Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // November 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Warehouse Sale // November 23rd – December 18th

Reality bites!

I remember the Zombie apocalypse movies and televisions shows from Before. Those were nothing compared to life After. But I always knew Hollywood was full of shit.
Some might call me psycho survivalist or a fanatic, but in the end I am alive and they are all dead. Ten years in the army, in the worst conditions possible, prepared me for this. The After has been a long time coming and I made damn sure I was ready for it.

The only thing I failed at was protecting my family. Lost Mom during my second tour in Afghanistan, but Pop was still going strong raising my kid sister and brother in Brooklyn. During one of my leaves, I built a damn good bomb shelter in the basement of the family home. Before I shipped out again I made sure it was well stocked with provisions.

The night the world went to Hell, I was video chatting with Pop and the twins, who had just graduated from high school. They were all so damn happy. All I needed was a few more weeks and the bunker would have been ready for all of us. Instead, the last I saw of them was their smiling faces huddled in front of Pop’s computer before the flash that knocked out everything.

Took me months to get back to the city. I carried the hope that Pop managed to get them down to the basement and into the bunker before the worst happened. That hope turned to ash, much like my childhood home when I finally arrived. I dug through the remains until I found the door to the bunker and opened it with a combination. No one made it inside.

So I packed up all the supplies I had stocked there and started back to my remote bunker, just me and Whiskey; the mongrel mutt I rescued from an animal shelter when he was a puppy. Half canine, half bear, but one hell of a guard dog. Quiet as hell, too, for a dog the size of a small pony.

It will be sunrise soon and it’s suicide to travel during the day; too easy to be seen. My boat is filled with the supplies from the family house and I don’t dare risk being seen during the day. I know a place in the city I can hide the boat and wait out the daylight. Whiskey will alert me to anyone approaching.
The old warehouse had completely collapsed, but otherwise looked sturdy. Over time the debris had settled and left pockets where a body or even a dog could squeeze in and find shelter. But as we approached, Whiskey’s ears perked and he stopped and stared at a tiny dark spot. I moved in cautiously and found a small form hiding in the recesses.
Her thin, burned face and bloody hands did not compare to the fear in her eyes. Before I could offer any assurance of safety, Whiskey jumped ahead of me and stood protectively over her small frame. Hackles raised and teeth bared, Whiskey alerted me to the imminent danger. With a hand gesture order to stay and guard, I quietly covered the small cubby hole with debris and moved to high ground where I could see what or who was coming.
Soon, two men came into view dragging a body between them. They striped the body clean of every piece of clothing then shoved it off the end of the dock. Then they began to fight amongst themselves for what they had just scavenged. One man grabbed a loose board and began to beat his companion. The other, disoriented between blows, still managed to pull out a makeshift weapon and jammed it into his companion’s stomach. Both men fell to the ground and after an eerie silence, neither man moved.
They were both dead. I had seen enough of it in Afghanistan to know what it looks, smells and sounds like. Quietly, I left my vantage point to return to women’s hiding spot and slipped inside my hastily built shelter. She sat huddled close to Whiskey with fists full of his fur and her face buried into the dog’s massive chest.
Since the men were only a few yards away, she had to have heard and seen everything. I slipped inside the shelter, but stayed as far away from the terrified woman as I could. I rummaged through my knapsack and pulled out a couple bottles of water I retrieved from Pop’s house and a few protein bars. Carefully, so not to startle her, I slid a bottle and bar toward her with my foot.
On a metal plate, I broke apart a second bar and held it out for Whiskey. The food was gone in seconds. I emptied half my water bottle onto the plate for my dog while the girl remained frozen by the canine’s side. Once Whiskey was taken care of, I made short order of my own meager breakfast, careful not to look at the woman directly.
I did see her slowly reach for the food and water and clutch them to her chest. She drew up into a tighter ball, keeping Whiskey between her and me. That was fine. I could not blame her. But when she whimpered in pain trying to open the bottle of water, that nearly broke me. Her hands were so torn up she could not manage the simple act.
I held out my hand and waited. Whiskey took that moment to stretch out and bump my hand with his head. With a smile, I obliged my faithful friend with a scratch behind the ears. This is one smart dog, because by showing me his trust, he showed the woman she could trust me as well.
Cautiously, a trembling hand passed over the water bottle. I took the bottle and unscrewed the cap enough so she could manage the rest herself. She snatched it back and took what looked like a couple painful swallows. How long had it been since she had water?
She tore at the bar with her teeth and managed to tear it open enough to get at the food inside. Damn, I thought Whiskey ate fast. Between bites and gulps she stared at me warily, expecting me to attack at any second. Can’t blame her for that either.
Using my knapsack as a pillow, I rested as best I could, but always conscious of my environment. Whiskey laid his head over his massive paws and went to sleep. The woman struggled to stay awake, but finally exhaustion won out and she fell into a deep slumber against the dog’s back.
By the time she woke up I had torn my tee shirt into bandages and cleaned and dressed her hands. Ointment from my kit was carefully applied to the burns on her face. This is all I dared to do for now. I couldn’t risk her waking and running. When darkness fell, I left her with Whiskey on guard and another bottle of water while I scouted the area.
When I returned, she was staring at her hands in disbelief as her body shook and jerked in an odd way. It took me a moment to realize she was crying. No tears fell, clearly too dehydrated to expend the dampness from her eyes.
I gathered my things and silently signaled fo Whiskey to follow. The dog nudged the women’s arm with his nose before he rose and followed me from the shelter. I waited outside until I saw her inch forward the opening to peer out at me. An outstretched hand was my silent offer, for I dare not risk even a word of comfort with danger still around us.
Wide and fearful eyes stared at my hand for a long time before her eyes shifted to my bare chest. The night was still hot, so I was not uncomfortable without my shirt. I had my durable pants and boots that never let me down. Her oversized shirt was torn and dirty, but it was long enough to protect her.
I was patient. The decision was hers to remain or come with me. We were both alone in this new world. I am not going to lie. I wanted human companionship. Female companionship. But I wasn’t going to take anything that was not offered.
I looked out at the once great city and knew it was the last time I would ever see it. Life Before is just a memory. I looked down when I felt her hand slip into mine. She slowly stood and stared up at me. The fear was still there, but not directed at me, but for the future before us.
This was a new and strange world for both of us. I offered her a reassuring smile as I led her to the awaiting boat.
One step at a time.

– The End –

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Legacy[M], Gianni, Jake
(one full version and one coat-cut included – matches the Scavenger Coat)
HUD: 10 Colors & Metals
Event Location: The Warehouse Sale // November 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Men Only // October 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ Men Only // October 20th – November 15th

Tonight, the last one will die.

As Ivar dressed, he looked at the bloody axe on the table. There were four of them that fateful night. Four who turned his life into a living hell. All his life, Ivar kept his head down, worked hard and never even swatted a fly. His only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

They were the golden boys of their high school; star athletes loved by the community. Ivar was a nobody with a drunk whore of a mother and whose father was anyone’s guess.
High from winning the State Championship, cocaine and cheap liquor, the fabulous four, out for a joyride, came across Ivar walking home from work late that night. He was stripped naked, tied to a tree and doused with alcohol. The golden boys took turns flicking lit matches at his head.

They laughed as Ivar begged them to stop. They laughed as tears ran down Ivar’s face. They laughed until one match ignited the alcohol. Then they stopped laughing. They ran to their car as Ivar screamed in agony as the flames burned his flesh. They never looked back at the destruction they wrought.

Ivar survived. Horribly scared. In constant pain. But he survived.

It has taken years to get revenge. As his recovery dragged on, Ivar’s anger and hatred grew. He planned and tracked the lives of his four tormentors. Their lives went on; Ivar’s did not. Until six months ago. One by one, Ivar hunt them down. He made each one beg. He made each one cry. He made each one scream in pain. Then each one died. Only one was left. He’s gone into hiding, but Ivar tracked him down.
Tonight, the last one will die.

Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy[M], Gianni and Belleza Jake
HUD: 10 Colors & 10 Metals
Event Location: Men Only

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 9th – 31st

There was no moon to light her way, but it also cloaked her escape. She ran as fast as she could through the dense woods on pure instinct, like an animal in flight, Fitting, since he treated her like a dog.
One minute He offered a kind hand; lulled her into a false sense of comfort. Then, without warning, the pain He caused tore her heart and soul to shreds, Was love suppose to be so painful?
She fell against a tree as her legs gave out beneath her. Lungs burning, her breath sawed harshly in and out of her chest. She looked over her shoulder to see if anyone pursued, but all she saw was darkness. That was all her life really was – endless darkness.
Others had escaped and He had dismissed their absence with a flick of a wrist as if they were nothing more than an annoying gnat. But He said Rhoda was special. Is that why He especially enjoyed hurting her? Building her up to only beat down so far that death was her only escape?
Yes, she often thought of death. The sweet release. The peaceful darkness. She came close, several times. The promises He made and failed to keep. The lies that so easily rolled off his tongue. Sweet words meant to pacify a child that held no meaning to Him as walked away and left her alone and bleeding while he went to find pleasure with his other woman.

That’s not love. That’s greed. The need to possess more than anyone else. A selfish child hoarding all the toys just so no one else could have them. If one was lost, three more took its place. That’s all she really was – a shiny trinket to display. His true pleasure came from the compliments He received about her. Yes, that stroked His ego. He loved what she earned Him – adoration.
No more. She was not a thing. She was not the shiny ruby He named her after. She had a name! And by all that was holy, she would hear that name again or die trying. When she heard His angry shout, she hide behind the tree. His punishments were cruel, oh so very cruel.
It was time to run. Nowhere to go. No one to help her. It didn’t matter. If she didn’t run for her life now, the last tiny bit of life inside her would die.
He won’t hurt her again. No one will ever hurt Rhoda again.
– The End –
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky)
Available as Fatpack with 10 Colors & 10 Metals or Single colors with metal HUD only (5 color combinations available for single purchase)

Event Location: Dark Style Fair

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyberfair // June 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ ACCESS Cyberfair // June 1st – 25th

“Form follows function” is an old design addage, but even in the age of cyber augmentation, it’s still relevant. Enter the Cypher Pants, engineered by the brightest minds at Wicca’s Originals. These pants are more than just coverings for your legs, they provide thermal insulation to protect from heat and cold. They grant your hips and thighs with next-generation support, alleviating some of the strain on them, allowing you to run longer with less effort. And of course, there is the very practical aspect of the slash-resistant materials used, giving the wearer a sense of security against either laceration or tearing, from falls on the asphalt, to thorny bushes or even knives. All of this in a sleek, aesthetically pleasing package. Get your Cypher Pants today, and feel the difference. Comes with 10 colors palettes and metal options, for Maitreya, Legacy, and Gianni bodies — Also comes in a ‘Rune edition’, for wear with the Rune Top!

The Yuri Arms by Wicca’s Originals are more than meets the eye. At a glance, they are sleek sleeves, covering from wrist to mid-upper arm, but they are so much more. Using a series of induction pads, the Yuri Arms read micro-electic pulses going on just underneath the dermal layer, in the musculature, and send signals to expand or contract along channels in the nanocarbon material to supplement the body’s natural strength. The effects of this range from subtle support to being a force multiplier, improving the precision of detailed work that requires a steady hand, or amplifying the raw strength behind a throw or a punch. This patented technology provides the best augmentation you can get for upper body control, short of invasive surgeries. Comes in 10 color options, with 10 metals, for Maitreya, Legacy, and Gianni bodies — Also comes in a ‘Rune Edition’ variant for use with the Rune Top.

Event Location: ACCESS Cyberfair // June 2021


Wicca’s Originals @ Vintage Fair // June 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Vintage Fair  // June 12th – 22nd

The latest in fashion from Wicca’s Originals is the Wyatt waistcoat and pants. This unisex, double-breasted waistcoat sports a somewhat subtle but eye-catching diamond pattern of shiny sequins to flatter the smooth fabric. The cut of the waistcoat as well as the metallic flair on the collar makes this a great fit for any steampunk wardrobe, and the low neck and sleeveless design gives plenty of options to accessorize. The pants are sporting a double-fastened leather belt, as well as a series of several matching straps at the thigh and lower leg, binding the fabric tight to the leg to avoid snags as well as providing a few convenient places to strap tools. A deep pocket is available with spur style fasteners to keep personal effects, or possibly to serve as a place to hold screws, bolts, washers and nuts. Especially handy if you need to maintain any body parts or machines on the go! Comes in left or right-legged styles, and is designed to combine very well with the Eagleden leg augmentation (pictured, not included). Nine color palettes are available to choose from to match your styling needs. The Wyatt Outfit and Pants are made for Maitreya Lara, Slink Hourglass, Belleza Freya and Signature Gianni!

Event Location: Vintage Fair 2020


LOTD 10/16/2016 – Lovely Day




When I wake up in the mornin’ love
And the sunlight hurts my eyes
And somethin’ without warnin’ love
Bears heavy on my mind
Then I look at you
And the world’s alright with me
Just one look at you
And I know it’s gonna be
A lovely day

[Bill Withers]



Outfit: [sys] – “Canel” – NEW

Shoes: Glamistry – “Peony”

Tights: Izzie’s – “Sheer Tights Basics” (Mesh Body Applier)

Bag: PurpleMoon – “Safety Pin Clutch”

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Simple Rings – Maitreya”

Earrings: Kunglers – “Gabriela”

Bracelet: Kunglers – “Isis”

Hair: [INK] – “Trois” (Gacha RARE)

Hairbase: KoKoLoReS – “Shaved Hairbase”

Poses: ALIUD

Location: West of the Rain

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin


LOTD 02/02/2016 – Clubbing

Clubbing 3

A few days ago, I was fooling around with my inventory. I did not sort it for a longer time and was unpacking boxes and sorting in some stuff.

All of a sudden I came across the “Plume” jacket from E-Clipse. I got that at the last On9 event. I was looking at it and already got some very different ideas for it. But then I kept sorting stuff, tried different boxes back and forth and got distracted again from my original ideas.

Clubbing 6

One box  said “Bay High-Waist” pants from [R3]. Knowing R3volt, it must be super cool looking pants, even if I did not remember yet, what they looked like or when I got them*hides*

I unpacked the box and put them on and… bingo! They looked perfect and put a totally different look on the jacket than i was originally going for. But sometimes you just have to listen to your guts and I decided to go by them for today’s look.

Clubbing 5

The “Vertigo” boots from [sys] were the perfect addition to the look. The smart flat boots with the open laces totally caught the mood I was going for.  With a little bit of tweaking work, the shoes even did fit over the mesh pants what is really rare these days. As well from [sys], are the sunglasses is used for this post. The “Monaco” sunglasses come with a HUD to customize them to your needs and with the light retro feeling they rocked the look.

Clubbing 1

Last but not least, to get the real clubbing feeling I put on the “Miwa” headphones made my Wicca’s Wardrobe. The cool headphones with the skulls and spine bones are the perfect accessory for every clubbing night or even for DJs for their work 😉 With a huge HUD you can customize the colors in every single part.

Clubbing 2


Jacket: E-Clipse – “Plume”

Pants: R3volt – “Bay High-Waist [V2]”

Shoes: [sys] – “Vertigo”

Glasses – [sys] – “Monaco”

Headphones: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Miwa Headphones”

Hair: no.match – “No.Silence”

Poses: agapee

Location: Hamburg

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Clubbing 4

LOTD 06/24/2015 – Summery with Wicca’s Wardrobe

Charlotte & Nora Mood

I know it might sound weird but sometimes I have some very casual moods… That happened a few ago and in that mood, some of newer releases from Wicca’s Wardrobe were born.

When it comes to casual, I really like the muted, brownish tones. So the “Charlotte Jacket” and the matching “Nora Pants” got a color range from brown to creme. In total we made 6 colors.

Charlotte & Nora (muted)

For todays post, I chose the creme version of “Charlotte” & “Nora” as it matched my personal skin tone the best 😉 Matching shoes as well you can find at Wicca’s Wardrobe. For example the “Laureen Heels” in the Chic Edition, which I am wearing for the picture above.

The second ensemble we made in the same color range is a little more special… still casual, but not as sweet and playful as the “Charlotte & Nora” combination.

Jeanne & Sazzy (muted)

The “Jeanne Jacket” is a closed more urban looking style of jacket and the “Sazzy Pants” with their amazing zippers around the knees just made the perfect addition. To complete the look I chose the “Lydia Booties” as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe.

Both combinations are perfectly for any casual look 🙂

Taxi to Wicca’s Wardrobe

Jeanne & Sazzy Mood

News @ Elysium

Elysium-WW 01

Today I have some news from Elysium. I know Aleida Rhode for a long time by now and that makes it always special if you blog for a long time friend 🙂

Today I tried a little  mix and match of her latest releases. I started… uncommon with the wonderful “Byron Hat”. That wonderful unisex hat is available at TLC in May 2015 so hurry to get yours ;). It comes with a HUD to recolor the hat in all pieces to make sure it matches your styling.

Then I found the wonderful “Louise Boho Pants”. Those leger puffy pants with the totally trendy pattern and colors. I love pants anyways more than anything else so those definitely will make the way to my favourite folder 😉

Elysium-WW 03

Since I cannot wear high heels in my RL most of the time, because of the jobs I do, I love them in SL and nearly never wear anything else. But the “Pointy Flats” from Elysium just caught my attention. With the pointy tip they have an elegant character but as well they have a lot of casual with being flat. That made them being the perfect addition for my today’s look.

To complete the look I added a color matching jacket from Wicca’s Wardrobe, actually one of our latest releases, the “Charlotte Jacket” in brown.

With the “Cosmo Glasses” as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe, that totally would be a style I would wear RL as well 😉

Elysium-WW 02


Hat: Elysium – “Byron Hat” – NEW (@ TLC)

Pants: Elysium – “Louise Boho Pants”

Shoes: Elysium – “Pointy Flats” – NEW ( @ On9)

Jacket: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Charlotte Jacket”

Glasses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Cosmo Glasses”

Hair: LeLutka – “Vibrato”

Furniture: Trompe Loeil – “Cortona Bench”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

News at EMO-tions – For Girls & Guys!!!

This weekend EMO-tions came up with a fantastic new release. The “Demonica” outfit and 2 new hairstyles, one for girls – a long one – and one for guys… ok for me the second one is unisex as I really like the style of it and I am not willing to let this go for the guys only :p

But now lets take a closer look on the “Demonica” outfit first. The outfit comes as a full outfit and you only have to add skin, hair and shoes. the great skirt, open in the front, that is hold by amazing detailed leather straps makes a wonderful female attitude. The leather pants, gloves and as well the top are covered by amazing high quality textures. The whole outfit goves an awesome strong and warrior looking touch. What caught my eyes as well is the huge collar with that amazing chains the really shine in the lights and give the whole style a sexy touch as well 😉

The male… pardon the unisex :p style is called “Troy”. A wonderful pony tail with short sides that for me fits male AND female, available in all needed colors at the EMO-tions Mainstore.

The second hairstyle, called “Nora” is the long female one. Wonderful flexible and curled hair with a nice ornament round the head that you can purchase in all regular colors. To see more of all the amazing creations of EMO-tions you better take a look at the EMO-tions Mainstore 🙂


Outfit: EMO-tions – “Demonica” – NEW

Hair 1: EMO-tions – “Troy” – NEW

Hair 2: EMO-tions – “Nora” – NEW

Shoes: L&B – “Gothic Platforms”

Earrings: *P* – “Monica”

Poses: Morphine

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin