Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 2021

Wicca’s Originals @ The Dark Style Fair // October 9th – 31st

There was no moon to light her way, but it also cloaked her escape. She ran as fast as she could through the dense woods on pure instinct, like an animal in flight, Fitting, since he treated her like a dog.
One minute He offered a kind hand; lulled her into a false sense of comfort. Then, without warning, the pain He caused tore her heart and soul to shreds, Was love suppose to be so painful?
She fell against a tree as her legs gave out beneath her. Lungs burning, her breath sawed harshly in and out of her chest. She looked over her shoulder to see if anyone pursued, but all she saw was darkness. That was all her life really was – endless darkness.
Others had escaped and He had dismissed their absence with a flick of a wrist as if they were nothing more than an annoying gnat. But He said Rhoda was special. Is that why He especially enjoyed hurting her? Building her up to only beat down so far that death was her only escape?
Yes, she often thought of death. The sweet release. The peaceful darkness. She came close, several times. The promises He made and failed to keep. The lies that so easily rolled off his tongue. Sweet words meant to pacify a child that held no meaning to Him as walked away and left her alone and bleeding while he went to find pleasure with his other woman.

That’s not love. That’s greed. The need to possess more than anyone else. A selfish child hoarding all the toys just so no one else could have them. If one was lost, three more took its place. That’s all she really was – a shiny trinket to display. His true pleasure came from the compliments He received about her. Yes, that stroked His ego. He loved what she earned Him – adoration.
No more. She was not a thing. She was not the shiny ruby He named her after. She had a name! And by all that was holy, she would hear that name again or die trying. When she heard His angry shout, she hide behind the tree. His punishments were cruel, oh so very cruel.
It was time to run. Nowhere to go. No one to help her. It didn’t matter. If she didn’t run for her life now, the last tiny bit of life inside her would die.
He won’t hurt her again. No one will ever hurt Rhoda again.
– The End –
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara, Petite, Flat), Legacy[F] (Classic, Perky)
Available as Fatpack with 10 Colors & 10 Metals or Single colors with metal HUD only (5 color combinations available for single purchase)

Event Location: Dark Style Fair

NEW Group Gift @ Wicca’s Originals

New Group Gift @ The Mainstore

Months have gone by since the ceremony that forever proclaimed me as The Great One’s Blood Doll, the Valia Necklace forever embedded into my chest declaring me His.

I sit at the dressing table brushing out my long hair, awaiting His nightly visit. I stare at my reflection and finger the necklace; awed at its beauty. Magically, matching earrings appear dangling from my lobes. When I drop my brush upon the table, a matching ring appears upon my finger.

“A gift, my pet,” The Great One murmurs as he pulls my hair over my shoulder and presses a sensuous kiss upon my neck.

I smile at His generosity as His fangs in deep.


Earrings: unisexunrigged // mod/copy/no trans

Rings: Maitreya, Legacy[F], Legacy[M], Gianni + unrigged

HUD: 10 Colors/Metals

(completes the “Valia Set“)

Location: Wicca’s Originals


The Approach…

Crazy times… Corona still holds the world in its hand and all of us try to do our best to fight it, even if we cannot see yet any success and things seem to get worse and worse. I know it isn’t the fact, but sometimes it feels like it. We are now in our second week without school in Germany. I am a teacher (usually in the mornings I do teach at a school) and I do have a tiny private afternoon tutoring company. Usually I am surrounded by kids all day and in the past I had days where that was quite exhausting. Always having 10 to 60 kids around you from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon didn’t feel always easy but now that I see how it is to have none of them around – it doesn’t feel good either. I am lucky to have the possibility to hold online classes and have some one-on-one tutoring as well, but it doesn’t feel the same. Before the difficulties were the noise in bigger groups, or the kids being distracted by looking outside the window and now… the difficulties have changed. I never thought it could be that hard to explain something like mathematics to a child online only online… you talk a lot more trying to describe everything and if they have to draw triangles with certain length or certain degree angles. Most of them do not have the technical equipment to show you what they did, they usually only can take a snap with their cellphone and send it to me.. and if they spend already like 20 min to do that task and then something went wrong you can start all over again.

Certainly it has a positive side as well – I do not have the distance and the time to drive to school and back in the afternoon and I have the advantage of having an open bowser all the time to find answers I might not know out of the blue for certain questions, so I do not wanna whine or rage about it – I just discover everyday the differences and the different difficulties. Between all that I try to keep my Mom inside and safe – she is over 70 and recently had a brain tumor and chemo after it, so she is in the risk group for that damn virus as well. So my Second Life times at the moment are a little bit more limited and not as regular as I used to be, but I do not want to stop blogging and taking pictures completely as it feels like a little bit of resting time and holiday for my brain when I do that.

The pictures for todays post I already did  over a week ago, but I wasn’t able to post work them and write something about yet. So now the Cyber fair by ACCESS sadly is over but I am sure you can find all the goodies in the designers main stores already or soon.

First of all the amazing vinyl ensemble from A&Y called “Phex”, which is a combination of a long sleeved top and short pants with an awesome, realistic looking shine. It is decorated with straps and zippers and with the huge HUD you can change the colors for all different parts including the metals.

All the amazing accessories I as well found at the Cyber Fair, but like I said before I am sure you will find them most likely either already or soon at the designers main stores. The incredible face art done by Nefekalum Tattoos comes in 3 different versions. You can find many different tings in your folder. First of all the 3 different versions of the makeup it self. Black Tears only, Red Smudge only and a full version of both. Furthermore you will find appliers for head and body materials and the belonging erasers. On top of that, since all his tattoos are materials enabled, Sir Skye added a perfect projector (light source) as well, for you to use if you like.

Certainly I did need some cool nails and rings to complete my outfit and it was no question that the “Creature Claws” from CerberusXing were just the perfect choice. They are available in 3 colors (silver, onyx and gold) and rigged for Belleza Jake,  Signature Gianni, Maitreya and the female Slink hands.

The smart looking hair style was made by no.match. I love the wild top hair, the shaved sides and the fact that you still have 2 wisps at your ears. Like always for no.match hair styles you have different color packs and a fatpack available. The purchases will include a shaved hairbase as well, but since I do have my own shaved hair base I did not use it for todays post 😉

It was time again to built my own set – I found so many cool things at the Cyber Fair, I just had to. All you can see, from the backdrop over the drinks, food (weed) vending machine and the incredible animals, I collected at the Cyber Fair.

I would like to draw your attention a little bot towards the animals. The “Caged Biter” is available in 3 different colors. You can separate the animal from the cage as you can see in my pictures. The Biter is an animated mesh design and has adorable movements, which make it possible to have some more interactive looking pictures with the different poses or the animal.

I do have an immense fun at the moment with cyber and sci-fi posts as they open a whole new range for pictures and styles to me. We do not know what the fashion or environment will look like in our future, but for me that gives us a lot of room to experiment and the possibility of unending creativity 🙂


Outfit: A&Y  – “Phex” (Maitreya)


Eyepatch: RichB. – “Dex Eyepatch F”

Face Straps: unstable – “Code: WYVERN”

Septum: Astara – “Cthulhu Septum”

Mask: SEKA’s – “HVCKED Mask (no effect)”

Back Attachment: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. – “Feel the Connection – Back Implant”

Rings & Nails: [CX] – “Creature Claws – Onyx” (Maitreya, Bento)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match – “No. Industry”

Faceart 1: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Two Sides of Madness (Black Tears Only)” (BoM)

Faceart2: LuluB! – “Fembot” (BoM, Cyber Fair Gift)

Lipstick: Izzie’s – “LeLutka – Holo Metallic Lipstick 12 (green)” (BoM)

Head, Body & Tattoos

Head: LeLUTKA – “Lake 1.1”

Ears: [Cubic Cherry] – “Altered Ears (glow)”

Skin: Human Glitch – “MNFRM SKIN / MTL GENUS1” (BoM)

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 5.0.2”

Legs: Blah. – “Love.Ai/RoboLegs Black” (Maitreya)

Tattoo: Nefekalum Tattoos – “Organic Decay” (Maitreya, Applier)

Poses, Props & Tools


Picture 1: BellePoses: – “NyxV2 2” (Bento, right arm lightly edited)

Picture 2: STUN – “Debora 4” (Bento, lightly edited)

Picture 3: BellePoses: – “NyxV2 7” (Bento)

Picture 4: Foxcity – “Power-1” (Bento)


Background: The Bearded Guy – “Industrial – The Future” (Gacha, Common)

Machine: # ninety – “Cyber Vending Food [ Weed ]”

Shower: HILTED – “Decontamination Shower – Adult – Silver/Green”

Animals & Cage: HILTED – “Caged Biter – Black/Green/Light”

Chairs: buildworksdecor – “Cyber / Retro Neon Chair White Changeable X”

Food: andika – “cyber sweets Dispenser set”

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin


Wicca’s Originals @ Mermaid Cove // July 2019

Wicca’s Originals @ Mermaid Cove (July 5th – 26th)

Whether you are the sort of mermaid associated with perilous events or the sort that is benevolent and falls in love with humans, our Amatheia Claws are perfect for any fashion-forward Mer. They are designed to fit Maitreya’s Lara, are Bento enabled, and come with that HUD that offers you 10 colors for the wrist band, chains, shells, and claws.

Taxi: Mermaid Cove by Flair for Events


In just 7 Days…

I don’t want no dissension, just dynamic tension
I’m a muscle fan
In just seven days, I can make ‘me’ a man

[Rocky Horror Show]

The Reanimator Gacha from DRD and their hunt and the Stein hunting, inspired me for this post…

I already had a “Dr. Stein grows funny Creatures” post not too long ago and today, I would like to make a continuation of that thought 😉

What about, if one of his creatures desires company? In German we have a phrase “Is the cat of the house, the mice dance on the table”. I do not know what this phrase is called in English, the dictionary gave me something like “When the cat is away, the mice will play.” Anyways, I guess you get my point… when the doctor is away… I can do studies and practice for my evil plan. Maybe you will discover the story I wanted to tell via my pictures 🙂

The whole set is built from the “The Reanimator” gacha by DRD while all the poses I used for this post were made by Satomi Masukami for her brand Foxcity.

I had to find a look and I wanted something cute, paired with some spooky horror. A longer time ago, I got the “Shattered Existence” applier from CURELESS [+]. I wanted to use it for such a long time, but never got a good chance for it – today was the day! When I had edited all those little staples on my face, neck and wrists, I looked at me and I have no clue why but instantly I had a school girl look in mind. The “Junko” dress from Bauhaus Movement was released longer ago, but it totally made the look I wanted. again I have to admit I do love to use older things again for my posts if they fit. I hate it, if I just try to twist and force a new release it into a picture, when it does not 100% fit. I know that many blogger struggle with deadlines and duties, but to me blogging is more than just stuff as much new releases in a post as you can. I want to create cool pictures and have fun while I am styling, building, or looking for sets and backgrounds. I get that new releases have to be posted in time to be perfect promotion, but sometimes things just do not go together and then I prefer to make more than just once post and showcase each item properly. My friend Shena Neox, as well designer and blogger manager for some popular brands, brought it on the point when she wrote a notice in a blogger group, that people should think about the brand they showcase and respect and reflect its style. In the end most designs end up in the main stores anyways and if I am not a blogger for a specific brand and just bought the items, I guess I can give them a second time promotion as they won’t get dusty in store 😉

So I had a schoolgirl outfit, some scary moments with the cool “Scattered Existence” and with the “Thauron” ears from Eclipse Art Studio, I added my little touch of fantasy and even a little more cuteness to the whole look 😉

The cool and lightly messy looking hair was made by no.match hair for the past round of COSMOPOLITAN, but I am sure you will find it at the no.match main store by now.

The amazing rings and nails – I guess you figured already – certainly were made by FORMANAILS. Who else could do such delicate, perfect shaped and ornamented hand accessories, if not Ivi Bing. This time I really cammed close into my hands as I was curious how she makes it, that all those little shapes are crip and sharp edged and not blurry and distorted. What I found was a super high-poly created, awesome shaped art piece that shows Ivi’s incredible skills. No wonder that she became so popular and so many love her little art pieces 😉

Coming back to my little story… this time I was not able to finish my studies before I heard the doctor coming back up the stairs to his lab. I quickly removed all the evidence of my secret trials and hided again in a corner of the lab, hiding a few tears that would discover me an my little experiments. He will go out again… some when… and then… then… I will try harder!

Outfit & Accessories

Outfit: Bauhaus Movement – “Junko Dress 4” (Maitreya)

Socks & Shoes: NYU – “MaryJane w/ High Socks” (Maitreya)

Rings: FORMANAILS – “Rinsg 1” (Maitreya, Bento)

Nails: FORMANAILS – “Wedding” (Maitreya, Bento)

Collar: Dirty Princess – “The Night Maid Princess Collar” (Maitreya, part of an Outfit)

Hair & Makeup

Hair: no.match  – “No.Modify”

Makeup: Zibska – “Noir Pack 06” (LeLutka Applier)

Body & Tattoo

Head: LeLutka – “Simone 3.0”

Body: Maitreya – “Lara 4.1”

Skin: YS&YS – “Immortal

Tattoo/Facetattoo: CURELESS [+] – “Shattered Existence” (OMEGA Applier)

Ears: .:E.A:. Studio – “Thauron”

Eye right: Clemmm – “Ancient Eyes”

Eye left: .ARISE. – “Blind Eyes /Grey”

Tears: LAQ – “Falling Tears”

Poses & Props

Poses: Foxcity


1 – DRD – The Reanimator – Tower (Rare)

2 – DRD – The Reanimator – Operation Table

6 – DRD – The Reanimator – Conductor

7 – DRD – The Reanimator – Workbench

9 – DRD – The Reanimator – Switchboard

10 – DRD – The Reanimator – Circuit Breaker

12 – DRD – The Reanimator – Brain

16 – DRD – The Reanimator – Work In Progress

17 – DRD – The Reanimator – Lab Clutter

18 – DRD – The Reanimator – Beakers and Bottles

23 – DRD – The Reanimator – Regulator

24 – DRD – The Reanimator – D Cables

Model & Photographer

Wicca Merlin

Fame with Roses & Chains


I have no clue how I came on the idea for this pictures… but it was fun :p

I know I saw that roses at Skye’s place when we did a shooting and remembered I got those too. When I saw them again, I so wanted to do something with them and when I unpacked a few boxes I found the perfect dress and all of a sudden everything fell together 😉

But lets start from the beginning…

This time it was not an outfit that started the whole idea, it really was a set I was playing around with. I started with the “DYSTOPIA Chained Roses” from E.V.E Studio. I found so many parts in the folders… different roses with chains, standalone petals and as well several colors… I decided to go with the bronze ones as I loved the red touch paired with either a golden or a black chain. While I was playing around with arranging the roses I came across the “Splashing Droplets” in gold, which just matched the “Chained Roses” perfectly.


 When I unpacked the “FAME” dress from [sys]which you can find at the actual round of The Liaison Collaborative and saw the chains at the high cut on the left side… I did know that was the right dress for that picture 😉

The dress is a very simple one BUT with great asymmetric details. The left arm is covered by a long sleeve while the right arm is totally bare. The left side has a high slit which is decorated with many rows of chains.

Another great detail I would love to focus as well. The amazing rings and hand bands from Formanails. Formanails does the most incredible hand jewelry and nails I ever saw. Most of the designs are made for either Maitreya or Slink Casual or Slink Formal hands.

Overall the whole scenery with the looks and the set looked weird and cool the same time to me so I just had fun to take some pics and see what comes out 😉 It was a new feeling to me, to style according to a set instead of the other way round *giggles*. It was a great experience and as well some kind of a new challenge for me, maybe I should do that more often 😉



Outfit: [sys] – “FAME” – NEW @ The Liaison Collaborative

Shoes: KC – “Aletheia Boots

Collar: Swallow – “Lust Collar”

Hair: EMO-tions – “Kerima”

Rings: Formanails – “Maitreya Rings & Handband 2”

Glasses: Glamistry – “Sunglasses PU2004”

Deco: E.V.E Studio – “Chained Roses” & “Splashing Droplets”

Poses: EverGlow/DARE Poses

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Silent Hill… inspired by a movie!

Asteria 3

Yes, I have an addiction to mystic, dark things, especially for abandoned asylums at night. The imagination has no boundaries with those 😉

This time I got the idea, when I saw the “Spook Show Mannequins” from Remarkable Oblivion. It was a gacha at an event, and when I saw them… I did instantly know.. I need those :p

I am not a huge gacha player but those I really wanted and since they were commons, I thought I could give it a try. Guess what… certainly if I do not play for the rares once.. I get some*facepalms*

But since they were nice as well it did not bother me too much *grins*. I am sure I can use them for another post as well.

Asteria 1

As soon as I was at home, I unpacked them and put them down in a random way and just looked at them. After some time, they spoke to me and I got a basic idea about what I would love to do.

Most of you know I love antithetical scenarios and pictures. And when I looked at those Mannequins, I got the idea to combine them with some sexy and colorful lingerie 😉

I decided to go with one of the newer releases from Asteria, the “Nika” lingerie. With the choice of different colors the deep red combined with some black accepts like the straps on the legs it was kinda a mix of different color sets 😉

More and more the basic idea did grow in my head… Maybe you saw the Silent Hill movie… the idea I had when I unpacked them kinda was inspired by a scene of that movie. The one with the blind creepy nurses, which are attracted by the light and react on noises – they have no eyes, no face and kinda being anonymous. When I built my set with the new Mannequins I had this in mind the whole time :p .

Asteria 2

The necklace I pulled out from another outfit of Asteria called “Capretto”. With the sharp edges and the funky shape it just was a perfect addition for jewelry in a dark and grungy way 😉

The shoes I got from Empire. I wanted something boots like but not as solid as boots and the “Bottlebrush” heels from Empire were just what I was looking for. With a pump style for the foot part and amazing lines up till over the knee. Boots but no boots! *snickers*

The cool horns I found on Marketplace. Made by CerberusXing ([CX]) – originally for a gacha – those horns are awesome detailed and somewhat special and unique in the way they come down in the front.

Now to come back to my originally idea of the blind nurses, I needed something for my head/face to get the idea of a blind kinda anonymous look. First I remembered a hood from !!XX!!. It is quite old, and I only used the lower part, but for the idea it worked perfectly 😉 For the upper part I just put a simple blindfold.

Asteria 6

Now just a coll set was missing. I stared at the Mannequins, which I just rezzed into my white studio. I remembered the movie scene and the abandoned asylum surgery room. To make sure, I just poked you tube about the nurse scenes of both movies :p

While I watched them, I thought of a gacha set from 22769, that just should be perfect. Now the difficult part… Since I did not recall the name of that set and an inventory of nearly 200K of items… go figure…

I tried several keywords and when I typed ‘Asylum’ something from 22769 showed up – BINGO!

The whole gacha set is called “Abandoned Asylum” [*facepalms*… I should have known that much…). It contains many different items, furniture and deco parts and even a full Asylum house is part of it as the mystical prize! I rezzed out a few things and played with them until everything fell together for the whole set 🙂

I had a lot of fun doing those pictures and the whole process of finding all parts I needed for my idea, just reminded me about  why I love blogging and making pictures so much… the fun and joy of being creative and use all kind of things even if they do not belong together on the first view 😉

Asteria 8


Lingerie: Asteria – “Nika”

Shoes: Empire – “Bottlebrush”

Necklace: Asteria – “Capretto”

Blindfold: Yasum – “Blindfold”

Headpiece 1: [CX] – “Decaying Horn Dark”

Headpiece 2: !!XX!! – “Hunters Headdress” (store not existing anymore)

Tattoo: [White~Widow] – “Nerve”

Hair:: EMO-tions – “Artemisa”

Wings: 22769 – “Pygar Wings”

Mannequins: RO – “Spook Show” (Gacha, commons)

Furniture: 22769 – “Abandoned Asylum”

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Asteria 5

Shoe Mania at Mea Culpa – Part III

A few ago Tatanka Kaligawa again created new objects of desire for us ladies… Shoes!!!

The “Bullet” shoes are the first of 8 new pairs of shoes out of Mea Culpas latest shoe release. The delicate fabric decorated with this amazing rings are perfect to wear for any style you want. The heels are not just simple heels, again we can see the love for details, wich Tatanka always adds on his creations. As always you can change the nail color to every color you can think of with the great HUD that always is included if you buy Mea Culpa shoes.

“Burlesque” is one of the 2 pairs that shoes no toes and is closed in the front. Never the less you have a possibility to use the great HUD to change the color of the little filigree flowers on the outside of the shoes.

The 3rd pair of shoes is called “Diabolo”. ‘The very expensive fabric really caught my eye on that one. Again we have kinda peep toes on this one and the nails color again can be changed with the HUD. The sweet lines with the bow in the front as well make a nice decoration 🙂 and the top part honors the shoes name, looking lightly diabolic 😉

The “Empire” design for me has a very playful touch with the neat ruffles at the top and the bottom part of the shoes. The wooden sole and the metal rings make a great addition and give this pair or shoes a very special touch.

Our next object of desire is called “Poison”. Very special for me on this creation is the light glow that goes over the shoes. You nearly get the imagination of a wonderful crystal decoration. The sole and heel are made of a metallic looking fabric. With all this amazing details and the special fabric, they are a little piece of art.

“Quasar” is one of my personal favourites with the cool fabric that looks kinda vinyl  and the huge spikes. A really cool pair of shoes that really should not miss in a  fashionistas shoe cupboard 😉 it as well comes with the great HUD that Mea Culpa always provides for their shoes.

The “Speed” design all the steel and chains really make this style interesting. A few color parts that you can change in color with the HUD make it possible to match this pair of shoes to every kind of outfit.

Last but not least I have my total personal favourite pair of shoes out of the 3rd Mea Culpa Shoe Mania… “Trex” have a real interesting fabric the reminds me of reptile skin. The ankle parts and the big spike in the back totally catched my eyes and I fell in love with that pair of shoes. Again of you take a closer look at the heals you can see the love for the detail that Mea Culpa shows off in almost all creations. The 3 steel lines make an awesome match to the whole style.

So ladies… grab your purse and make your way to the Mea Culpa Mainstore 😉


All shoes by Mea Culpa

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Casual City Chick by Nemesis!!!

Today I have a new label on my blog. Nemesis – a beautiful casual and chick label owned by Calypso Clip. For today I combined different parts to a neat city fashion outfit.

Lets start with the top. the “Illegal Tank” here in black is a perfect basic for that sexy outfit. It has a deep neckline and it is hold by a slim line in the back of the neck. What caught my eye was the decoration on the upper back that goes from the neck to the beginning of the tops fabric. 5 big rings that hold the top in place in the back..simply wonderful and a neat little detail that makes a top like this to something special. That Nemesis has defiantly an eye for the detail you also can see at the awesome high waist pants called “Robot High Waisted Shorts”. The buttons are attached with tiny prims on a spot that you can imagine the shadow of the buttons on the pants itself as the shadow is painted to the layer of the pants… another detail that shows how much Calypso Clip counts on realistic details. Perfectly matching in color and style are the “Wrath Bangles” in gold. All 2 parts of the outfit you will find in more colors than just the ones that I have shows in this blog 😉 If you are curious wich ones…make your way to the Nemesis Mainstore and take a look for yourself you will see it is worth it 😉 Also you will find the new Nemesis Collection called “Casino”… so don’t wait too long 😉


Top: Nemesis – “Illegal Tank Top” /black

Pants: Nemesis – “Robot High Waisted Shorts” /beige

Bangles: Nemesis – “Wrath Bangles” /gold

Necklace: Mandala

Nails & Rings: Mandala

Earrings: Ticky Tacky

Skin: Redgrave

Shoes: N-Core

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin

Wicca’s Wardrobe – every girl wants to be an angel …sometimes :)

Every girl tries to be an angel sometimes for several reasons 😉 I tried to mix and match some that explained my feelings today and I searched trough my wardrobe…

I first put on that wonderful top with the cute gold little wing on the left shoulder that I got from Glam Affair, called “Zory black/cream body”. For the pants I decided to wear part of the Diram “X.Tina -not herself tonight – 2”

I felt that I would need a belt to complete the outfit and I just got on the PACADI Jasha “Mairey Leather Belt” in black. What could fit the golden /cream angel wing better than the golden “Prestige Leather Boots” from BAX.

As all know I am addicted to the Mandala I chose to wear the “Hannya” necklace and the “Buddha” Bangles and nails with the matching rings. Also from Mandala are the “Shaka” earrings that fit perfect to the outfit as all jewelry parts are black with an amazing shine.

The hair for this look is the 3636 “Eden” style that adds a light wild and rebel touch 😉

Stay styled 😉

Poses: Body Talking

Model & Photographer: Wicca Merlin