Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // February 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // 23rd January – 18th March

What I Wouldn’t Do For You

The anticipation turned from butterflies to angry bees as Blaire walked into her assigned dressing room. Tonight was the night. It was too late to back out now.
Her eyes widen when she sees a costume laid out on the dressing table. No, costume is too generous a word.
The metal bra is nothing more than an underwire that fits snugly beneath the breasts, and delicate chains with tiny coins that jingle. Another chain runs up between the breasts to a fitted collar for the neck.
That’s all. Nothing else to wear. Amazingly enough, Blaire never thought she would be given anything to wear. After all, you have to show the customers the product.
Never in her wildest dreams did Blaire ever imagine herself in this position, but she had no choice. She needed the money. Desperately. Her kid sister’s life depended on it.

Dani is sweet and innocent and deserves a better life than fate has given her. The money Blaire earns tonight will pay for Dani’s operation. Her childhood was stolen and Blaire was determined her sister would not forfeit her life, too. Now dressed in her costume, Blaire carefully applies some light make-up and brushes her long hair into a glossy sheen. For the most part, Blaire tried not to think about the next hour, but a sharp knock on the door brought Blaire back to reality.
Blaire stood and slipped her feet into a pair of nude colored stilettos before she walked calmly to the door. The man in the hallway took his time looking her over before he nodded his head and motioned for Blaire to follow.
With her head held high, Blaire followed silently behind while she repeated the same mantra in her head – for Dani, for Dani, for Dani.
The man stops at a heavy curtain and pulls it aside. Blaire pauses to peek through the opening. On the other side is a small, raised platform with several spotlights shining down. Beyond that, complete darkness.
Her escort clears his throat and Blaire immediately understands. No more stalling. With a deep breath, Blaire steps out onto the stage. The room goes silent.
Only by sheer will does Blaire resist the urge to cover herself. She read the rules of the contract and agreed to abide by them. The customers wanted to see the entire package, as was their right.
Another gruff sound from her escort and Blaire slowly turns in place. Once she is facing forward again, Blaire lifts her gaze high, but finds nothing in the darkness ahead to focus on.
A voice comes over a speaker that the opening bid starts at $50,000 US dollars. The virgin auction has begun.
For Dani, for Dani, for Dani.

Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky) + unrigged version

HUD: 10 Colors/Metals (Many hide/show options as you can see on the vendor picture)

Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // February 2022

Wicca’s Originals @ Uber // July 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Uber // July 25th – August 22nd

The latest style-blending fashion by Wicca’s Originals is the Lena Top. Drawing inspiration from renaissance blouses and corsets, the Lena Top puts a modern spin on it by trimming the traditional cut down to a crop top. The two-part top incorporates a flattering, low, horizontal cut short sleeved blouse with a short, under-bust corset to lift the bust and create a tantalizing shelf of feminine flesh. The cleavage is teased with the inclusion of a mini-harness, which binds a choker vertically to a strap worn around the waist, hinting at one’s darker desires for power play. This clever merger of styles creates an genuine new look, and the blouse can be optionally removed. The Lena Top can be customized between 10 color options on the different material layers and metals, fitted for Maitreya, Maitreya Petite, Maitreya Flat, Legacy (F), and Legacy Perky bodies.

Event Location: Uber

“I’m gonna make you a Psycho”


Love, it will get you nowhere
You are on your own
Lost in the wild
So come to me now
I could use someone like you
Someone who’ll kill on my command
And asks no questions

I’m gonna make you
I’m gonna break you
I’m gonna make you
A fucking psycho
Your ass belongs to me now

[- Muse -]

So much news again! Let’s see what it will be today *winks*

CerberusXing released a freaking, awesome harness at Sultry. The Harness comes in black, blue, green, orange, pink, purple and white, so you have a great variety to choose from what suits you best.

The amazing scenery around me was made by DRD. With the “Killer’s Cabin” they created another amazing, cool set for all kind of dark fantasy pictures. The cabin can be bought as a full fatpack with the house, as well as all the amazing inner decor (listed below).


Harness: [CX] – “Ophanim Harness – Black” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Sultry // November 2020

Pasties: .ARISE. – “Spiked Pasties / Black_Silver” (Maitreya)


Piercing: [CX] – “Deepforge Chains (Silver) – L” (Group Gift)

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws (Original)” (Maitreya, Bento)

Cuffs: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Bondage Deluxe Set” (Maitreya)

Upper Legs: Gemini – “Sis Leg Bangles – Up” (Maitreya)

Lower Legs: [CX] – “Spiked Gladiator – Black (Silver)” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Karma” – NEW @ Cosmopolitan // November 2020

Eyeliner: CAZIMI – “Basic B Eyeliners Winged” (LeLUTKA Evo. HD Applier)

Lashes: CAZIMI – “Tidy Lashes” (LeLUTKA Evo. Applier)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Fleur 2.5”

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”

Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo ( Dark ) Sacred Focus” (BoM) – NEW @ Shiny Shabby // November 2020

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses & Knife: Foxcity – “Cute but Psycho”


DRD – “Killer’s Cabin – Cage”

DRD – “Killer’s Cabin – Info Wall”

DRD – “Killer’s Cabin – Tools”

DRD – “Killer’s Cabin – Table and stool (with gore)”

DRD – “Killer’s Cabin – Shackles”

DRD – “Killer’s Cabin – Chains”

[CX] – “Rusty Chains – Set.1”

[CX] – “Rusty Chains – Set.2”

[CX] – “Rusty Chains – Set.7 ( Ground )”

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Captured by my own Thoughts…

The past week was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. Life changed with the pandemic all over the world, I guess most of the people try to work with it as best as they can. For me personal, I am not suffering not too bad from quarantine and lock-down. I still get to teach 7/8 hours a days from Monday to Thursday – I am on of the lucky ones to have students who have/were given all the needed hardware to do online school with them. I just adjusted my work space/office to have a virtual classroom. I set up my camera and monitors to have one screen share for files and another as “chalkboard” where I can write on. That is working really fine for about 5 weeks now, even if I really miss seeing my students in person sometimes.

I followed the discussions about how to start school again with high interest, as according to all other news we are not yet over the pandemic problems since we have not yet any kind of vaccine. So we still have rules like limited contacts only, do not take your kids on your shopping tours and in some areas even the duty to wear masks while shopping or being on public transport vehicles. All over they tell us the self made masks won’t protect us from being infected and only safe the people around you in case you are infected and do not know. Reading all that I thought, they will keep school online for the rest of this school year to be honest, at least for those who have a good running system and perfect contact to their students. I was so wrong… They now force all exam classes back to school with no exception of having better alternatives or possibilities, which would limit the risk to get infected. So even if you have a good running online schooling, it doesn’t matter. If you have better ideas against the given “10 – 15 students in one little classroom”, for example use the gyms which is like 3 to 4 times bigger than a class room and you could keep the class together with 18 people and still have more space between them and as well the teacher… no exceptions allowed. When I read the reason for that “no exceptions” politics I was shocked. The reason would be to TEST how the numbers of infections change, if you put 10-15 people with the teacher in one tiny classroom… WTF?!? What is wrong with our society if we use kids and teachers as “guinea pigs” if we could have other solutions to keep them way more safe and healthy? I would not say a word, if that would be the only possibility to go back to a regular school schedule and if we already would have ways to really protect people like I already said for example vaccine, or at least protecting masks and what ever it needs! Our kids have their parents at home, sometimes even their grandparents. Some have parents, who suffer from all kind of heavy sicknesses or diseases! Just because the symptoms are not affecting the majority of kids that much, we just take the risk of making our kids sick on purpose and make them bringing it home to the rest of their family?!? I just do not see the pressure of having schools back up and having all grades right for the next certificate in only a few month by risking the health and maybe even the life of people or kids, especially if we could have all kind of work-arounds like home schooling or better protection if the classes have to be in presence of kids and teacher. I am not a paranoid person, I wasn’t panicking at all over all that past weeks, but the news of the past few days just totally did throw me off and beyond.

With all of that, I guess it again pulled out my darker side again for my pictures, but I do not mind that, since I do enjoy that side of mine too 😉
Lately I found a mega cool tattoo brand called Vegas Tattoo. They really do interesting and well drawn tattoos for an everyday look – if you love tattoos like me that would be 😉 Today I chose one of their latest releases for Spring Flair Event called “Welcoming Spring”. The tattoo covers all parts of the body, You have something on your front and back upper body, your arms and hands as well as down your right leg. What caught me the most is, that the seams are extremely well done. A nice little detail is the sweet butterfly at your left hip with all the more dark looking ornaments of the rest of the tattoo 😉
Certainly I had to complete my style with a lot of incredible, amazing CerberusXing designs – I can’t help it iam just a [CX] addicted *winks* Since I am in a way better mood now, after venting just a bit today in the beginning of my post, I will see with what I will come up next…


Top: Sorumin – “Elegents Harness” (Maitreya)

Panties: [CX] – “Pantsu Codex” (Maitreya)

Legwraps: [CX] – “Legwraps – Leather” (Maitreya)


Horns: [CX] – “The Altar Horns” – NEW @ Anthem // April 2020

Pasties: .ARISE. – “Spiked Pasties / Black Silver” (Maitreya)

Leg Straps: [CX] – “Wild Hazard Leg Harness – Black (B)” (Maitreya)

Nails & Rings: [CX] – “Essential Dirty Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)

Chain Belt: [CX] – “Mucronate Chains – M – Silver” (Maitreya)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: adoness – “beanie”

Makeup 1: CAZIMI – “Eyeshadow Bases – Classic Shapes – 08 75% black” (BoM)

Makeup 2: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Cheek & Nose Contour (Tintable)” (BoM)

Freckles: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes – Freckles” (BoM)

Lipstick: CAZIMI – “Trending HD Lips (LeLutka) Set 02 Neutrals” (LeLutka Evolution Applier)

Eyebrows: ~Songbird~ – “Pencil Thin Brows : Black” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Nova 1.2”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.0.2”

Ears: [CX] – “Ostium Impaler Ears”

Tattoo: Vegas Tattoo – “Welcoming Spring” (BoM) – NEW @ Spring Flair by Flair for Events

Feet Tattoo: [CX] – “Bloody Feet Tattoo” (Omega Applier, part of the Implant Revived Heels)

Poses, Props & Tools

Pose Picture 1: Infiniti – “Cuffs 6” (cuffs included)

Pose Picture 2: Infiniti – “Seduce 7”

Pose Picture 3: Selfmade

Pose Picture 4: Le Poppycock – “Sinking”

Backdrop: [CX] – “Crucem Inverso”

Whip: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] – “Leather Whip”

Candles: LDG – “FULL PERM 766 Candle Drip No.2 Animated Flame /ON_OFF/5 parts/5 textures/Builderkit”

Pose Tool: Anypose – “BVN HUD v1.6”

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

You only have to look at Her straight on to see Her…


“The cavern cracked and groaned. Dirt, rocks, and glow worms rained on their heads. With a wave of panic, Andy swung around and dashed into the next cavern. “Run!” The ceiling collapsed. Behind him, Medusa laughed, her snakes still hissing.”
[A.P. Mobley, The Helm of Darkness]

Finally my favorite season arrived… October is here!!!

Now I can be freaky, scary and dark without being asked if I am ok or being called weird and a freak – not that I do really care during the year, but these days I can feel “normal” *giggles*

So the first one today – kinda my annual brake-free – features some new releases from Salt & Pepper and Nefekalum Tattoos and some of my long time favorites like CURELESS[+], UTOPIA@Design, Avanti and one of our latest releases, as it did fit in so nicely.

First I wanted to do a scary Medusa typical picture and the Salt release her “Guardian” for the Salem event. I t looked so cool, that I could not wait for another post and so I gave myself the challenge to find an idea, how I could use both. The result was the vision of a gatekeeper for an old, mystic cave with lots of cobwebs and spiders.

Recently I love to play with lights and projectors, as well as with new Photoshop tricks a lot. The result is, that I tend to use a plain dark background, to be able to add in some layers and basically try create the background in Photoshop. With additional lights and my new drawing pad it is a lot of fun to play with different brushes and as well even draw parts of it – even if iI really need more practice with that damn pad and pencil. Sometimes It feels even more easy to draw with the computer mouse, even if that sounds ridiculous for those who have more experiences with it.

I always loved strong contrasts. With many of my past pictures I wanted more depth as Second Life had to offer and now finally I found a way how I can do that with some tricks I found in Youtube tutorials. It took a while until they did what I wanted, but for me it was worth the time and I really found new inspiration and motivation with learning new techniques. It felt like unlocking new doors to have more possibilities to achieve what I was looking for a long time. I am still practicing and with every new picture I come closer to what I desire.

I lately was talking to a sweet lady, which I recently feel like a good friend. She does the wonderful sweet and smooth art, which I tried a lot of times but never could do – maybe it just isn’t in me or I did not yet find it… it always feels awkward when I try to do this kind of pictures and moods. She helped me with my tribute for Autumn Rose a lot, as that required exactly that way of art (HERE).

In the past it felt like I would have to have the ability to feature all kind of styles, but the more I turn into my personal favorite direction, the more I feel secure and my pictures do have way more impact  – at least it does feel like that!

I am not saying I will not still try other things, but I took the pressure of myself that I HAVE TO do so. For now I will do enjoy the dark season as much as I can and hope that I can get all my ideas done in time, before the cozy Christmas times will start… or maybe the dark times turn into dark scary “Krismus”? *eyes “The Nightmare before Christmas” DVD over there in the shelf*


Outfit: Scandalize – “Nicole Harness” (Maitreya)

Gloves: Wicca’s Originals – “Ryn Gloves (Scales)” (Maitreya)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons V2” (Maitreya Applier)

Shoes: UTOPIA@Design – “Halloween – V2” (Maitreya)


Dragon Skelleton & Spider Legs: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “The Guardian” – NEW @ Salem

Collar: [CX] – “Hell’s Harbinger (Black Out+Gold)” (Maitreya)

Tounge Piercings: LeLutka – “BDYART-TBRBL” (Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Medusa Head Dress” (Part of the Outfit Medusa) – NEW @ UBER

Faceart: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Shaman Series – Fire” (Omega Applier) – NEW

Makeup: alaskametro<3 – “Impressionist” (Omega Applier)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “Black Lipstick” (Maitreya Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.4”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Eyes: CURELESS[+] – “Seerees Eyes”

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: Poseidon

Face Animation Tool: LeLutka – “Axis HUD Face 1.1”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


“Your nights are a season at my command, human pony girl”


If you try to search for ponygirl on the internet, you will probably find this on wikipedia:

“Pony play is where at least one of the participants dresses to resemble and assumes the mannerisms and character of an equine animal. People involved in pony-play (“ponies”) generally divide themselves to three groups although some will participate in more than one category:

  • Cart ponies pull a sulky with their owner.
  • Riding ponies are ridden, either on all fours or on two legs, with the “rider” on the shoulders of the “pony” (also known as Shoulder riding). Note that a human back is generally not strong enough to take the weight of another adult without risk of injury, so four-legged “riding” is generally symbolic, with the “rider” taking most of their weight on their own legs.
  • Show ponies show off their dressage skills and often wear elaborate harnesses, plumes and so on.

Pony play is sometimes referred to as “The Aristotelian Perversion”, in reference to an apocryphal story where the philosopher Aristotle was persuaded to let a woman named Phyllis ride him like a horse, in promised exchange for sexual favors: an episode depicted in various woodcuts and other works of art.”

When I saw that the first time, I thought like “WTF?!?” and then I tried to find more about it. If you dig a little bit deeper, you will find a lot of interesting and sometimes even funny things. Most of them looked, as there would be a lot of fun involved as well. I learned a term from Silly once when she said “What ever floats your boat” and that perfectly applies on such fetishes I would guess. Why we should judge about something, that can be fun and satisfy desires of someone? For me there is no reason and as one that certainly had to try several things in the past, I had the chance to try out a tiny little bit of that kind of roleplay myself. I have to admit I really had good times, even if it is nothing for me, what would be an everyday fun or desire 😉

When I saw this amazing outfit and head piece at the Kinky event, it immediately reminded me of those pictures and little movies and I had to give it a try. Certainly I wanted to have a fashionable ponygirl, so I decided to go for some kind of editorial ideas of fetish pictures in general. I even found some editorial fashion pony girl pictures from popular designers and musicians. The most impressive interpretation of that ponyplay in a fashion way I found at one of Madonnas live concert openings in 2005 (watch HERE). Inspired by that even more and because I adore Madonna’s creativity, I wanted to give it a try.

The “Pony Girl” outfit done as a collaboration between CerberusXing and Maru Kado is an ensemble of a body harness and the head gear, sold separately in either black or white. As always for both brands the textures are incredible awesome and the harness was made for the Maitreya Lara mesh body in a perfect fit. For the head gear, even an animation is included to have the mouth open to perfectly fit the bridle in between your lips. While I was looking for hair, which seemed not that easy when I first tried, as I did not want to mess up or hide that amazing head piece in any way, and all of a sudden the amazing “DoMina” hair fro Mina hair came to my mind, which I found at the last Fetish Fair. The hood with the ponytail fitted perfectly under the head piece! I have to admit, lately I practiced a lot of hair modifications and paintings for Second Life hair. The hair parts that are shown from the ears down are all not anymore true Second Life hair, but I am sure you are aware of that. The hair looks awesome in inworld, I just wanted to experiment a little bit with it for my todays pictures.

Another awesome idea and design I am wearing today are the “Rachel BENTO Clamps & Weights” from Salt & Pepper. When I saw them the first time, I wasn’t sure how I could showcase them properly but for this look they were just perfect. The clamps are not just decorative clamps they are genius scripted to make them perfect for any kind of fetish roleplay. In the box you will find the clamps and 3 different weights for the left and right nipple. Each weight pulls down the breast down depending on it’s own weight and it works as well with your physics and clothing. The handling is easy… you just add the clamps and then your preferred weight to see the effect. I bet you can imagine, how much that will add to your roleplay experiences! There is a version for Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass and Belleza Freya.

What is a huge part of todays look and its intensity are the tattoos of Nefekalum Tattoos. For this post I used the body tattoo called “From Ashes” and for the face I chose the “Egyptian Sun”. Both come as Omega appliers and can be used for all body and head types that support the Omega system. For those who already plan on the new “Baked on Mesh” possibility, both of the tattoos have the system tattoo layer included as well. I already tried it – it works just perfect for LeLutka Head and Maitreya Lara or Belleza Freya!

First I tried all kind of different backgrounds like a meadow, jumping obstacles (yes they are available in Second Life I found out!), barns and all kind of naturalistic sceneries and none them looked anywhere near “cool”.

When I did some research about editorial fetish and ponyplay pictures, I found a lot of latex and leather stuff and ALL of them had some kind of smoke in the background and not much more to that. Sometimes there were simple, single props involved like posts, chairs and all kind of furniture, so I decided to go with a simple fence I could lean against or sit on for the possibility to use some cool poses. Lately I realized that pictures that involve movement or a certain action – like leaning against something – make pictures way more interesting, that just standing somewhere with no connection to anything.

If you follow my blog for a while you might have realized, that I have way less casual content than before. Some people asked me, if I now completely said goodbye to casual content… no, not in general, but there is so many casual content around AND I just did casual for too long already. Lately I am more into some edgy stuff – not that I wasn’t kinda crazy before already – I feel it suits and inspires me more. In the past I had my focus more on the fact, to show that I can be very versatile and pull of every style in its own way and not in my way 😉 That lately changed a lot, as I feel way more comfortable to still do various styles and genres, but always in my own way and not following general mainstream or “rules”. I feels more honest and true to myself, while it still keeps me all kind of style genres open to play with. I hope you enjoy my journey of finding my own way of showcasing and interpreting things – thank you for all your support and all the nice word and comments through my personal Second Life adventures! That keeps me going and working on new content as often as I can on my blog and Flickr 🙂


Outfit: [CX] & {-MK-} – “Pony Girl Harness (Black)” (Maitreya) – NEW @ Kinky Event // September 2019

Headpiece: [CX] & {-MK-} – “Pony Girl Headgear (Black)” – NEW @ Kinky Event // September 2019

Shoes: **UTOPIA@Design** – “Tera” (Maitreya)


Collar Neck: +AH+ – “Pampering Collar”

Collar Implant Chest: Ama. – “Forever Yours”

Clamps: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Rachel BENTO Clamps & Weights” (Maitreya, Bento)

Cuffs: RR – “Vixen”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: MINA Hair – “DoMina”

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Egyptian Sun” (Omega Applier) – NEW

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “From Ashes” (Omega Applier) – NEW

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity

Fence: [Focus Poses] – “Country Fence” (poses not used in this post)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

After Dark


In the dawn
I wake up to find him gone
And the note
Says only “After dark”

[Tito & Tarantula]


Ok, to be fair – The pictures for this post were inspired a lot by “True Blood”. True Blood is an American dark fantasy horror television series produced and created by Alan Ball and based on “The Southern Vampire Mysteries”, a series of novels by Charlaine Harris.

I watched it alredy in the past but I always missed the 7th season and now I finally found it on sky – Hooray \o/!!! Maybe that is, why I was going for an After Dark feeling 😉

So, while I was watching on my second screen I styled up the amazing “Bianca” harness, made by Salt & Pepper. It originally was released for the Fetish Fair this year, but I am sure you will find it at the main store by now. That harness really hides nothing *grins* and shoes off all of your beauty to the one you like to play with *winks* – Red totally liked it, too! With the HUD you get 8 different leather and 5 different metal colors to play with. Certainly  went with black as it is my personal favorite color anyways. So even if I try sometimes to not use the black options, I can’t do anything against it, if it nevertheless happens 😉

Mostly I avoid showing my private parts to the public, but I did not want to cover the outfit with another piece of clothing. So when I saw the “No.Help” hairstyle from no.match, it was the perfect solution to my little personal problem. The hair covers the needed bits and still shows the awesome harness – mission achieved!

I was wearing boots for the shoot, but since they are mostly cut off I did do a closeup only for them. The “Kate Thigh High Boots”- made by [Gos] – are so super awesome, that they deserved a special spotlight still 😉 They really go up very high and I do LOVE that height for all short bodysuit or harness outfits. I personally see more sexiness in covered legs than just having them blank. That can be over-knee boots, stockings, socks or tights – anyways what I prefer it over having bare legs, except for swim-wear. The boots are made for all the popular mesh bodies (Maitreya, Slink & Belleza) and you get a lot of color options with 3 different HUD packs and you as well have the choice, if you would like a thin or a thick heel style with each of the HUDs (like you can see on the picture below) I only captured 5 different colors but you will have a total of 21 different colors to chose from.

As I mentioned in a post before, I was selected to be a LeLutka blogger and so you will have always a closeup for each post from now on. I am a LeLutka addicted anyways and I did not wear any other heads on my blog since the LeLutka bento heads came out. My main head I am wearing for my SL Wicca” character is the “Simone” bento head from LeLutka. That is the head I know best for now as I am working with it for a while with shapes and skins, but I will learn to work others as well – I already started practicing *grins* But I want to show as well how versatile one head can be with different shapes and skins too and so here is my close up for today – “Simone” in all her beauty with my main skin from “The Skinnery” and face mods from Izzies for freckles, pores, wrinkles and blemishes!


Harness: Salt & Pepper (S&P) – “Bianca Harness” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Kate Thigh High Boots” (Maitreya)


Blindfold: Luas – “Hurricane Blindfold”

Cuffs & Collar: [ abrasive ] – “Discipline Vinyl Collar & Cuffs”

Arm Cuffs: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)

Septum: -[TWC]- – “Gear Septum Silver”

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No.Help”

Body & Tattoos

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Marks: .:Avanti:. – “Rope Marks Applier” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props

Poses: Corpus – “Balcony Series”

Backdrop: CEBO – “BALCONY”

Bed: 22769 – “Love Shack Bed” (Gacha, Common)

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ The Fetish Fair


Wicca’s Originals @ The Fetish Fair // February 15th – March 2nd

It’s time for the first Fetish Fair of 2019 and we are thrilled to be a part of it! We have created Felicity, a short body suit with a harness accent. The body suit and the harness are separates so you can wear the body suit with or without the harness. Felicity comes with a HUD that offers 10 colors for the body suit as well as the harness. Designed for the Maitreya Lara mesh body.

TAXI: Fetish Fair 2019

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ ROMP August 2018

Wicca’s Wardrobe @ ROMP (August 11th – 25th)

For this round of ROMP we have the very revealing Layla body.. This unique ensemble puts a whole knew spin on “barely there”. It is striking and provocative and will certainly make those around you sit up and take notice. The Layla body is a one-piece original creation that comes with a HUD that offers you 10 colors and 6 metals. Our Layla body is designed to fit Maitreya only.

Taxi: ROMP – Elegant Kink

Silent Crying

“The most painful tears we cried, were the tears we cried in silence…”

When was the last time you cried in silence?

Usually the emotions and the pain are way deeper if you cry in silence, than if you let people see it. But why we are crying in silence?

Maybe because we think no one would anyways understand why or what we are crying about, so we feel the need to hide it to not make things worse or complicated with other people involved?

Maybe we do not want to look weak and fragile and hide it, to not give people the idea we are an easy prey?

Maybe we do not want to worry the people, which are close and dear to us with issues and thoughts that might not even be real problems?

Maybe we do not have a reason that can be spoken out loud, as we do not have the words about the emotions that we are going through?

Maybe someone (accidentally) disappointed and hurt us so much and we do not wanna risk our future with that person and just have to play nice to not ruin everything?

Maybe we are scared that people won’t believe us or believe the reason we do cry?

There is so many reasons why we do it and each one must be very deep and painful, if we try to hide our emotions and feelings towards other people. The tears we cry won’t be seen by anyone. No one will come and put arms around you, because no one thinks you need support. Silent tears are one example of so many fights we have with ourselves. Even if no one can see them, after we released the tears and let them flow, we usually feel better and sometimes we even question our tears afterwards and then we are happy nobody did see them and we do not have to explain.

Do not be afraid to cry if your best friend is with you. Your best friend will understand, not feel bothered, not judge your strength in that moment, not question the reason for your tears, believe in every reason and maybe even put the arms around you and hold you silently until you feel better.

I am very grateful I have such a person in my life ♥

Todays pictures were the hardest for along time… do you know the feeling, when you have a complete vision of a picture in mind and then you run around like mad and can’t find what you were looking for? So it was today with my set. I had something in mind in a light, nearly purely white hallway with flying sheer curtains. I looked on MP and as well in world and I found a few things that were close, but not what I was looking for. Then I was trying one of the awesome creations from Exposeur, which I anyways love for a long time. I fell in love with the poses, what made me dump the idea of light and white and rethink my picture idea. So I ended up building something with the “Girl At The Window” pose prop from Exposeur and the “Flying Curtains” from Kalopsia.

The style of today was as well a little special as well. I wanted to do a post about the new “Lady G Pumps” from [Gos].

“What kind of Lady will you be today? Let Lady G help you decide. Out now at FaMESHed, Lady G is a classic high platform pump that is anything but basic. Four shoes in one, choose between a sky high stiletto or block heel and a open foot or Mary Jane strap.

Lady G is available in 3 colour HUDs – Boutique, Blueberry, and Metallics – each sold separately or as a collection. The Boutique HUD includes 21 current, in-season colours perfect for any fashionista, the Blueberry HUD includes 28 colours which coordinate with clothing from Blueberry, and the Metallics HUD include 7 metallics which will have your feet shining. Each HUD also includes 5 sole, 2 metal, 3 lining options and controls heel and strap wear options. 56 colors in all!” [Gospel Voom]

First I went for the typical casual elegant look, which usually is expected for pumps like that. If you imagine pumps, what style you imagine on the first thought? Casual elegant, lingerie or formal/elegant. When I was fully styled, I looked at me and thought… “Nope, that is not you!” and took off everything but the pumps. But now what else…? Usually if I get stuck with ideas I dive into my accessories folder and see what I find there to kick in some creativity :p

The first thing I tried was the “Mouth Silencer” from AsteroidBox. As a German I was curious what a mouth silencer woud be. When I unpacked it and put it on, the first look – I have to admit that – was kinda terrifying. It looked very harsh and martial and with the blood applier that comes with it – I had to swallow a few times before my curiosity won and I thought that this could be an interesting challenge. So I looked at me, standing there in pumps and that bloody iron piece on my mouth. Usual lingerie would be too nice and I anyways did not wanna go for that. Pure fetish would be too obvious too now with that special accessory. Maybe a mixture would do it!

I found the “Sex Vixen Princess” outfit from Dirty Princess, which made the perfect combo of cute and strong with the little ruffles on the lingerie and as well the strong leather harness on top of it. To drag it back a little bit I added the ripped stockings to get a more gothic touch in it and I loved the contrast of the elegant pumps and the ripped nylons 😉 Needless to say it was luck that the nylons were just as high to meet the garters of the outfit, but since .:Avanti:. has so many different heights for their stockings I did know I would find one that matches :p

Certainly a tattoo could not be missing in that look and what else than one of the [White Widow] tattoos could work better to bring the sweetness back again as well. The “It” tattoo with the cute roses just perfectly did what I expected from it. I did say more than once already, that I adore the texture skills Julie Hastings has and I would give my right arm for it to know, how she archives it to have all of her tattoos so needled-sharp on the mesh bodies 😉

Even if the pictures today turned out completely different than I first thought, the emotions and feelings I wanted to transport with them still remained the same. It was a great experience for myself to start with a mouth piece and heels and I hope there will me many more like those in the future 🙂


Outfit  & Accessories:

Outfit: Dirty Princess – “The Sex Vixen Princess” (Maitreya)

Shoes: [Gos] – “Lady G Pumps” (Maitreya) – NEW @ FaMESHed

Collar: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Misaki Collar” (Gacha, Maitreya) – NEW @ Gacha Garden

Gloves: .:::G.ID:::. – “Hazel Gloves” (Maitreya)

Stockings: .:Avanti:. – “Ripped Nylons” (Maitreya Applier)

Gag & Blood: AsteroidBox – “Mouth Silencer” (with LeLutka Applier)

Hair & Makeup:

Hair: Sintiklia – “Oona” (Monthly Midnight Madness Gift)

Makeup: Izzie’s – “Tears HUD” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoos:

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Face: Izzie’s – “Pores & Blemishes” (LeLutka Applier)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “It” (Maitreya Applier)

Poses & Props:

Props: Exposeur – “Girl At The Window” (filled with all the poses I used) & Kalopsia – “Flying Curtains”

Model & Photographer:

Wicca Merlin