or do not know more about.

Maybe that as well applies to those who call me freak in a bitter and bad way. They are scared off things they did not see or do not understand, or they just have no fun in any life and have to make others miserable. For those I just feel pity. It must be horrible to wake up everyday and the only thing you can think off, is trash and bad mouth other people…

Those do not earn one minute of your thoughts, as their only intention is to make you feel sad. No word or argument can convince them to change their mind, because they are not looking for any serious facts 😉 Just don’t feed the troll and ignore them. Any word you will give them will be twisted and changed as long as it fits their own arguments – you can’t win, it is senseless and wasted time. You can use that time for so many other and more productive things 😉

I am not trying to be all different or force myself to not look ‘mainstream’ like. Sometimes it just happens when I style. I do not think about my styles too much. I just go and play with different accessories, clothing and makeup. Sometimes it does turn out freaky and sometimes not. For making pictures the more crazy looking ones are usually more interesting than just a sweet outfit on a random SL sim, but all have its right to exist and as well their certain purpose.

Secondlife to me is a place where you can express and do so many things that you either can’t do in RL OR that are just impossible by nature. We do not have dragons, or fantasy creatures and most of the time humans have no wings or hooves or what ever you can do in Secondlife.

I do enjoy the fantasy side a lot, as it gives you the room for creativity. I know some people enjoy the realistic side more and that is ok too. For me it always depends on my personal mood and emotions what I wanna go for when I start playing with my inventory.

To me Secondlife should have the freedom of doing what you enjoy no matter what as long as you do not hurt other people and their feelings. I do not want my Secondlife being a 100% mirror of my real life, because then there would be no reason to log in 😉 I love to experiment, to play Barbie with my pixels and dress them up to what ever I feel or want.

I was only playing around with them first, but the more I tested them the more I wanted to do something with them. The “Fierce Dragon Brother” are a gacha rare and they are animated! The move by themselves on default and in certain poses they even react to the movement. You need special bento poses, as the upper dragon uses the wing bones and the lower one reacts on the hind leg bones.

At 4Mesh I saw one of the new releases from Zibska. With the headpiece and the shoulder/chest part of the outfit, combined with the new “Fenris” dress from Moon Elixir, that I found at We♥RP it was the perfect outfit for the dragon brothers.

As much as I tried to make the whole style not be too dark – I guess Halloween is too close and I am way to excited for my favourite ‘season’ of the year – It became darker and darker with everything I added.

The dark “Lexa” eye makeup from IGOTIT and as well the “Blacktop” lipstick from Zibska just pulled it more into the darkness and so I gave in and just went with what it led to 😉

I loved the makeup, as it looks like a loosely painted black stripe over the eyes, lightly messy but as well somehow mysterious. The wonderful rings are bento enabled rings from MEVA. The “Victorian Bento Rings” come with a huge HUD. With the HUD you can hide single rings and as well can color all the gemstones separately. I really do like those options!

The sharp, long stiletto nails are made from Slackgirl. They do have a HUD as well and you can change the color of the nails AND as well the color of the little gems on the rings which are attached to them!

Enjoy YOUR Secondlife and do not let anyone tell you what you should do and what you should not. You are the one to make your desicions no matter what 🙂


Clothing & Accessories:

Dress: Moon Elixir – “Fenris” (Maitreya) – NEW @ We ♥ RP

Boots: Diamante – “Laced Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya)

Headpiece. Chest & Shoulderparts: Zibska – “Alured” – NEW @ 4Mesh

Armor: [LAB737] – “Berserker Female”

Rings: MEVA – “Victorian Bento Rings” (Maitreya)

Nails: Slackgirl – “RingQueen Nai” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup:

Makeup: IGOTIT – “Lexa” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Blacktop” (Omega Applier)

Body & Tattoo:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Lights Out” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Aii the Ugly & Beautiful – “Fierce Dragon Brothers” (Gacha, Rare) – NEW @ Arcade

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin

Styling Challenge – It is all about a Bow!

Ok… I admit I am a little bot crazy sometimes :p, but most of you know that anyways 😉

Anyways, today the reason for my style and pictures was a wonderful head bow.

A friend gave it to me, it is part of her new gacha and when I saw it, I just HAD to think about a ways how I could showcase it 😉

So, where to start with… first of all, put the bow on. That already was a hard choice, because Twelve gave me not only one to choose from :p. In the end I decided to go with the”Black Snow” one. I always had an addiction for black, white and red so that one just really caught me.

First I thought about a lingerie styling for the bow only and went through my lingerie folder, where I found the “Claire” teddy set from Blacklace. When I did put it on, I realized only lingerie would not be what I would like for the ‘Bow style’ and I started experimenting with several ideas.

I tried some dresses and gowns, they all looked nice, but maybe too nice and smooth 😉

Then I found the “Hisa” leather leggings from Lassitude & Ennui in my leggings folder and with the black and white combination they looked amazing to the bow, but had a serious break/collision at the hips with the lingerie. I needed something to cover that up without hiding one of both. Next step – I typed ‘shorts’ in the search field of my inventory. Oh man… I better should not have done that… I did not even realize before how many ‘shorts’ I have…

Ok… focus Wicca… focus… you need something to cover the waist area. Maybe some high waist shorts would be a good idea! Back to the search window – ‘belted shorts’

Bingo! The “Celine” shorts from Asteria popped up as oe of the first and when I tried them on, I knew those would be the ones to use.

Now the arms looked a little bare and I thought about some kind of jacket. After trying some long-sleeved jackets, which usually were either close or too close in the front, I came across the “Neith” jacket, made by [sys].

That amazing jacket with the scales looking fabric and the short sleeves was just perfect, with the great open front. That even gave room for the amazing necklace from Empyrean Forge.

A tattoo for the arms came to my mind first, but after trying som of my favourite tattoos, I realized I need something more subtile. The amazing slit and sheer sleeves from the “Occult Jacket” just matched awesome under the short sleeves of the “Neith” jacket from [sys].

Looking at the style from all sides I really was happy with it, just some shoes were missing. No high boots, that would take off too much from the leggings, but pumps or stilettos would be too ‘tiny’. All of a sudden an ankle boots came to my mind, which I got longer ago and never had a chance to wear them. The super cute “Wicked” shoes from Moon Elixir. They even come with an amazing socks option!


With that weird mix and match, I got the feeling, that no location, that I know of would fit and so I started to build my own little set for the picture. The “Kira” sculpture from E.V.E Studio is an ultra rare of one of Noke’s gachas. First I thought it would be too huge, but with the great liquid looking ground part it worked out so nicely. I added the “Ivy Bonsai” and some parts of the “Chained Roses”. First it looked like a whole mess, as I am not the greatest set builder, but after some moving and twisting and turning it fell into place 😉

I never made a style based on just one hair bow, but I have to admit, that style would have never come together like this, if I would not have started with the bow :p

Maybe I should do that more often again… just start with a little accessory and see what it does lead me to!


Bow: {1209} – “#7 Holiday Bow – Black Snow”

Lingerie: Blacklace – “Claire Black Lace Teddy Set” (Omega Applier)

Jacket: [sys] – “Neith Jacket”

Sleeves: ISON – “Occult Sleeves”

Pants: Asteria – “Celine”

Leggings: Lassitude & Ennui – “Hisa Leather Leggings” (Maitreya Applier)

Eyeshadow: alaskametro<3 – “Mariposa” (Lelutka Applier)

Nails: Koffin Nails – “Dominatrix” (Maitreya Applier)

Necklace: Empyrean Forge – “Benedictine’s Riata”

Hair: enVogue – “Sonya”

Shoes & Socks: Moon Elixir – “Wicked Shoes & Socks” (Maitreya)

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 3.5”

Poses: Poseidon

Set: E.V.E Studio – “Kira”, “Ivy Bonsai” & “Dystopia Chained Roses”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Golden Times with [sys] and E.V.E Studio


We can be golden
Why don’t we show them
All of the life there’s meant to be
We can be golden
Look what we holdin’
Better than angels if you believe

[Brandon Beal]


More and more I like the idea of blogging with friends. It gives so much more possibilities even if it might be a tiny wee bit more time intense as you need to find times when you can shoot  together, but they are worth every single second 😉

This time it was the return game with Tempe. She did a wonderful picture of us both not too long ago and the deal was – once she does the pic and once I will. (Link to the post/picture)

So this time it was my time. First I thought about lingerie, but to compete with the picture Tempe did – impossible! So I thought about something different. I was thinking about, what I do love most and as well about the craziness we both have and came across an idea…

I IMed Tempe, asking her what she would think about a post with [sys], since we both like to blog them very much (yes I follow her blog and flickr certainly*grins*).

So it was a given, we needed to do something crazy or editorial or even both :p

We came across, that we both own the “Venus” dress from [sys], so Tempe was going for the black/gold version and I used the golden one. The basic idea was “No reigns, no rules – just go what you feel” and we both came up with something wild looking – I simply loved it. Again it showed why we go so well along, our craziness goes so well together :p.

For the set I immediately had the idea of a lot of gold, when Tempe sent me a snapshot of her styling. One of the latest releases was the “Flowers of the Golden Apple”. The huge golden apples come in 2 versions – once with and once without that sweet golden/white flower petals on the bottom. I added the “Splashing Droplets” in gold which were circling around us since they are animated 😉

The cute balloons I found at the ‘Book of Daniel’ fundraiser. They come in different variations but for today, I certainly chose the golden one.

Last but not least, the golden ‘rain’ in the back, I created from the “Segmented Curtain” made by 22769.

We had again a great time and I experienced once more how awesome it is to work together with a real friend. More fun, more ideas, more challenge;) Let’s see who I will poke next… I think I already have an idea…



Outfit: [sys] – “Venus” – NEW @ The Secret Affair

Shoes: Eclipse – “OhMe”

Shoulder/Neck: E.V.E Studio – “Etheral Neck Corset”

Arm  Parts: Asteria – “In FLames”

Headpiece & Butterflies: Enfant Terrible – “Halo” & “Moonchild animated Butterfly”

Rings: Formanails – “Stiletto Nails – Maitreya Gold/Black”

Hair: Entwined – “Linette”

Poses: Del May & Quixotica


Apples & Splash : E.V.E Studios – “Flowers of the Golden Apple” & “Splashing Droplets”

Balloons: Apple Fall – “Confetti Balloon” NEW @ Book of Daniel

Curtain: 22769 – “Segmented Curtain”

Models: Tempest Rosca & Wicca Merlin

(to see details about Tempe’s styling please look @

Photographer: Wicca Merlin

LOTD 05/11/2016 – Pokerface?


What ever was in my flu medicals… it must have had a girly factor…

I have no clue why but for some reason the last few days, all I tried to style turned out kinda girly :p


Today I am wearing the “Anae Dress”, made by [sys]. This cute short but as well edgy dress, totally caught my attention when I unpacked it and tried it for the first time. With the plain top and the amazing designed skirt, parted from each other with a chic leather belt, this dress totally is a must have for every fashionista.


The more I worked on the styling, the cuter the whole look became and I wanted a little twist on the overall view. First I added the glasses from Since 1975 and then the cool “Ann” bow from Elysium. All of a sudden I had a Lady Gaga feel to the whole styling and went on with the super cool “Cathien Collar” from Meva. The little bag is one of my faves lately as it is not that huge and works so much better as the usual big bags I have. The “Petite Malle” bag was made by Tracei and totally will have a place in the first part of my wardrobe 😉


First I tried some pumps and stilettos but all of the ones I put on kinda did not give the outfit what it needed in my view and so I decided to go with some more heavy looking ankle boots from Glamistry. The “Lantana” booties are ono of my all time favourites and I would not wanna miss them in my inventory. With the huge HUD you can customize them perfectly to nearly every look as you can recolor so many different parts single!

Last but not least I wanted some jewelry. Not too much but a little bit of chic, which I found with the “Arm Chain No. 2 ” from Finesmith.

Over all the whole style turned out as a fun outfit and even if I am not a girly type usually I really do like the overall look 😉



Outfit: [sys] – “Anae Dress”

Shoes: Glamistry – “Lantana Ankelboots”

Headpiece: Elysium – “Ann”

Glasses: [Since 1975] – “Vintage Glasses]

Bracelet: [sys] – “Pop BRacelet”

Bag: Tracei – “Petite Malle”

Collar: Meva – “Cathien Collar”

Armlet: Finesmith – “Arm Chain No. 2”

Hair: [taketomi] – “Kurako”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


Inspired by David Bowie


In January, when the incredible David Bowie passed away way too early, I was asked if I would like to be part of a special in the Eclipse Magazine.

When Trouble asked me if I would like to be part, I did not even need one second to think about and instantly said yes. He asked us to style something that was inspired of one of the David Bowie songs. One of my favourites always was Space Oddity.

Whe I was told who will take the picture, I was jumping up and down as it was Anderian Sugarplum, one of my favourite photographers and as well a very dear friend. I did know now, with her, I can do all weird stuff and ideas, as she always is able to realize or understand my crazy stuffs 😉

When we met we did some brainstorming and she asked me what I had in mind for my styling or picture. When I told her about and as well showed her the amazing “Alien Drone” from E.V.E Studio, she immediately had an amazing idea for a set and started building it while I finalized my styling 😉

When I saw the result, I was blown away. I really did love it so much and it was exactly the feeling and mood, I had when I put  the whole look together!

Thank you so much for another amazing picture Anderian <3


Top/Dress: Corvus – “Aria Dress”

Jacket: R3volt – “Steampunk Armor”

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Boots: Grollwerk – “Hoof Boots”

Mask: Yasum – “Face Armor”

Hair: MAD Design – “Seneca”

Backfan: Glow Studio – “Feather Fan”

Tattoo: White~Widow – “Breathless”

Drones: E.V.E Studio – “The Alien Drone”

Set & Picture by Anderian Sugarplum

Model & Stylist: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe: How I put my looks together? Sometimes I do not even know by myself ;)

PurpleMoon Half

Sometimes I get asked how I start styling and if I could describe what I do. For the usual fashion stylings I can at least try to explain what I do one after another as you usually follow certain rules when you put a look together that you got asked for. Sometimes you follow the standard color schemes or you style after an RL look that you saw somewhere, or you use some other source of inspiration. But there is days, at least for me, where I do not have anything requested and start going through my inventory. Sometimes I get stuck with an item, an accessory, and wanna turn this in a whole look. But when I try to go by the first idea, that this detail gave me, I get stuck and do not really know what I can do to complete it, without looking boring or stereotype with so many others that were wearing that item before. And who wants to see the same item over and over again in the same way?

For today it ws the “Hunter Headdress” headpiece from XtraX, that caught my attention. I found it longer ago on the “I <3 RP” event. I was looking for horns as the “Hunters Headdress” fell into my hands. I could not resist to buy it, even if I had no idea yet what I am going to use it for. Sometimes things have to rest in your inventory for a while like a good bottle of red wine before you have the perfect idea how you wanna use it :p .

PurpleMoon Full 2

I was sorting my inventory as I came across the headpiece and I just put it on to see how it fits as it part wise mesh. Then I stood there at my studio – naked, only wearing that headpiece and tried to imagine a styling. If I would have used my first idea I would have tried some fantasy looking, but I kinda wanted to have something more realistic. The “Hunters Headdress” headpiece combines so many different fabrics and items, the leather, the suede parts, the horns and the little accessories on the horns. I remembered an old Benetton advertise campaign and this idea kinda got stuck in my head. United Colors of Benetton always had chic casual clothing. So I looked through a few of my last folders I got for blogging and found the “Brandy” mesh dress from PurpleMoon. The colors were perfect matching the headpiece.

Since I did not want to go too sexy, I added some leggings as I like the way how short dresses or hot-pants go together with leggings or tights. Maybe that’s something I still carry with me from the 80’s :p . For the shoes I had some boots in mind, that I had for a long time, a time where mesh was not yet on the grid and those sculpties was one of the first and best ones I saw, when it came to realistic looking shoes. I did know, that they were from Hoorenbeek, but I could not recall the name of them. Since I had an addiction to this brand for quiet some time, I do not have just one pair and so I started looking through my Hoorenbeek shoe folder. Finally I found the “Lucille” boots in the tan/beige color. The brown and creme tone was a wonderful match in my opinion. With the mask there is no need to look for hair, makeup or earrings so I just wanted to ad some bracelets and maybe a necklace. For the necklace I recalled the last releases from EMO-tions back to my mind. There was a new mesh necklace from Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions, that should match the look. A not too elegant but excellent made long modern necklace called “Precious”, in the colors green, brown and silver parts in different shapes.

PurpleMoon Close 1

When I looked at the result I really was not sure what it should be and how I can orchestrate this for a picture. That does not mean I did not like it but with such a controverse look, I needed something strong, lightly dark and kinda grunge looking. I saw such a place not too long ago and looked through my ‘Photo Places’ folder, till I found it again – “Old New York

For the right poses I first wanted to make some, but then I remebered some of my Del May poses that should be perfect for this. Powerful, different and expressive, so why make poses when you aready have wonderful ones that perfectly fit 🙂 ?

I hope you enjoyed my little styling journey 🙂

Stay styled,


PurpleMoon Close 2


Dress: PurpleMoon – “Brandy Dress” (mesh, Gypset Market)

Headpiece: XtraX – “Hunters Headdress” (part mesh, I <3 Roleplay)

Boots: Hoorenbeek – “Lucille Boots”

Leggings: LeeZu – “Cat Tights”

Bracelets: GizzA – “Asia Watch & Bracelet”

Necklace: EMO-tions – “Precious” (mesh)

Poses: Del May

Sim: Old New York

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Trapped in my Insanity…

Continue reading

Wicca’s Wardrobe: Today at LeeZu – 02/17/2012

Top: LeeZu – “Natascha” /red

Skirt: LeeZu – “Miss Tres” /red

Leggins –LeeZu – “Cat Tights” /black

Undershirt: LeeZu – “Diamond Addict”

Boots: LeeZu – “Street Blues Boots” /red mixed

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Scatterheart” /black

Ring: Finesmith – “Rehana” /black

Nails: [V] Couture – “Death Nails”

Skin: Silken Moon – “Rookie” (special custom makeup)

Makeup: Nuuna – “Astro Glam”

Hair: Urban Lutz – “Lotus”

Poses: Corpus

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Fallen One…

…or Faster Pussycat goes Cabaret Colore 😉

Last sunday we had an amazing show with the Passion Fashion Agency. Leandra Breen did it again and pulled together a real amazing show where we all showcased the new outfits of Faster Pussycat. Honey Bender, designer of Faster Pussycat, always was someone who I felt close to even before her designing days and it was a great pleasure that I was allowed again to wear her designs on the runway. Her designs really touch my soul again and again as they are so innovative and fresh but still fashionable and they allow me to go crazy 😉

My first outfit was called “The Caged Beauty” and usually the birds on the skirt were black. But as they are mod you can change the color to whatever you like 🙂 The Show was called Cabaret Colore so color was the key 😉 The outfit itself contains the top, the skirt, clothing layer and the head-piece. The rest I mixed and matched together. The skin is the “Lea Gothic” skin made by LionSkins, with a green lipstick from Launa Fauna,  the hair comes from 3636 Designs and is called “Tara”. I just colored the platinum one to match the green. The whole jewelry set is the “Ocean Winds” set made by Finesmith Designs. The huge amazing wings are done by Talyia Tarber and as well colored by myself.

The second outfit I was allowed to showcase was the “Hellfire Body Suit”. The outfit itself contains the sexy unsymmetric bodysuit that only hides one chest with an opaque texture while the other side gives a bit more of a view with the sheer part 😉 What totally got me are the huge horns that are as well part of the outfit I am so in love with them. The skin I used for is one of the Miasnow “Beautiful Death Beth” ones in red. The hair and hairbase again are from 3636 Designs. Earings from Ticky Tacky, the collar from Finesmith Designs and the cute wings from Material Squirrel completed my look. The shoes you can see in the very first pic above we got from PoosyKat LittleBoots.

It was a totally amazing show and I want to thank all the amazing fellow models and Leandra Breen for an awesome event as well 🙂

Pose Pic 1: Del May

Pose Pic 2 and 3: Corpus

GizzA – “Amorah”: Modern Fashion Huntress? ;)

Lately my eye fell on a store I never saw before… GizzA. As I entered the store I nearly fainted… it is a huge store and it did not look like that it was totally new as I saw the amazing quality of all the wonderful and different outfits! The owner and creator Giz Seom was so nice and we had a little talk and I got some of her amazing designs. Today I wanna start of with the “Amorah” outfit, but you can be sure that there will follow more 😉

The textures of the GizzA designs are just amazing… so clear, detailed and different… and as well they are looking very real and you can imagine the fabric that Giz was working on. “Amorah” you can purchase in 2 different color versions, the one I showcase in this blog is called soil. The outfit itself has clothing layers for all kind of combinations. You can find jacket, t-shit and undershirt layers for the top and for the bottom part you have a skirt and a body option for the pants layers. You can take the most close look and you will see how awesome detailed the clothing layers are worked out. Every fold, every little zipper and as well the shadows and lights show how much time Giz takes for creating this amazing outfits. But for me the total highlight are the prims on that outfit. The fur skirt with the open left side that is just hold together by that little strap… the wrist cuffs that and for sure that incredible neck collar that goes over the shoulders as well are something special that gives the whole outfit a light wild touch.

As I said you will find so many different styles and creations at GizzA that I really woudl say make your way to the GizzA Mainstore and take a look 😉


Outfit: GizzA – “Amorah” /soil

Hair: Baiastice – “Big Crest” /brown

Skin: Glam Affair

Lashes: Redgrave

Boots: Utopia@Designs

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin