I’m lost in a dream…

I’m lost in a dream, with a mind’s full of sadness,
I remember the good times, that we had in our madness,
Frozen tears with illusions of fire,
All of my life was filled with desire

[Axel Rudi Pell]

Sometimes you sit there, staring at your inventory and have no idea what you can do. You put on various outfits, dresses, pants, tops and nothing screams “Yes.. it’s me! Do something with me!” I am not saying, that all the stuff would be ugly or not nice… it all looks perfect and it is made amazingly, but just nothing touches you, nothing catches your eyes or heart.
There are moments in life where just nothing can grab your attention or drag your brain off some things that happen in your life. For me it was a RL situation, that really had tied up my brain and mind/mood completely. If you love your job and you put everything you have and can into it, if you even started a project and work on that for years and suddenly someone comes and tries to steal that from you and even get you kicked out from it, it really can go very deep and it does hurt like if someone rips out a part of yourself, throws it on the ground and tramples on it like crazy with a big grin in her/his face.

In exactly that mood I was nearly the whole past week and that was when this style grew over days, not knowing what I want to do. It did look like a bunch of things not belonging to each other on the first view for me, until I told my self to let it flow and see where it would be going. First I thought of a kind of fairy or “Galadriel” looking pictures in a fantasy environment. But while I was trying like an idiot I came across the amazing pictures of Alles Klaar (HERE). She has a lot of water based pictures, like her and her friends posing on water, having those amazing reflections. That reminded me of the never ending story if we could have real mirrors in Second Life (LINK). I did not want to download anything and I tried to remember how you could cheat on that fact with using mirror water (MIRROR WATER).

I do have no water available at my home at the moment, so I am very grateful, that – after a talk explaining my issue – Tour gave me the opportunity to use his sim for my experiments. While I was trying to fool with that water mirror effect, I realized, it isn’t what I wanted or my skills are not good enough to do what I had imagined. It was the first time, that I wasn’t alone while I tried to set up a scene. Tour was with me and we even had a voice conversation for some time while I was trying to find what I wanted to do. What really was fun, he as well did some snaps and we shared our visions about my project. That was quite interesting! I always thought I never could have somebody with me while doing this, but it even did inspire me somehow 🙂 Thank you Tour for your generosity to let me experiment on your land and ruining your terraforming for me, because of my need for water!

The more pictures I shot, the more my vision changed and my mind could let go of my RL situation and I found my fun back in doing weird and crazy things. My feelings and emotions changed from weak, frustrated and depressed to stubborn, stronger and willing to fight my way out of my actual mood. I rarely had so different emotions on my pixel face during a shooting I have to admit, as I usually try to make an indicating series of pictures.

Again Second Life was kind of a therapy to escape from real life, but as well it did help to free my mind again and not being stuck inside a certain situation. I am not saying SecondLife is the best therapy you can find, I am just saying sometimes it helps to allay concerns or get your brain some relief 😉

Believe me, after 12,5 years SL I know, that you need to step away from it sometimes or even shut it down for a while to solve RL problem… I hope you get the idea of what I was trying to say 😉

Since I changed the point of my blog, not only being a fashion catalog, but as well being a part of me and both of my lifes, my pictures do matter for me. After I attended Visionaire classes (I sometimes still do), it as well felt right to do so. I am not saying, fashion only blogs are not cool, I just decided for myself that I wanted to have more than just that after so many years of blogging 🙂

If you are one of those, that actually read the whole post, I would be happy if you would be brave enough to comment on it, or maybe even dare to tell about how or even if your SL does change your RL or any situations sometimes ♥


Dress: Moon Elixir – “Fenris” (Maitreya
Collar: ((LovelyAlien)) – “Amaranthine – Necklace – Silver”
Headpiece: -Elemental- – “Feronica Circlet”
Claws: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thunderstrike Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)
Rings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thunderstrike Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Horns: :[P]: – “Kratus Horns”
Bracelets & Anklets: E.V.E – “Scorpion Spikes” (Maitreya)
Armlets: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: no.match – “No. Gain” – NEW @ Tres Chic
Makeup: Zibska – “Rowan” (LeLutka Applier)
Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Eyes: ANATOMY – “Angel Eyes – Silver”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Zafiro” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo (Arms): [White~Widow] –  “Ran” (Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo (Legs): [White~Widow] – “Okja” (Maitreya Applier)
Poses & Props
Poses: Poseidon
Statue White Girl: E.V.E – “Rapunzel in Evie White Tower”
Statue Steampunk Guy: R.O.T – “”Illusion Light Blue”
Statue Couple: R.O.T – “Soska Metallic”
Brushwood: E.V.E – “Rosina’s Undergowth M01”
Sphere: E.V.E – “Cubic Dreams {White Glow/Black}”
Heart: E.V.E – “Frosted Hearts Silver M1”
Model & Photographer

Posing with Poseidon

How often we see cool poses and we never get to use them becasue they are extraordinary, editorial and so super awesome expressive that they seem to never fit an outfit.

Especially crouch poses or some kind of unusual movements can be hard if you have a certain outfit, that just doesnot want to cooperate with the poses you would love to use.. I am sure you know what I am talking about :p

So this time, I wanted tight pants, which would not clash with any kind of poses and some cool casual look that would agree with any kind of poses, that I always wanted to use before and rarely had a chance to do so.

My choice fell on one of the amazing applier leggings from Lassidude & Ennui. Her appliers really have an incredible quality and so many details that you barely can see they are ‘just’ appliers and not actual mesh pants. Appliers have the great advantage that nothing clashes or bends weird when your legs move. Another great thing about appliers is, you can mix and match a little bot more by using them together with mesh pieces, as you do not have to take care of several mesh sizes or mesh poking through each other by layering it over each other. The top comes from Moon Elixir with a full amazing outfit called “Rebel”

All the poses of today’s post are coming from Poseidon. An extraordinary pose store I discovered not too long ago. Gryphon Vendetta, owner and creator of Poseidon Poses, never stops to amaze me with his new releases.

The poses are super energetic and natural looking and most of them show incredible movements, like a momentary capture of some animation. You will find poses for any occasion or purpose at Poseidon, no matter if you look for runnings, jumps, dances or even themed poses like the super cool “Hill Nurse” set, that inspired me not too long ago to some creepy pics 😉 (https://wiccamerlin.de/something-evils-lurkinin-the-dark/)

He did some super cool props and as well little sets filled with his amazing poses. To me they are really refreshing and inspire me a lot just by running through them. If you are a friend of different angles, those poses are super awesome for editorial shots as well as he takes care of every limb to be perfect. And even if they look so dramatic you always get a real looking feeling and nothing breaks or looks like broken bones :p

If you love unusual, fresh modern poses and if you like to do editorial or fantasy shots or if you are searching for some new poses in general to make some cool pictures, just take a look at the Poseidon Mainstore (TAXI). I am sure you will find some exciting new poses for new picture ideas 😉


Leggings: Lassitude & Ennui – “Handstitched Leather Leggings” (Maitreya Applier)

Top: Moon Elixir – “Rebel” (part of an outfit)

Gloves: Moon Elixir – “Valhalla” (gacha)

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gypsy Boots”

Hair: no.match – “No.Risk”

Glasses: AIR – “Black Cat CM”

Choker: :[P] – “Archimede Collar”

Makeup & Lipstick: alaskametro<3 – “Fall Runway” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses: Poseidon


Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.3”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara V3.5”

Fantasy Faire 2013 – Rfyre & The Plastik + News from Finesmith

Fantasy Faire 2013 - Rfyre + Plastik full

From the 20th of April until the 28th of April you can find amazing creations various designers made for themes like fantasy, role play, steam-punk and Sci-Fi and all that is content of dreams at the SecondLife Fantasy Faire 2013.   Incredible builders created awesome sims for that event where you can make fantastic pictures or just explore and get caught away in your dreams and imagination.

The Fantasy Faire is one of the most huge events that take part in the RFL. RLFRelay for Life – is a charity organisation that supports the American Cancer Society.

The whole event takes part on 10 sims. The are arranged in a nice way with a path that you can follow to explore all of them. On 8 you will find the creations that were made from all the designers to support the RLF. The last 2 sims are the event sims, where presentations, music events, concerts, auctions and silent auctions take place. To make it more interesting for visitors, a super amazing hunt is taking place where you can find many incredible little items.

Today I would like to take a closer look on the creations of Rfyre and The Plastik.

Rfyre created two wonderful full outfits for the Fantasy Faire and one I would like to spotlight today. The “Lux Fantasy” outfit is part wise made with mesh. The corset and parts of the arms sleeves are mesh made and the amazing bodice comes as a layer. The full outfit as well contains a long skirt, that’s open in the front, but for the post I just skipped that part, because for the aggressive running look I liked it more without the skirt ;). The amazing, cool looking boots with the detailed texture and the awesome buckles atthe side are part of the outfit.

As always Raven Pennyfeather, owner and designer of Rfyre, points with her amazing textures. She has such an eye for the detail and her creations mirror that. If you take a closer look at the textures you can see how filigree and perfect they are made and so she gives the gothic look a very elegant and high fashion touch. The chest part looks like silver plate decorations and give the whole outfit a very strong amazon looking touch. The wonderful chains that run over the cleavage again show how detailed Raven works for her designs. Her creativity seemd to never come to an end as she always comes with new ideas and combinations, that amaze me. It is always a honor to blog her creations :). The black silver look of this outfit really makes a wonderful base for realizing your own fantasies in many ways 🙂

The wonderful huge jewelry is one of the newest releases from Finesmith. The “Truth” set is available for male and female and it contains the necklace, earrings, shoulder parts and a bracelet. The male version just is a little bit bigger sized. The dark silver metal goes wonderful with the black gems and the long spikes already gave a very demon looking attitude and so it was perfect for this styling ;).

The hair is one of my favourite styles from EMO-tions. The “Solitude” hair has a very special option as you have two hairstyles in one that are to change with a menu. If you click it you are asked if you wanna have ‘Style A’ or ‘Style B’ and with a sweet gesture it changed the look after you made your choice. For the “Solitude” style as well one version has the forehead chain like in the post and the other shows without the chain.

The skin as well is a Fantasy Faire contribution and it comes from The Plastik. The “Arkasia” skin in the ‘Paua” color was the perfect addition to my demon style. As I told before in another post you have several options for each skin and color in the pack and this time I decided to go with the ‘bare’ version, that only has a scale framed face and some scales on the body. The “Bloodless Silver” eyes are as well from The Plastik and I had them in the skin folder as well. Together with the “Dark Shadow”, the “Smudgy Shadow” and the “Lip Stripe” that came together with the “Arkasia” too the demon look was perfect and I just added some wings from Material Squirrel.

To see more of the fantastic releases of the Fantasy Faire 2013 ( you might wanna look by yourself :) Always think on the fact that with every purchase you help! As well an amazing hunt just started at the Fantasy Faire… so hurry there and release the fantasy you carry inside you ;) (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fairelands%20Junction/128/128/23)

Fantasy Faire 2013 - Rfyre + Plastik face


Outfit (incl boots): Rfyre – “Lux Fantasy” – NEW (mesh, Fantasy Faire 2013)

Skin (incl Eyes & Makeup): :[P]: – “Arkasia-Paua” – NEW (Fantasy Fair 2013)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Truth” – NEW

Hair: EMO-tions – “Solitude”

Wings: Material Squirel – “Jinx Wings”

Nails: Love Soul – “Infinity”

Poses: Wicca’s Wardrobe – Poses (coming soon)

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Fashion Faire 2013 – EMO-tions, Paper Moon & Plastik

Fantasy Faire 2013 - EMO-tions-plastik-papermoonfull

From the 20th of April until the 28th of April you can find amazing creations various designers made for themes like fantasy, role play, steam-punk and Sci-Fi and all that is content of dreams at the SecondLife Fantasy Faire 2013.   Incredible builders created awesome sims for that event where you can make fantastic pictures or just explore and get caught away in your dreams and imagination.

The Fantasy Faire is one of the most huge events that take part in the RFL. RLFRelay for Life – is a charity organisation that supports the American Cancer Society.

The whole event takes part on 10 sims. The are arranged in a nice way with a path that you can follow to explore all of them. On 8 you will find the creations that were made from all the designers to support the RLF. The last 2 sims are the event sims, where presentations, music events, concerts, auctions and silent auctions take place. To make it more interesting for visitors, a super amazing hunt is taking place where you can find many incredible little items.

Today I would like to lead you down into the ocean with EMO-tions, Paper Moon and Plastik :).

As I saw the items from Paper Moon I thought about, wich fantasy direction I could go. Paper Moon offers a top and a skirt in different shades of purple, pink and beige for the Fantasy Faire. As I was playing again with the fantastic skins from The Plastik, I got the idea of a fantasy mermaid looking girl deep down in the ocean. So I took the “Synjarni Silver Tribal Fusion” top from  Paper Moon to the “Arkasia – Kryv” skin made by The Plastik. In the skin pack you find several versions of the skin, as well eyes and different makeup versions. I decided to go with the Atlantic version, because of the style idea I had. The scales round the eyes and over the body are not blanket the skin too much and let the human side still exist in a wonderful way. The mesh “Synjari” top from Paper Moon with it’s amazing texture and the filigree ornaments made a nice base for the styling together with the mermaid tail from FATEbecome. The wonderful “Paradise” hairstyle was made from by EMO-tions as well for the Fantasy Faire 2013. The long hair is available in black , natural, fantasy blue and fantasy turquoise. For this post I chose the natural version. The jewelry part of the forehead and the beautiful feathers are as well part of the hairstyle and make the awesome fantasy look perfect.

To add a a little playful touch I added some feathers from Fancy Fairy and to underline the underwater look with a jewerly piece, I decided to wear the “Kitsch Couture” necklace from Finesmith as it reminded me of those flexible sea anemones.

To see more of the fantastic releases of the Fantasy Faire 2013 ( you might wanna look by yourself 🙂 Always think on the fact that with every purchase you help! As well an amazing hunt just started at the Fantasy Faire… so hurry there and release the fantasy you carry inside you 😉 (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fairelands%20Junction/128/128/23)

Fantasy Faire 2013 - EMO-tions-plastik-papermoonface


Top: Paper Moon – “Synjari” – NEW (mesh, Fantasy Faire 2013)

Hair: EMO-tions – “Paradis” – NEW (Fantsay Faire 2013)

Skin: :[P]: – “Arkasia-Kryv” – NEW (Fantasy Faire 2013)

Mermaid Tail: FATEbecome – “Mermaid Tail – Pure Silver” (mesh, recolored)

Necklace: Finesmith – “Kitsch Couture”

Nails: Finesmith – “Nails v1”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Fantasy Faire 2013 – EMO-tions, Plastik & Talevin’s Design

Fantasy Faire 2013 - EMO-tions-Plastik-wand Body

From the 20th of April until the 28th of April you can find amazing creations various designers made for themes like fantasy, role play, steam-punk and Sci-Fi and all that is content of dreams at the SecondLife Fantasy Faire 2013.   Incredible builders created awesome sims for that event where you can make fantastic pictures or just explore and get caught away in your dreams and imagination.

The Fantasy Faire is one of the most huge events that take part in the RFL. RLFRelay for Life – is a charity organisation that supports the American Cancer Society.

The whole event takes part on 10 sims. The are arranged in a nice way with a path that you can follow to explore all of them. On 8 you will find the creations that were made from all the designers to support the RLF. The last 2 sims are the event sims, where presentations, music events, concerts, auctions and silent auctions take place. To make it more interesting for visitors, a super amazing hunt is taking place where you can find many incredible little items.

Today I would like to drag your attention to the creations of EMO-tions, Plastik and Talevin’s Design.

EMO-tions is well known for quality fantasy and role-play designs since a lot of years. For this year’s Fantasy Faire Mirja Mills, owner and designer of EMO-tions, designed a few very special fantasy hair styles. The “Sunburst” hair style is one of them. It is a wonderful wild hairstyle that comes I amazing fantasy colors. The silver jewelry parts you can see round the face, are part of the hair itself. I only added the “Inferno Horns” to give the whole look a demon attitude 😉

The amazing “Draziira” skin as well is one of the fantastic items of the Fantasy Faire 2013, contibuted by Plastik. The black skin comes in different versions for the colored parts and I chose the red one called “Inferno”. Inside of the skin package I found a super cute pair of fantasy long ears, that matched the skin and some red glowing eyes who were perfect for my demon look.

The incredible “Chaos Tentacle” staff comes from Talevin’s Design. With this huge and amazing looking staff you will be able to rule the fantasy world with your cast your spells 😉 As well Talevin’s Design offers a wonderful HUD that has lot of effects that you can apply on other avatars to make your magic even look more real. Some of them are really fun as long as you do not bother people with it, that do not want it 😉

Fantasy Faire 2013 - EMO-tions-Plastik-wand FAce

Hair: Emo-tions – “Sunburst” /fantasyred – NEW (Fantasy Faire 2013)

Skin (incl ears and eyes): :[P]: – “Draziira” /Inferno – NEW (Fantasy Faire 2013)

Staff: Talevin’s Design – “Chaos Tentacle Staff” – NEW (Fantasy Faire 2013)

Outfit: Chaospire – “Succubus” (part of the outfit)

Wings: R:A:D – “Demons Wings”

Hooves: VS – “Kali Hooves”

Poses: *PosESioN* – “Giz Set” – NEW

Location: LEA 13 – “Rust by Cica Ghost

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin