“No, I wouldn’t want to live in a world without dragons…”

“No, I wouldn’t want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery or faith.”

[- R. A. Salvatore, Streams of Silver -]

Sometimes you log into Second Life and then the journey downwards starts… This time it was me logging in and looking for my animals folder, which I had sorted something into about 2 days ago and it was all gone. First I thought it might have slipped into another folder like I did have it before, but even if  I typed “JIAN”, “Clover” or “HEXtraordinary into the search field of my inventory… nothing would come up… I was furious again.. there were tons of gacha rares, FLF and bought/gifted animals from the past at least 7 years in it – it was all gone and I am 100% sure it did NOT delete it myself. I wasn’t even near that folder except 2 days ago, when I sorted my new animals I got into that folder. First I looked on my inventory number which I watch very close and carefully kinda everyday. There was not much of a difference, that would make me suspicious or worrying. It was round about the same number as always and so I thought of other things that I could do if it just would be a glitch. I relogged, cleared my cache and even finally updated to the most actual version of the Firestorm Viewer as some people mentioned they got shapes and what not back when the updated their viewer. NOTHING! I was out of ideas and now filed a ticket about it and wait since yesterday for a response still hoping I can get that folder back somehow. I alredy peeked into redelivery terminals, but since many of that animals were blogger reviews, gachas or gifts… I would not even get half of then back 🙁 That really would suck plus I am even scared to buy something ne from  non Casper Vendor, now that I have no clue, if it will be gone after 2 more days again *pulls her hair* Originally I planned a picture with the wonderful “ShadowBull” and the “Osaguar” from Clover, but since I already had them sorted into my animals folder they are gone now too… I had to get a different idea. Thank god I didn’t yet sort my “Dragon Hatchling” into that folder so that is the only animal which is left now in my inventory. The sweet little pet usually comes as a fully animated mesh prop. You will find a follower and an attachable pet with 3 incredible amazing animations in it. For my post I just rezzed them and did build my poses around them.

The amazing face chain you can find at the Man Cave event, made by L’Emporio. The cool chain runs from over your ears down your cheeks through your mouth. With the amazing ornaments it really makes a statement and matches to many different styles. The cool Hair you will find at the actual round of the JAIL event and was handcrafted by no.match.

I still hope that Linden Labs will be able to recover my missing items somehow and until then i just will see what I can come up with without animals for now *winks*


Outfit: Art&KO – “Hunter Set” (Maitreya)
Sleeves: Moon Elixir – “Faunalyn – Arm Bracers” (Maitreya)


Septum: Gorsimi – “Aeroliite Septium (Gold)
Nose: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Vertebrus Septum” (Gacha, Rare)
Collar: [Cubic Cherry] – “{Cata} collar BRONZE”
Feathers: – Tivoli Inc – – “Raven Feathers Tattoo” (LeL EvoX BoM)
Face Chain: L’Emporio – “*Lugosi*” – NEW @ Man Cave Event // April 2021
Upper Arm Band: Clover – “Potion Brace”
Nails: L’Emporio – “*Damned Claws*” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No_Viking” – NEW @ JAIL Event // April 2021

Face Art: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Hunger – EvoX” (EvoX BoM, Materials)

Head, Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLUTKA – “Avalon 3.0”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V5.3”
Tattoo: .:Vegas:. – “Tattoo Dark Transparency” (boM)

Poses, Props & Tools

Poses: selfmade
Animals: Clover – “Dragon Hatchling”
Location: Nymphai

Model, Stylist & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Originals @ Midsummer Enchantment // July 2020

Wicca’s Originals @ Midsummer Enchantment // July 10th – 26th

Fantasy clothing is known for its flowing embellishments, but what footwear to match it with? The Lyndis Booties answer that question, with flowing, swirling metal ornamentation decorates the sides of these booties, and even continues on down to replace the heel spike. They give a magical air, the kinds of shoes which are undoubtedly the height of fae fashion in the Unseelie Court. High lacing keeps them tight about the ankle and accentuates the shape of the shin and lower leg. If you want a bit of whimsy in your accessorizing, these are a great option. With 11 colors to choose from, they’ll match a wide variety of outfits. For Maitreya, Legacy, Slink and Freya.

Event Location: Midsummer Enchantment

I’m lost in a dream…

I’m lost in a dream, with a mind’s full of sadness,
I remember the good times, that we had in our madness,
Frozen tears with illusions of fire,
All of my life was filled with desire

[Axel Rudi Pell]

Sometimes you sit there, staring at your inventory and have no idea what you can do. You put on various outfits, dresses, pants, tops and nothing screams “Yes.. it’s me! Do something with me!” I am not saying, that all the stuff would be ugly or not nice… it all looks perfect and it is made amazingly, but just nothing touches you, nothing catches your eyes or heart.
There are moments in life where just nothing can grab your attention or drag your brain off some things that happen in your life. For me it was a RL situation, that really had tied up my brain and mind/mood completely. If you love your job and you put everything you have and can into it, if you even started a project and work on that for years and suddenly someone comes and tries to steal that from you and even get you kicked out from it, it really can go very deep and it does hurt like if someone rips out a part of yourself, throws it on the ground and tramples on it like crazy with a big grin in her/his face.

In exactly that mood I was nearly the whole past week and that was when this style grew over days, not knowing what I want to do. It did look like a bunch of things not belonging to each other on the first view for me, until I told my self to let it flow and see where it would be going. First I thought of a kind of fairy or “Galadriel” looking pictures in a fantasy environment. But while I was trying like an idiot I came across the amazing pictures of Alles Klaar (HERE). She has a lot of water based pictures, like her and her friends posing on water, having those amazing reflections. That reminded me of the never ending story if we could have real mirrors in Second Life (LINK). I did not want to download anything and I tried to remember how you could cheat on that fact with using mirror water (MIRROR WATER).

I do have no water available at my home at the moment, so I am very grateful, that – after a talk explaining my issue – Tour gave me the opportunity to use his sim for my experiments. While I was trying to fool with that water mirror effect, I realized, it isn’t what I wanted or my skills are not good enough to do what I had imagined. It was the first time, that I wasn’t alone while I tried to set up a scene. Tour was with me and we even had a voice conversation for some time while I was trying to find what I wanted to do. What really was fun, he as well did some snaps and we shared our visions about my project. That was quite interesting! I always thought I never could have somebody with me while doing this, but it even did inspire me somehow 🙂 Thank you Tour for your generosity to let me experiment on your land and ruining your terraforming for me, because of my need for water!

The more pictures I shot, the more my vision changed and my mind could let go of my RL situation and I found my fun back in doing weird and crazy things. My feelings and emotions changed from weak, frustrated and depressed to stubborn, stronger and willing to fight my way out of my actual mood. I rarely had so different emotions on my pixel face during a shooting I have to admit, as I usually try to make an indicating series of pictures.

Again Second Life was kind of a therapy to escape from real life, but as well it did help to free my mind again and not being stuck inside a certain situation. I am not saying SecondLife is the best therapy you can find, I am just saying sometimes it helps to allay concerns or get your brain some relief 😉

Believe me, after 12,5 years SL I know, that you need to step away from it sometimes or even shut it down for a while to solve RL problem… I hope you get the idea of what I was trying to say 😉

Since I changed the point of my blog, not only being a fashion catalog, but as well being a part of me and both of my lifes, my pictures do matter for me. After I attended Visionaire classes (I sometimes still do), it as well felt right to do so. I am not saying, fashion only blogs are not cool, I just decided for myself that I wanted to have more than just that after so many years of blogging 🙂

If you are one of those, that actually read the whole post, I would be happy if you would be brave enough to comment on it, or maybe even dare to tell about how or even if your SL does change your RL or any situations sometimes ♥


Dress: Moon Elixir – “Fenris” (Maitreya
Collar: ((LovelyAlien)) – “Amaranthine – Necklace – Silver”
Headpiece: -Elemental- – “Feronica Circlet”
Claws: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thunderstrike Claws” (Maitreya, Bento)
Rings: .:E.A.Studio:. – “Thunderstrike Rings” (Maitreya, Bento)
Horns: :[P]: – “Kratus Horns”
Bracelets & Anklets: E.V.E – “Scorpion Spikes” (Maitreya)
Armlets: Gemini – “Sis Bracelets” (Maitreya)
Hair & Makeup
Hair: no.match – “No. Gain” – NEW @ Tres Chic
Makeup: Zibska – “Rowan” (LeLutka Applier)
Body & Tattoo
Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”
Eyes: ANATOMY – “Angel Eyes – Silver”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”
Skin: YS&YS – “Ginny Zafiro” (LeLutka/Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo (Arms): [White~Widow] –  “Ran” (Maitreya Applier)
Tattoo (Legs): [White~Widow] – “Okja” (Maitreya Applier)
Poses & Props
Poses: Poseidon
Statue White Girl: E.V.E – “Rapunzel in Evie White Tower”
Statue Steampunk Guy: R.O.T – “”Illusion Light Blue”
Statue Couple: R.O.T – “Soska Metallic”
Brushwood: E.V.E – “Rosina’s Undergowth M01”
Sphere: E.V.E – “Cubic Dreams {White Glow/Black}”
Heart: E.V.E – “Frosted Hearts Silver M1”
Model & Photographer

Golden Moments

The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.

[Randall Jarrell]

This picture is something very special and as well unusual for me.

It was made not just for being a fashion showcase, but as well being something abstract and artistic. Originally it was made for the February Issue of the Eclipse Magazine, but I could not resist to fool a little more with it in Photoshop and tweak it a little more. First I thought about not posting it as it already was in the magazine, but I do love it so much that I finally decided to make a post out of it *grins*.

I felt different doing this kind of picture, that does not have the main focus on the avatar itself, but as well being not a landscape or furniture post either. It was more to focus on a feeling, that was in my head when I put on those amazing artistic parts from E.V.E Studio. It felt like something from outer-space, but still something vulnerable and romantic. I tried to express that with the pose and the few things I added to the “Elf-2255” designs.

I have no idea if I make sense by saying that, but I hope you can get what I mean *winks*

Clothing & Accessories

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Gloves”

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Mask”

E.V.E – “Elf-2255 Shoulders”

E.V.E – “Etheral Neck Corset Branches”

Body & Tattoos

LeLutka – “Simone 3.3”

Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

.:E.A.Studio:. – “Ears Elf Dior”

YS&YS – “Ginny Zafiro Skin” (LeLutka & Maitreya Applier)

LURE – “Rebel Queen / Upgrade Tattoo” (Maitreya Applier, Gacha, Common)

Mina Hair – “Myla Hairbase” (LeLutka Applier)

Poses & Props

GingerFish – “Doll Face 5”

E.V.E – “Poison Rain” & “Poison Glitter”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – Omira Gacha @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival August 2017

For this round of The Fantasy Gacha Carnival we have Omira, perfect for your table top game inspired styling! Table top gaming not your thing? Omira is great for any styling you can dream up that is beyond the ordinary. Omira is made up of 2 rares and 20 commons. The rares include texture changing HUDs, while most of the commons come with a little metal HUD

With that many separates, you can mix and match to your heart’s content.

Omira is made for Maitreya’s Lara only.

The Fantasy Gacha Carnivale is taking place from the 7th or August until the 7th of September.

Taxi: HERE

Winter Echoes in Spring

I am not in gown moods too often, but if it is such a stunning gown like the “Yvaines Garment” from Enfant Terrible, even my smooth and romantic side comes through 😉

When I put on the gown, I immediately got a dreamy princess feeling. I added the amazing “Winter Fur” as well made by LeEnfant Terrible – I am sure no pixel animal had to die for it and it was just handmade by the amazing designer 😉

The incredible amazing head-piece was made my Eudora3D. It contains the headpiece, face chains and a left and right side part. For my post I used the silver one but you can get a gold version as well.

The hair certainly had to fit with the head-piece and as well I wanted it to go with the fantasy and dreamy idea. My final choice for the hair fell on the “Helga” hair style from EMO-tions. Usually I use a blonde tone but for my dreamy ice princess, this time I chose to go with a white hair color.

The awesome “Wassail” necklace, which perfectly matched the headpiece, comes from Empyrean Forge. I adore their jewelry a lot, as it is always so detailed that you have to zoom in really close to see all the amazing details.

The location is one of my favourites as well – Winter Moon. The whole year you have a winter themed sim installation with all kind of different corners for amazing pictures.


Gown: Enfant Terrible – “Yvaines Garnment” (Maitreya)

Fur: Enfant Terrrible – “Winter Fur” (Maitreya)

Necklace: Empyrean Forge – “Wassail”

Headpiece: Eudora3D – “Marina”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Helga”

Makeup: Zibska – “Delight” (LeLutka Applier)

Lipstick: Zibska – “Felicity” (LeLutka Applier)

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 2.7”
Body: Maitreya – “Lara V4.1”
Eyes: IKON – “Hope Eyes”
Shape: Selfmade

Location: Winter Moon

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

The Wood Fairy – A Fairytale…

Zibska 2

A while ago I found a wonderful fairytale on the www and it was stuck in my mind so bad that I really had to style something around it. It is not meant to kinda tell the story but it was heavily inspired by it 😉 The Fairytale is one of the favourite ones from Czechoslovakia and was told in London round about 1966 if my research was correct 😉

I am an addicted to old fairy tales myself and read a lot of them – maybe it is the child inside of me that always refused to fully grow up 😉

So I am not claiming that novel for myself, but I would like to share it with you.

Zibska 1

The Wood Fairy

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Betushka. She lived with her mother, a poor widow who had only a tumbledown cottage and two goats. But in spite of this poverty, Betushka was always merry.

From spring to autumn, Betushka drove the goats each day to pasture in a birch wood. Every morning her mother put a slice of bread and an empty spindle into her bag. The spindle would hold the flaxen thread she would spin while she watched the goats. She was too poor to own a distaff on which to wind the flax, so she wound it around her head, to carry it thus to the wood.

“Work hard, Betushka,” her mother always said, “and fill the spindle before you return home.”

Off skipped Betushka, singing along the way. She danced behind the goats into the wood of birch trees and sat down under a tree. With her left hand she pulled fibers from the flax around her head and with her right hand twirled her spindle so that it hummed over the ground. All the time she sang merrily and the goats nibbled the green grass among the trees.

When the sun showed that it was midday, Betushka stopped her spinning. She gave each of the goats a morsel of bread and picked a few strawberries to eat with what remained. After this, she sprang up and danced. The sun shone even more warmly and the birds sang yet more sweetly.

After her dance, Betushka began again to spin busily. At evening when she drove the goats home she was able to hand her mother a spindle full of flaxen thread.

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One fine spring day, when Betushka was ready as usual to dance, suddenly there appeared before her a most beautiful maiden. Her white dress floated about her as thin as gossamer, her golden hair flowed to her waist, and a wreath of forest blossoms crowned her head. Betushka was struck silent.

The wood fairy smiled at her and in a sweet voice asked, “Betushka, do you like to dance?”

At this, Betushka lost her fear. “Oh! I could dance all the day long!”

“Come then, let us dance together. I will teach you.” She took Betushka and began to dance with her.

Round and round they circled, while sweet music sounded over their heads. The maiden had called upon the birds sitting in the birch trees to accompany them. Nightingales, larks, goldfinches, thrushes, and a clever mockingbird sang such sweet melodies that Betushka’s heart filled with delight. She quite forgot her goats and her spinning. On and on she danced, with feet never weary, until evening when the last rosy rays of sunset were disappearing. The music ceased and the maiden vanished as suddenly as she had come.

Betushka looked around. There was her spindle — only half filled with thread. Sadly she put it into her bag and drove the goats from the wood. She did not sing while going down the road this time, but reproached herself for forgetting her duty. She resolved that she would not do this again. When she reached home she was so quiet that her mother asked if she were ill.

Zibska 3

“No, Mother, I am not ill.” But she did not tell her mother about the lovely maiden. She hid the half-filled spindle, promising herself to work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for today.

Early the next morning Betushka again drove the goats to pasture, singing merrily as usual. She entered the wood and began her spinning, intending to do twice her usual amount.

At noon Betushka picked a few strawberries, but she did not dance. To her goats she said, “Today, I dare not dance. Why don’t you dance, my little goats?”

“Come and dance with me,” called a voice. It was the beautiful maiden.

But this time Betushka was afraid, and she was also ashamed. She asked the maiden to leave her alone. “Before sunset, I must finish my spinning,” she said.

The maiden answered, “If you will dance with me, someone will help you finish your spinning.” With the birds singing beautifully as before, Betushka could not resist. She and the maiden began to dance, and again they danced till evening.

Zibska 5

Now when Betushka looked at her nearly empty spindle, she burst into tears. But the maiden unwound the flax from Betushka’s head, twined it around a slender birch tree, seized the spindle, and began to spin. The spindle hummed over the ground and grew thick with thread. By the time the sun had dropped from sight, all the flax was spun. As the maiden handed the full spindle to Betushka, she said, “Wind it and grumble not. Remember, wind it and grumble not.” Then, suddenly, she disappeared.

Betushka, happy now, drove the goats home, singing as she went, and gave her mother the full spindle. Betushka’s mother, however, was not pleased with what Betushka had failed to do the day before and asked her about it. Betushka told her that she had danced, but she kept the maiden a secret.

The next day Betushka went still earlier to the birch wood. The goats grazed while she sang and spun, until at noon the beautiful maiden appeared and again seized Betushka by the waist to dance. While the birds sang for them, the two danced on and on, Betushka quite forgetting her spindle and the goats.

When the sun was setting, Betushka looked around. There was the half-filled spindle! But the maiden grasped Betushka’s bag, became invisible for a moment, then handed back the bag stuffed with something light. She ordered her not to look into it before reaching home, and with these words she disappeared.

Betushka started home, not daring to look into the bag. But halfway there she was unable to resist peeking, for the bag was so light she feared a trick. She looked into the bag, and began to weep. It was full of dry birch leaves! Angrily she tossed some of these out of the bag, but suddenly she stopped — she knew they would make good litter for the goats to sleep on.

Zibska 6

Now she was almost afraid to go home. There her mother was awaiting her. “What kind of spindle did you bring me yesterday?” she asked. “I wound and wound, but the spindle remained full. ‘Some evil spirit has spun you,’ I grumbled, and at that instant the thread vanished from the spindle. Tell me what this means.”

Betushka then told her mother about the maiden and their dancing. “That was a wood fairy,” exclaimed her mother, alarmed. “The wood fairies dance at midday and at midnight. If you had been a little boy, you might not have escaped alive. But to little girls, the wood fairies often give rich presents.” Next, she added. “To think that you did not tell me. If I had not grumbled I might have had a room full of thread.”

Betushka then thought of her bag and wondered if there might not, after all, be something under those leaves. She lifted out the spindle and the unspun flax. “Look, Mother!” Her mother looked and clapped her hands. Under the spindle the birch leaves had turned to gold!

Betushka told her mother how the fairy had directed her not to look into the bag until she got home, but that she had not obeyed and had thrown out some of the leaves. “Tis fortunate you did not empty out the whole bagful,” said her mother.

The next morning Betushka and her mother went into the wood, to look carefully over the ground where Betushka had thrown out the dry leaves. Only fresh birch leaves lay there, but the gold that Betushka did bring home was enough for a farm with a garden and some cows. She wore beautiful dresses and no longer had to graze the goats. Nothing, however, gave her such delight as she had dancing with the wood fairy. Often she ran to the birch wood, hoping to see the beautiful maiden, but never again did the wood fairy appear.

[Favourite Fairy Tales, Czechoslovakia]

Zibska 4


Outfit: Zibska – “Alfhildir”

Arms: [ContraptioN] – “The Cursed Hand”

Shoes: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Gypsy Boots” – NEW

Headpiece: DRD – “Dead Religion Headdress”

Collar: Kibitz – “Strap Collar”

Hair: [e] (Elikatira)- “Sybil”

Eye Makeup: [White~Widow] – “Inca Gold”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: Crest of Vrek’mar

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Dance with a Fairytale

Enfant 2

I know I had a lot of Unicorn posts lately, but I really do love the theme and the fairytale behind it. This month we have a lot of designs who point towards the novel and on of my favourites comes from Enfant Terrible.

She made a wonderful “Vintage Romance” set, wich is made for the 3 popular mesh bodes of Slink & Maitreya. The set is available in 4 different colors for the outfit and the shoes. Grey, Black, Ivory & Rose.

Maybe the best will be if I add the gacha key so you can see all the options :p

25183339705_37010538d5_o(Picture by Enfant Terrible)

I totally fell in love, when I got the “Vintage Romance” set. First of all the unicorn theme, then the amazing vintage touch with the frills, ruffles and the amazing pastel colors. Last but not least as well the incredible details, which Enfant always puts on her designs.

Enfant 3

The cute hairstyle with the amazing unicorn and the sweet twirled hair was made by Olive for the last round of the Enchantment. You are able to take off the front part with the horn but for this post it was just perfect like it is 😉

Enfant 6

Since I rediscovered DARE poses again, I am really in love with them. They are so incredible dynamic, that they give a certain mood to so many different pictures. They always look, as if they would capture a single moment out of an animation, what makes them look very interesting and always out of the box. On the first view they sometimes look crazy but if you play around with the angles you can have the most amazing captures ever. Certainly it always depends on the subject and what you are going for, but for me DARE poses are perfectly for my pictures and art work and even a few sets are made for runway posing. Their slogan “Poses that will make you stand out” is a real true statement 😉 Soon I will do a nother body studies post with a bunch of newer poses as well 😉

Enfant 1

Now I just had to find a location to shoot this wonderful outfit, together with the amazing poses. I remembered a collective of sims, which I saw when I was doing some sim hopping.

The Ippos Collective. A wonderful collective of 4 different fantasy looking sims, some of them even allow you to rezz a small prop or a poseball. Just make sure you pick it up after you are done, to make sure others can explore the sims and all their beauty as well 😉 Since it is a residential too you will find residents there as well. I guess respect is something that we all should have, to not intrude in their private sphere without their permission 😉

Enfant 5


Outfit (incl Shoes & Collar): .Enfant Terrible. – “Vintage Romance” – NEW Gacha Set @ The Arcade

Hair: .Olive. – “The Twirl Hair”

Head: Catwa – Jessica”

Skin: [sys] – “Isabelle” – NEW for Skin Fair 2016

Eye Makeup: Zibska – “Aless”

Body: Slink – “Physique”

Eyes: Ikon – “Hope Eyes”

Poses: ..::DARE::..

Location: The Ippos Collective – Ippos

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Enfant 4

Fantasy Dreams with Wicca’s Wardrobe

Miniel 1

Today I would like to showcase one of our latest releases. The “Miniel” outfit is available at the actual round of The Fantasy Collective (TFC).

Miniel 9

For today I chose the blue/brass version of the outfit, as it looked the best in the wooden environment I chose for my pictures. At the event you will find 5 different colors for the outfit.

The body is decorated with some armor looking parts as well as with some very filigree chains. The cool arm and leg armor is part of the whole “Miniel” outfit too.

Miniel 7

When I saw the “Eva” wings from NeverWish, I totally fell in love with them. They matched so perfect in style and color to the “Miniel” outfit.

Miniel 5

The “Eva” wings are incredible detailed and wonderful textured, little wings, that fit to many different looks. With the delicate roses and the wonderful filigree metal shapes they are a must have for every fantasy wardrobe. The wings do have a HUD to recolor the wings and metals separately.

Miniel 3

The cool “Nanina” hair was made by EMO-tions. The hair is made of many little braided parts, that are non symmetrical and have an awesome high top part.

The boots are as well from Wicca’s Wardrobe. The “Inara” boots with the little golden spikes and chains totally rocked the style and the blue version of the ‘Chic Edition’, even matched the color of the “Miniel” body suit.

Miniel 4


Outfit (incl Armor): Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Miniel” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Boots: Wicca’s Wardrobe – “Inara Boots /Chic Edition”

Wings: NeverWish – “Eva Wings” – NEW @ The Fantasy Collective

Hair: EMO-tions – “Nanina”

Eyeshadow: Zibska – “Alida Solo”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No. 01 Lower”

Poses: Del May

Location: Happy Mood

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Miniel 10

PurpleMoon goes Fantasy for the Instruments Anniversary

PurpleMoon 2A Midsummer Night’s Dream… that’s the name of one of the latest releases from PurpleMoon.

Poulet again designed a super amazing and dreamy outfit for the anniversary round of The Instruments.

When I unpacked it and put it on, I immediately was in love with the beautiful fairy looking outfit.

The outfit contains the sweet dress and the amazing Wings wich are color change able via a HUD to 5 different colors for the fatpack.

I decided to wear the ‘aqua’ version of the dress and as well color the wings in the same color.

PurpleMoon 1The dress is made with a corset and a very cute wrap around skirt. The corset is decorated with amazing ornaments, that underline the dreamy flair of the whole creation. To match the “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” PurpleMoon offers the “Titania Sandals” for the Slink high mesh feet.

The sandals as well have a HUD wich lets you decide between 3 different styles of the shoe – ankle, mid calf and calf high – and as well you can choose between 4 different heel/sole styles.

For the jewelry I put on one of the newer releases of Finesmith.

PurpleMoon 5The “Galactic” set is a very fantasy and space looking set. The huge aqua colored gems are captured by filigree little silver decorations… simply amazing. The whole set contains earrings, necklace, ring, tiara and a headdress (which I did not use for this post).

The look really took me away from reality and let me dream about a  wonderful summer night in a fantasy kingdom 😉

PurpleMoon 3Details

Outfit & Wings: PurpleMoon – “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – NEW (Instruments)

Shoes: PurpleMoon – “Titania” – NEW (Instruments, for Slink high mesh feet)

Jewelry: Finesmith – “Galactica”

Hair: Truth – “Olinda”

Makeup: Zibska – “Joss 04” & Evian – Makeup – “Rockstar Aqua”

Lashes: Zibska – “Via No.01 Lower”

Poses: PosESioN

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

PurpleMoon 4