ONCE UPON A TIME, not so long ago, there was a woman with a dream.
FOREVER FOND OF THE ODD, colorful, interesting and unusual, she wondered why people looked so sad. Was it their perfectly nice and respectable – but muted hairs? Had nice – or even worse – boring hair sucked the spirit out of them?
THEN LIKE A BLAST, it came to her!
It wasn’t that they all had to be as one, it was that they had all forgotten how to throw caution to the wind. To be wild and free, to dance to their own tune like no one was watching, sing their own song, be a shepherd and not a sheep. To know they can be anything and not settling for less!
Perhaps she could help them? Find others who could assist her in showing those restrained by the real world how to let out their inner Vivianne Westwood couture model, outrageous drag queen, ripped and torn punk rocker or squeaky and shiny cybernun? Perhaps they secretly wanted to be a cat/spider/demon or toaster?
To not be afraid of new ideas and enjoy the madness of creation in all its weird and wonderful forms!
SO SHE AWOKE and planned to seek out like minds to assist her.
ACCOMPANIED by a marvellous bunch of trusty friends, she set about finding those capable of making brilliantly wild and crazy hair. Only specific makers were asked, because the team had to be sure they were worthy of the challenge ahead.
They all laughed excitedly and said “Let’s do it”!
Our dream becomes reality……….. yet again!
We bring you THE 3rd CRAZY HAIR HUNT !
Our theme this year is Flora and Fauna, we will create animalistic or planty hair (of DOOM )
The date is 31th March to April 30th………..
The U-neek, ZsaZsa’s House Of Beauty, VAUGHAN’S :: house of curiosities, Curious Kitties, Vita’s Boudoir, .{Rue}. , La Boheme, :::: IrEn:::: , Vanity Hair, Tekeli-li, Concrete Flowers, [M&K] , Bliensen + MaiTai , Battle Angel , The Stringer Mausoleum, Chichickie!, Nushru, Discord Designs, Bizarre Creations,Grim Bros, Barerose, Emo-tions, Morgane Bataista poses, {Bingo} , [hate this] , .::.IM CaPPeD.::., Calico Ingmann Creations , C&D Designs , Nightshade Designs , .::CENSORED::. , The Strand, W.Winx, :DTA:: DROPTHEANCHOR, Ein peixe, Barlow Fashion, Entropy Designs , Gumi’s Flower Shop, Alli&Ali Designs, Skinthesis, ~ HeLtEr SkElTeR ~ , Evie’s Closet , Sentou Yousei (battle fairy) , Iron Tiger , **Malizz Yiyuan creation** , Yasyn’s Odds and Ends, ((RIPE)) , NebuchadNezzar, Hairoin, L+N Signature Designs Store, frou frou, Le Cactus, !SyDS! , Rosy mood, Zibska , MSM Designs, Weather! or not? , Facepalm Designs , T&S GLaM, ^.^Ayashi^.^, Raven’s Heart, Amulet, Orage Creations, red MINT, *By Snow*
Thats ALOT of FABULOUSNESS over 60 shops!
There IS a group for the hunt, for hunters to chat and have fun,which will open to hunters on 31st March the day of the hunt
Store Surls and hints:
*CHH3* 1 The U-neek
Hint: Where the leaves should be! ( 3 gifts here)
*CHH3* 2=^.^= Curious Kitties
Hint: New things are very nice
*CHH3* 4 Tekeli-li!
Hint: Seek the arrow and ye shall find!
*CHH3* 5 —-+Bizarre Hair +—–
Hint: Play with me!
*CHH3* 6 Bare Rose
Hint: Closer than you think!
*CHH3* 7 ZsaZsa’s House of Beauty
Hint: The starter kit is the best place to start looking.
*CHH3* 8 Vita’s Boudoir
Hint: Hair Hair everywhere!
*CHH3* 10 [M&K]
Hint: If it’s too dark in here you might need this.
*CHH3* 11ChiChickie!
Hint: Need a hint? Ring the bell for customer service.
*CHH3* 12 Grim. Bros
Hint: Behind the rules sign, hunter, lies a treasure. So seek for that my dear, and you’ll find pleasure!(2 gifts here)
*CHH3* 13 “The Stringer Mausoleum”
Hint: I wave in the sea, but no water is to be seen, so I stand still.
*CHH3* 14 Nushru
Hint: Time to Dress up!
*CHH3* 15 Discord Designs
Hint: 1. Quick! Follow that Ninja!
Hint: 2. I wish to register a complaint…
*CHH3* 16 .:EMO-tions:.
Hint: Am I new?
*CHH3* 17 Bliensen + MaiTai
Hint: Eagle of flowers! I see thee stand,
And on the sun’s noon-glory gaze:
With eye like his thy lids expand,
And fringe their disk with golden rays;
Though fix’d on earth, in darkness rooted there,
Light is thine element, thy dwelling air,
Thy prospect heaven.
*CHH3* 18 .{Rue}.
Hint: Round and Round the hunt you go
wheRe you’ll end up, you’Re not suRe you’ll know
but in my safe haRboR you’Re welcome to stay
just look up, and left, and have a gReat day!
*CHH3* 19 [hate this]
Hint: If you’re hurt, look in this corner to heal you.
*CHH3* 20 Evie’s Closet
Hint: Not far away ……..
*CHH3* 21 Barlow Fashion Main Store
Hint: So tired of hunting? Make yourself comfortable, let rest your ass and contemplate the greatness of the universe…
*CHH3* 22 Ein peixe
Hint: 1.Waterside.
Hint: 2.Cane.
*CHH3* 23 Gumi’s Flower Shop
Hint: Turn to the left.
*CHH3* 24 A&A Hair
Hint: I feel MANIA!
*CHH3* 25 Skinthesis
*CHH3* 26 VAUGHAN’S :: house of curiosities
Hint: Mrs. Berty Udderbottom, the cow, says “MOO!”
*CHH3* 27 [IrEn] Mainstore
Hint: On the table.
*CHH3* 28 La Boheme & Nevermore
Hint: Oscar Wilde said, “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars…”
*CHH3* 29 Hairoin
Hint: If you feel the urge to go for a swim, find a mermaid for a companion.
*CHH3* 30 NebuchadNezzar
(haven’t found it)
*CHH3* 31 ** Malizz Yiyuan creation**
Hint: Make beautiful in the mirror towards the hair on the 1st floor!
Soon I will have some pics about what I found

Happy Hunting!!!